Cast it.
Cast it
The cuban from BR2049 and the incel from BR2049
>"Master, your wish is my command..."
could be kino
wouldn't fly in 2019
I've never actually seen this show but assume its about a regular guy who somehow acquires a hot genie and doesn't make her his personal sex slave.
yes he's an astronaut during the space race and he needs to hide genie or they will think he's nuts and fire him.
he's the sex slave of the relationship
Emilia Clarke as Genie
Chris Pratt as the guy
The girl from big bang and the twink that played spiderkid i dont think a white male plus white female cast is allowed though so swap the kid for a random Asian.
Pierce Brosnan
Christina Hendricks or Bryce Dallas Howard wearing the original costume
more like I Dream Of Mommy
Leo and ASR.
He's an astronaut, he found the lamp on the moon.
No he didn’t you dippy-do-dah.
Don't bother, it's an awful show. The Will Ferrell movie adaptation is unironically better.
>that blue vein
there's no adaptation
If I had a genie i'd make myself head of NASA and thus unable to be fired....and if the gov't fired me i'd wish to be rehired. Easy peasy....dunno why he never thought of that.
no fun
Suspension of disbelief is for normies
you're thinking of bewitched, and i don't agree with you. the misogny of the tv series made it great, Will acts like an onion the entire movie.
Genie offered to make Maj Nelson Rich and Famous , but he did not want to cheat. He lived in a modest house paid for by his astronaut salary.
Two black lesbian transgender women
Jeannie needs to have hips and tits
>watched it a lot as a kid
>remember none of it besides the intro
>m-master, what are you looking at...?
>The cuban
Yes, it unironically has to be someone who could remotely pass for a Persian
>ancient Persian genie
>speaks Persian
>looks like the typical WASP
she should have been an exotic qt but nooo it's the 1960s let's cram blondes everywhere
Maybe she was from one of those weird central asian micro ethnic groups that look like northern europeans
she did.
> 20 minute movie
> 90 minutes outtakes
Do it
retarded but also based
you're thinking of bewitched, which was clearly supposed to be some bullshit nostalgia cash in but somehow managed to become inexplicably kino.
haha what if he asked her to make her tits huge haha wouldn't that be so weird
black guy white girl
>Emlia Clarke
Why do you want it to flop so bad?