Interestingly, this was a better movie than Endgame

Interestingly, this was a better movie than Endgame.

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At making the far right lose their fucking minds.

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>shit is better than shit

>They didn't like my agitprop so they're losers!!!!!

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Endgame was pretty good. CM was shit. I like Brie but if you liked CM your brain is missing some key components

But they’re right, tranny

what components would those be ?

Why is it so hard to make a video and maybe a follow up a week or two later?

> far right
* söi right

> we love our alt-right trannies, don't we folks?

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It wasn`t.

It objectively was. Endgame wasted a shit ton of time on fan service. CM at least stayed on track and got its story over with.

They want to be relevant for popular search terms so they get lots of clicks and money.

"Hey, you know what I want to see again? The entirety of Avengers 1, Thor 2, and the Soul Stone scene from Infinity War but this time with the two worst Avengers." - No one

Mecharandom42 is just pissed she's a fattie and can never have the beautiful body of Brie Larson. Women can be so petty.

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>beautiful body of Brie Larson
imagine being so desperated that you say crazy shit like this.

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Fucking amazing watching all of these YouTube channels go absolutely insane because they realize the far right has taken over YouTube and they can get easy advertiser bucks by constantly making 20 minute long videos whining about Marvel because the far right is addicted to this stuff. They'll throw even more money at you if you set up a Patreon. I am progressive as fuck but I should do this, I could easily fake it because I spend so much time on Yea Forums that I can perfectly imitate how you people talk.

how and why did them make her and black panther so boring? It's not a /pol/ thing, I don't mind most of the other characters, but these two just seem way too smug, in a not at all entertaining way like the other assholes in the MCU.

She's a ugly fungus witch. Get your head straight user.

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>now saying that CM is trash makes you far-right
the absolute state of shills, far-right living rent free on their minds.

They got rid of a CEO guy named Ike Perlmutter who was preventing them from making movies about blacks and women, so unsurprisingly they were pretty smug when it happened. Both of those movies made over a billion dollars, some of the most successful comic book movies ever BY FAR. So expect more movies to be like that because they have been given the idea that people like it.

If at first I found Brie dislikeable, I found Mecharandom to be dislikeable times 20, and it only got worse from there. Arguably shittier content than that Jeremy guy.

What's up with incels loving GotG so much?

You serious? Star Lord is literally us.

black panther tries to inject too much nigger culture into the movies. it doesnt match up very well. CM is too strong and poorly written, the lack of personality and charisma with the actress doesnt help at all.

>Both of those movies made over a billion dollars, some of the most successful comic book movies ever BY FAR. So expect more movies to be like that because they have been given the idea that people like it.

I think things will be only downhill from there, they cant top infinity war, there is very little reason to care now that most of the old avengers and Thanos are gone, only Doctor stranger new movie might be worthwhile seeing.
The age of capeshit is reaching an end.

I call that the Obama-effect. A second CM/Black Panther movie will not do nearly as good as the first ones did. Just like if another black president was voted in wouldn't be as big of deal.

Angelina Jolie got massive applause when she was announced, these movies still have a lot of life in them left. But I suppose there's no point discussing it because it's going to be a long year of people saying "Marvel is dead!" until The Eternals makes a billion dollars again and people are falling over themselves trying to explain how yet another property nobody has ever heard of is a massive success. And don't get me wrong, it's not just Marvel, DC will make a lot of money. Even Shazam is getting a sequel.

Almost every sequel except Endgame has performed slightly worse than the previous movie, this is not exactly a hot take. That's just how sequels work. I'll call it right now, it will maybe make 100 million less, but it will still make a lot.

But on the other side, the idea of a female thor is getting a lot of hate, marvel planned a lot of new movies, but not everything is going to be a success without the old actors. Granted, they are probably going to thrown lots of Loki into it to make the thing worthwhile watching for some people.

> And don't get me wrong, it's not just Marvel, DC will make a lot of money. Even Shazam is getting a sequel.
I dont know, after the disaster that was Justice league, I dont think dc will make the same money they wanted to, their desire was to rival the avengers long run, but justice league killed that before it could even start.
They may still make some money here and there, but the easy money they were hoping for with a DC cinematic universe is gone for now, unless they can pull a miracle with a new justice league movie.

>I dont know, after the disaster that was Justice league, I dont think dc will make the same money they wanted to, their desire was to rival the avengers long run, but justice league killed that before it could even start. They may still make some money here and there, but the easy money they were hoping for with a DC cinematic universe is gone for now, unless they can pull a miracle with a new justice league movie.
My man, have you time traveled here from 2017 and not looked at the box office numbers at all? Aquaman made over a billion dollars. Fucking Aquaman, who was considered a joke of a superhero. DC successfully pivoted from Justice League, changed the tone of their movies, and started making a lot more money. They're going to stay away from crossover movies for a while until they're ready. They learned their lesson.

They're also doing a SECOND cinematic universe, called DC Black, which is what the Joker movie will be a part of. They recognized that some people actually liked their darker films like BvS and so they're making more movies for those people too. Just watch. Joker is going to be BIG.

As for Thor, he's pretty obviously not getting replaced. They're clearly setting it up so he and Jane can be superheroes side by side. He's also going to be a big part of GotG3. And it's not like Natalie Portman is some nobody actor who everyone hates, she's a beloved actor known for her work in Leon the Professional, one of the best performances by an actor ever.

It wasn't and Endgame was total trash. That's how fucking terrible these MCU movies are

And you fucking reddit niggers keep on posting about them really makes you think doesn't it you fucking faggots

Give reasons why you think it's shit

Yeah, I use Reddit. What are you gonna do about it? I contribute to this website, unlike you.

This right here.

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I'm calling it will do about 1/3 or 1/2 as good.
we will see if disney was really buying tickets and if charities where throwing tickets at black kid groups.

If Disney could do that, everyone would be doing that. WB and Sony easily are as rich as Disney.

Fuck you Joto

Is this a Joto reference?