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The Martian > slamming the car door on my dick > Gravity > Interstellar

This but exactly the other way around


Interstellar>Gravity>The Martian

moon >>> power gap >>> sunshine > gravity > interstellar > martian
no need to mention the true classics

Attached: zoidyslow.gif (200x200, 103K)

Moon>The 3 films in the OP


The Martian has a lot of stupid shit
>”take that Neil Armstrong” I’m so epic XD
>fucking Donald Glover in this “quirky weirdo is actually a genius just like Rick&Morty XD” role that comes out of nowhere
Interstellar bugs me too
>dude it’s so trippy and epic just like 2001 XD
Never seen Gravity so I can’t judge

Cinematic: Interstellar=Gravity
Ost: Interstellar
Character development: Gravity

Martian has nothing. The "Haha we all know about this Tolkien book we are SO nerds" was absolute cringe.
Also it's unforgivable that they dodged the oportunity of Sean Bean going "I'm Boromir"

lol moon was shite

Even though both The Martian and Gravity are overall superior to Interstellar, the emotional weight and score, make that film remarkable.

Martian doesn't even feel like a ridley film

if you have close neighbours, they'll think you're watching loud porn if you're viewing Gravity

Interstellar is 50% a good movie, the other half is cringe af



these 3 and moon are all mediocre at best

Interstellar > Martian > gravity

I really do not understand why reddit likes moon so much? babbys first "le everything is not as it le appears" film?

haven't seen The martian, will see tonight, but the rest of this post is accurate




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There was a point in Yea Forumss history when hivemend genuinely though that Sam Rockwell is a best actor alive. Moon jerking is just remains of those days

Oh enlighten us with your top notch suggestions of sci fi

I liked the kinky computer. Gerry. Or Gertl. Or something like that.

Back to 9GAG

I loved Gravity, Interstellar was ok I guess, and I'm never going to watch The Martian because Matt Damon is a charisma black hole

I have only read the Martian, but apart from the sometimes tryhard humor it was pretty good.
I also enjoyed Gravity.
Interstellar as a big disappointment.

This numéro dos


moon was great
>t. boomer

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You remember how in the book they say you can't use a fire extinguisher for maneuvering in space, because that would be retarded? Well guess what they do in the movie!

movie average but this soundtrack was kino as fuck

Is it bad that I actually liked Gravity? I enjoyed how atmospheric it was and how it focused more on the shear loneliness of space instead of the mission trying to get back to earth.


>4.9/10 Rotten Tomatoes
>41/100 Metacritic
>B CinemaScore
Yeah, no thanks.


Martian 3/10
Gravity 4/10
Interstellar 8/10

Gravity is the worst Cuaron movie by far

I thought Interstellar was garbage the first time I watched it, and Gravity blew me away the first time I saw it.

I've seen both multiple times since then and my opinion became the exact opposite. The Martian is just a well made, enjoyable popcorn movie, so it's somewhere between the two.

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No, why would it be bad, it's a good movie

No but you have to deal with a lot of shit for those 5 minutes of good atmosphere

Attached: Event-Horizon-large.jpg (1000x1417, 276K)

Attached: Gravity 1.webm (1280x536, 2.88M)

Wait so you justtrust those websites?
I mean they are not wrong in this particular case but still

Could you elaborate? Both Gravity and Martian are extremly unrealistc. The 'fantastic' stuff in Interstellar would rather be labeled speculative, than unrealistic. Gravity absolutly ignores the laws of physics and ironically gravity the most (the scene, where George Cloony is let go) Martian felt to me like if a 10 year old wrote it. I SCIENCE THE SHIT OUT OF THIS!

Martian is actually really good if you watch it as s comedy. Just notice how many SNL actors and/or writers did they hire for this


and they're all shit

Attached: Interstellar Webm 2 Coming up on Saturn.webm (1280x720, 2.17M)

Gravity > Interstellar > The Martian


I feel like Gravity is the weakest link here. Between the Martian and Interstellar I would probably pick Interstellar, but the Martian wasn't as bad as gravity so, Guess... Interstellar > Martian >>> Gravity. In that order.

this but unironically

Event Horizon is Pre-Imperium Warhammer 40k

The Martian
>masturbatory hardish SF
>catered to STEMfags
>Gary Stu
>uses science as a verb
>prodigal female scientist
>Chinese-American collab
>whole point is Science can solve anything
I'd take the dumber options of Gravity and Interstellar any day.

I've never seen any but I guarantee the Matt Damon movie is the worst

Interstellar was peak Nolan, everyone acts like an autistic robot you can barely hear the dialog of because of the dogshit sound mixing he loves for some reason and all coherent writing goes out the window for muh visuals. The Martian was ok but leans into the dude I love the epic science reddit memery a bit too much. Gravity is what an average movie should be, a concise narrative that conveys a characters experience well, but just not being lame makes it extremely amazing for modern sci-fi.


The Martian is by far the worst of the three. The "I F*CKING LOVE SCIENCE" shit gets really old really fast.

>Slight gap
The Martian
>A really big power gap
>The largest power gap known to man
>An even slightly larger gap than that one

My negro

>Gary Stu
Ok now I know you are either dumb or baiting

This is gonna be better than all these.



>literally apocalypse now but in space

First Man > Gravity > Interstellar > The Martian


Anyone who thinks that Gravity's "LOL PHILOSOPHY" is less annoying and forced than The Martian's "LOL SCIENCE" needs to pull their head out of their ass and think about their life.

I completely forgot CinemaScore even existed.

The Martian > Interstellar > shit > Gravity

Those are all shit m8

that FUCKING martian movie was so fucking shit fuck that movie fuck ufkcu fu
the book had one thing going for it, it was the thing that made it sell super fast and be a good fucking book and that was the veil of naive realism, mix it with science fiction and haldf-decent writing and a bit of luck and you are fucking golden in [current year]. and i liked it, read it faster than most books, it kept you wanting more like that becuase you knew there was going to be some sort of payoff and you knew it was going to feel earned, there wasnt going to be some magic bullshit end scene that defied all natural laws of the universe, yeah it was unrealistic but the book kept it within the realms of possibility and shat enough "science" in there to make it feel earned.

fuck the fucking film.
they lead you through the same facade of sham science in the beginning. it felt like the book. damon's character was a little off the hook but that's normal for a guy stranded on another planet. the middle of the film struggled past the ever constant book-to-screen issue that juggled narrative consistency as well as a downie on crack where the book did it brilliantly, but you could look past it because at least it kept up that facade of vague realism well enough that you wanted to see the payoff.
and then the fucking end happened
and we see everything happen in the film that the book explicitly scoffs at as fairytale movie-magic, and then THEY FUCKING DO IT IN THE MOVIE FUCK THEM FUCKW [FEDOFIMG[ER
fuck fu[]
fucking thing fucking film fuck this

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All three were rather mediocre. The last space film I enjoyed was Europa Report.

Interstellar >The Martian
I can't rate Gravity on this list because I've fallen asleep watching it every time I try to finish it, might be good though so who knows

Not at all. Movies with a much smaller focus are generally much stronger than movies with a huge focus and a huge scale and a huge cast. There are exceptions, but not many. And I wish moviemakers would stop to always shoehorn in larger and more epic scales, because kino. Fuck this noise. And this is exactly why I think Gravity is far better than Interstellar, which is a mess.

>he doesn't like sandra bullock barking like a dog

meh > boring shit >>>>> fuck nolan

Intestellar>The Martian>Gravity


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Gravity is probably the ONLY 3D film worth watching. And it's also a film that is worth watching in the cinema. DVD release of Gravity is pretty boring in comparison.
Cinema: 9/10
DVD: 6-7/10

Martian is passable. 6-7/10.
Interstellar will rot your brain with how OP the power of love is. 5/10. Looks nice though.

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I was enjoying Passengers for a while there.
I thought there were great moments where Starlord got depressed and hairy etc. The iflm should probably have been more focused on dealing with extreme isolation.

As soon as JLaw got involved, the plot sort of derailed. Fuck she's a hopeless actor. I liked her in Silver Linings and have hated her in everything else.

Even the Solaris remake, which almost everyone seems to think is shit, is far superior than the above movies.


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All three are pleb shit


The funny thing with passenger is that any moron can tell right away how to fix this shit: use jllaw's pov, start with her waking up, then make em kill each other towards the end, why not take the whole god damn ship with you and ram it into some funky star or planet. now that would have been KINO.
Using the dude's pov and making cheesy loveshit out of it is just so fucking retarded.

That version is way better than the original shitfest

I still haven't gotten around to watching the original. I saw the Clooney one in cinemas thinking it was gonna be a sci-fi action movie like most of the ones I had on VHS. Wasn't prepared for what I got. Didn't fully understand it at the time, but the soundtrack has stuck with me ever since.

I remember looking it up later and everyone was shitting on the remake and saying the original was better. It's still on my to-do list, but I'll miss the score of the remake.

Yeah, I've heard that argument before and still probably agree that it would have been better that way.

Stop using the word kino when talking about a fucking flick starring jlaw and chris pratt you utter mong.

Have to go with this one. The Martian was so fucking bad.

Martian: Good
Gravity: Bad
Interstellar: Bad

It's hard to compare since they're massively different films despite the fact they're all set in space.

Gravity has great spectacle and tension but there's literally no plot or characters, making it considerably more shit on subsequent viewings.

The Martian has some annoying memey scenes but definitely has the most coherent plot. Nicely grounded, low-stakes etc.

Interstellar is just dogshit. It's visually boring because of Nolan's autistic "everything must be real" attitude (infuriatingly wasting hoyte van hoytema's talents), the characters are stunningly boring, the science is nonsensical - which would be fine if it took itself less seriously - but the entire film feels like it's attempting to tell us some grand message about humanity and love and the meaning of life. It's my go-to example when defining the word "pretentious".

ralletsretnI > ytivarG > kcid ym no rood rac eht gnimmals > naitraM ehT

Gravity was the best pure entertainment movie
Interstellar was more thought provoking and ambitions
The Martian sucks ass and was made to cater to big bang audience plebs - most overrated 'science fiction' of the past decade

>Interstellar was more thought provoking and ambitions

The power of love is literally greater than the power of a black hole. Very thought provoking. Armageddon had a better love story between father and daughter than this shitfest.

>telling other anons how to speak
for one, go fuck yourself, and for two, even the most mainstream/popular normalfag actors can shine if handled correctly, so your argument is utterly flawed to boot. dipshit.

People are way too easily knocked out on a mental level.
>music pulling just the right strings
>some shitty backstory revealed with the perfectly timed cut
>tears and lots of crying
or something along those lines. Once you have the audience in this state, you can basically feed them anything, as long as you keep the endorphins and testosterone and what not going - just right. They probably have an exact formula for this shit by now. They do in the music industry.

>The power of love is literally greater than the power of a black hole.

Shit was dumb as fuck. Even now, spacecraft have multiple layers of redundancy in their systems. Why wouldn't a big-ass interstellar generation ship not have an extra few hibernation pods?

And even so, Armageddon (a bloody Michael Bay movie) does a better job.
Bruce Willis doing his sacrifice for the sake of his daughter's love vs Interstellar Man who basically finds himself in the future where his family are old or dead and he's just like...welp I guess I'll go bang Anne Hathaway if she's still alive. We had a bit of fun on those couple days I knew her.

Well, yeah. But Nolan is a hack. Especially in anything human. He just doesn't know how to.

>Fly real close to a black hole
>Gravity is super strong
>Ghost back in time to Earth and fuck around with a bookshelf to leave dust clues that decode from morse code so your daughter can eventually translate some shit in order to close a time loop because it turns out your future self was responsible for getting your past self on this mission in the first place.


I wouldn't go that far. I don't think that's fair. I just think he got a little too big for his boots.
I really liked Memento and Prestige

>Look up Nolan on IMDB
>There's a remake of Memento in the works
Fucking why?

I mean that part was legitimately dumb, the science of the film otherwise involving relativistic physics effects and higher dimensional geometry was still interesting and thought provoking regardless

>Anne Hathaway
P.S. I can't fucking stand that bitch. Interstellar didn't make it any better. I don't know exactly why, but I think it's her face/facial expression. Bleh.

>Ghost back in time to Earth

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>Memento and Prestige
Those are fine, but certainly no examples for Nolan knowing how to human. He does not. And these movies are typical gimmick and twists kino. Personally I'm not too big of a fan of those. I like my movies a bit more organically and chaotic. No rhymes needed. But yeah, I enjoyed those as well, especially the latter.

>Hey dad, did you call me Murph because of Murphy's Law?

>Not necessarily. But that's basically what most of this movie is about. It was done much better in 1995. It was called Apollo 13 back then. Now we've just tacked on a lot of horseshit and people are more than happy to eat it up.

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>Muh love dimension

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Gravity? More like Gravishity! am i right?

>Those are fine, but certainly no examples for Nolan knowing how to human.
I'll give you that.
And I will also concede that both those movies rely on the same gimmick twist for a final punch.
Huh. I guess he did exactly the same shit with his Batman movies too now that I think of it.
>Liam Neeson was Ras Algul the whole time!
>Joker switched the addresses!
>Talia was Talia the whole time!

>He's done this revenge trip multiple times and willingly forgets to keep himself happy on a mission

>He had a twin the whole time
>Also clones!

>The whole movie was a dream the whole time!

Wow that's depressing.
He's basically a more successful M Night Shyamalan

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Imagine being so retarded you rate interstellar as 10/10

That's basically what happened, friend.

this desu


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uh it was gravity sweaty

No they can't when it's a fucking garbage flick that was made to pay them tens of millions of dollars so faggots would go see it thinking it was a romantic type movie

and no chris pratt nor jlaw can shine in any kino they never have

Passengers 1/10
Martian 1/10
Gravity 5/10
Interstellar 5/10
Alien Covenant 7/10
Prometheus 7/10

reminder that anyone who thinks gravity isnt a piece of shit is a philistine

Oh man. Those Alien films are a whole other bag of chips to dive into.

Prometheus was basically the TFA of Alien.
Covenant doubled down and became the TLJ of Alien.
I would hesitate to rate either of them higher than a 6.

And don't be ridiculous. Passengers and Martian are both at least a 5-6/10.

You have to make an utter travesty for it to get a failing grade. I absolutely despised TLJ and I'd still give it around a 3-4/10

If you don't watch Gravity in 3D at the cinema, then I agree with you that Gravity is a relatively dull film not worth watching.

All shit compared to this


>Prometheus was basically the TFA of Alien.
This is the most retarded thing I've ever fucking heard. Prometheus was good and filtered the aliens loving plebs

TFA pandered to the ot crowd and didn't do anything different at all.

Also TLJ is great.

You need to stop being ridculous Martian and Passengers are trash movies that are worthless.


Fucking kill yourselves.

Attached: Love.jpg (1179x719, 196K)

You can kill yourselves too.

You have to be not autistic in order to understand love, autist.

Prometheus was a movie about everyone taking turns at holding the idiot ball in order for things to happen. Sometimes multiple people would hold it at the same time. It also served to more or less reset the lore of Alien.

Space Jockey is now just a tall, albino, ripped human. Responsible for seeding Earth with life by drinking black goo which disintegrates him to allow his genetic material to disperse into the environment. Black goo can also be used to turn worms into snakes. And a single drop in a glass of water will turn a guy into a zombie. But before he turns into a zombie, he can knock up his infertile girlfriend with a squid alien.

And if that squid alien grows into a larger squid alien and impregnates a Space Jockey, it will spawn a Not-Quite-Alien.

Okie dokie then.

Slap on top some bare bones discussion on the nature of god.

Stop watching these garbage sci-fi flicks. If you want real space-kino watch First Man, Apollo 13, Apollo 11 (highly recommend this) and The Farthest.

Attached: First_Man_2018_720p_BluRay_DD5.1_x264LoRD3.webm (1100x618, 2.96M)


love is the driving force behind THEIR actions, you actual incel

Dont forget, we have Kino in September

Attached: September Kino.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

In the end it's a question of what you try to get out of a movie (or a book for that matter). Do you seek thrill and excitement? Then this is exactly the stuff that will make you happy. And as such, twist/gimmick stuff isn't necessarily bad storytelling.
I get excited too by a good titty twister. Shit is fun. Which why it sells. Which why they keep writing like this.

Yeah, it doesn't particularly ruin the experience when I look back at Memento and Prestige. I still think they're both great.

I enjoyed Inception a lot on first watching at the cinema. But I think that was largely because I was going through a depressing phase and liked the idea of committing suicide in order to wake up.
When watching it again, I just found the music incredibly fucking loud which seemed an effort to make scenes "epic". I noticed Interstellar did that as well.
Interstellar annoyed me a lot on first viewing. I don't think I've tried watching it since.

Twists don't necessarily ruin movies. Unless too much of the plot hinges on that twist such as The Village, etc.

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What are you talking about? Matt Damon wasn’t in the Martian that was Mark Wahlberg you fucking retard.

Interstellar is the best one. The ending was supposed to be different anyway, with Coop relaying the data from tars back to earf to help them make spaceships and shit

Is that not what he did?

yes but he wasn't suppose to live. TARS goes into the event horizon and records data from the black hole to help humans on earf crack the gravity drive problem.
Coop spying on his daughter through the hyper-dimensional peephole through out her teenage years was just an add on.