Dude I'm the literal definition of a normie and everyone who has even a slightly interesting personality is weird and...

>dude I'm the literal definition of a normie and everyone who has even a slightly interesting personality is weird and therefore deserving of snide remarks lmao

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Fuck him.

That's why this guy was awesome

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Based Packer

t. dwight

thats why his wife cheated on him with a boom mic operator

based jim working Yea Forums into a shoot again

>Turns down job offer
>"Nothing ever changes around here!" - Pam
>Takes job offer
>"I just want our old lives back" - also Pam

Why did they do this to her?

>that episode where he’s skyping Pam in the middle of the office during work hours without headphones and acts annoyed when other people intrude on the conversation
why were they such smug cunts?

everyone knows Karen was the hottest and best girl

suit pants are undeniably hot

It pisses me off so FUCKING much when Michael is genuinely having fun and this faggot does his stupid little grin or says some lame normie shit

Cathy was best girl.

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Pam's friend from the wedding who Dwight fucks is the hottest

can't find the picture where they're in florida and she's wearing white stockings under a beige skirt.
and yes the one scene where she bends over in front of Jim is hot, but Karen blows her out of the water in terms of classiness, work ethic, and general prettiness.

Fuck Jim

The most realistic portrayal of modern woman put to film yet.

This is true

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>tfw never watched any version of the Office and can't participate in discussions like this
Feels good, man

Tim > Jim

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both Jim and Pam consistently remained as poorly adapted versions of Tim and Dawn for an American audience, at least of the rest of the characters in the US Office changed to be their own thing after season 1

the office + this = perfect day omg

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cool dude
just know that it's one of the easiest things to talk to women about

I'd rather talk with them about stuff that gets me laid, but to each their own.


Actually cringe

>taking about the office won't get you laid
okay incel

I've only watched my country's version of the office

wow bro that's like, so cool. did you know, that like, the two, aren't necessarily exclusive?

The chad dwight vs the virgin Jim

>Successful small business owner in addition to working a full time job
>top sales person in the company
>no nonsense alpha male sales tactics. literally demands peoples business.
>Expert martial artist
>Protects the office
>loyal to Michael
>saves jim from getting the shit beaten out of him
>patiently endures Jim's dumbass pranks even though he could easily snap him in half like a twig
>Interesting well developed personality with numerous hobbies and mastery in several areas
>taps smoking hot girls

>middling to mediocre sales person
>sniveling weasel that goes behind micheals back for promotions
>no side hustles
>weak limp wristed sales tactics
>no relationships aside from 6/10 Pam
>literally pisses himself when Pam's ex is about to beat him up
>intimidated by chad alpha male dwight so constantly plays juvenile pranks on him which dwight endures because he understands that Jim is semi-retarded
>normie with no personality and pleb tastes


Office bitches are so fucking boring though dude.

>loyal to Michael

what about the time he went to see Crentist?


all bitches are boring dude

I don't know which version of the office is the best in quality, but UK Jim is definitely better than US Jim

Im going to lose Yea Forums points for saying so but this isn't actually true

leave faggot normalfag

Holy fuck was just talking about him last night and why him being a snide condescending Gary Sue was why I couldn't get into this show
Wtf is happening, the timeline keeps diverging



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>watches office
>calls others normalfag

>dude weird other people discuss this insanely popular show?!

What a pathetic thought to have.

thats not me

what a pathetic seed to feed

I was in this same boat until a month ago and I watched them all the way through. It’s less gay than I always thought it was, user. Lots of funny shit.

normalfag here what the fuck were you thinking saying that

>actually dumping Amy Adams for Jenna
What an absolute retard

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stupid faggot little cocksucker

At least they weren’t trying to make him a hero. He was also a snarky douche but he was also appropriately petty and pathetic

Office was great.
Parks and Rec was a shit.


Jim gets away with it because the people around him are so self destructive. However the show early on makes a point of breaking down how almost abnormally bland and unmotivated he is
>Tuna sandwich everyday
>Can’t even think of a place to travel
>Has the most predictable routine ever
He was supposed to have matured by season 3 but I think show writers worried viewers would miss his oh so funny pranks

He's not a normie he's a hipster jock

That was the first and last time he betrayed Michael

>That was the first and last time he betrayed Michael

I'm just sad that Dwight Shrute's actor never got a good role after Office.

Except that movie Super which was dope, but then he did the shitty detective show, where he literally has to play a serious character, and its fucking boring and had a shitty hacker cyber space episode.

Is The Meg any good? I hear he's in that.