So why did he sell Star Wars to Disney ? It's not like he needed money...

So why did he sell Star Wars to Disney ? It's not like he needed money. If he wanted someone else to make new trilogy nothing stopped him from choosing succesor ?

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Some men just want to watch the world burn

Because now his prequel trilogy doesn’t seem all that bad. His legacy is redeemed


He did you dumb fuck, he’s been wanting to work with Disney since the and star tours was proof of that you fucking moron

>Because now his prequel trilogy doesn’t seem all that bad.

because george wanted to grow up and we stayed behind

I don't know. I remember he wanted to re-elease all of his movies in 3D. I was waiting for Return of the Jedi but that plan was cancelled. He soon sold the property to Disney.

Stocklasa bullied him for years. George had hard life.

This. George was tired of nerds and hacks like RLM shitting on the PT, so he sold the franchise to Disney to show them just how much worse it can get.