So why did he sell Star Wars to Disney ? It's not like he needed money...

So why did he sell Star Wars to Disney ? It's not like he needed money. If he wanted someone else to make new trilogy nothing stopped him from choosing succesor ?

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Some men just want to watch the world burn

Because now his prequel trilogy doesn’t seem all that bad. His legacy is redeemed


He did you dumb fuck, he’s been wanting to work with Disney since the and star tours was proof of that you fucking moron

>Because now his prequel trilogy doesn’t seem all that bad.

because george wanted to grow up and we stayed behind

I don't know. I remember he wanted to re-elease all of his movies in 3D. I was waiting for Return of the Jedi but that plan was cancelled. He soon sold the property to Disney.

Stocklasa bullied him for years. George had hard life.

This. George was tired of nerds and hacks like RLM shitting on the PT, so he sold the franchise to Disney to show them just how much worse it can get.

he did it for revenge.
it was a huge FUCK YOU to all the Star Wars fans who hated the prequels.

So he could buy it back at a lower price.

>George was tired of people calling out his shitty movies for being shit and wanted to make a quick extra fortune to retire with and be done with Star Wars for good

he knew Star Wars was done, dead, over.
best cash in now while there was somenody dumb enough to buy it.

Unironically this, also as a big fuck you to fans of the games who shat on the prequels. People literally made full length documentaries about hating the prequels and George Lucas for 'ruining their childhood'.

Star Wars was never good

The money and he was tired of SW. I think he actually had hope Disney would do some good movies and extend his Universe.
Now it's dead

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The Prequels expanded the Star Wars mythos and made the Original trilogy even because of it.

The Prequels are pleb filter. There is deep meaning behind the politics.

He married a black woman who told him to sell it so he could build a ghetto for blacks in their mostly white rich community.

He donated that money so good on him.

He wanted some retirement money. He's too old to give a fuck about directing now.

He was so tired of the fan backlash against the prequels that he just wanted nothing more to do with the franchise. I mean, he was once a promising young filmmaker and it totally consumed his life, but he was proud of it until everyone started hounding him over The Phantom Menace. This man knows greater disappointment and betrayal than any of us ever will. You can read it in his face.

he knew the franchise had no more real mileage, and had already signed the old cast (who thought they would do a new trilogy with him). it was the perfect business move.

he ran out of ideas and didnt know what to do with it and wanted to take a break and didnt want to take the blame for the inevitable disappointment when nuwars dont live up to the nostalgia

He didnt want to get the one ‘responsible’ for the new SW movies, and he thought Disney would use his ideas. The White Slavers of course told him to fuck off.

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> If he wanted someone else to make new trilogy nothing stopped him from choosing succesor ?
Lucas has had a good relationship with Disney since the 80s, not just Star Tours, but other ties and relationships he had with people at Disney, so Lucas trusted them. Plus the fact he knew whoever made the next SW movies needed a ton of cash to do it. It was a pretty natural choice to sell it to them.

But didn't he donate the money to charity?

Responding to your own post doesn't make it based

Correct answer: he retired but wanted to keep the franchise alive for the fans

If the recent licensing news regarding his characters is real, it was pretty solid investment. Unfortunately, didn't foresee the new trilogy focus on trying to erase those characters. That's more of Disney/JJ's blunder though.

I don't know, did he? Even if he did he must've gotten something out of it besides the golden ticket to retirement.
Except I didn't?

I mean, the movies were shit. He made bad movies and people rightly didn't pretend like they were good out of respect, why should they?

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He wanted someone making a ST trilogy so bad that people would start thinking the prequels were good. Mild success so far.

he probably thought they'd do a good job like they did with the mcu

This, he was stung by all of the criticism of the prequels, so he sold the franchise at below market value and gave away the money as a big "up yours" to the fans.

Is he really that big of a fucking baby?

Because he didn't feel any attachment to it?

He wanted to do his museum project

he did consider making 7-9 but he feared he was too old or something

Not as much as you, going by your post.

How am I being a baby? The prequels were hyped up as if they were going to be the best movies ever made and then turned out to be poorly-written shit. He should have made better movies or at least released the shit ones without hyping the living shit out of them.

>The prequels were hyped up as if they were going to be the best movies ever made
They were. Cope.

They were horrible you fucking faggot.
>but muh RLM fanboy
Everyone realized how awful they were before RLM you faggot.



He wasn't being a baby. The criticisms of the prequels were relentless and went on for years. He had enough and washed his hands of the series.

Is the zoomers. Everyone over legal age disliked the prequels back in the day.

He lost confidence in his ability to steer the franchise into a place he felt it should be. He thought Disney would do a better job. Clearly he was wrong.

>He lost confidence

Hahahaha you retards actually thought he gives a shit about your shit franchise beyond making money off it.

hes afraid

when you get closer to death it becomes all you can think about

he probably tried to cut ties with his past to ram as much new into the last few weeks of his life as possible

>The criticisms of the prequels were relentless and went on for years.
Then maybe he shouldn't have made such shitty movies then, or at least not hyped up the shit ones he made.

Now this is from someone whose not even a Star Wars fan, I just loathe this modern day marketing tactic but Disney use shitting on the fans as a means to market the film to other demographics.

White male nerds who tolerate being shit on disgust me because they are afraid of being called racist, sexist or whatever. Star Wars is not a charity, you are allowed to complain when your product has niggers it, same way niggers complain about whites in theirs.

and he was tired of the fanbased and clearly he was right.

>this turd isnt as bad as that pile of diarrhea
just because one is better then the other dosent mean they both arent shit. star wars ended after the ewok movies

He gave away most of this money to charity, built a black history museum in Chicago.

friendly reminder, if his now ex-wife wouldnt have re-edited a new hope for him, star wars as we know it wouldnt exist. it wouldnt have got a sequel, and no one would know what star wars was.

The OT didn't really benefit from the PT at all.


You actually believe that garbage? When jew billionaires talk about "charity" they are talking about tax free organizations that they own.

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Unlimited power

the PT shits on the OT. and i dont mean that as in the PT are better, i mean they take what made the OT good and shat on it. midichlorians? anakin being a fucking whiny ass baby literally the entire time? how about yoda and the clone wars? or the stupid ass droid armies, or the droid space ships that acted like vultures? the entire PT was a fucking mess from beginning to end, the only good thing about them is the soundtrack and liam neeson

Lucas has always been a greedy Jew, that's why he sold it!!!FACT!!!

Oh and I'm still waiting for all of those experimental films that Star Wars kept Turkeyneck from making all these years....!!!FACT!!!

>gets 2 billion dollars cash for star wars
>donates 90% of it to various charities
what a fucking greedy man

Revenge against all the retarded edgy grognard faggot neckbeards like RLM who said the prekinoquels were bad.
They all got EXACTLY what they asked for, and now they have to live with it.

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how is it revenge? we still have our superior OT, nothing can take that away. disney can make all the garbage they want, but i can still watch return of the jedi

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>he thinks midichlorians did anything

What is it with giving Lucas more credit than he’s worth? How many times are brainlets going to argue this excuse. He had plans for 7-9. He thought Disney was going to use his ideas and make them slick like an MCU movie. Didn’t happen.

it shit on the lore, the force went from some mystical power to lol you can do X because you have more bacteria in your blood then other people

Lucas is building schools for black 'underprivileged' kids and built a Black History Museum recently, it's all documented. Maybe he gets something out of it, sure, but he seems to actually try to do something real with his money.

And what has he done since? George hasn't done shit since making Star Wars and he hasn't done anything since selling it.
George is hack of unprecedented levels

What he’s getting is social justice points so he gets remembered as a guy who did great things for the black community, instead of the guy who made SW and then ruined it.

>10% of 2 billion
Ameriburger bootlicker at it again.

Anakin being a Chosen One bothers me more than anything, and even that was made pointless by the ST. Star Wars should have ended in 1983.

>>donates 90% of it to various charities

And how much of a tax write off did he get for that?!?FACT!!!

you literally can see what hes built with the money from disney. he has built multiple schools, a museum and has scholarships for young wanna be movie makers. i dont know what your beef is with this guy, but you can see how he put the money to use

Hell no, nothing Lucas did compares to the heresies of the sequel trilogy
Lucas damaged Star Wars with the prequels.
Disney fucking killed Star Wars with the sequels.

Blackmail. Somebody had something really bad on him, and this was the price of their silence.

>he thinks midichlorians did anything

>it went from an energy field that can be inherited genetically to an energy field whose communicators can, but not must, be genetically inherited
Big whoop

Marcia didn't do shit that no other editor couldn't have. Including the other editors working on ANH. She's heavily overrated.

You dont understand what you're talking about. At all. The midichlorians dont do that. Did you even watch the films?

Watch his Charlie Rose interview. He explains why he sold it.

>"The Force gives you the power to have extrasensory perception and to be able to see things and hear things, read minds and levitate things. It is said that certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans. Their brains are different; they have more midi-chlorians in their cells."
This is a quote from 1977

You can move because you have organelles names mitochondrion in your cells producing energy. Seriously, what’s so bacterial about those? Did you guys fail biology? Even the name sounds like mitochondria.

I heard that he was blackmailed

Probably pedo tapes by Mossad