Mulholland Drive

What the fuck did i just watch? What was wrong with the old people who Betty met?

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you are suffering from a common ailment known as L Y N C H E D

I liked it. It was based and redpilled. It exposed Hollywood as a garbage place that brainwashes people. I just didn't understand some parts of it. I guess i will, after a rewatch.

>Hollywood bad
Thanks David.

the movie is basically DUDE SCHIZOPHRENIA LMAO

the first half is a dream, then she wakes up into the real world nightmare. or something ...

best film ever made.

Why? I liked Lost Highway and Blue Velvet more desu.

watch it again

Blue Velvet is practically capeshit. You are a low cinema IQ individual.

Fire: Walk With Me is his best

I will.
It's nice noir film. Mulholland Dr. has very cheap almost softcore sex film feel. It's still good.
I will watch that soon.

the old people represent naomi watts parents or anyone who instilled in her the idea of glamour and what it means to be successful and rich. they are always there in the back of her head to remind her how disappointed theyd be if she fails to make it. The hobo also represents failure. Its this very naive idea of what the business is that pushes her into the envy, the conspiracy fantasy and all the dark shit that she doesnt want to confront until its too late. the club silencio scene is when it is revealed to her and she breaks down. she is just another woman hollywood uses and then spits out, but even then it goes on, no matter how much youve sacrificed and how much effort youve put into your work as an actress, if you break down youre tossed aside and the show goes on.

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Nice, thanks. I got some of that. Interesting film. Still many things to think about.

Blue Velvet is nothing like capeshit what are you talking about
Fire Walk With Me is one of his weaker films and I don't see the appeal
based because those are his best two movies


Fire Walk With Me, INLAND EMPIRE, and TPS3 a best

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heres another interesting analysis i watched before. its blocked in my country now tho so idk if it works for you.

Works fine for me, thanks.