This movie is actually looking like a comfy christmas kino, i missed those

This movie is actually looking like a comfy christmas kino, i missed those

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Ghost Hapa ending incoming.

Attached: dany happy.jpg (2560x1440, 949K)

Wow it looks amazing, going to take my girlfriend to see it!

'tis the season to bait Janny
fa la la la lala la la

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Will it break the 100 million barrier on the release day?

I like that coat she's wearing. You think it's actually hers?

Biggest flop of the year

oh, you like Bollywood flicks

I'll make it a holiday staple I watch every year like Love Actually. And Emma Thompson was in that too

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Or Christmas Vacation

I'm thinking this too, gonna be hard to hide my Emilia powerlevel tho

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Probably not considering the budget for a christmas romcom isn't gonna be that big

She wears it often so likely even though it's mean to fit a normal sized human

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It will be the best Emilia movie and the biggest box office. You will see

>is this the bit where you murder me?
if only dany had kate's sense

You think she had PTSD filming these scenes?

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>Can roughly tell when picture was taken by the color of her phone case

I want off this ride.

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Fuck waiting.

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>filming these scenes
Those are actually hospital footage from the first aneurysm, they just cropped Emma there

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>filming for this was before she went public with her health history
i wonder if she told anyone there. maybe emma they seemed to become good friends.


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Maybe she told her and Emma added to the script, they did lived together for a very short time

Emma wrote a beautiful testimonial about her for Time magazine, and apparently Emilia spent a month living with her during production while her house was being renovated. I'm sure the subject was brought up.

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i guess i was underestimating the autism here by thinking itd take longer than a day to work out the entire plot and twist

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