I used to think Bill Hicks wasn't that good, but his material gains strength when you see it within the context of his act. I finally watched a full length special of his, his first one, taped in some shitty club in the middle of nowhere, and I understand now why he was so loved. He had the audience in the palm of his hand, not even losing them when he'd do a bit on wanting to watch underage pop stars eat each other out, or killing Rick Astley, or ranting about the government. He was a real talent, I can no longer deny it.
I used to think Bill Hicks wasn't that good...
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>Mice, what are they?
>They're fag rats!
What a fucking cuck lol
He was funniest when he went full shithead edgelord about dumb shit like music or politicians. Whenever he would go into his "peace and love mann" diatribes or try to rip Carlin by being insightful it was always cringy as fuck.
Alex Jones
that's pretty retarded
everyone has already seen what niggers do
the best solution is to keep their population small and dependent on its own meagre means
That particular bit is missing the punchline in that particular special, which I believe was filmed near the end of his life. In his first special, he ends with almost that exact same speech, but then makes a gunshot sound into the microphone and falls to the floor like he's dead. Then the lights go out, and that's the end of the bit. That speech is part of a joke, but we usually only see the speech part.
Yeah lets spend money on low IQ people to help them breed more since higher IQ people don't have the needed number of kids to replace the population with. We can take that money from weapon and defence programs which objectively help advance technology used for space travel. Also nevermind that the world would be in a big fucking mess if the US withdrew it's protections from around the world. Once we educate those lower IQ people in our colleges that white people are evil, then they will truly see the light, use their welfare money and reparations to build Wakanda for real, and travel Inner space (hollow earth) while leaving whitey behind as a fuck you for slavery.
Denis O'Leary hasn't been funny since Hicks died
>Spend everything we have on food and education for the world
>Money left for space conquest
In fairness, this made since when I was 20
He was one of those guys for his time and place. Comedians have copied him over the years his material seems stale before you hear it.
But there is really no defense that he was a 'make you think' comedian instead of a naturally funny guy.
Compare him with funny comedians of his era like EMO PHILLIPS or STEVEN WRIGHT
Saw Emo open for Weird Al. He's still great. It's time he gets another special.
Wow... Finally a commedian for smart people...
Nice get
So the whole joke is "the man is keeping this down", not that it's fundamentally unworkable?
Bein poor doesnt mean low iq
Came here to post this.
yeah lets all hold hands and sing songs how has no one else thought of this before
Not always, but people are usually poor for a reason.
If he's Alex Jones, he's one of the greatest comedians of all time, for keeping up that act for 20 years, and being consistently hilarious.
Otherwise, he's just some dead cunt, who would probably think Rick and Morty was the smartest show on television, if he were alive today.
The primary correlation with low GDP in a country is low mean intelligence, not low access to resources or education.
Correlation does not imply causation
Yes, but it helps to supply context.
I like his alex jones routine
Yea Forums posters don't understand what's funny, especially any posters under 35
you realize that you are in a minority of surviving posters from the early days right?
think of how many killed themselves by now at the jew's bidding.
there's no pride in surviving. we must set upon them.
Whatever. I only post here when I'm killing time at work or eating dinner anymore.
>Correlation does not imply causation
Strong enough correlation does indeed infer causation. There's actually very few things that are proven to be causational, most discoveries are inferred causation from a correlation, because it's the best correlation we have.
In the case of IQ and being poor, there is a strong correlation. Of course it doesn't mean that having a low IQ dooms you to being poor. I know lots of dumb construction workers who make bank and smarter people who got a useless degree that work at mcdonalds. It really depends how society is set up. But as a generality, yes, it is indeed true that the higher your IQ, the better off you are in terms of wealth.
>invest in educating poor people
>they become productive citizens
>now have more tax payers to fund weapons and defenses
quite based
You sound like a 14yo the way you wrote that sentence
>Boomer gets mad his pseudo-intellectual edgelord comedy isn't cool anymore
What the fuck did he mean by this?
About 10% of the population are literally too stupid to follow basic orders. That number is 83 for IQ.
the joke is that anyone who actually tries to do good in the world is murdered like Martin Luther King or Gandhi, so when he says we should do good he is also murdered
>Correlation does not imply causation
Yes, it does strongly imply causation if two tracking statistics are logically related and proportional, it simply does not guarantee causation.
It's not funny, and it's basic bitch bullshit.
Wrong on both accounts. You didn't even get the joke until that user had to explain it to you.
he literally said "the man is keeping him down" you don't count killing him as keeping him down?
it's not a knee slapper but it's better than just being a straight lecture
>no, it's actually really funny
It's not.
>dude, things are shit, and bad things have happened to good people
Literally anyone in the world can make that observation. This is not edgy or clever. People clap because it echoes their own beliefs back at them, and those beliefs are very easy beliefs to have.
“You suck…” You fucking cunt, get the fuck outta here right now. Get out. Fuck you. Fuck you, you idiot! You’re everything that America should be flushed down the toilet, you fucking turd. Fuck You. Get out. Get out you fucking drunk bitch. Take her out. Take her fucking out! Take her to somewhere that’s good! Go see fucking Madonna you fucking idiot piece of shit!
“You suck, Bill, you suck. I can yell at the comedian cos I’m a drunk cunt. That gives me carte blanche. [Gangnam styles across the stage] I got a cunt and I’m drunk, I can do anything I wa-a-a-ant! I don’t have a cock, I can yell at performers! Cos I’m a fucking Idiot! Cos I’ve got a cunt!” I WANT YOU TO GO FIND A FUCKING SOUL.
Being born on 3rd base and thinking you hit a triple doesn't make someone high IQ
Where did your parents' money come from? The sky?