chad cinema candy only
Chad cinema candy only
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Why do people hate these?
They get old really fast. I like about 10 junior mints then after that they become gross, too bad because you just bought a box with 50 of them and now you're stuck with it.
Also the mint flavor is really artificial and gross.
junior mints are OK but I generally don't like the mint/chocolate pairing. it's an odd sensation and doesn't taste great. you wouldn't brush your teeth with chocolate would you?
You're a weak stomached beta, m9. Can you redpill me on Good and Plenties? I've never had them.
It's very refreshing
I've always been a fan of the mint-chocolate pairing. I like York Peppermint Patties too, so Junior Mints are also good for me.
>eating candy
>needing snacks to watch a movie
I'm fat, but this shit is just stupid.
Enjoy your toothpaste candy.
GnP are candy coated pieces of licorice very tasty and very based. The only issue is licorice lowers test so you shouldn't eat it more than a couple times per year. That being the case I prefer to eat ultra high quality licorice from Europe when I decide to have it.
Jerry, that's enough.
how the fuck did he come up with this shit
>consuming empty calories
large diet yikes
Holy shit just STFU
How do these taste? and do you get enough?
Seems like they taste like licorice
...Or Ike?
snocaps and bunch a crunch were best. those mini butterfinger bites were really good too
not just licorice, black licorice
>I'm fat
Stopped reading right there, fatty.
Your fat, you don't get to decide what is or isn't stupid. Suffer a heart attack already, fatty.
Hardest decision since choosing between left and right twix.
my choice, nuff said.
you don’t see em at the movies nowadays very much
gummy worms
Snow Caps better
I had a box of these once not at the movies and they were really warm, not properly prepared for eating at all, but it totally turned me off to them.
listen, all I'm saying is you should just go for crab legs instead of candy
>gummy peaches
God damn this is patrician
I'm too beta for them
The chewy ones are based. The original ones will just give you cavities.
Mint chocolate ice cream is almost like heroin, you don't even understand.
Step aside.
Nevermind. I'm thinking of "hot tomales"
redhots are shit no matter which kind you get
Still the best, always the best.
cope spicycel these are red hots for kids
Patrician taste. Junior Mints are the best cinema candy.
>anything besides peanut
Peanut was literally in his picture you turbo virgin
Chad taste, user. Raisins are the God's dried fruit.
the picture implied peanut was on the same level and regular, and we both know that isn't true.
Top tier.
haha i didn't like the roof of my mouth anyway haha
The one and only
But they are though, don't (You) me
what the fuck is that?
How do you people still eat these? Popcorn/Nachos are the only thing to eat at the theatres. I don't even eat candy anymore.
i wish i could eat candy but they make my teeth hurt desu my teeth are kinda fucked up but i dont think theres any point in spending money on them because im going to kill myself before they become a serious problem i just wish i could eat sweets and drink soda more often
I think there's a soul alive that actually likes this shit
>made with real fruit
Just suck on four at a time. Get a big old swath of saliva and acid and attempt to swallow it all in one go
Why is that funny to you? Of course it's made with real fruit, it's fucking raisins.
>Literally multiple posters in this thread alone like both of those candies.
M&Ms are based because you can eat a handful of popcorn and through a few M&Ms in there so it tastes like chocolate coated popcorn, which is very good. If you do it with Skittles it tastes like Froot Loops.
Also good, but I like crunch’s textute and sweeter chocolate personally
that stinks, my man. If anything they’re best a little chilled.
there's no reason to eat sugar
Licorice coated in hardened Pepto Bismal
Overrated tbqhwyf
There's no reason to live either, we're all just going to die, might as well just kys now
my nigga
Dats right Bill. So are Necco Wafers and Circus Peanuts. Dang kids and their sour shit. Who enjoys that? None for me, thank you. I'll take a Good n Plenty!
i used to order theater nachos, until i realized that they average 1100 calories per serving alone
Roman soldiers ate it constantly user and they were high test as fuck, though they also drank vinegar I suppose.
>everlasting gobstoppers
>there is clearly more than one in the packet
Am I supposed to give one to everyone in the theatre so they don't shoot me?
>Americans confirmed for not having Jaffas.
You poor souls.
Also Natural Confectionery Snakes & Snickers Pods smuggled in from a supermarket.
I actually like how artificially flavoured is almost a selling point.
For me, it's Rockaleta.
The only choice.
Only Chad's appreciate this
That's what always bugs me about gummy candy like the Swedish "Gott och Blandat" ("Good and Mixed". Very tasty and I do love it, but jesus, does it ever get stuck in your teeth.
god tier swedish candy coming through
wish i could find them in the us
Shit, haven't had a Kexchoklad in a while.
This one is top tier, too. Not sure how to explain the texture, it's like a very firm gummy with a solid surface.
Also, I really need to buy one of these tomorrow, I've had a real craving for them today.
More like gay and faggy
Megachad choice.
Something about them.
I haven't been able to find those in years
my nigga
I'm a simple man.
what's your take on red vines?
red vines > twizzlers
and its not close
Pull and Peel Twizzlers > everything
black licorice is sugared tar
because candy toothpaste is disgusting
I'm 32 and literally haven't tried these since I was >10, but I remember hating them. Don't they taste like black licorice or something?
>"taste like" black licorice
>not "aren't they" black licorice
At that age, should know how to speak with more surety.
Quints for jujubees
based and crabpilled
aren't those runts?
cherry ones are as based as they are hard to find
also based
Blew my mind, forgot all about these
put me in the screencap
Newfag found.
For me it's: Snickers bites, Peanut M&M's, chocolate covered peanuts or a mixture of Reese's Pieces and Peanut M&Ms.
at least it wasnt one of those newfangled shitty memes
not saying that's a good meme anyway
My nigga
>defending ancient memes
Fuck off, gramps
Do it for the kex
same. don't enjoy the gum in blow pops, so i preferred these. can't find em anymore.
It's only 10 years old, unless that's older than (You).
the patrician choice honestly
Probably artificial anyways therefore I'm correct
Those are Runts, you fucking poser
Don't care nigger, because I didn't even get the get. I'm committing sudoku.
>Yea Forums
>will endlessly defend pirate/stream content
>will endlessly defend paying $6 for a box of chocolate
For me, it's Goobers
you guys ever try slowing biting down on a jolly rancher? its basically impossible to open your mouth until it dissolves
you can't pirate candy
For me it's a big bag of beef jerkey then I'll fart up the place so much the people next to me will move and i can stretch out
Absolutely revolting
Chandy(chad candy) coming through
Zoomers btfo
fuck i forgot about these. sweet tarts were better but these were chewy if that's what you wanted
>Probably artificial
>I'm correct
>not probably correct
Never mind. Just be you.
You guys are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
For me, it’s buncha crunch
go to a theater with a dollar store near it, all these boxes will be $1
too sweet
Dollar Tree has them.
They have a great candy aisle.
>"Never mind" hurr durr
You should learn to keep your unwarranted suggestions to yourself, and maybe work on your own grammar. Who gives a flying fuck what you think.