>made it thru the OS no problem
>even enjoyed most of s3
>started watching the films
>not nearly as bad as I heard very enjoyable
>get to star trek 5
Sorry if your reading this Shatner but this is really really bad and I typically enjoy campy trek. What the fuck happened?
Made it thru the OS no problem
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take this shit to the /trek/ thread faggot
Yeah outside of Spock and Bones pain scenes this movie is a fucking wreck
Sorry Will. I can't do that.
That scene gave me a glitter of hope that it was going to get better. Foolish I know.
he got fucked by a writers strike, that and his own greed the bulk of the budget went to the actors
Just about everyone agrees The Final Frontier sucks for the most part. You're best off skipping it and jumping right into The Undiscovered Country since the events of TFF are never referenced again.
Star Trek II
Star Trek IV
Star Trek VI
Star Trek VIII
Am I the only one who enjoyed it?
It's probably the worst TOS film but it's more exciting than 3.
They fucked up all the non-Kirk characters by making them give in to Sybok easily
Stay in your containment thread, aspie fuck
Scotty sure but Uhurua Chekov and Sulu are minor characters that weren't actually important
>it's more exciting than 3.
Highly disagree fren. Star Trek 3 had:
>kirk and crew stealing the Enterprise
>planet on verge of exploding
> kirks son's death
>Christopher Lloyd as a ruthless Klingon
5 was a mess, but 6 was a great finale for TOS
Generations a shit and doesn't count because Spock isn't in it.
>worst OS film
>more exciting than 3
Doesn't compute, user
God scenes were badass
It's a good character movie and that's it. It was cheaply made, with a shit script and no imagination behind its subject matter. The interactions between Kirk, Spock and Bones are great though.
Original ST movie ranking
FTFY. You were close tho.
Threadly reminder that:
Voyage Home > Wrath of Khan > Search for Spock > Undiscovered Country > The Motion Picture > The Final Frontier
It's absolutely hilarious that Shatner decided to put a three tit alien and elderly Uhura doing a sexy dance in his movie though.
They were fucked by the God plot (originally supposed to meet the real God) and Paramount fucked Shatner over the SFX budget (damaging the ending on the 'God' planet) as he held out for more money to do ST4. That said, the film has some heart, seems the most like the old show and the campfire/pain scenes with the big three were kino. Sybok was a sympathetic 'villain', leading his cult to a false God and sacrificing himself so the others could escape.
Also, ST3 has some kino moments that still make it a good, if inconsistent, movie. Doesn't deserve as much of the odd number hate that it gets.
I liked TFF a hell of a lot more than TMP
The campfire scenes and pain scenes were kino, also TMP is easily the fucking best Trek movie
Who is Sybok?
Now at last you understand OP.
Begone, plebian
the uniforms alone are enough to hate TMP more
Admittedly, the uniforms from WoK onwards are fucking kino.
What does the uniform matter? Are you a fag or a girl or something? It's sci-fi, not a fashion show.
>not caring about the uniforms
fucking tourists
>be Shatner
>direct a movie starring yourself
>be the only guy smart enough to see through the charismatic villain's tricks
>meet God and give him a phaser blast to the face
bravo, Bill. peak Trek.
"What does God need with a starship" is one of the best lines in trek history
Maybe if you're a retard.
yea 3 fucking blows also, search for spock sucks
holy fuck i havent seen that in so long
spock sees through it doesn't he
While they had closed all the loose ends of the Genesis trilogy of 2-3-4 and tell a fresh story from scratch, it makes some sense that they would try to explore the 'final frontier'. It just should have been something other than finding God or an impostor. Again, it seemed like some of the weirder TOS episodes.
It's just as well the Cold War ended when it did, so it could form the basis of ST6 which was a great sign-off for the original cast, before it was ruined by Kirk's death and Spock appearing in that reboot abomination.
>Voyage Home
Patrician Detected.