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When's my boy J. Edgar gonna hit that???
>tfw Maddie will never make you swiss enchiladas for dinner
I prefer Makita
Got a feeling and I can't let go.
essential boomercore
Wait, so you're telling me this show has both Marlo and Silas Adams on it?
Bosch ftw best show around
based boomer
Bosch is so comfy.
It's almost impossible to fuck it up at this point, and Amazon's specialty is to fuck every single one of their originals after the first season.
Bosch is the only exception, prove me wrong.
i've never seen it, but his range of power tools are decent - how's the show?
I can't.
I'm still pretty salty about Patriot and Sneaky Pete getting canned.
Funny that if he was "Harry Decker", the show could be named Black & Decker.
They save Patriot, because it was really going down.
S1: 9/10
S2: 7/10
>ywn have a frenship like Barrel and Crate
They have to compensate for their lead actor being the weakest by cramming each season full of useless filler for the side characters to have something to do so every scene isn't Bosch trying really hard at the gruff, detached, hard cop routine.
Those guys are fucking awesome. Also cracks me up because half the time when I see Barrel I think of him as Mac's dad from Always Sunny.
just let me leave jacob why won't you just let me leave
The daughter is a very bad actress though.
This guy is the black Jared Harris
What's wrong with her face?
Patriot and Goliath
Silas Adams
I want his house. Not as expensive as you think either.
this show is kino af but im only on season 2.
does it get worse or better form here on out?
The latest season was a bit boring. It's always top comfy though.
In the books he tries to but gets shut down hard
>in the books he tries.
Pretty shit move.. I mean.. Maddy is an amazing piece of ass so I kinda don't blame him.. But still.. Wanting to bang your partner's daughter is kinda shitty.
vixen dot com
She's long been an adult, he's drunk and immediately regrets it. He's always been a philanderer though...
The last season of sneaky pete was terrible though
Bosch is really comfy. It's a breath of fresh air compared to all the other shows that just seem like pure noise.
Ah yeah.. that makes sense. I mean they don't focus too much on him in the show but he does talk about how he fucked up his marriage by fucking around on his wife.
A most excellent series, does not disappoint even once from S01E01 to the last episode of the most current season.S05E10.
S06 in April 2020 so mark it, motherfuckers.
>Kept thinking the dog would die in the last episode
So fucking comfy. I saw each season as it came out, funnily enough a few days ago I started binge watching, I just started season 3 today, pretty much every time I let the intro play without forwarding through it.
Just realized she was that loli in the walking dead with the blue shirt.
Sophia, Carol's daughter