what the fuck?
why did the dad kill the rich guy?
what the fuck?
why did the dad kill the rich guy?
did you even watch the movie?
I don't know. He was obviously butthurt from overhearing them talkinh about his nasty body odor and stressed out from the whole sneaking around/losing all their shitty possessions in their drowned hovel, but the rich guy had nothing to do with any of that: the poor family quite literally created all their problems.
are you serious? here, let me explain it to you.
ki-taek is the person in the family who is most willing to reach out to mr park and try to be his buddy. in many scenes in the film, he's telling the family that they should be very thankful for the opportunities they have and that the upper class is not all that bad. ki-taek could be described as the most optimistic of the whole family, i think.
and so, when he gets the driving job for mr park, it's clear that he's trying to reach out and be mr park's friend, and given his disposition in prior scenes, i get the impression that he's doing this not out of some sense of self-preservation, but rather out of a genuine desire to forge a friendship despite class separation. this starts going awry when he nearly crashes the car while trying to speak with mr. park. from that point forward their budding friendship comes to a stop. and the good faith that ki-taek would like to treat mr park with evaporates, and he begins to notice the ways that mr. park is prejudiced towards proletarians. this is best shown with mr parks complaint of the 'smell' of ki-taek, which ki-taek himself cannot smell- it's simply a metaphor for his class difference. ki-taek wants to build bridges across this difference but mr. park probably doesn't want to.
so there's some animosity brewing here obviously. ki-taek feels that his understanding of respectability is being challenged by mr park. and of course, the straw on the camel's back is broken when mr. park demands that ki-taek drive the car to the hospital in the face of ki-taek holding ki-jung in his arms. mr. park doesn't even SEE ki-taek's own suffering. i don't think he ever looks at ki-jung in the scene. mr park only sees ki-taek's utility to him as a driver- he doesn't see him as a person, and he doesn't recognize ki-taek's family or their suffering, on a part of their class being different than his.
if that isn't a good fucking reason to kill mr park what is?
You should kill your boss just because he isnt your friend
Fucking dumb movie
Ki-taek felt like a cockroach compared to the rich guy. Ki-taek was older, had more life experience and thinks of the rich family as naive and stupid to make himself feel better. the reality of the situation was that Ki-taek had so many failures in his life that he utterly gave up on even trying to improve his situation beyond immediate gratification, or to make his kids learn the same lessons he learned.
>don't make plans, and the plan can't fail.
when his wife jokes about Ki-taek being like a cockroach and scurrying off when the rich master comes home, Ki-taek actually becomes pissed off because he knows she's right. he almost hits her but plays it off as a joke.
his frustration with the rich guy comes from the fact that Ki-taek had failure upon failure in business, and that led him to developing his nihilistic view of the world. meanwhile the rich man has a big house, a happy family and he's even able to unknowingly provide for a man living in his basement, like a cockroach living off scraps. the rich man makes plans and they work, which shows that Ki-taek's life philosophy is wrong, and that life can work out if you apply yourself and make all the right choices, make the right connections etc.
everything Ki-taek sees during this movie reinforces the idea that poor people are like expendable bugs to the rich. when his daughter is stabbed the rich man is only interested in getting his son to the hospital while his daughter is bleeding out, and this is the last drop for him, and he snaps.
not just 'he isn't your friend', he doesn't even see your suffering. he doesn't think of you in any other way than a lackey. ki-taek's optimism is broken in the second half of the film.
This is so shilled here
>shilling a movie that everyone pirated
it's interesting. i'm and we obviously have two different undestandings of ki-taek's mindset. your take is pretty intriguing.
for example
>when his wife jokes about Ki-taek being like a cockroach and scurrying off when the rich master comes home, Ki-taek actually becomes pissed off because he knows she's right. he almost hits her but plays it off as a joke.
you can interpret this like you did, but you can also interpret it as ki-taek not believing he's a cockroach at all, that he is just as much a human as any rich person. i'm not sure whose take is more supported in the film and i'd have to rewatch it. it's been a few days.
yeah, it's shilling. It's totally not because good torrent leaked recently and it's a movie from the guy who is generally very liked on this board. Also, shilling a pirated movie, lmao
the whole sequence with the poor family having to scurry away and hide when the rich family get home reinforces this the strongest i think. the imagery of Ki-taek lying on the floor in full view of the rich parents but they don't even see him is so strong. then they run off into the rain, deeper into the slums of the city into their little half-basement which is not even livable anymore. just imagine how humiliating that would be
So whos korean here?
daily reminder that
you only experience 50% of the movie due to language..
there are some slangs that will never translated perfectly and some different dialects aren't translated well due to culture difference
This it's just ((their)) distraction you not to consume capeshit but watch communist propaganda
that looks like the kind of ching chong to avoid
communist propaganda is good for you, because communists describe the state of the world under capitalism better than most everyone else. it's the type of critique you won't get from capeshit. like a diet, you don't want to just be consuming one type of food, you want a variety for your own (brain's) health.
Why should he be made aware of my suffering? That's my business. You think you want to know about your boss's suffering? His digestive problems, his rotten kids, how his colleague is a real lazy asshole? I sure don't.
well, it might not be you specifically who the movie is aimed at. ki-taek is clearly someone who wants to be seen, understood, appreciated by some person outside of his family. and he doesn't get that, and so he's resentful.
Maybe he should have made some friends in his gross slum neighborhood
Imagine the smell
it's actually just a shit movie
Not shit just very overrated with some of the most basic and worthless characterization and storytelling I've seen from a Palme winner
i dont think the dialogue played a huge part in this movie.
The movie was so gorgeous, some really amazing shots in it
The rock was a parasite. The way a parasite clings to a host and sickens it until death.
>Rock comes into the families life
>Brings them to wealth as Min said it would
>Over time, due to exposure to said wealth, the family, namely Ki Woo and Ki Taek become more odd and deranged
>The rock itself is what badly injuries Ki Taek. Death occurs.
>The rock is placed back by Ki Woo, into a spot in a river that looks like it was specifically made for it
>After this he plans to begin his "recovery"
After choi min sik is he the best Korean actor? At least he's my second favorite