Why is Citizen Kane so highly rated? I enjoyed Casablanca and 12 Angry Men, but I just couldn't stand this one. Does anyone feel the same way? Am I just crazy?
Why is Citizen Kane so highly rated? I enjoyed Casablanca and 12 Angry Men, but I just couldn't stand this one...
If its black and white its automatically shit
Because you can watch it today and it actually comes off as a movie, using the same styles and direction we would use today, but it came out so long ago. Compare it to any of its contemporaries and its night and day how ahead of its time it was.
Its not the greatest movie ever, but really special
This is true. It is a land mark film in the history of cinema and a cornerstone of any kind of education in film criticism or film making.
However it does not change the fact that the movie is incredibly boring, the main character is horribly unlikeable, the pacing is slow as fuck, and the ending has been spoiled to everyone since birth about what Rosebud is that there is zero mystery left to the movie. I can't stand Citizen Kane, and I know there are others like me who rolled their eyes when they had to watch it for the sixth time in school.
>Compare it to any of its contemporaries and its night and day how ahead of its time it was
How many films from the 30s and 40s have you seen?
>the main character is horribly unlikeable
The fact that you think this is a valid criticism is how I know you're a faggot
it’s one of those movies that are supremely boring but because it was innovative for its time it is considered “important”.
>it was innovative for its time
It wasn't very innovative. The only real innovative part about it is that a Hollywood studio gave the director complete creative control. Didn't really do anything new besides that
At least six
I'm not familiar enough with film history to comment on the "innovation" aspects, but there was something jarring about this film I can't quite put my finger on. Perhaps the bombastic noises and transitions? It seemed like a set of scenes strung together without real narrative momentum or flow.