Here's your Nynaeve bro

Zoë Robins height is 5'8", Nynaeve is 5'4", so much for getting a busty shortstack. Can't wait to see the rest of the cast reveal. Why do I get my hopes up for these things?

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Other urls found in this thread:'Nynaeve_ti_al'Meara_Mandragoran


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She has the same hair line as David Cross.

Ayo hol up, yous tellin me I can talk to wolves an sheeet?

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The casting of the Two Rivers kids is BASED AF, and I can't wait to see them dabbing on polcels with a white Faile for Perrin to doggystyle

we wuz wolf whisperers n shiet

> Moiraine Damodred is relatively short, standing at 5'2
Rosamund Pike is 5'9, they aren't even trying.

Attached: Moiraine.jpg (611x571, 56K)

I've revised my opinion. I'm going to watch this just to constantly shitpost about it. Hope it never gets made, though.

stop posting cute black girls
I need to go to sleep and can't wank again right now

I for one am excited for the Wheel of BLACKED, it's about time fantasy returned to where it began in the lands of Africa, the true undiscovered country.

W/Bob and David S2 when? Episode 5 was unbelievable.

I don’t mean this in a racist way, but something about her face especially the eyes is strangely animalistic, like when people do reconstructions of earlier hominids.

Not sure why I ever expected anything to turn out well in my lifetime, but... goddamnit, I got tricked again

I thinking about starting a petition for the government to make America a white ethnostate. Who's in?

Lan, Galad, Lews Therin, Thom, and Artur Hawkwing actors were just announced.

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>I thinking

More like pitbulls

Thom could probably be black. He just murders people and escapes without consequence for his entire career. Also plays loud music.

you have blown the horn and now us niggas be wilding

So she looks nothing like Nynaeve.

As expected.

she has the face of someone who constantly uses 40 layers of makeup on a lazy day.

at least Rand's actor is cute. cute!

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Has a limp too, they could give him a cane and make his cloak more purple.

It does not exist , stop chasing the dream of some blackaboo GF who is going to "complete" you. Either their families or they are beyond crazy

>wheel of time is now full of women and niggers


endless disappointment

In fairness, it was always full of women. That was part of the point: three thousand years of women in charge almost completely fucked the world up beyond recovery, which is why the biggest Chad Thundercock to ever live had to be reborn and fix it.

Attached: wheel of time 1.gif (517x429, 28K)

Lies you arent fooling me, Im getting a blackaboo gf and theres NOTHING you can do about it

*Stacy Thunderclit, and "she"'s abo

It's all so tiresome

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>cat gets reborn and has to do the same thing again and again for eternity

What the fuck is Nynaeve

a nigger

yeah this was my first warning that they said "fuck the character descriptions let's just tell our OWN story rather than a DEAD WHITE MAN's story"

so wait they turned the MC's waifu into a mutt?

Died from Agent Orange exposure after killing like a million people in vietnam'Nynaeve_ti_al'Meara_Mandragoran
A main character from a famous european fantasy series that comes from a small farming village innawoods. Yet somehow half the village (so far we haven't even seen most of them) is black.

Attached: thisisanigger.jpg (553x776, 132K)

Lan is Superman but not the MC. The MC has four waifus

Here's your what? What the fuck is a Nynaeve

yes. egwene's actress is also a darkie

That's surprisingly pleasant.

the fucking ICE MAN.
man I'm so mad they're disrespecting his source material like this. They're taking his world building and characters and just shitting all over them.

I guess at least Rand will look alright with some auburn hair dye, he's got blue eyes and is 6'3 so with some trick shoes he'll look tall enough (I always figured Rand was about 6'5-6'6"). Mat could look alright with some brown contacts. The rest are unsalvagable though. Moiraine is supposed to be tiny, pale, with dark hair and eyes. Egwene is also supposed to be pale, the other 2 rivers folk were suntanned but not black. Talking with a friend last night about this and how disappointed we were, we thought a great way to include people of color in the Two Rivers main cast and still fit character descriptions was to cast them all as Hispanic actors. They never push for Hispanic/Latinos when they push for "diversity" or Asians, it's always black.
But hispanics can be pale for Egwene and would match the coloring for the other 3.

My pick for Nynaeve for years is Spanish, Ivana Baquero is 5'3" so about the right height, 25 (Nynaeve is 26 at the beginning of the story) so about right there, has the right coloration and we already know she can play kinda tomboyish country girls.

Attached: Ivana_Baquero._en_el_estreno_de_altamar.png (420x501, 296K)

Don't lose hope user, white girls are boring.
Black and Hispanic girls are 10x more fun.

Get yourself a choco gf and don't let any of these delusional meatheads dissuade you.

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so they haven't started filming have they? and will all the episodes release in one day like netflix shows?

>Black and Hispanic girls are 10x more fun.
It's fun not getting entangled. Whites have families.

Where the fuck is this village supposed to be? In fucking south africa? At this point they should just go ahead and make the MC idris elba and call it a day. I don't even give a fuck anymore. They will take everything from us. I'm willing to give a little, I understand that there probably aren't many 6'5 good actors out there. But they aren't even trying, why can't they just tell their own diverse stories instead of changing everything that was already written? Fuck this gay earth.

Attached: egwene.jpg (1561x764, 200K)

>I'm so mad they're disrespecting his source material like this. They're taking his world building and characters and just shitting all over them.
I've already stopped caring!

Have you ever considered just plunging into the earth? It's not gay, just do it...

If they make Thom a nigger I'm checking out. They already have an entire continent of them that play a huge part in the story. They might as well just call this Black Panther 2 A Panther in Time at this point.

not worth it unless he takes at least a dozen liberals with him.

fuck. why did they have to black my favorite character. couldn't they have just blacked mat or rand instead

In case it wasnt obvious before the target audience for any media is women. They dont give a shit about WOT they just want another GOT cashcow that'll rope in normie women. You think LOTR, The Witcher, and WOT are being made for nerds and book fans and men who pirate media? No they want some popular fantasy series to cash in on the void GOTs ending left. The target audience is the same, theyre just using the settings to push out romance/female centric fantasy schlock

Perrin has the worst storyline and gets god powers in the end. I fucking love it.

How do we corrupt women, bro?

Made one of the most insufferable characters in all of non-fiction a black. Bravo, Bezos!

Get the fuck out of here, Nyn was based.

they shouldn't black anyone, just have the characters that were supposed to be black be black, or if they have a character that doesn't have a really distinct description, they can be whatever race they want.
Semirhage and Tuon were 2 prominent canon black characters. I think Demandred could have been black, the Sharans were black and he led them it'd probably be easier for him to do so if he looked similar to them.

The key thing is you are ADAPTING someone else's work to tell THEIR story in a different medium. Don't change the story to fit YOUR politics.

>tugs braid
>ayo, about dem reparashuns

Eventually, she started out as a total cunt though. It doesn't matter, the series is dead. They should just make it a parody at this point. I'm sure the story will get just as many changes to (((reflect the changing morals of modern society))).

I had no clue how to pronounce her name until i heard the audio books

Tuon was white as the driven snow, but otherwise you're correct.

She looks like she fucks white guys

The audiobook narrators mispronounce everything, so good luck.

It already will. Theyre cutting out rands harem. The writers dont even understand the most basic symbolism of how min, elayne, and aviendha represent the 3 aspects of Rands personality and theyre just gonna throw it out because modern audiences would just see it as sexist

here's your (You), baitposter.

Did you see REE's pilot? I'm interpreting everything that follows as parody.

Wait what? That is a major story plot, how can they just write that out? Do you have a link or anything to back this up?

Why single me out? Review the entire thread.

that'll get trashed but greens having multiple sextoy warders will remain I bet

considering how unfaithful this adaptation is so far, they probably will in the show too.
be prepared for "Nih-nah-eev"

>it's a wrist-thick crimson rod episode

nowhere in the books was Tuon ever described as white... she was always described as coal dark with curly hair and thick pouty lips.

It was one of the writers musing on Twitter about all the stuff he would have to change because he found them dated. Too lazy to find the guy myself but the screen cap gets posted here all the time.

This. I was actually retaining a sliver of hope for TWoT because Amazon got the rights instead of Netflix. But it somehow looks even worse than my worst fears.
When will this shit end? It's not making them any profits, right??

Nothing is sacred, at least they can't take the books from us. Yet.

I think they know, and are making fun of us, user.

Would they really spend millions of dollars just to make a big meme at our expense?
I remember thinking this was the funniest and most absurd thing imaginable.
Turns out the future got much, much worse.

>Also plays loud music.
/tg/ here, stealing this idea for my next villain.

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Absolutely, virtue points are the only currency that matters. They already have enough money they don't give a fuck.

If we're interesting enough, yes. Money's kind of nothing

But that's the thing: How the fuck are we interesting enough to warrant this kind of bullshit?

>/tg/ here
You're giving away the nature of these threads

Oh, come on. You don't think you're interesting compared to other people?

Me, personally? Sure.
But you guys? Come the fuck on.

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Alright, first of all, 5'4'' isn't short for a girl.
Second of all, Nynaeve was never said to be particularly buxom. So I don't know where you got the idea that she was a short stack. Third of all, they already announced the main two rivers cast. So how the fuck did you learn about Nynaeve, without leaning about the others?

Are you drunk, bro?

5'4 vs 5'8 is massive for a woman, and yes was always compared as the biggest of the two rivers girls. She almost busted out of a dress that the girls tried on. The only one drunk on onions here is you faggot.

Who was the tiniest adult woman in the series?

I never said that 5'8'' isn't too tall for the character. I said that 5'4'' is short for a woman. To call someone a "shortstack", they need to actually be, ya know... SHORT. As in, 5'2'' and under. Ya umlaut using prick.
And I don't remember Nynaeve "busting" out of any dresses.

Goddamn that Nynaeve pic.

>Lan gets to ride that harder than he does Mandarb
Estimates of 5' to 5'2", she is being played by a 5'9" woman. That is equal to or taller than the tallest described women in the series. They don't have a single fuck to give for accuracy in this show. It's going to make the Witcher changes look like baby steps.

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Olver should be played by Michael Clarke Duncan.

Rafe something, the former Survivor contestant who somehow became the show runner for this train wreck despite having the IQ of a potato. In addition to babbling about how he’s going to make changes to the story to fit his feminist beliefs, he can’t spell words like ‘their’ correctly. The only good thing to come of all this is that he’s is guaranteed to sperg out Rian Johnson style on Twitter and blame everyone but himself for the show failing.

>The only good thing to come of all this is that he’s is guaranteed to sperg out Rian Johnson style on Twitter
You're ruining it!

You dont remember much about the book than. It happens when the girls knock out a sul'dam and try to use her dress as a disguise

all you can really do is make sure you NEVER buy from amazon again and tell them why you will never give them business again, and hope other fans of the books do the same. Get woke go broke is the only way to fight.

I do remember a mix up with dresses during that scene. But I'm not a gay or a woman, so I kind of tune out much of the talk about dresses. For some reason Robert Jordan likes to drone on about dress patterns. It's probably for female fanservice.
In any case, I'm going to go find the scene and report back with what I find.

I hate her. I HATE HER!

Ya sure buddy whatever you say, lets all of Yea Forums stop spending our neet bux and watch bezos go homeless. That can totally happen.

just wait for Elayne to be cast as some nigger with bleached hair.

this is exactly what i was expecting
hollywood needs to die

Well you know they are going to make the Aiel muslims/niggers, min will probably be mexi. So Elayne will have to be the token euro, even they wouldn't go that far I hope to God.

nope. gotta have diversity bro. You already got 2, TWO white men and a white woman. Diversity from here on out, representation matters.

It's now my life's mission to make sure this series fails.

You don't have to always call black people niggers, just because you're on Yea Forums. Like, it's not a rule. You can just say "black" every now and again, and it won't kill you.

I wouldn't, but they insist on ruining every adaptation by shoeing them in for every character they don't fit, so it will now be niggers.

If you didn't realize, every single board is being astroturfed.

Seems rather petty to pull out insults on an entire race, just because you're mad at this specific circumstance.

after witcher, i'm not even surprised. just disappointed. all i wanted was a comfy fantasy series and they just had to go fuck it to hell and back with political correctness and blatant miscasting. fuck the media, fuck the entertainment industry, and fuck amazon

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I did actually, 4 times. That was the first time I used the *queue spooky sounds* "N" word. I had no problem with black people growing up, I played with them, I went to school with them. (That was pre internet days). Than I moved to a ghetto and spent 5 years living and working around them. Something changed and it wasn't me.

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I'm happy that you've found a way to stave off suicide for a few more days.

Astroturfed by whom? On one hand, I see a lot of people acting like SJWs. But on the other hand, I also see a lot of people acting like /pol/. And I don't know which group is winning, except I'm not.

>I'm not gay or a woman
You must be because you tuned out a scene with big boobs

did you seriously expected an all white cast? not hating, just curious. lotr's cast will be full of niggers as well.

forgetting about the Witcher already? Forgetting about Heimdall already? Forgetting about 007 already? This shit just keeps happening and I'm sick of it. So fuck niggers. It doesn't combat racism it reinforces it. Cut that shit out. Make faithful adaptations, that's all I'm asking. There's people of color in the books already, you don't have to shoehorn them in for characters that aren't niggers in the books.

>Astroturfed by whom?
Oh, if I speculated you'd just tell me to take meds. Not going to bother.

>tugs dreds

Ny is routinely described as the most busty of the good girls. Some other the other Forsaken & Morgase might be titty monsters as well though

They had a whole continent of black characters who played important roles in the story. Why was that not enough?
Oh that's right, because for 3/4 of the books they were the bad guys. Ya I guess that wouldn't play well in the year of our lord 2000+19

Black people are to blame for showing up to auditions and taking available jobs? I don't understand. Why are you mad at the actors, and not the casting directors, the writers, the producers, anyone in positions of power. Actors just take what is available for them.
But also, being an actor is such a specialized job, that it's a teeny fraction of blacks as a whole. So you're pulling out nigger, because like 200 black people got hired in hollywood?

>Nynaeve is 26
That’s her age. But channeling early stopped her from aging. Nynaeve is 26 but looks 12. Stop miscasting the only based girl in WoT after character development

>tiny fraction of the population
>tinier fraction of actors
Somehow 50% of most hollywood content. Really activates those almonds.

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No, I really don't know what you were insinuating.
Some people would claim that white supremacist groups moved in on Yea Forums some years back, and they keep forcing their narrative. Other people claim that it's JIDF. I suppose it could be both, judging by the evidence I've received. But I don't know what *you* think. Your insinuation was too vague.

So, Afro-Americans being casted in beloved characters' roles aside, is there any chance of this being good?

they never said she looks 12. She looks older than the other main characters just by not as much as you'd expect from her age. She's 26 but probably looks 20.

Thickfit redheaded Aviendha when?

Do you really want to know what I think?

are you referring to the seanchan because they never actually become good guys

Define "good". Will it have great production values and stunning set pieces? Sure.
Will it look anything like the books? In name only.

Not gonna happen. Gonna be a nigger with red hair dye.

Black people are to blame for this resurging demand for representation #blacklivesmatter #oscarssowhite stupid shit like that. It's what caused the "woke" culture that enabled this shit in the first place.

Would you be mad if Avi were Emilia Clarke-tier dumpy?

the who for the what? you autists need to list the movie/tv show, the actresss name and character name so we know wtf you're talking about

Well Mat kind of reigns them in and uses them for a good purpose. I fully expect that to change in the show if they even get that far and it will all be Tuon.

How in the fuck were Seanchan ever not good guys?

Are Amazon series known for good production values? I've only seen Jack Ryan. It was okay

Somehow I find it hard to imagine the Old Blood remaining strong in a place with as much cultural mixing as this version of Emond's Field. At this rate, Taren Ferry is going to look like the cantina on Tatooine.

No way. I think you guys are getting confused, because in latter books, she stars wearing the ring in her cleavage. Her cleavage is mentioned a number of times, so that's probably how you got the idea that she's busty. But the what is actually happening, is that Nynaeve is becoming less conservative over time. She was prudish in the beginning of the story, never swearing, and always wearing her stout wool two rivers dress in Tel'aran'rhiod. But as the story progresses, she starts cursing here and there. She starts wearing fancier, more revealing dresses. By the end of the story, she's a fully decked out Aes Sedai. Her plunging neckline being a symbol of her more decadent tastes.

The only character who is described as abundantly bosomed, is Berelain. First of Mayene

The same white people are still at the top of these companies.

Please continue this meme. It might be too soon, but it has heft.


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I don't want your manifesto. I just wanted to know who you think is astroturfing. I don't know how I will react to the information yet. I'm just curious.

disgusting nog hair

What do you think about the concept of astroturfing?

What are you insinuating? That somehow a tiny percentage of blacks bullied everyone else into giving them hollywood careers?

This is ridiculous. Yes, black people participated in those movements. But that is NOT what started the whole "woke" culture. That wasn't even close to the start. And it wasn't even all black people. Just a fraction.

How stupid would it be if a fraction of your race did something bad, and then everyone started calling your race slurs, even though you had nothing to do with it?

i think you might be forgetting a certain stilled innkeeper

You're not wrong about her becoming more sexy & less prudish, but in several books she is called busty/bustier than the others. She has the biggest tits of the main cast of girls.Those that are outright stated as having generous balcony are the titty monsters like the girl in Ebou Dar & Berelain

Personally? I think it's practiced all the time. At times I feel like 50% of all Yea Forums threads are just disguised agendas. But I see it as many various groups, and even individuals, all trying to mold the narrative on this site. That's why I'm curious to know what one group you believe encapsulates all astroturfing here.

titsama, adopt your trip

a fraction of my race did something bad hundreds of years ago, and now niggers are demanding I give them cash for it even though I never owned a slave and they never were slaves personally and not even my direct ancestors ever owned slaves.

So try again. Niggers can all hang.

This post stinks of reddit, no one thinks ALL black people are niggers. But the ratio is too damn high,
eventually you have to stop blaming people who have been dead for hundreds of years and take some responsibility for circumstances of your people.

The irritating thing is that the world is plenty diverse once they get out into the wider world and all the different nations are introduced. This is like colorizing the opening to Wizard of Oz.

>one group
Well, that's fascinating. Which one group do you think I'm referring to?

They fucked up on that though. They blackwashed Egwene, whose entire point in the story is to be a wish-fulfillment self insert for teenage girls. Tumblr is very much "Diversity for thee and not for me". Egwene needed to be as basic white bitch as possible if they wanted this show to succeed.

From what it looks like the entire two rivers is blacked except for rand and mat, I don't even know how you explain that. The entire makeup of the show is fucked from the start. No character remotely resembles their description. Why even bother?

I honestly don't know. Like I said before. I've heard claims of this group or that. And I don't want to make the mistake of assuming.
Well, it doesn't sound like you're going to tell me. So whatever. No no, don't even bother replying unless it's to answer my question. I've already answered you 3 times. So you owe me the courtesy now.

Fuck off NIGGER

It's the fucking freemasons!

Yes, very good.

Most black people would laugh at the idea of reparations. It's a fucking joke to everyone but a select few brainwashed blacks... and you.

Soooo blaming actors is blaming the right people? Not everyone else involved in hiring the actors?

Who in this thread blamed the actors? Point out one post?
Anyone can show up for any acting audition, but if I am a black person and they put out a casting call for european farmers than I shouldn't expect to get the part. Of course it is on the management for this shit, but that doesn't mean we can't get mad about it.
If you want to shit up your stories be my guest, make your own black fantasy. Stop trying to take ours away you no culture faggots.

democratic politicians are clamoring over promising reparations, and in polls 76% of African Americans (a figure cited in the last debate) supported a cash reparation.
It was a joke 10 years ago, now it's a part of a major political party platform.
so again

>Of course it is on the management for this shit
OK, let's see who is in charge of managing this shitshow. I have no idea who it is, I'm looking it up right now.
Casting Director: Kelly Valentine Hendry. OK, let's look her up. WHOA, WTF, fuck niggers!

Attached: Kelly Valentine Henry.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

Holy shit, I met Kelly at the last JordanCon. She's a huge Wheel of Time nerd. Actually gives me a bit of hope.


You know what? Sometimes casting directors don't have much freedom. They're just going off the notes of someone higher up. Let's see who is running this thing
Executive producer(s), Rafe Judkins, Rick Selvage, Larry Mondragon, Ted Field, Mike Weber, Darren Lemke

Alright, Let's start with Rafe Judkins, he's the big fish here. Wait what's this?! Niggers again?!?!?!1

Attached: rafe.jpg (640x408, 149K)

Someone in her position doesn’t get to just pick anyone she wants for roles. Someone above her, probably in corporate, told her to specifically cast light skinned blacks for whatever reason.

these same casting directors have been around for a long time NOT shoehorning in niggers for everything but because of the culture we're in right now where niggers are demanding to be in everything #oscarssowhite, they're caving and miscasting people now that they wouldn't have miscast 10 years ago.
Do you think they'd cast a black 007 if fans hadn't been demanding Idris Elba?

>Larry Mondragon
daily reminder that this is a fake name

Let's look up Rick Selvage. Maybe this show has someone white on staff. Someone with sense. I-Impossible.... Niggers.

Attached: rick-selvage.jpg (320x480, 22K)

Larry Mondragon?! More niggers!

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>steely glare
>chin of stone
It... it can't be...

Why can't Robert Jordan's estate just be like "no you can't just do whatever the fuck you want and call it The Wheel of Time." Why don't creators ever fight back when people want to use their brand to peddle garbage.

Yeah, look at all these blacks working their negro magic on the minds of the white man, forcing them to cater to their niggerish desires.

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DESU the casting of The Last Kingdom was on fucking point. In fact, could that show be considered low fantasy?

Because the movie industry demands full control, or they simply won't take the project. What can you say? They have all the power. They'll just move on to the next fantasy novel on their list and adapt that instead.

Black nerd girls love white guys, have you tried asking one out user?

t. Black guy

because the creator is dead, and Harriet probably doesn't give a shit anymore.

I mean it's not like Harriet is hurting for money or anything. Didn't she just go through epic litigation with another company who had the rights to make sure shit like this didn't happen?

Robert Jordan married the chief editor at Tor and had no heirs so his "estate" is just a publishing conglomerate

I don't know what the estate is doing. But what I do know, is that you can only take what you get. Maybe Amazon was her best offer? Maybe she didn't want to hope that perhaps another offer will come in 10 years.

To my knowledge they still get a little piece of this amazon pie.

Jordan sold the rights to some scumbags before fantasy TV was even close to popular. They clung to them, paying like half a mil a year to save the rights. In the midst of Game of Thrones' success they kept clinging, making an infomercial pilot so they wouldn't lose the rights. Harriet objected publicly. She got sued and lost. The scumbags still have rights to the IP.

Well she fucked up completely. WOT is some of the worst literary editing I've ever seen.

Who gives a single fuck about your personal standards? Those books sold like hotcakes.

WoT is dead on arrival. I was only gonna watch if they casted some hot girls. I wasn't that interested with what little I had read of the series, but it wouldn't have been horrible to watch and not have to read all those books.

Dude even diehard series fans admit that a whole bunch of shit should have been cut. Particularly that the later books could have literally been paired down to a single novel's worth of material.

Why do WOT fans get so assmad when someone points out Jordan was a shitty writer?

"pared" is what you meant, not "paired". Also, not accepting literary criticism from someone who can't tell the difference.

he wasn't that great of a writer, I'll admit that, but I liked his world building, his system of magic, and various quirks such as their own swear words, things that Tolkien avoided entirely. Sanderson wrote it better than he did.

>if it’s popular it’s beyond reproach!

It’s obvious that the first book has little in common with the rest of the series and should probably be edited. Not to mention the major problem of the middle part of the series dragging massively.

I'm a new fan. I made a thread just the other week about all the repetitive phrases in the books. The writing definitely has faults. But I wouldn't call it "shitty". Just repetitive descriptions made parts sound monotonous.

Everything in life is balance. Selling books? Artistic value? There's a weight to everything. Didn't you read the story?

Burn me. He spat. He gave a start. She tugged her braid. Light illumine me. Fortune Prick me.
Help me out.

Hollywood learned their lesson from Lord of the Rings and the deal with Tolkien estate. Now it's either Hollywood gets to do what they want, or they won't bother.

How far have you gotten? After about book 6 the series basically becomes undefensible garbage and people who read it are the kind of people who enjoy eating their own poop.

Tbf the way Perrin is described in the books is almost impossible for anyone to match because of the golden eyes and the wolf like appearance. They blacked him because he is described as having thick, curly brown hair.

Attached: 0061-POST-013-2.jpg (400x500, 149K)

I have golden eyes and a wolf like appearance, but unfortunately, I'm very fat.

You sound like the kind of psychologically stunted individual who has read every book in the series. I feel nothing but pity for you.

Black nerd girl is divorcing one of my sister's friends and my sister is fairly certain she was cheating on him.

I forced my wife to read them too and then she left me.

I finished it. I consumed it all so quickly, that I don't think I had the time to reflect on what I just read. I'm going back over them now. So I'll see how I really feel about 7-11. But as of now, I do remember them dragging. But I guess by your standards, reading them twice makes be a double shit eater.

Black nerd girls are physically unfuckable and mentally unstable due to being tormented by other niggers. It's kind of sad actually.

>tugs braid
>it falls off

He doesn't look like a wolf. He looks like a bull. He's pretty much just a bara character.

I mean I guess it's not bad if you're reading comprehension is stuck at the 7th grade level. In my opinion there's just better epic fantasy out their and it isn't really worth wasting time on this.

>In my opinion there's just better epic fantasy out their
Why would anyone consider your opinion useful?

I don't get into fantasy for flowery language. I get into fantasy because the worlds are fun to explore. Even when the books dragged, the world was still fun. I only wished the plot moved a little faster.

It's been nearly a decade since I read one of the books, stopped a third of the way into Crossroads of Twilight, and I thought the quality dipped after the third book. Later on, Jordan completely lost the plot when he introduced the Seanchan, and he failed to develop the Ashaman properly.

>muh worldbuilding.

Stupid made up names don't make a good story. If you like world building just make a homebrew rpg.

>Muh magic system
I'm sorry but shonen shit might be fun in anime format but is just embarrassing in book form.

Again, the legendary infantile sperging of WOT fans is an absolutely fascinating this to witness.

It has fuck all to do with high literary style.

Read the First Law books by Joe Abercrombie if you get the chance. No complex prose, but he just tells a much better story with more interesting characters.

Hes also aupposed to be tall and shoulders nearly twice as wide as a normal man. Read that shit today.

Yeah, the Asha'man plot was a huge disappointment. I kept waiting and waiting for something to happen, and nothing happened until the very final book. But man, what little that did happen to the Asha'man in the end, was pretty awesome.
I think the series is golden until I think 6?(Maybe 7), and then it picks up again at book 11, with the new author. He really whips the story back into shape. It's not a perfect job, but considering how much Robert Jordan let lag for so long, the new author still made the best out of it.

Fuk I hope they pick someone hot for elaynes mom so we can watch her slut it up for a forsaken

>casting a fitting person is impossible because of his eyes
user, don't be a moron. Contacts and cgi exist. Perrin is not hard to cast at all, just cast some tall bara with a brooding expression and curly hair. There's also a difference between curly hair whites get and the nappy hair blacks have.

That's around when I stopped. Anybody with an IQ over 80 gets a massive headache trying to read the absolute dreck that Jordan throws on the page.

The bull implies a large build. Do you not into analogy?

So are nerdy black guys or anyone that isn't a stereotypical male. Masculinity is *HEAVILY* influenced in our community.

For your "jocks", we have thugs.

Ah, well I can't speak on that. American women in general don't understand loyalty.

So I knew this one black nerd girl in college. Really socially ackward but super smart. The shit that niggers would do to her was just inhuman. And laughing like fucking children the entire time.

Egwene didn't fix shit, she tried to prevent Rand from doing what he has to do until the very end and then died like a fucking retard because she was stupid enough to bond herself to the dumbest motherfucker in the series who was obviously going to get himself killed at the critical moment.

I saw moonlight nigga, y'all closet homos

Blood and bloody ashes!

Yeah but Egwene was behaving like a nigger most of the time anyway so it's at least fitting. The entire reason she even joins the party is because she goes SHEEEEIIIIT and thinks the others are going for a joyride without her.

What would they do? you can't suprise me with what scummy ghetto people are capable of.

When you say "niggers", you do mean gibberish talking, dirty black people, right?

*smooths skirt*


There wasn't anything in particular that made me stop, I just stopped being interested in reading it. All the characters had gone separate ways with separate plot lines, all which were described as urgently important but seemed to drag on and on, so the slog that was the 8th and 9th books stopped feeling with it.

>Sanderson wrote it better than he did.
worst opinion ITT. the later jordan books are directionless and stupid, but the sanderson books are actual trash.
if jordan had wrapped it up in 3-4 books retarded comments like yours wouldn't exist

>tugs braid
>wig falls off

I don't know... You just insulted the shit out of the book I enjoy. Now you want me to accept your recommendation? Reading the book's wiki page somehow manages to say nothing about the books, other than generic fantasy tropes like "it's medieval" and "there are wards" and "it references older mythology."

What if I don't give a fuck about wars? I only tolerate them as a way to exhibit the more fantastical aspects of the world.
Fighting in WoT was fun, because it was an excuse to explore the many applications of the one power. But the last thing I want to read about is some gritty story about political factions. So where does The First Law stand exactly?

I mean slapping her in the ass hard as they could whenever she walked by and lauhging like it was the funniest shit in the world. Stealing her stuff and shoving it in the toilet. Just real low shit. Needless to say she was on a fuck ton of meds. She was a good ativan hookup.

She sniffed. Men!

>he only character who is described as abundantly bosomed, is Berelain. First of Mayene
M8, there's a metric fuckton of tittymonsters in WoT, Berelain is just the thirstiest of them all. From the top of my head there are
>Setalle Anan
>that one maid in Tylin's palace who Olver was constantly motorboating
>iirc Tylin herself as well

If you think using the word nigger on Yea Forums is some organized campaign you really need to fucking lurk more.

All the heights are fucked.

Rand is 6'6 alongside Lan in the books and they are practically taller than everyone. Meanwhile in the casting Rand's actor is shorter than Mat and Perrin's actors.

he went from a technologically (though it was achieved through magic) advanced world where all nations were pretty interconnected, a global society, into a bunch of nearly homogenous ethnostates and explained how it came to pass pretty well, transformed a group of extreme pacifists into the most seemingly savage people, with the remnant of those pacificsts becoming like gypsies, and explained how the world came into a de-facto matriarchal society that hunted powerful men down and metaphorically castrated them, and then a powerful man is their only hope for salvation and he destroys the matriarchal society.
The different ways some cultures treat channelers is interesting as well. The Randlanders treat them like royalty, the Seanchan and Sharans shackle them as slaves, cloistered away. The Aiel defer to them as advisors but they're not so brazen as the ones from the tower. The Seafolk utilize them for powering their ships but they are not leaders but are held in esteem. For Male channelers, the Aiel send them on a suicide quest. The Randlanders have them stripped of their power and they later die from not wanting to live anymore, the Sharans use them as breeding studs, and the Seanchan just kill them. I find it interesting.

The system of magic is also descriptive and interesting with men and women using magic in different ways, and having descriptions like "weaves" that evoke images in your head over what that might look like, doing a pattern of threads like needlework rather than just casting a fireball.

Dont know any to ask out, and I dont trust online dating

Attached: 7F06B208-DF2A-4221-8D78-2E2F19F60CD7.png (200x232, 14K)

Stopping at four? Are you nuts? That would mean no Lord Perrin, No Tsun Aviendha, No saucy stilled Siuan,

What state did you go to school? How did these fucks even get into college?

Down here, bullying was mostly verbal in HS, but there were also problems at home as well, I can't imagine college students being that immature.

I will say, I hope ghetto culture dies out, as the normal black people I've met in my life were some of my best friends and suffered through similar problems which fucked us up mentally.

Were you a friend to her?

It's much more character oriented. Think ASOIAF with less viewpoints and less politics. There is magic but it's just sort of accepted as being magical and not really understood by those except the magi. It can be a bit cynical so it might actually not be that good for you.

But if you like mediocre Tolkien clones with aspie level mindless details, check out the Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series by Tad Williams. It's kind of slow at first but the payoff is much more rewarding.

>that one maid in Tylin's palace who Olver was constantly motorboating
That's the only one I remember that I neglected to mention before. I have no idea what the bust sizes of the others are.
I just assumed everyone else ranges from A to C. Maybe D. But a D cup does not make a titty monster, in my opinion.

*blows out moustaches and knuckles forehead*

>Rand's actor is shorter than Mat and Perrin's actors.
no, some user said he was 6'3

She'll a light skin black and that's all that matter.

caveat, I heard that from another user so it could be full of shit. I couldn't find a source of it online so I don't really know I really hope he is and isn't a manlet.

>Rand is 6'6
No way, really? I know some Aiel men are tall. But I never imagined Rand was THAT tall.

Blacks unironically have the highest percentage of homos.

The biggest ones are described like fucking Hitomi Tanaka and the rest that are constantly mentioned for their bust are like E to G cups as well, based on how every male describes them.

>I couldn't find a source of it online
>Height 189 cm

He and Lan are absolute lanklets. Rand's height is confirmed in an actual letter from Jordan though. And he's the same height as Lan except Lan is swole as fuck.

he's a real cutie pie lads

Attached: Josha.still35.jpg (1200x700, 50K)

thank you, that helps... it's still a dumpsterfire but at least they might get the main character right... maybe...

user, no homolust allowed!

Yep prose fags just can't enjoy fun things unless it is all 25 cent words. Not everything has to sound like you are reading Shakespeare to be entertaining.

I will forgive them for literally everything and get prime instead of pirating if they just cast Hendricks for Graendal.

Attached: hendricks gold.jpg (1440x1922, 1.37M)

>based on how every male describes them.
My whole life, men have exclaimed over C and D cup titties like they're massive bazongas. And then you go "here, let me show you what big really is", and show them a hitomi size, and they go "That's too big, they're bigger than her head, her back must hurt".
So from my perspective, when I hear men salivating over tits, I assume they're C or D, and I sleep. When I hear, "Yeesh, those look painful", then I'm interested.

>According to the RPG, he [Perrin] is 'half a head' shorter than Rand.
>tfw Perrin's actor is 6'5
>Rand's actor is 6'2

I wouldn't forgive it all, but damn, that'd be a nice choice.

black and hispanic girls are insane you fucking prajeet. They think you owe them something because they are ethnic when you really just want to stick it and quit it.

>"That's too big, they're bigger than her head, her back must hurt"
Literally only jealous roasties say this. The same people who get assblasted about asian girls and claim they look like children. The point is that the men in the series have women around them like we do in our world as well, but there are several female characters who stand out because of their bust in the series, meaning that they are bigger than the usual you'd see.

Seriously have sex. You're obsession with a bad 80s Tolkien clone is kind of not healthy.

>strangely animalistic

So... Bantu.

I remember when Rand and Lan are practice fighting, it's said that Rand has more shoulder than Lan.

I'm sorry I've just never found silverback gorillas to be sexually attractive. And hispanic girls all fucking stink.

What if Eva Green as Tylin

Make her the sul'dam who collars Egwene and make it extra kinky.

I've never read Tolkien. And probably never will. NOT to contrarian. But because everyone says that everyone else copies it. So the way I see it: if I avoid the source material, then it will never spoil me for all the copycats. I can just enjoy these various clones for what they are, rather than constantly comparing to Tolkien's work.

>Literally only jealous roasties say this
Not at all. Men say this all the time. It's always their first thought that comes spilling out of their uncreative caveman brains.

What kind of soiboys do you hang out with?

Yeah he has broader shoulders, but Lan is described as heavily muscled in the same scene.

I mean, I'm not saying that you'd have to be some stereotypical
>haha TITS and BEER am I right lads lol
-type, but that shit sounds 100% what only jealous women and male feminists who try to score points with the jealous women would say.

Who? What?


God I would hope they made it properly TV-MA and got those titties out.
We've all seen Eva Green's tits before, but I like seeing them. She really could do a good Tylin too, she's got that "crazy nympho bitch" act down.

I mean I'd read it as it's kind of an important book in the development of the fantasy genre. Also check out Howard's original Conan stories.

It's just men in general. Of all types. You find it comforting to think it's only weak feminists men. But I hear the same sentiment spoken by men of all types. And I'm disgusted every time. I don't know how to prove it. It' just something that happens.

That's one of the stupidest things I have ever read, you are missing out on great things. You should really rethink your life's goals, this probably isn't the only things you are fucking up.

Where do you live?

You're right. I meant wider shoulders. Saying "more shoulders" was confusing.

No thanks. I've watched the lord of the ring movies. And it doesn't seem like the world I would enjoy. Oh sure, I bet the movies don't do the books justice. But eh... I'd rather forego one fantasy world, if it means heightened enjoyment for dozens of other fantasy worlds.

>Egwene died
The Flame of Tar Valon preserves, friendo.

There's definitely some astroturfing going on. diff this thread with previous /wot/s and you might get an inkling. I've been around here forever.

Tennant for Daved Hanlon

Attached: david tennant.jpg (1600x720, 183K)

wait a sec
is anything posted about the castings here true, or youre all just overblowing just rumors as usual?

Or it's just the same few people who are always posting in WoT threads and some of them got annoyed by the casting and keep posting the same criticisms? You can't even explain WHAT you think this claimed astroturfing is trying to accomplish.

Tolkien is worth reading completely on its own, it's fucking COMFY the way he describes things at times.
While yeah, some people will feel that other authors are "copycats" or derivative I don't think that's really a BAD thing, Tolkien himself was derivative of old folk stories he just popularized it as a genre to the masses and it is not a bad thing to write within that genre. People want escapist fantasy stories and sci fi stories. We have a mundane life we live every day, sometimes we just want to visit another world that isn't ruled by today's culture and politics (then this TV show fucks it all up by injecting modern political discussion in a fantasy world)

I really need to read some Conan stories. I've played some of the more recent Conan games and watched the movies (the first one is Kino, second one.. eh.. it's okay), and I've read into some of the Hyborian Age lore and it's fascinating. REALLY need to get around to just reading his stuff.

user I'm gonna tell you right there that my having read Tolkien has not diminished my ability to enjoy any other fantasy author's works one bit. Now reading Robert Jordan has made it hard for me to enjoy Sword of Truth series that came after wheel of time started because it's pretty obvious who Terry Goodkind was inspired by (Robert Jordan) but for the most part, they all craft their own worlds and I don't find them really "copying" Tolkien, just writing in the same genre maybe having a few species in common with him, he himself got Elves and Dwarves and Goblins and Dragons and Trolls from other sources.

Plain explanation helps the opposition, idiot.

In the US. Maryland. It's not only where I live though. It's real life, it's media, it's forums, it's youtube, it's comment sections. Everywhere. I think most men *say* they like big tits. But what they really like, are a safe and conservative C or D cup. But they're repulsed by tits that are actually big, like Rachel Aldana, or Leanne Crow, or Samanta Lily, or Tessa Fowler.

For most men, "big tits" is like prime Lindsay Lohan. These are the same men who always argue about "proportion".

Attached: ESpog7m.jpg (1024x768, 69K)

Could've just said that you're a paranoid schizophrenic from the start.

This should have been three separate posts. Do not digestpost. It's stupid and wrong.


titsama, reveal yourself!!

Not letting a Daved Hanlon mention go by without a (You)

who gave this chimpanzee makeup?

>Now reading Robert Jordan has made it hard for me to enjoy Sword of Truth series that came after wheel of time started because it's pretty obvious who Terry Goodkind was inspired by (Robert Jordan)
See, that's interesting. Because during my read of WoT, I starting to rethink ASoIaF. There were some phrasing and concepts that sounded very similar. And I know they came out around the same time, so it's not likely that they copied from each other. But perhaps they both pulled from Tolkien. I can chalk it up to a big coincidence, because I'll never know where they got their samey sounding ideas. But if I did read Tolkien, and I did learn exactly what copied from him, then it would diminish my enjoyment of both these books.

Attached: WheelOfTime.png (1152x3701, 1.29M)

Don't read Tolkien, it's not worth the trouble.

what if we like those C and D cups AND we like true titty monsters?

It's just easier than waiting a minute between posts when I want to reply to multiple posts. Fuck off sperg.

Then you're alright in my book. I like all of those things too. I'm just saying how most men react to boobs.

Pay for Yea Forums.

Fucking gringos ruin everything

>min, elayne, and aviendha represent the 3 aspects of Rands personality
They DO?! I missed that entirely. I can't even conceive of it now. It just came across of hamfisted harem anime antics to me.

Ya I'm out, this is why I watch anime. I can't wait for civil war 2 sjw boogaloo.

They will just make Elayne and Avi fuck each other as well because most of the "fans" are too fucking dumb to understand friendship and think it must always be sexual when two characters show affection to each other. They had a ceremony that made them sisters, but these mouthbreathers think they they were ACTUALLY lesbians and that ceremony was just coding for them getting gay married or something retarded like that.

Yeah, reading a few books takes a crazy amount of time and effort.

It's a shitty fantasy series. Good luck getting them.

Rand is part Aiel, part Andoran royalty and he grew up as a simple country boy. His three girls all represent one of those aspects.

>implying "Tolkien" means JRR

I've read Tolkien, Jordan, and Martin, and I find very little borrowed from anyone in particular Terry Goodkind's world and magic system just had SO much in common with Jordan's and it came out years after the wheel of time started being published. Things like "chainfire" which erases people from memory, sounds a hell of a lot like "balefire" which erases people completely from existence (their soul doesn't even exist anymore).
Between those 3 though? All enjoyable, all different.

And Alanna? That's just the rape of life.

He's gay.

I guess she represents the bloody tower messing around

Alanna was not exactly a part of his harem.

>I have never discussed anything whatsoever with Terry Goodkind. I suggest that you check the publication dates of his books and mine. Of course, he says he has never read me, or so I'm told, and I would never contradict a statement like that. Just check out the pub dates on his books, and the pub dates on mine

- Bob jordan

... that's it? That's not even his personality. He doesn't know what it means to be Aiel, and he's distant from the for the entire series. He has a poor grasp on what it means to be royalty, and just recklessly throws his title around to try and get whatever he wants. Short of that working, he's disappears in order to remain "unpredictable". I guess Min really is the closest to him in personality. But she falls in love with him for no good reason, and is unable to deny him anything. She's like puddy in his hands. One could argue that she's being coerced by his Ta'veren pull. Metaphysically chained, like a Damane.

But she bonded him so she's still in there

>That's not even his personality.
It's not so much about his personality but rather who and what he is.

So because he happens to be these three aspects, then that means he should get the pussy of all three aspects?
Wow, such symbolism. Very important to the character.


You know what's really, really funny? I'm Zoë Robins and I've been participating in this thread from the get-go. I'm a gigantic WoT nerdess and, really, I'm the best possible person to portray the role of Nynaeve Al'Meara, wisdom of the Two Rivers. None of you will ever understand my pain.

yeah.. that's what I'm saying. Sword of Truth came out later and is suspiciously similar. Terry Goodkind is a hack.

Look, I'm not saying the main hero can't have three wives. But that plot really added little to nothing to the series. It was actually pretty cringey how they whole story halted for Elayne and Aviendha to become first sisters. And again, it was put on pause for Elayne to fuck rand. That whole scene felt like it was written for an anime. Suddenly it's all lighthearted and goofy, in the midst of all this serious drama.

And I was never sold on Min. Hell, by the end of the book, Aviendha and Min never become more than acquaintances. Yet they keep insisting that they need to make it work. For what?! By the end of the story, their triple bond didn't even play a part. Hell, fucking dead Egwene helped Rand more than their bond.

It was pointless. I'm sorry. But they would need to retool that plot line, in order to make it actually mean something.

Tits or gtfo Umlaut Robins.

Post your feet.

fake and gay, and even if it were true, she looks nothing like the description in the books, and if she was a WoT nerd, she'd understand why it was a thing for the Two Rivers folk to be kind of monolithic in appearance not diverse.

prove it

Check out the theoryland archive. Everyone was aware of what was going on, and questioned Robert Jordan about it repeatedly. His responses are kind of hilarious.