Why don't girls dress like this anymore?
Why don't girls dress like this anymore?
because we don't live in 1980s Scotland anymore
Jews can't get women to vote for their policies if they act intelligently
They do though
my gf does
>Skirts below the knees
Not even private schools do that anymore.
They do though
They look cute and snuggly
They do though
>jaw bones
>hair peak
That's a man, baby
Girls didn't dress like that then.
It hides their curves and fat rolls
Jews have been promoting sexual promiscuity (targeted towards white teen girls) through the media and hollywood over the past 50 years
Jews hate the white man (tribalism warfare). The only racial group not engaged in tribalistic warfare today is the white man. That's why they are dying via cultural means. It's kind of sad really.
why don't men dress like this anymore?
have sex
Japanese women like dressing like retro westerners a lot
You could get away without a look like this at an office if you just updated a few things.
I love the girls hair on the right.
no rapper that dresses that way yet
Idols are such whores
Is that Daisy Ridley on the right?
>girl dresses modestly
>what a whore lol
i don't understand incels
why does she have a napkin on her head
>I dislike celebrity women that push standards left for Jews
>omg you're ugly and want to murder people
Brilliant argument
When did they ever dress like this? Must be before my time.
i want a tall gf
It's too fucking hot outside because of the chinese conspiracy hoax to sell more solar panels.
Pics of her in the clothes?
Jews sold the idea that nuclear power isn't needed in the first place. The amount of pollution made by all of the wind turbines and solar panels right now is exponentially larger than the damage caused by even the worst reactor accidents let alone regular operation and construction.
The 90s
>>I dislike celebrity women that push standards left for Jews
that was just a random Japanese girl... obsessed
>wojak pic
opinion discarded
Because women's natural instinct is to sexualize themselves as much as possible. It was only traditional values that prevented them from doing so. Nowadays not even conservative girls dress like that any more.
>idols aren't idols when I say so
I was born in '85 and I don't remember girls dressing like that in the 90s.
i reverse searched the pic and found nothing, retard
Libero vs. middle blocker
Stop acting like retards and post more qts.
>I will never go hiking and see too cute girls having a picnic
>theses girls would never offer me a drink or a biscuit
>I will never share a moment of conversational about the beauty of the mountains, rivers, trees and hills with those beautiful strangers
I will sit in my room and rot
You clearly dont know idols at all. All idols are whores.
because only white boys find that shit hot and they aren't trying to attract you
>they’re whores because I said so
>trust me I’m a loser “male” who cares way too much about pop groups for little girls
Ok since you are such a supreme incel why don’t you explain what the fuck you are implying. Don’t give me that shit how all celebs are whores or some fan fic you wrote about yakuza sex dungeons.
>tfw boys don't dress like this anymore
Because it's feminime, and everything feminime nowadays is considered "weak" and those emancipated women are not weak, they are "strong" and "independent".
They wear skirts/dresses when it's hot.
they do. This is in right now.
That look only looks good if you're tall and slim, everyone is too short and fat now.
this dude got a fucking scarf for a belt.
What you people arent realizing is that Twin Peaks being made in the 90s makes no difference to their clothing. Lynch obviously made a stylistic choice to dress these female leads in a demure way, since it's more in-line with the rest of the show's universe. If anything, the aesthetics call back to the 50s and 60s more than the 80s. Girls didn't normally dress like this
What country do you live in?
That's because we forced this style on them after the war and they're good enough vassals to accept it as part of their history and culture.
i do. you weren't looking at those ones.
They did in rural areas
literally just live somewhere cold, get a somewhat alternative gf and go thrift shopping with her / start buying her wool sweaters and skirts
They found out that they can attract black bois better if they wear tighter and more revealing outfits.
no one hides from The Architect
It's expensive. As someone who goes out of there way to have quality feminine clothing, I can tell you five things:
>You need to have them imported from East Asia or EU no
>East Asian and EU stores sell clothes like this on the regular
>No American stores/malls sell these type of clothing. If they do, it is for obscene prices.
>Thot clothing uses much less fabric (obviously from how they look) and is very cheap (cheaper to wear less)
>Most women are fat, thicc is a joke, they aren't natural bodies they are fat, they wear body shaping clothing or get cheap body sculpting surgeries (not joking there is an entire community of million of women who do this)
You can thank social media and dating apps for allowing degenerates to perpetuate their rampant promiscuity everywhere too. God forbid you tell a girl to wear a fucking shirt over her bra.
had my gf put on a pleated skirt and thigh highs before anal today, she's a good girl that loves pleasing daddy so she even did her hair in pigtails with ribbons too
I dont understand this. Why do Americans not have the option to buy clothes like this on the cheap? You have good trade deals with third world shitholes that make these types of clothing for budget EU stores like Primark and so on.
I live in an European country and girls still dress like whores...
I never said they wouldn't, I just said all these clothes can be found easily in EU with a better price tag. It is still cheaper to dress like a slut regardless.
Yeah, but I don't think it's the cost that is keeping girls from dressing more modestly.
I was born in 1975, and I remember some girls in the early 90s dressed sorta like OPs pic, but most just wore t-shirts and jeans.
It is 99% the cost. There is nothing to justify spending x dollars to wear more clothes. So they gravitate towards trends of wearing less.
Why waste 30 bucks on a blouse when you can spend 30 bucks on 10 thongs or a dime bag?
>Why waste 30 bucks on a blouse when you can spend 30 bucks on 10 thongs or a dime bag?
Teenage girls are spending their parents' money, and they have no problem wasting $900 on a smartphone. I'm sure they'd buy a blouse if they liked it. The point is, they want to be hot, not cute. It's about attention and power, first and foremost.
This, which is why its mostly places like Japan where you're more likely to see women dress like OP pic as the emphasis in womens fashion there is to appear cute and child like wheres Western women favour the Instathot look and wanting to look sexy/mature instead.
ok that's just hot
bell bottom jeans were big in the early 2000's
I love Keeley
Post a cute picture of her
exactly. but they did exist. even in fucking miami, those outfits were there.
I never noticed how RB tucks his tie into his pants. Holy shit this dude is light years ahead.
art hoes still dress like this, at least in the winter
Their faces and body language tell me they are total sluts.
Fashion is cyclical.