Frasier's syndication deal expires after 2019 and will not be renewed. Thoughts?
Frasier's syndication deal expires after 2019 and will not be renewed. Thoughts?
anti-white, typical
does anybody else enjoy drinking a bottle/glass of wine when watching frasier?
I enjoy a nice Merlot myself to wash down Granny's moon pie
>and will not be renewed
yes it will, renewal will coincide with the announcement of reunion
but the dad is DEAD and we didn't have a sticky for him
Who cares about frazier in 2019?
We can cgi dead folks these days
he was a gay
His name is Kelsey Grammer, not Frasier, retard
when are they gonna make a real podcast with kelsey in character as frasier
Every fan of Frasier will continue to watch Frasier regardless.
I still have my "Best of Crane" cassette i taped off radio how about you guys?
Martin's reaction was the best desu
has there ever been a more BASED show, lads?
Based Frasier general.
Watching it right now...pretty good bros
did she died?
not based kelsey g impostor
I've blacked out watching Fraiser after drinking an entire box of wine quite a few times. It is the only true way to experience /tossedsaladkino/
No more on Cozi Tv then?
sprained wrist
She's such a groovy lady,
She makes my heart go hi-dee hey-dee,
She is the chick I spend my nights dreaming of.
Reason I believe in physical media.
sinatra was a fool for turning that down it would've been a hit
>box of wine
pleb detected
Post GOAT Frasier moments. I'll start
so new Frasier is never going to happen? because Picard is already filming and some others are also like Bill and Ted Fraiser wanted to come back before all that and we haven't heard anything.
It really shouldn't happen.
You know, the more I hear about this Frasier Craine fella, the less I care for him.
better person than you fag
>Drinking alone
Well well, look at mr social butterfly.
ok, how the fuck do I get past Cam Winston at the opera house?
i think after murphy brown bombed hard they started throwing cold water on some of these planned reunions. honestly unless you have a really good idea what's the point? lightning rarely strikes twice.
It's fucking impossible since Daphne's psi blast was nerfed. You need the epic loot corkscrew to stand a chance.
I do renders in lumeon and seeing people make this render makes me want to make a Frasier apartment walk through.
>that chandelier
How garish. Always knew Niles had better taste.
if you do it, you NEED to include Martin's easy chair
Get a game genie and set your Bluff to 99, then the usher will believe you when you tell them that you went to school with Yehudi Menuhin and let you backstage, Cam leaves out of embarrassment.
>Escape Bulldog raping you in the storage closet at the radio station
you either need Martin's pistol or Niles' starter pistol and have to threaten him with one of them
I think only yuros like this half ass shit
A Frasier video game sounds so bourgeois
they have good taste
Frasier reboot idea: no longer on the radio, Frasier hosts a popular rightwing/conspiracy/esoteric podcast ala Alex Jones, his guests rage from his own brother on to discuss "Is paranoia the new normal?" to a guy that claims he was abducted by aliens and taken to meet God, who was only interested in talking celebrity gossip.
wasn't Frasier supposed to be a major liberal?
Pretending to be right-wing for easy money is a good-ass hook for Frasier too.
This. If Will Ferrel can do it with Anchorman, Kelsey Grammar can do it with Frasier.
Kelsey Grammar a IRL Republican I think, so Frasier might as well follow suit.
Based boomer standing up for what he believes in, even if it's unpopular in Hollywood
This decor is at once masterful and uncomfortable. The 80's to 90's transition was a weird one.
Better yet- He goes back and forth. One second he's Jones-esqe, the next he's lucid and regular Fraiser once again. His bipolarism pulls him between the two freely.
Based. My respect for him just shot up.
Look at this fucking fraud
pretty sure the only two times Frasier has actually supported any political party on both Cheers & Frasier had him supporting the democratic candidates
What did kelsey g mean by this?
it is clearly the superior wine storing method.
sorry, I forgot how many middle aged wives visit Yea Forums
post more Frasier memes pls
In what capacity?
Ted Mosby is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.
Lol it reminds me so much of Frisky Dingo
Here yugio
Frasier was just the Big Bang Theory of the 90s. A bunch of fart-huffing jokes that are more too-clever-by-half than actually amusing
Take back the night