New still from JOKER
New still from JOKER
who cares
Who farted lol
I do
Look what society did to him
I can't wait for this to come out and Stacy finally realize how wrong she was.
>muh capeshit!
No one cares.
It's based joaquin dressing up as a clown and being an incel. Shaddup
Who are you, the boss of Yea Forums?
>look how kurazy this joker guy is
>better fill out that prescription goy
>NOOOO you cant just say the bad guy has reasons for being bad! He should just accept responsability and wife up a 35 year old roastie slut!!
no me.
As the real boss of Yea Forums seeing as I'm the one who made the first post AND can correctly predict the box office of a movie better than anyone else on the board I say me
People tell me to smile more
But I have nothing to smile for
They don't understand
i can't believe joaquin's been reduced to this
Will this film be responsible for getting our guns taken away in america? Is it a psyop?
Look at how society massacred our clown.
>homelander is just like me
>joker is just like me
so which is it?
It's going to be his best role since You Were Never Really Here
Looks based af to be quite Frank desu
>tfw got a chance to loose my virginity, but she's so ugly, appareantly she's a virgin too, WTF do i do bros?
is this fucking real? jesus christ.
This says A LOT about our society...
Just do it faggot
Once your dick is inside a girl she instanly becomes at least 6/10
It's not. The real script calls him JOKER. but the real script has it's fair share of awful lines
He hasn't been reduced to anything. He picked the script because he liked it a lot and it was a movie he'd been wanting to do for a while which was a smallscale capeshit character study.
So this is basically Phoenix going "neat, I remember the Dark Knight, let's make a prequel for that Joker but not really"
You do realize actors don't write the movies, right?