Have you picked up your copy yet? #AlitaArmy
Have you picked up your copy yet? #AlitaArmy
Other urls found in this thread:
that’s so so sad wtf
he picked up his own copy
How is it that Alitafags managed to out-cringe Avatarfags and CaptainMarvelfags?
Why is there so much shilling on this board for this shitty movie?
a slight breeze blew it into the water
What the fuck is this real
94% of the fanbase for this movie is alt-right incels
>put down empty case and take picture
>remove empty case and take another picture
>make up a story
Works without fail, and alita fags believe people just can't hate their movie
Is it true that Alita ranked high in the Bluray charts because people were buying multiple copies?
This guy has the receipts, 324 dollarydoos
WTF it's real
What level of mental illness is this?
Who is more cringy? Alita fans or Tom Cruise Mummy fans?
Only a portion is.
It is 1/4 Alt-right, 1/4 Cameronfags (aka retards that eat up anything James Cameron works on even if he had a small role), and 2/4 Waifufags trying to push their ugly waifu (just like when idiots kept trying to shill the midget mummy from that Tom Cruise Dark Universe Mummy movie).
Here's what the paper says that they put on the ground, kek.
>believing the Alt Right is real
This is just pathetic.
What are the chances some of the fags doing this were in those /alita/ generals on Yea Forums
someone probably picked it up and trowed it in the river or the trash
>a slight breeze
You mean a passing 12 year old kicked it in for a laugh.
>as much as me
Will Americans ever stop butchering their own language?
they're most likely ITT right now
but there are plenty of copies still there
This shit is pathetic
Mummy is cute tho
I downloaded it to test my new PC's codecs and immediately deleted it after I saw her ugly face in 4k
What the fuck? The only "connection" I can think of this movie and the "alt-right" would be some losers saying ALITA IS REAL WOMYNZ REPRESENTATION NOT CAPTAIN MARVEL
Don't worry they're switching to Spanish.
Do they know that Alita's cast is a spic?
First big image is the stock when he gets there, top right is when he clears the shelf, middle right is proof he bought them all.
What the actual fuck
You can see on the right he emptied the shelf
yes and they think she's ugly, unlike the character literally given her likeness, that's cgi so it's cute
oh i didnt see the small images
thanks cutie
This physically hurt to read
wtf it was garbage. Did people like this thing?
Where's the Alita defender? He doesn't like to leave his safespace thread to protect his shitty movie?
That’s a British copy of the film, so I imagine the person posting the note is British.
So this is the kind of people shilling that shit here 24/7? Film is a legit 4/10, would score less if it wasn't for WETA and some decent fight sequences.
I liked the movie, but jesus fuck, those people are pathetic
Yikes, do Alitafags actually do this?
Imagine trying to enjoy your lunch and chatting with friends and then some sperg at the next table comes over to shill his gay movie to you.
That's all it takes. All the incels who got butthurt about Captain Marvel jumped on the Alita train, though I don't think they care anymore. It's all just obsessed waifufaggots who desperately want to see more of her
Is this movie the only proof of paid shills?
they're not being paid for it
What do these kinds of people that obsess over this shit film look like?
on the discord they looked normal
they had a plain jane super average looking girl there that made out with them in the meetup and they worshiped her
That's the worst part, they do it for F R E E
It is proof that waifufags are cringy
These are regular autist incels, you can find them in Yea Forums everyday. Disney has paid shills posting here though
Should have said something like
"Do you like Sci Fi? Then you're gonna love this!"
"Yours Truly, A Deadicated Fan"
>Hundreds, perhaps even thousands of people across the world liked it!
Aside from how pretentious he sounds, Adam seems like a good lad. Shame to see what the curse of autism can do to people.
Hit me with them quotable lines, Alitafags
>To whomever finds this, please help yourself to the accompanying Alita: Battle Angel Blu-ray. I can't promise this film will resonate with everyone, and I don't expect most people to love it as much as me, but I can tell you that it was very special and meaningful to thousands of people around the world, and that most of the tens of millions of people who have been to see it at least liked it. While this film does have amazing action scenes and special effects, there is a whole lot more going on here; it has endearing characters, gorgeous cinematography, great acting, sweet little moments, uplifting messages, and too many quotable lines to count. If that appeals to you and you are comfortable with a fair amount of onscreen violence and with taking a genre seriously, then I can't think of a film I'd recommend more.
All this autism in four sentences.
>Alita fags
well of course it's gone, the wind took it...
>these are the people posting in the Alita general
I knew they were fucking insane.
From the Yea Forums meetup
wtf when was this?
i think on 4th of july weekend
>desperate ‘femcel’
>skelly autist
>timberland boots on a fucking beach
>skelly autist
based and wholesome
why are Yea Forums incels so triggered by goodwill? have sex, start a family and learn to be happy
And you guys thought /ReyLo/ was the cringiest
It’s not shilling. They aren’t getting paid. They’re autistic. They’re spending their own money to try to shill the first movie they’ve really been able to understand thanks to the hyper-exaggerated expressions of the main character.
The alt-right is mostly spics.
Not him but cope with what?
>Keean Johnson is extremely handsome
el ogro
Autistics are the only ones who truly understand movies
Alitafags are simply mentally ill thinking an above average blockbuster is some godly masterpiece
My boy getting stepsister pussy
I'm certain they were lying about not having a bluray player just so they don't have to accept a shady cd from the weird sperg
>retards meet up because they like Alita
>do the power stance
cringe, the lot of them
where can i find this Alita Army to get a free bluray?
Some fucking crackhead probably sold that to CEX to get his score
>Autistics are the only ones who truly understand movies
Jesus the cope level is staggering
buying a plane ticket now
More like a street cleaner picked it up because it’s litter.
He's right, though
Whoever loses, THEY win
kubrick autism kino. autism kino are the ones that keep giving
I hope someone just kicked it into the water.
If I watch their shitty movie, will they give me free money?
no you just waste two hours watching a mediocre movie
That movie was fucking teen fiction trash and I hated it.
Littering is wrong
>It's not shilling
>They’re spending their own money to try to shill
I'd pick them up too. Then find nearest trash can.
I have an idea for a kickstarter. If they give you 6,000 dollars you'll livestream yourself watching the movie.
unironically they are victims of a russian psyop
i sure do hate faggots lol
its the opposite
the alita discord was fully of far left trannies that banned racism
That is clearly not a U.S. copy of the blu-ray.
>SAINTE (formerly We Are The In Crowd)
>thinking this autism is about owning sjws
if only I could still be that ignorant
My Mom has a 3D tv. Will somebody send me a free 3D one?
dumb foreigner
Why does alita have such an obsessed fanbase? At first I thought it was just a passing fad but like 2049 or avatar but they got to the point where their threads were being deleted on sight and now they're taking their autism into meatspace. Is this what advanced autism looks like?
undeniably based
Die yuro scum
Based. If more thots would sacrifice their pussy to stop mass shooters the world would be a better place.
They want to fuck that robot
Isn't this a Robert Rodriguez movie? He definitely has some fans, he seems like a cool guy
James Cameron wrote it
Because of this, Cameronfags were saying the movie was going to make 3 billion dollars because it has his name on it. They are that stupid.
Have sex.
dilate tranny
is this the tranny general thread ?
yikes,dilate !
oh nononononononoonno
>tfw you will never get Alita 2
To be fair, for awhile, there were quite many alt-righters shilling Alita just to try and get one over Captain Marvel (which failed horribly). Just look at E;R.
>no shitty sequel to a shitty movie
And nothing of value was lost.
I need a link buddy
I dunno about you lads but I don't say no to free movies. Hit me up if you want to send me BDs.
here's an uncensored one from their third meetup
Someone probably chucked it into the river.
I wouldn’t trust a random BD on the ground. It could have AIDS or something.
Any Alitabro wants to send me an OPEN MATTE BD of Alita?
Picked this up today. How'd I do Alitabros? I don't have a 4k ultra HD TV or 4k Blu Ray player so don't judge me.
The fact you can't tell they're not paid shills reveals you don't understand how the internet works.
Why would Disney pay people to shill Alita and not Star Wars which needs it more?
they just knew this would become a meme
>assuming it's america
uh oh you silly third worlder
This points out what a shithole Yea Forums has become. I went into Alita thinking it'd be a great movie, and instead I got some lightweight adaptation that felt like it was a TV movie for preteens. Then I went into Captain Marvel expecting some kind of SJW bullshit fest, and it turned out to be an entirely acceptable MCU movie without any YAAAAS.
And I'm not convinced this is just sperglords. Not even autists could lay it on this thick.
Why would you buy something that you can’t watch?
I got you and your mother's three d's right here ahahaha
I picked it up and threw it in the water just for yucks.
Take that loser. LOL
>That one female amongst the sausage fest
You have three penises?
Mummyfags do not call others trannies or tell you to dilate. They just worship their waifu and that's it. I tried to piss them off but they ignored me.
They are retarded. She's an ugly hag and the movie was critical failure unlike Alita.
>Source material from an obscure nip comic book
>No built in fan base
>No 10 years of films to build it up
>An odd-looking trailer and the most bungled marketing campaign in history
>A handful of idiots trying to claim it as "alt-right"
>Critics who latched onto the alt-right label and shit on it anyway because it wasn't from the (((mouse)))
In spite of all that
>Will finish as one of the best performing films of 2019
>Two weeks on top of home media sales, possibly 3
>Sequel is all but announced, once Disney figures out what they are going to do with FOX
>Other studios chomping at the bit to get their hands on a new property
>Gaining more and more fans every day from people who were turned off by critics and are finally giving it a chance
Not too shabby for an insignificant girl...
Yeah, right. That's why your guy is dating her.
Cool user!
(you) are a liar
shes completely asexual so she might as well be a robot
A paid shill post would look like this:
Alita: Battle Angel
Has anyone seen the new Alita: Battle Angel movie? It's coming to theatres this weekend
*posts youtube link to the official trailer"
>low quality
autist love anything with big anime eyes and it’s like an anime girl but real life
Mummyfags weren't compelled to make close to 500 generals that then got shut down lol. they did what every normal poster does and talk about what they like when the threads would pop up.
Have you been living under a rock? Disney has canned every Fox film project.
What kind of autism is this?
You Marvel cucks are so pathetic
You haven't seen the copies of the Yea Forums posts made by actual government or corporate shills that come out in court proceedings, have you? Yea Forums has been around for almost 15 years. These people can hire anons who've been here since high school. Any cause that gets unexpectedly good publicity probably has some outside powers behind it. Alita has gotten some grade-A shilling.
It doesn't take a lot of effort to pay someone to type "6th time seeing my perfect waifu in the theater. tfw when no alita gf. brb going 7th time."
>my mum won't let me
enough said...
>Making your mom buy the same dvd several times to give corporations money!
>wants to be alitas biggest fan
>mom won't let him
sad, many such cases
>my mom won't let me
Movies this bad absolutely require shilling campaigns. The studios, publishers,distributors know well in advance when they've got some shit in the pipeline and it's too late to fix. The hope is to generate enough curiosity to trick people into consuming the fat turd they've produced.
Go grab the blu-ray rip if you haven't. The Alita movie is so awful it's unintentional comedy.
>My Mom won’t let me
>Disney has canned every Fox film project.
Since Alita 2 was not in production, it wasn't cancelled. Not greenlit, so no cancellation. Disney cancelling FOX films is actually a good sign. They are looking for the properties that will be the most popular going forward. Star Wars is done, Marvel is done, they need something new. And if they don't take Alita, Cameron will just take it somewhere else. But Disney is going to want to keep Cameron happy. Avatar 2 and 3 will do fucking gangbusters, but he's got 2 more in the works.
>Oh, sorry Mr. Cameron, we don't give a fuck about your little passion project, but keep making us Avatar.
"Nah, fuck you. I'm taking 4 and 5 to Paramount. The mouse can eat a dick."
I feel sorry for them. They were promised great universe with solid cast and it all went to hell. The movie wasn't even that bad, it just didn't land as an opener. It could be perfectly fine as 2nd or 3rd movie in the series. Also yea, I don't remember them creating shitload of generals.
Yea Forums's not a seekrit club. I dropped vague old meme on a date with a chick in her 30s last month and she immediately picked up on it. We spent the time talking about /x/ and Somethingawful and the good old days of 2008 Internet.
>The Alita movie is so awful it's unintentional comedy.
I wouldn't say it's that bad. It's not good, though. Doesn't live up to the promise of the people involved and the fuzzy wuzzy PG13 vibe was pretty bad for a source manga that was an edgy gorefest.
the problem is that the alita anons are just as autistic in their private discord.
how can it be paid shilling when 30 guys are posting daily on discord
>Directed by Robert Rodriguez. The man who brought us timeless classics like Sharkboy & Lavagirl, and Spy Kids
Hard pass
i think cameron gave zero shit about it. it's just like all these stupid terminator sequels 'co-produced' by him
so Yea Forums will start to love poo in loos if they have disgusting eyes like this?
why do they call it a steelbook if it's a movie?
the cover
Steelbook is a kind of casing. Metal box with more artistic cover. Usually there's some kind of mini-book, concept arts and other fanservice stuff.
>Avatar 2 and 3 will do fucking gangbusters
No one cares about Avatar
>passion project
If it was his “passion project”, he would have directed himself. But he didn’t and gave it to the Spy Kids Director because he doesn’t give a shit.
The term comes from exclusive ancient books that had metal covers to protect pages.
He can't just take Avatar from Disney. It was included in the Fox buyout. That'd be like George Lucas storming in and saying "Fuck you Star Wars is mine again."
has to be satire...
Cameron owns the rights to Avatar and Alita. He's more than likely under contract to allow FOX (now under Disney) to distribute 2 and 3, but that's it. I doubt there is any contract for 3 and 4.
>character elements that exaggerate emotions are amplified because it closely aligns with Eastern styled artwork.
That's literally the point of that style, amplification through a simplifcation of features.
No shit, because it's for children and autistic adults.
You're retarded bro
>Sequel is all but announced
So no chance at all of a sequel, got it.
One journalist called the fans alt-right, and several other articles said they were wrong, and rightly so. The movie does not line up with the alt-right at all, and is inherently feminist. Show me a RT review that calls it alt-right.
How the fuck does such a mentally deranged person have so much disposable income?
thank god this flick bombed