Seth Rogan's new movie "Good Boys"

This trailer features:

>young boys playing with sex toys
>a young boy in a sex swing
>young boys watching porn
>young boys drinking alcohol
>teenage girls doing molly
>teenage girls being lesbians

Why is the sexualization of children by Hollywood allowed to continue after MeToo?
Who is the intended audience of this film?
Why are children being stripped of their innocence for laughs?
What sort of parents would allow their children to be in this film?

Someone please check Epstein's logs for Seth Rogan.

Attached: good_boys.jpg (1280x720, 309K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how do they keep getting away with it?

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And then one day, for no reason at all...

Good question. Jew = pedo seems to be more of a rule than an exception.

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why is this board full of prudes. it's like you are trying to be /pol/ but doing a real bad job at it.

>Seth Rogan
every fucking time

How come you never see Rabbis on American television?

>dude sexualizing children LMAO

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i really didnt like that part in the trailer were the show that car crash and the chick flying through the window and hitting and sliding on the pavement clearly dead

God I heard the trailer for this on the radio and I hated it. Generally getting sick of movies/shows/ads doing the whole “they’re kids but they act like adults” thing.

you do on those christian channels

When I was in sixth grade I had to download lowres shitty jpegs over a dial up connection. Today’s kids can get terabytes of VR porn instantly
Makes sense they would be fucked in the head t b h

I don't care about this really, it has been going on for decades, kids will see porn without this movie anyway.
But there is something weird about making a movie like this, a movie that seems to be for tweens but is rated R. It's not like South Park or Superbad, where it's about kids but isn't really for them, I can't really see adults wanting to see this.

I haven't talked to anyone who's seen the trailer that said they weren't going to see it. It's that jaunting. It reminds me of Sausage Party. I couldn't imagine how messed up that movie could be to be R-rated, so I had to see it. I don't regret it at all

because it's funny ya dweebs

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Jacob Tremblay is insanely handsome.

Seth Rogan always tries way too hard to be edgy.

See Also: Sausage Party

don't you mean relentlessly handsome?

I did all of that shit when I was a teenager.

>sexualizing children
Animals are designed to be sexual. Do you seriously not remember being 10 on the school bus and keeping a mental tab on the girls wearing skirts? I didn't even know how to jack it yet but i remember being drawn to sexual situations. I know you have an unhealthy obsession with liberalism, jews, and hearing yourself talk but turn off the electronics and go outside

You might even say relentlessly handsome.

>stop sexualizing kids you pedos

Attached: southpark.jpg (1200x630, 348K)

>Not being a pedo=prude
Unironically kys.

South Park made an entire movie about how the show is not meant for children to watch, and by no means are they implying the sexuality on the show is "normal" for children

Are you suggesting this R-rated movie is meant for children to watch?

Not sure what that user's point is, the more base and vulgar you make movies the more children want to seem them.

I don't care about your double morals OP, I just know I fucking hate that Tremblay gremlin so goddamn much I hope this fails in a major way.

Looks good, thanks for the link OP. Ima see this a few times in the cinema

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t. Disney exec

Seth pls go

Tremblay a cute. A CUTE.

Wait a few years at least, bro.

These are the guys who made this and routinely feature the Raisins girls. The southpark creators are definitely degenerate kikes

Its because he's a fucking Jew isn'

he's an annoyance on the level of dakota on war of the worlds and he isn't even screaming.

>all those Epstein comments
I don't get it
Epstein liked 16 year old girls, not 12 year old boys

t. jew

Bullshit. Epstein had12 year old girls on his island. The media is doing damage control.

Damn he was more based than I thought

I plan on seeing this in theaters, it looks pretty funny.

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>Why is the sexualization of children by Hollywood allowed
By the way the thread next to this one in the catalog had a picture of a 5 year old girl in swimwear bending over.

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Yeah, there's difference between 17-18 year old boys acting like this and fucking 9-10 year old 5th graders.

conservative pedos are okay, liberal pedos are evil. this is stated in the bible.

Most kids I knew growing up would always talk about discovering their dads porn or finding it by typing BOOBs on google. Kids were doing all of this what the movie is portraying but its wasn't talked about amgonst anyone other than other little kids. People are just mad that their degeneracy is out in the open and can't pretend to be wholesome Christians anymore

Why do pol virgins get so mad over others having sex

Oh boy, I know you have to do everything you can to troll this board, that's what you're paid for, but you're pushing it a little there, Vladimir.

ITT: /pol/ butthurt

>that one Canadian pedophile who relentlessly shitposts is reflective of all Yea Forums

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They didn't have friends so they don't know what it was really like being 12 and hanging out with your bros

>Yea Forums is conservative

you guys remember that movies are make believe right? like they're not actually taking molly.

Bravo Hollywood

here he is again

...the internet is filled with this shit in every marginal forum.
Even more mainstream sites like reddit have a problem with this.


I’m gonna buy 20 tickets to piss off incels

I was mocking 4han users that honestly believe being a “conservative” pedo is okay. of course Yea Forums isn’t conservative, no matter how much it’s users try to claim it is. this site is the opposite of Christian decency.

>Le everything is pedophilia
>Le pedophilia is bad
>Le why is everything so degenerate
t. old ladypedes from from /pol/

>haha drugs!!
>fuck shit pussy bitch fuck!
>*farts intensely, queefs erratically

do you think seth rogan enjoys making these sellout tasteless comedy movies

Where are these people who said that unironically?

This. Truly the gold standard for cunnyseurship

you sound like a fuck shit pussy bitch fuck!

>haha just fuck kids, guiz, stop being such PRUDES haha

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When did Yea Forums become full of soccer moms?


>"those kids WILL be in the pool"

>If I call everyone opposed to the sexualization of children a prude or a soccer mom I will finally be able to fuck kids
like clockwork

yikes are you a time traveler from 1990s ?

>only soccer moms care about Hollywood sexualising children.

What sexualization are you talking about? The kids in the trailer aren't sexualized.

This isn't sexualization.

to /pol/‘s diseases mind, they are. they sexualize every child they see. why do you think pedophila is such a problem is rightwing circles?

In demented minds like these, a "prude" is the worst possible insult they could receive, and so they wish it out thinking they have power.
Perhaps "sexualising childhood" would be more to your liking?

Don't bother. The far right is obsessed with pushing le ebin pedophilic leftists meme

>sexualising childhood
>literally just a movie about kids growing up
/pol/ is legitimately sick.

>Implying Soccer mom's aren't the biggest shotacons out there

>Perhaps "sexualising childhood" would be more to your liking?
I had a sexualized childhood then since I had seen tits and porn by the time I was 12
So did millions of other people

Wow it's fully fledged leftypol defence rhetoric in here now.
"I-its not sexualising children, that's just pesky right wingers projecting (Freud amirite?) And getting in the way of our momentum to get kids dressed in drag and going on hormone blockers"
>I saw something sexual when I was a kid and so pop culture should now normalise children engaging in sexual culture because it's exactly the same

>And getting in the way of our momentum to get kids dressed in drag and going on hormone blockers"
I don't think anyone really knows about the drag kid

How is it normalizing? Does the movie show every kid acting like them?

Is this thread autosaged?

have sex, loser. though, since you’re rightwing, I must say not with children.

Literally seconds after I posted. I have never received swifter responses than from these Hollywood pedo apologists.
>i-is EVERY kid acting sexual? Uhh, if not, then I'm fine with the association of sexuality with the life of a child because I had a sexualised (liberated hehe) childhood.
>hehe, he probably didn't even have sex as a kid like me, that's why he's so pent up
If I wanted to have sex with children all I would need is to enter that Mecca of conservative culture known as Hollywood.

>If I wanted to have sex with children
wtf u pedo

Take off your tinfoil hat

You should make a better effort, don't be so determined to respond within literally 10 seconds again!

>h-hollywood isn't as bad as you think, you right-wing conspiracist incel!

Hollywood is shit but not for the reasons you pointed out

Someone post Juliet's tiddies.

Why'd the mods autosage the thread?

Because Jacob Tremblay is insanely handsome.

What a few years for that.