The Witcher showrunner says the reason they race changed certain characters is because of American Slavery...

The Witcher showrunner says the reason they race changed certain characters is because of American Slavery. How does this make me feel?

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I'm not mentally ill, so I don't consider the casting in a fantasy TV show to be an act of genocide and don't really care all that much, though I do think it's nice that historically marginalized groups are finally getting some representation in media.

Everything she's said here is seems right.

>"god we hope not"
no one says that.

>I'm not mentally ill, so I don't consider the casting in a fantasy TV show to be an act of genocide and don't really care all that much, though I do think it's nice that historically marginalized groups are finally getting some representation in media.

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>having anything to do with American slavery

As a slav, who's ancestors were far more likely to have been slaves than to have owned any, I find this to be absolutely hilarious.

Americans just ruin everything

AmeriKKKa needs to be nuked.

It makes you feel ANGRY

Her polish friends represent every polish person btw.

I didnt either until I realised that in movies that take place in Africa or are about Athrican mythology the cast is 100 percent black with no white people to be found

I can't wait for this trash to be derided by both critics and fans of The Witcher books and games. What a waste of based Henry Cavill.

these people are so fucking dumb.

if she just leaves in the american accent in the video game and the slavic hod we hope notshes got an answer,

by including the retarded american slavery part, she pisses people off, loses viewers and then will turn around and call people racist for her own stupidity.

oh wait, the rich are just fucking with the rest of us to keep us distracted. never mind. .

>implying they're actually polish and not 14/88 MUH HERITAGE fags

The Witcher has nothing to do with America, it’s fucking Polish.
It’s clear what she meant, not America, but whites. She’s just too pussy to say it.

>I'm ruining everything over some misplaced sense of racial guilt
Yes. We know this. Please stop it.

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>Le Sooooooiiiiiiiiiiiii

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>"Can the Slavic culture be reduced solely down to skin color?"
Yes what an honest and totally not loaded question

>wanting your culture to be accuratly represented
>mentally ill
sounds like youre projecting there soifriend

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It's like asking if a tree can be reduced down to a seed. No, but you wouldn't have the tree, otherwise.

i'll just leave this here

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>it's nice that historically marginalized groups are finally getting some representation in media.
So you are mentally ill.

problem tranny?

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Anita is Armenian you racist

Ditto. I had a conversation with a black woman about it once. Apparently American blacks are the only slaves. Ever. And they built America.

>umm actually i asked my slavic friend seth rosenbergsky and he told me that poland isnt white

damn guys she has a point...

Doesn't that dumb cunt understand she's living her life of luxury because of enslaving, abusing and deriding people who aren't white?

This guys explains it well

>America was built out of cotton

what if they make their own movies? for their own people with themes that are important to them?
Instead of a hodgepodge of every race and sexual orientation where everyone acts exactly the same?

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I think it's pretty shit how people are treating Polish culture like its nothing considering just how oppressed the Poles have been.

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Largely, it's because Africans are too stupid to have a film industry. Bollywood is booming though.

They’re insane but it was expected.

>Polish people aren't marginalized

while i do agree on some things like choosing the best actor for the job while not being necessarily shackled by the race of the character (unless it's important to the story and setting) and appealing to a wider audience, but what fucking culture CAN be reduced to skin colour? what a dumb fucking point to make. that and that because of historical racism and slavery black people have to be forced into everything to "atone" for past mistakes, which is literally what she says

the left cant meme

nigeria tho

The early US economy was reliant on textiles
Due to the invention of the cotton gin it prolonged slavery
"America was built on slavery" is a bit of an oversimplification but technically correct

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Jordan Peele is doing that. I dislike his movies, but at least they're mostly original properties that he casts with mostly black folks, rather than an existing IP where they race swap everyone.

>historically marginalized groups
Central and Eastern Europeans?

14 is more popular in Poland than probably anywhere else. 88, not so much.

>unless it's important to the story and setting
It is. It's medieval Poland.

/pol/ uses nothing but buzzwords.

did i say it's not here?

every person I’ve talked to irl is exited for the show, the trailer has tons more likes than dislikes, yet, only on Yea Forums have I seen people upset. does it have something to do with being sexless?

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Ok cuck

Whelp, time to get the ATF or FBI!


Hey guys if you haven't noticed a lot of the themes in the witcher books deal with racism.

well it is being produced in and for the US primarily, isn't it? so i suppose whatever they think holds for american entertainment holds here. not that it's right though

Gotta do what she can to right all the acts of aggression of perpetrated on people of color by the Polish over the centuries.

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the only thing bad about him is the signalling whites who praise him constantly

>themes that are important to them?
Kill whitey?

That Hag LOL


BUT you ..
Hope Your.. Cancer eats at you an kills you an family soon !

reported to the fbi

>The Witcher showrunner says the reason they race changed certain characters is because of American Slavery. How does this make me feel?

It makes you feel like laughing.

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So they could have made all the elves and midgets black trannies. Bam, problem solved, everyones happy.


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They're ruining wheel of time with this bullshit too. I fucking hate this timeline so much. Please let us go into a nuclear war and just scrap the whole fucking thing.

>all caps rage spam
loving every laugh

>we changed the races because America has a history of slavery
But isn't The Witcher thematically about Polish culture and history? If you want to make a comment about America's history with slavery, why pick a franchise that has nothing to do with American history? Why not just make a show about slavery in America?

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Nice falseflag.

Let's be real, there won't be any 'Polish Culture' in this show, white or non-white. Because not a single person producing it is Polish, or (probably) even knows a Pole.

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You mean niggers who get over represented in media? You consider them under represented?

>So they could have made all the elves
They did. They cast blacks as extremely racist elves.

But this is based in Poland.

they had Witchers in medival Poland?

We run this joint budro

Why do people say they want to swing back the other way dramatically to find middleground? Just do the middleground first off, otherwise you're just racebaiting shit

Just a quick IP from here an you Regular Posted an said That, UK Lawyers an we get sorted ok

Your regular an did that with me , I tuck offense as I not Bad bloke ,


LAWYERs .. dont shit on me .. last time .. I I let them go .. then .. listen . Top money ok . 20K or I disclous... an He Paid up . durty Bastards saved Jail but I told every one him .../Cops Know .

Reminder you see nigs more than spics even though spics are 20% of the population so niggers are overrepresented.

Why are you lefitsts so duplicitous in your arguments?

They had niggers?

Woah, dude...
It's based on Polish folklore, dickhead. It's quintessentially Polish.

>I'm not mentally ill
>though I do think it's nice that historically marginalized groups are finally getting some representation in media.

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No blacks didnt exist in Slav territiry until the 1900s.

>Yea Forums-Racism & Shitposts

is anyone of you called Sapkowski?

We really need to start locking you creatures up.

>/pol/ boogie man

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>everyone in the world losing their shit over the "white washing" of Ancient Egypt a few years ago
Oh, so Egypt can have real Gods walking around, but it can't have white people?

if youre so against the board culture why are you even here

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So this is the power... Of arguments...

>real Gods
>white people
pretty much the same thing tbqh

>I'm not mentally ill, so

So you should support this.

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And she chooses to do this by butchering another artists work?

And it's going to be super successful, despite the fact that netflix will never release viewing figures.

hissrich claims it's being made for 190 countries

The actors were North African, but the dindu clan proved their room temperature IQ mistaking North Africans for white people.

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>Board Culture
>/pol/ & Yea Forums 2.0

US economy boomed due to industrialization. Niggers would have kept these states as agrarian shitholes.

still no banter!!!SAD!!!

>can't answer a simple question twice

Yesterday, I said something about Ancient Romans having European slaves on a Rome vs. Carthage thread. Then I see this article. The liberal/progressives are on these boards.

I can't wait for liberal/progressive Hollywood to do a movie on the animal and human sacrificing pagans of Carthage with their trade economy or the Ancient Romans with their farmers and their European slaves.

Fuck you.

this is extremely poor bait, fuck off.


I forgot the picture.

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Well at least they are not dishonest films

Cant wait for Shiva and Vishnu to be potrayed by asian and black guy.

what if they make their own OC? for their own people with themes that are important to them?
Instead of a hodgepodge of every Pepe and meme where everyone acts exactly the same?

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>dindu clan
My sides

Post how ugly and rough looking Hissrich looks. That kike looks at least 50. Ugly people on the outside aren't always ugly on the inside. But ugly people on the inside are always ugly on the outside.

/pol/ is the highest traffic board and Yea Forums is its colony i think reddit may be more to your liking

she is literally Jewish though so...yknow bad example

What the fuck, these communists don't give the fuck up. I guess the communists freeing slaves absolves them from all the other horrible shit, like the famines they caused and even those gulag prisons.

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Kill yourself fag

n-noooooooo s-shut up! me seeing a minority on screen is literally white male genocide!!!!!

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The left can't even copy memes.

No, incel, you go and kill yourself, you shitbag.

Seeing an interview with this girl was really cringe and pathetic. She knows nothing about the story, the books or the games. She has no idea about the world of the Witcher.
I'm pretty sure Cavill is the only one in that show that is familiar with the story


>Communism "frees" people from slavery.
lol. It's just slavery on a state level. They even built walls to stop people escaping.

Slavery existed before capitalism you fucking dunce. Did your Marxist teacher totally ignore Adam Smith since you know he is is actually relevant?

>t. SEETHING fuckless rightoids

but unironically.

Dilate retard

Every single Nollywood movie only has the dominant Nigerian ethnicities in them like Igbo and Yoruba, africans dont even allow ethnicities outside their country to get any representation if they are a minority in said country so shut the fuck up.

No one gives a fuck about facts, if you haven't realized. That's why it's considered a genocide by many.

>stealing Yea Forums memes
Finna kys simp

Maybe if the bitch had looked at Polish history she may have found some other marginalized people who could use some representation. But no, it's all about America. Miserable cunt.

>africans dont even allow ethnicities outside their country to get any representation

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Have sex

No one is seething. It's pity and disgust.

They built one wall, and it was across the city of Berlin. That didn't stop the Western powers from sending food and supplies and aid to people still trapped in Soviet/communist territory.

No, you stupid asshole. This picture was suppose to go with . I'm basically against communism. So piss off.


why are the left/women so creatively dead bros?

>The Witcher showrunner says the reason they race changed certain characters is because of American Slavery. How does this make me feel?

I remember all of the dumbasses here claiming that they producers weren't going to change shit for stupid SJW reasons.

Congenital mental illness.

>If I use their two year old memes I will win the argument

What's sadder is you trannies are clearly raiding us right now and getting BTFO in multiple threads. Drive into a river, ASAP

projection: the post

I didn't know your culture was based around elves, dwarves and other childish shit

This is what niggerfaggot brain looks like.

not an argument

except the slavery industry was brought to us. it was already happening and we were just trying to profit off the slavery, like how the middle east was and is now

this post destroys the /pol/incel

>I remember all of the dumbasses here claiming that they producers weren't going to change shit for stupid SJW reasons.
Nah, the producers were claiming that they weren't going to do it, in response to our claims that they would.

One of us was telling the truth.

>historically marginalized people
>the polish
>further marginalizing Pollacks even more by bastardizing their favorite book, erasing their culture, and lumping them in with the West African slave trade.

Ho-ho-holy shit, my boy.

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>Upvoting yourself

>t. coping /pol/incel

>"America was built on slavery" is a bit of an oversimplification but technically correct

The northern states didn't have slave based economies and they did much better in terms of economic development. So slavery held America back.

Neither was the comment I replied to hotshot

Imagine being cool enough to make this post.

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Any time anyone says "The race shouldn't matter", propose white Black Panther

>what if they make their own movies? for their own people with themes that are important to them?

It's not about representing non-Whites. It's about attacking White identity.

Ok sorry bro article from 3/9/2011

Weren't there systems of slavery in other parts of the New World/Americas, not just in the United States? At least the Western European countries, and eventually the United States, abolished slavery. As for slavery elsewhere, the Muslims had slavery in their countries, but according to their laws, their slavery wasn't suppose to be brutal. But I think I read that some slave owners still evaded the laws and mistreated their slaves.

>racism is about physiognomy and body morphology not superficial traits like skin color
what did the BASED libtard mean by this?