Simon cowell’s body is slumped over in epstein’s cell with the face entirely removed

Simon cowell’s body is slumped over in epstein’s cell with the face entirely removed

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Dude what the fuck yo

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Lots of face lifts and botox dude. Not that unusual. Hell, just another day in Hollywood really.

bogdanoffs strike again

hi simon

Hey man, how are you, thanks for watching bro.

He looks like Son of the Mask now.

Is this botox?

He didn't even have a wrinkly forehead.
And is his hair synthetic or just looking like shit because of the dye? Dude's had that fucked up haircut forever


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the call was answered..

he'd look fine if it wasn't for this droopy haunting eyes


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Did he have a stroke?

What happened? He looks like he's got some kind of disease now.

Any bog experts here that can give me the rundown on whats going on with his blokes face.

i thought men aged like wine? wtf happened?

he did age like wine, but then he got botox and a facelift and started looking like a bogdanoff

i'm more bothered by the fact that a millionaire has never been able to get a good haircut.

Actually he lost weight and is crediting his vegan diet.

>Actually he lost weight and is crediting his vegan diet.
Yeah, of course that would totally change your faces structure

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when you ask the plastic surgeon to make your face reflect your soul

He answered the call

Can I get a quick rundown on what causes this?


As crap as the contestants are, he’s worse as a critic.

why would you get botox if it just makes you look even shittier?? is it a scam?

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>be human
>look worse with age
>work in a field that is 90% based on looks
>despite high pay either waste all of it by 50 or have such an addiction to money you can never stop working
>convinced they are ugly due to age and get some plastic surgery
>look slightly better, get more
>it didnt go quite right so you get more to fix it
>repeat this until the desired level of bogification is complete

He had a stroke

Oh, you think plastic surgery is your ally. But you merely adopted the botox; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the wrinkles until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!
The scalpels betray you, because they belong to me!

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Dude is 60 year old btw
he doesn't look THAT bad for his age, if you don't take into account what he looked like before.
If you saw him for the first time in your life you would probably think that he looks great for his age

I wonder if he genuinely thinks he looks good like this or if he’s just in too deep to stop.

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jesus almmighty this is the scariest fucking thread on the entirity of this website

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