How would YOU make a good Star Wars movie Yea Forums?
How would YOU make a good Star Wars movie Yea Forums?
Shelve this shitty franchise for 50 years.
I'd hire writers with balls.
Likable characters on a simple space adventure to stop a black and white villain from a simple plan.
This is all Star Wars ever was all needs to be. I wish people would stop trying to elevate it.
Clone Wars movie centering around the battle for a backwater planet. Some planet that's been fucked over by the Republic and has a lot of Separatist sympathizers. We follow a native and see how the war affects his life even before it comes to his front door and erupts into a planetary civil war. Film ends up exploring the morality of the two sides, criticizes the Jedi's role as warriors instead of peacekeepers. Include a few nods to established characters.
Hire actual writers that wrote EU books
Moner as Ahsoka with full penetration.
Give us The Force Awakens + The Last Jedi BUT...
> Without the Death Star or destruction of the New Republic.
> Handle diversity in a matter of fact-ly dignified manner like Rogue One handled such without calling attention to such nor being condescending or hateful like Last Jedi. Rogue One did it perfect.
> Have Rey & Kylo's first duel end in more of a stalemate with them both notably injuring each other like the end of Rocky 3.
> Toss Rey using the force against the Stormtrooper, that was easily the biggest example of her being over powered.
> Have Finn actually having killed people and have genuine dark pathos and regrets about it instead of being a fucking useless god damn janitor.
> Drop the snarky element of Last Jedi
> Toss the entire rich people are evil bullshit subplot from Last Jedi
> Have the purple haired bitch be a competent leader who actually communicates with and respects the soldiers under her even when they DARE to calmly respectfully ask what the fucking plan is.
> Notable flashbacks showing Kylo's past with his parents and Luke.
I'd make a movie about the effect of Star Wars on George Lucas' life.
red storm troopers thetas all i want
Darth Plagueis novel adaption.
id have a script before i went into production.
Force Awakens rearranged like so...
> Opens with Luke finding Rey and recruiting her to join his Jedi temple. Having heard rumors of a force using scavenger on Jakku.
> They return to his temple only to find it destroyed and burning, most of the students massacred. Ben Solo's body is not among the dead.
> Luke contacts Han and tells him to meet him with Leia at Coruscant the capital of the New Republic. We get to see what our heroes created after the original trilogy.
> He breaks the news to them and enlist Han to help him find who did this and find Ben if he is still alive. He privately confides in Han a fear that Ben may have been complicit in the massacre but Han dismisses it.
> They eventually confront a masked silent Kylo Ren whom Luke duels and "defeats" but is horrified as believing he recognizes his fighting style as being that of Bens. Han begins to have doubts.
> During this encounter we see some of it from the POV of Stormtrooper Finn working reluctantly under Kylo.
> Kylo kidnaps Rey after seeing her use the force.
> Finn sees her being tortured by Kylo but she barely manages to turn the tables on him using the force.
> Finn frees her.
> Luke and Han find their way to a giant Starship factory revealing that the First Order have indeed been creating new weapons in spite of their treaty with the New Republic (leia has been expecting this and warned about such)
> Finn & Rey manage to send a warning to the New Republic about a First Order attack. Leia manages to get enough ships in defensive positions to result in a brutal but indecisive battle. Much collateral damage is wrought upon the capital city on Coruscant.
> Luke makes his way on to the lead Order ship and slaughters the deck crew in a sequence similar to R1's Vader moment and has the ship collide with another.
> Han confronts Kylo who reveals himself to be Ben. Ends the same way as the real film.
> Rey duels Kylo to a stand still and the First Order is forced to retreat.
Darth Band trilogy, directed by Drew himself. Maybe condense it to 2 movies though.
KOTOR movie alongside release of KOTOR3. The biggest open world SW game to date, M-rating.
Most importantly. Reduce all female screentime by minimum of 50%. Replace with historical scenes from the old republic and Twi’lek strippers/brothel scenes.
Just make a story where you follow a sith on korriban, learning how to become a proper sith. Their world view. And then a mandalorian attack happens as instructed by the Jedi. And the sith go on a quest for revenge.
Deal with it nerd.
I'd just rely on material from the EU and hire writers who actually love Star Wars for what it is and a director who doesn't have an inflated ego and zero originality, and hire a diverse cast without descending into SJW shilling.
i like this one
Loser bitch with no friends lives on earth, he’s skinny frail and a nerd. One day he accidentally gets sucked into space and a magical force machine turns him into a strong man, he didn’t have to put any effort into his physical growth - things will come to you magically in life, just wait!
He will have eight love interests and a villain of the week every movie, each defeated villain joining him, some of them dying and saving the protagonists life with friendship and loyalty. In the end the protagonist doesn’t develop emotionally or physically because all the plot devices magically come to him, like real life. This will attract many people into the franchise, loner faggot losers who don’t believe in hard work and want women, friends and success to come to them with little to no effort.
LIGHTSABER penetration by Debicki's Ventress
Sith wars
The protagonist is a sexy lesbian twi'lek with big boobs and so is her girlfriend.
My Star Wars Wishlist going forward...
> Hold off on the Obi Wan movie for a bit longer. Do a Luke movie set a few years before Ben lost his shit. If handled right it could cultivate a good amount of positivity from the fans by rectifying Luke's image post Last Jedi. Show him happily training kids (don't show Ben much), going out and doing various peace keeping missions around the galaxy, some that he handles with diplomacy & some that require his saber. Show more of the republic that JJ denied us, actually show us what our heroes created after the original trilogy. Give Hamill creative Imput to lure him back after Rian alienated him from the franchise. Hamill isn't getting any younger so we need to do this as soon as possible.
> The Mandalorian series is mostly very serious even the episode directed by the guy who did Thor 3.
> Temuera Morrison returns as a retired Boba Fett in the Mandalorian series showing that Fett escaped the Sarlacc like in the old canon. Maybe have him having trained the lead.
> E9 - Rey gets a moment or scene of sex appeal akin to but not a copy of Leia's slave bikini.
> E9 - Rey builds a green bladed lightsaber staff.
> E9 - Finn gets alot more to do then he did in Last Jedi.
> E9 - Rey, Finn & Poe spend much of the film as a team. (they were completely separated for like 98% of Last Jedi)
> E9 - Does not rehash Return of Jedi in virtually anyway. No Jabba stand in, no cute fury alien allies, no forest setting & absolutely no Death Star stand in.
> E9 - No despicable irrational political subplots/characters like the casino planet or Holdo.
> Count Dooku gets a novel by James Luceno.
> Count Dooku gets a comic series with art by Marco Checchetto.
> Jango or Boba Fett get a comic series with art by Marco Checchetto.
> Madhouse does anime Star Wars series or movies with the same animation/art stye as their X-Men anime or the Deadshot sequence of Batman Gotham Knight (enough of the 3d shit). Would be a good way to do stories with the original cast of characters post rotj and the reaction to them being recast (besides hamill) would be lessoned. Adapt something like Dark Empire. Doesn't have to be canon.
How does that even answer OPs question you dumb nigger
I'd like a Star Wars movie that all takes place on one world with every different kind of climate and cities and rural environments.
Also a bonafide sex scene, no nudity needed just a flash of butt and boob is ok.
-Rated R
-More DIVERSITY of lightsabers that don't look ghey. Like Kylo's
-Masculine, handsome, male lead
-Beautiful, feminine, female supporting lead
-More violence
-Having a villain that isn't a stand in for the white supremacist, cis-heteronormative, patriarchy
I'll get back to you when i've thought of some more things.
More musical numbers
Really good, except you completely forgot about Poe. Less Finn and more Poe and I'm on board.
Everyone dies in a wormhole nuke that destroys everyone in every timeline. The director then breaks the 4th wall and call everyone niggers. The term ‘star wars’ becomes a racial slur against jews and is outlawed in many countries.
Adapt the Jude Law books, have a master and an apprentice travelling the galaxy being warrior-monk secret agents, playing investigator/diplomat/bodyguard/infiltrator and righting wrongs. The master would be this strict by-the-code type with a stick up his ass, and the apprentice would be this young, spunky rebel. The master would teach the apprentice to shape up and apply himself, but the apprentice would also teach the master to loosen up - they would learn from each other. Or the apprentice could have the stick up his ass and the master could be the rebel, either way. In the former case, Judi Dench or Jackie Chan could play the master, and in the latter case, Bruce Willis might be a better choice.
That sounds pretty cool
What about the apprentice? Who in Hollywood could pass for fourteen these days?
This user is correct.
This user is the type of faggot responsible for ruining Star Wars.
I wouldn't have even made The Empire Strikes Back, I would have kept it a stand alone sci fi kino that I had all the rights too till my grave
Nah. We saw what your "black and white morality" "good guys vs bad guys" got us with the sequels. Just let the Chad Wars carry the entire franchise from here on.
Spend all the production money on hookers and drugs instead
by not making it in the first place
This, but I'd go further and surrender it all to public domain.
Mine the EU for movie ideas, like how Marvel studios mines their source material.
Get George Miller to do it.
Can you imagine the chase scenes and dogfights of Star Wars with George Miller running it.
Entire movie is a war of thousands of Jedi vs thousands of Sith
Aren't there only ever two sith active at a time? Sounds retarded, so I'm skeptical, but that's what I remember.
Idris Elba plays Luke’s son. Anthony Mackie steals the role of Poe Dameron like he stole Captain America. Don Cheadle as nu-yoda. And the Sith Lord baddie who murders kids can be played by Ethan hawke.
i dont get why disney just didnt do this? why were they obsessed with powering up rey so fast? they had a whole trilogy to flesh her out
Fighter plane movie centered around a TIE pilot cadet that survives his battles and DOESN'T defect to the Rebels.
>Rey needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.
>Whenever Rey’s not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking 'Where’s Rey?'
Easy. I make a movie during the prequel era. Three battledroids are sent on a delivery errand but get lost and end up crash landing on a Western style planet. Wholesome entertainment ensues as they end up becoming the local sheriffs in a lawless town as an excuse to get off this rock
Because Rey was supposed to be a cash cow that would have both adults and kids buying her products
Wait until someone actually comes up with a good idea.
more scenes like pic related
I don't think I believe that. What the general failure of imagination in The Force Awakens (youth from desert planet resembling Tatooine that ABSOLUTELY ISN'T TATOOINE discovers Force sensitivity, small astromech droid contains plans for IMPERIAL SUPERWEAPON etc) says most strongly to me is that Mr Abrams was fucking terrified of deviating radically from the old Star Wars material. Probably no-one in the thread will be pleased with this.
The prequels with less CGI and no child actors. Literally all we needed.
and star wipes for transitioning between shots
Well, it is Star Wars.
Just so, user. I think at some level most of the people with such a pronounced fondness for making hysterical displays of outrage over it on this board know that as well but (like Peter Parker) they're almost ENJOYING their ANGER.
>kylo massacres jedi trainees
>rey has no training
>still fights kylo to a draw
She should lose the fight to Kylo in a very decisive manner, moments from death until Han steps in to save her but dies trying to talk Kylo down, then Rey manages to escape. Movie 2 is her training arc.
> E9 - Rey gets a moment or scene of sex appeal akin to but not a copy of Leia's slave bikini.
Please God
False. If it were that simple, the hundreds of Star Wars copycat films like Krull and The Last Starfighter, or earlier series like Lost in Space and Flash Gordon would be revered in the same light. You only see Star Wars that way because you want to.
Bad idea.
Reddit must go.
Interesting trips.
On the right track, but missing the point. Rated R, masculinity, and more violence are all definitely good. Star Wars has a spiritual core which, if attended to, will override having to think about negations (like trying *not* to do a white supremacist, cis, patriarchy). Switch off your targeting computor.
extremely good opinion. Perhaps rebooting Star Wars, so that only the 77 original is canon, and all subsequent stories take place in other galaxies, would be a good way to go. "Star Wars" could become a name that's associated with a family of unrelated stories that have similar elements, like starfighters, the force, etc., maybe somewhat like Final Fantasy games.
These kinds of stories could be nice, but could end up as shitty as Rogue One if the soul isn't there.
Anthology movie about different factions attempting to take control of the Galaxy after the empire disappears
Declare Disney Wars non canon. Bring back the Expanded Universe and pay George Lucas and Timothy Zahn their royalties. 75% of Thrawn is better than 100% of ugly Rose Tico.
Also pic related. Use your imagination
Reboot the motherfucker and start in the “prequel” era.
>only a few important characters
>no minorities at all, no kids
>regular men and women with a simple story
>whites males are the real leads
>almost no cgi, zero cgi aliens or ships
>intense adult drama with only several low key action scenes
>no beards, every man is cleanly shaved
>women are weak and feminine
>every man is white
>orchestral music only
>at least one full frontal nudity scene
>R rating
Had an idea for a Star Wars movie about 4 Jedi on the run from the empire who are captured and forced to fight as gladiators. They hatch an escape plan and must battle waves of empire troopers force unleashed style to make it off planet. Heavily stylized action spectacle.
green twi'lek pusy
guaranteed good star wars movie:
>no cgi allowed except for the lightsabers
>everything else must be made with invisible cables and props, no green screens
>no kids women black or asian people at all
>5M budget max
here you go
mc really struggle to use the force and can barely move a paper weight before the middle of the third movie, have to train really hard and fail to use the force in critical situations more than once
also the force is about training, not about willpower and the dark side is actually more powerful
Ret con the last two.
First thirty minutes show the prequels cool parts but with a twist. Show the OT but with a twist. Last part will be an original story, Huge Battle, Palpatine has been building an army, main heroes go to stop palpatine, hes the twist hes actually a good guy. Huge galactic threat attacks the galaxy wipe out many planets, Palpatine just as planned. The heroes and palpatine are holding off billions and billions of xenos with guest apperances of aliens doing cool shit...But its not enough, Rey like character meanwhile has been on a quest and gathers Allies. Remnants of vaders empire join the defence. Then from another side Force Ghost join in. Huge battle, suicide dives, force ghost taking out hundreds of cenos with one swing. Storm troopers forming formations taking shit loads of stuff out, Palpatine using his magic and shit. Final Battle is with the out of Galaxtic God popping in via a portal and fighting palpatine and the heroes in an epic battle and then Star Wars ends..