what are some good mystery kinos?
What are some good mystery kinos?
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>it’s the fucking Broodwich
I'm pretty sure a woman was responsible for that
>literally a burger, any burger wrapped in an old In N Out wrapper
Why the hell was this even news?
reminds me of reno 911 arbys
Croooked House, and anything based of Agatha Christie. That old bat knew her stuff.
Seriously. Somebody could've just dropped it. Or left it for a homeless guy.
>your dumb shitty reddit meaningless buzzword has to be prefaced with 'good' now
Glad your shitty meme is dying.
>american news
what are some viral marketing campaign kinos?
lol holy shit this movie was so poorly directed
There are no In n Outs in New York
"News" in Drump's AmeriKKKa? Hilarious....You Americans are truly past the point of saving.
there aren't any In-N-Outs within thousands of miles of Queens
Midsomer Murders seasons 1-13
14 has DC Based Jones but the rest is PC trash
Trump has the country running so well that these are the only stories happening in america
Ok I'm intrigued.
In-n-Out is a West coast chain, there are no In-n-Outs anywhere near New York City.
I live here, I wish I could get some animal style fries.
It's "news" because the nearest In&Out is a couple states away. It's "news" because it's a publicity stunt to get people talking about the franchise, it's shitty viral marketing and the people who engage in it all deserve to be hanged from the neck until dead.
If you're going to advertise at me just do it, don't fuck around and pretend to be a news piece you lying fucks.
People in states without In-n-Outs freak out over it because it's like encountering a window into the real world. Imagine encountering a tesseract on the street, it's analogous to that.
In and out is the faggot cuck version of five guys
Don't be because there's a 99.99% chance whoever submitted the article put the burger there. Or photoshop. Or it's just a straight lie.
Who the fuck sees a burger on the ground and goes to ponder the intricacies of how it got there?
>go on vacation to california
>buy in-n-out
>keep the wrapper
>go back home to ny
>put whatever local burger in the wrapper
>throw in on the ground
>take a picture for social media attention
>wow what a mystery
do americans really have front page news about burgers?
Except for the daily mass shootings.
>falling for native advertisements
just you wait in like 2-3 weeks they'll announce a new In-N-Out in NYC.
this but unironically
>Or photoshop.
Bro it's a picture of a burger on some pavement. It's not like that couldn't be taken anywhere.
>I wish I could get some animal style fries.
overrated trash. In-n-out fries are hilariously bad for how much that place is lauded.
>Boss buys the team in n out for lunch
>I refuse to eat and just go back to work
>everyone is upset I hate In n Out as a Californian
Five Guys burgers are average, nothing really special. Nothing makes them particularly good except the fact that you can get tons of shit on them.
But their fries are the dope shit.
HOWEVER. Fuck any single person who says the best fries in the world aren't Checkers.
>not even NY hobos would eat an in-n-out burgie
makes you think
oh, you mean the false flags? Trump has made this country safer than any other president in history
That article is already more than 3 weeks old, user
Burger news is vitally important, not that you'd understand.
That's the most Coen Bros news title I've ever seen.
In-n-out is good but it deteriorates faster than any other fast food I've known. If you don't eat it within 10 minutes of it having been made it becomes literally inedible.
And then you actually have in-n-out and it's not that special. Tommy's is a hundred times better and so is Five Guys back home. So you return home which is where you really wanted to be the whole time.
>In-n-out fries are hilariously bad for how much that place is lauded.
We don't have anything interesting like that here though. Nigga I can't even get poutine and I want nothing more than to live on poutine.
>don't have In-N-Out where I live
Is it really as good as people say or is it just a meme?
it is a dumb meme
they're good burgers but nothing worth raving about
Five Guys tastes like asshole. I'm not one of those "In-n-Out is the best burger EVER!" freaks but I wouldn't feed five guys to a starving dog. Shit seriously is garbage, I don't understand why it even enters the conversation. You'd do better with Shake Shack
Imagine how horrible that meat must be. I mean a patty that size would have to cook for hours, and would end up dry and nasty as fuck.
>If you don't eat it within 10 minutes of it having been made it becomes literally inedible.
I remember the first time I was at In-n-Out, I was in Vegas and was with some friends and this girl and I had some animal fries. She playfully took one and tried to dip it in the cheese and sauce, but because they use actual melted cheese instead of like, nacho cheese, it was hard as a rock and her fry just broke.
Fucking cockblocking In-n-Out.
It's good but how good it is is extremely exaggerated by the meme.
This was solved.
>someone came back from a trip to a state with In-n-Out
>cleaning out their car
>see that burger you bought for someone else that they didn't
>throw it out
>most people are savages who don't care about littering
Mystery solved.
Is it so inconceivable for Americans that someone might just drop a burger and not eat it?
good, but overrated
fuck off
just make it yourself its really easy
In-n-Out is overrated as fuck. Theres one a few streets over from where I live and its always fucking packed. Honestly a similarrly made burger from any other burger place is just as good if not better.
It just shows that our country is in such a good place due to Trumps leadership that we can joke about these things
I can, but I don't want to do that.
If that was the person's plan then why the fuck would they bother bringing the wrapper all the way back to NY from California? They could have thrown it on the ground in California and taken the picture and said it was on Queens and no one would be able to tell the difference
Do idiots really post in threads they haven't read?
You don't get it. There are no In-n-Outs in NY and none near. How the fuck did it get there? Someone had to have brought it on a plane and flew it over
That’s kind of the point of Yea Forums in general
Just saw off the rind and the inside's probably still good.
just when i thought i was out...
The country is in excellent shape under Trump. There's not much else to write about
i mean obviously but i havent actually read the story so im allowing for the possibility that more than one person actually saw this thing
I hope no one actually believes this
then move to ontario.
Is this you
It's funny you tourists think this.
teleport superpower confirmed
Yeah, the false flags where each time, dozens of people are randomly murdered because some faggot got pissed off.
If you think they are false flags your brain is so far gone into mush, that there is no saving you.
Someone dropped it and didn't notice. Mystery solved, what do I win?
Based sneedposter.
It’s not so much that they’re good (they are) it’s that they’re consistent. You’re gambling with 50/50 odds at any other chain for a bad experience. I’ve had maybe one bad experience with in n out in 25 years of going there weekly. And it’s cheap. You go to in n out for a 4 dollar burger that is going to be good and satisfying 99.999999999% of the time.
I seriously hope you are joking because this post is really sad
Guys guys
What if it was teleported there? What if the person was about to eat that burger and then was suddenly teleported to a random street in Queens, and then they were blinked BACK but dropped their burger?
Nobody JUST DROPS an In n Out hamburger, let alone 3000 miles from where it should be
>Someone leaving a burger untouched is news in America
Don't ever imply that I am a nigger ever again.
There's a lot of retarded posts in this thread by Yuropoors but your post blows them out of the water. There's literally no reason to waste your money on In-n-Out fries.
So you're OK with the implication you're a mindless bootlicking drone
I live in southern california, that burger looks exactly like an In n Out burger trust me
thread should've ended here
It was where the burger was. It'd be like somebody finding vegemite in Scotland.
Mysterious California Burger Chain Coming To East Coast, NYC First: Homosexual Viral Marketing Campaign Launched
Nah, the patties are too thick. And everything isn’t pushed to one side to make the burger look fuller
>Sun dried tomatoes
When a country’s economy and leadership is very strong news stories like this happen because there isn’t much else to talk about
Why the fuck is everyone East of the Mississippi so obsessed with In-N-Out Burger?
t. Californian
Mystery is a buzzword now??
There are no wolves on Fenris
People from east of the Mississippi aren't people at all, user
That burger is clearly from the mirror universe where In-N-Out is an east coast chain.
only r*dditr soiboi fags use words like that
Is this pasta Seethekino?
I wish I could save her in some sort of time machine...
That's racist, and racism is not the way to solve inner city black on black violence.