Billy Burr on Hot Ones


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is that the hat he wears when he solves pre-teen neighbourhood mysteries with joe rogan?

>Why yes, I do have a large collection of hot sauces at home. How could you tell?

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>So you wife the lovely Nia sent this next bottle in. It's called... Bulls cum?

thats the hat he wears when he drives his wife around

>why yes, I do get angry about random trivial things on Yea Forums. How could you tell?

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pay your brother


you figured that bringing this up 8 months later was a good idea, why?

Why did he do it?

Britbong here, why the fuck do people like this smug cunt ? Legitimately thought he was just a unknown actor from breaking bad until about a year ago.

spicy food is for niggers, currys and ricels.

white people eat mild food. Its about flavour not heat and pain.

we like him because he says the truth about women.

Not even from the US but if you don't like him after watching this, kys:

his woman problems, daddy issues, and rage are all very relatable

They could've just ended the show after Adam Carolla BTFO'd everyone else.

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>Le epic "I'm not an asshole, I'm just honest" man

Does he talk about raising a child that isn't his?

>So apparently you have a daughter Bill, do you think she'll ever be raped?
Jesus, Sean is worse than Ethan.


So I was talking to this fuckin LAY-DEE


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THIS. Finally someone else understands

Spiciness is degenerate, spiciness is anti-white. I don't mean to say that in any trivial way. In what it represents, spiciness is degenerate. What it means to spice up your food is to cause yourself agitation. To agitate your tongue. To cause you pain. To cause you a sensation, this new sensation, you might start shifting in your chair like "aah! that's hot!"

Here's the thing about spice, once you go from spicing food to making food spicy you've crossed into the realm of degeneracy. You're gonna be welcomed by Arab sheikhs and fucking la cucaracha dances. I don't mean this as a joke. If spicy food is something you enjoy then it's a sign of a degenerated spirit.

And it's these mud races that are so obsessed with spicy food, they're obsessed with agitation. They live in these climates where it's just sand, blowing in the wind. Or they might live in a muddy tropical forest where it's all gooey and slop-slop everywhere; it's constantly changing. But in the far North, what do we have? We have ice. There we have a true symbol. A way to orient ourselves, I suppose you'd say.

Spice is really a symbol of total decadence. If you enjoy causing pain to yourself, why is that? It's a thirst for total agitation that these lowers races are so much more... It's so much more sensual than the Hyperborean race. And it's not a plus. Hyperboreans have the true strength. Ice is strong. Sand you can just throw it to the wind, or you know... Disgusting... you can step on some mud, throw it away. You can disperse it easily. But you have to smash ice.

So don't eat spicy food from a fucking salsa bowl, drink from the cool ice of your hyperborean ancestors.

go buttchug your hotsauce faggot

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he's nothing like this now. it was 13 years ago

does it matter?

he KO'd an entire city. legend.

>Britbong here, why the fuck do people like this smug cunt ?

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I like Bill Burr. His incoherent alcoholic rants remind me of my irish grandfather and his degenerate racemixing and submission to his black partner reminds me of my irish mother. He has also confirmed all my pre-existing stereotypes of Red Sox fans as men who desperately wish David Ortiz/Pedro Martinez would fuck their sisters/daughters. Also, his "lovely wife" has confirmed my other theory that all women named Nia are nosy cunts. My sister literally parrots the exact same talking points as the "lovely Nia", only she's actually in shape and has her own career and doesn't need to suck Irish cock for a living.

>Bill is somehow a bigger pussy than my mom
>fuck the Sox
>Love Nia but not that Nia

Everything we westerners eat is salty as fuck. As any asian person.

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Mexican here. We don't eat spicy food for the sake of "hurting" or "having a sensation". We make sauces and stew with some peppers. Some of them are spicy, some of them are not. "Spiciness" is not the priority.

That spicy pain shit it's a ridiculous ameriburger invention, similar to the poisonous garbage they sell at Taco Bell. What a joke. That "Chickin' Wings" spicy crap is YOURS. It's also similar to "shots". You don't drink tequila in "shots", the US invented that retarded tradition.

Also we don't make "curry", we don't have anything that resembles curry. Reading your posts was cringy as fuck.


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I don't like the nuclear meme sauces but average spiciness is nice when mixed with other flavors.

Howdy greenhorn! Just so you know, it's against the rules to announce reports.
Anyway, enjoy your time here at 4channel!

Spice was literally used to mask the flavor of rotting meat in backwards mud cultures that were to dumb to invent proper preservation techniques. So you're not far off.

I have a question for spicy food enthusiasts: how do you enjoy the flavor? Sure, there are some spicy sauces that are just concentrate and taste like battery acid, but there are some legitimately tasty spicy sauces with great flavors. I tried some around 350,000 scoville and while they were tasty, I couldn't enjoy the meal. Spiciness is, technically speaking, a chemical burn that inflicts pain. How can you enjoy a flavor of something that is, literally speaking, hurting you? The pain takes away a huge chunk of enjoyment..

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You can build up a tolerance if you eat it often enough. I used to be an absolute wuss that would get burned by anything but now I can handle your typical sauces and peppers. Nothing psychotic like 350k scoville units though but it's probably enjoyable if you've eaten like that since childhood.


Loud, angry, funny accent.

>Red Sox fans as men who desperately wish David Ortiz/Pedro Martinez would fuck their sisters/daughters

All "hardcore" sports fans are like that though, they always end up with a weirdly fetishistic worship of the lead players. I suspect most of them would even brag if they found out their wife fucked a famous player before they met

peak yt cope

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Spoken like a true schizo.