>Sitting down in an empty public toilet cubicle taking a shit
>Some guy takes the stall next to me
>Feel awkward, so I try to break the ice and ask him if he likes movies
>He doesn't respond
>Start getting nervous, repeat my question but this time louder
>He says "not really"
>Ask him if he's heard of Drive
>He says "No"
>Feel kinda mad and hit the wall of the stall that he's on in a fit of rage
>Instantly regret it
>Say "Sorry"
>He doesn't respond
>Feel really bad
>Hold some money under the stall as a peace offering
>He doesn't take it
>Tell him to take it
>He says no
>Feel really freaked out so I wipe, get up and leave
>Wait outside the door of the toilet to apologise
>See him come out
>Say "I just want to apologise"
>He says "Fuck off"
Sitting down in an empty public toilet cubicle taking a shit
wow that guy was a real jerk
Based fucking retard
i hope the jews browsing Yea Forums for movie ideas put this scene in a movie
t. reddit
my dad died this way in a mexican gas station.
kek. i wish this happened
great story, wish it happened
Fuck you.
dont laugh at that
Based autist
sure smells like incel in here
damn it's like most of my nightmares
Jew here, this is going into the next Nolan kino
That's just you
Maybe you should just stay inside, this situation was clearly too much for you friend
have sex
>Sitting down in an empty public toilet cubicle taking a shit
do american really do this?
I never shit outside of my house unless I can't hold it anymore and even then I try to not touch the seat with my ass
>Sitting down in an empty public toilet cubicle taking a shit
>Some city slicker takes the stall next to me
>Feel awkward, so I try to break the ice and ask him if he likes John Deere Apparel
>He doesn't respond
>Start getting nervous, repeat my question but this time louder
>He says "i got these shoes from Guatemala"
>Ask him if he's heard of Gucci
>He says "Cringe"
>Feel kinda mad and hit the wall of the stall that he's on in a fit of rage
>Instantly regret it
>Say "Sneed"
>He doesn't respond
>Feed really bad
>Hold some feed and seed under the stall as a peace offering
>He doesn't take it
>Tell him to take it
>He says no
>Feel really freaked out so I plant gummy bears, get up and leave
>Wait outside the door of the toilet to apologise
>See him come out
>Say "Sneed's Feed and Seed Formerly Chuck's"
>He says "Fuck and Suck off"
Not everyone is a germaphobe OCD loser like you.
One time I accidentally pissed on a stranger in a public bathroom when I was trying to piss on my friends foot for a laugh
>Do Americans really take shits? I just let the poop naturally fall out when Jafar is fucking my asshole
Used to be like you until I went to college. Now, with the social anxiety, I either go public toilet or I shit myself.
>Seth Rogan: “laughs”
>be me
>taking a shit at the stalls in an arcade bar
>other guy takes stall next to me
>im really constipated just sitting there
>start to get bored, ask other guy through stall
>ahhh finally shitting
>wipe and sniff
will it have a hans zimmer score?
formerly constipated
yes during the plop sequence
Seems like some of our friends here on Yea Forums may have a touch of the ol 'tism