What did we think of Jackie?

What did we think of Jackie?

Attached: 1485184433895.webm (720x384, 2.95M)

who Jackie?

did he died

Back and to the left of JFK

nah he had a role in futurama hes fine

i wish she would suck my cock, if you know what i mean

Kino of the absolute highest order

>Jackie O O O O please don't die!

Oscar bait

pretty bad film with cute leading actress

Did JFK do 9/11?


And to the left

it's literally archival footage you fucking retard


>Israel kills US president
>Israeli actress cast as his wife

That's some terrible background CGI, 90s tier

okay user. who knew jackie o looked so much like natalie portman?

the way they filmed that was awfully tacky and disrespectful

did you think jews actually cared about america?

Great performance, okay film.

there was no reason to make this movie
Natalie did great though, I had no idea Jackie actually spoke like a retard