>Stop saying that I said no kids died in sandy hook because I want to talk about human animal hybrids
Stop saying that I said no kids died in sandy hook because I want to talk about human animal hybrids
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id rather watch alex jones any day than watch anybody get interviewed by joe rogan.
Alex Jones, June 21, 2019
What do you think of both at the same time
He was right and just wants to deflect more heat
We take care of the babiiiiies we make them comfortable
Was it the best joe rogan podcast?
Alex: we're not gonna let people play video games and party all day, we're gonna set up a world government, we're gonna slowly titrate the dose and poison the public, dumb them down, put electromagnetic radiation out with 5G that scrambles their DNA, lowers their IQ, we're gonna cause mass mental illness and a controlled societal collapse that'll then be organized and controlled in the mop up crew by robots, controlled by the globalist programmers, who believe with the off-world entities they're in communication with, that they're gonna be given the operation to upload and be in that larger, kinda Borg Cube system if they sell the country out
Joe: okay, you gotta hit the brakes
no joe rogan can fuck off.
Howard Stern sucks
Who gives a fuck about sandy hook? Human animal hybrids are some real shit
i agree, actually im amazed you brought him up because he's totally irrelevant to me.
Imagine being so far into the contrarian shithole bubble that you consider Alex Jones to be anything but a cringy idiot.
Alex Jones is controlled opposition
>t. havent looked into it
Which animal would you hybrid with?
>They've made a deal with five dimensional aliens to inject human pig hybrid babies with DMT and Syphilis!
that's what he wants them to think. he's got them right where he wants them, i assure you.
>Stop saying that I said no kids died in sandy hook
Is there proof of him saying this? Like a video/sound clip. I havent seen one surface yet even though its been years
Bear or gorilla
probably a weasel
alex jones is right about everything
he said chinese are makig human animal hybrids - monkey human hybrids are now real
he was saying shit about epstein for years - right again
wait till 2045 debrief to find out that DMT aliens were real all along
imagine the suffering he is constantly going through - to have all this knowledge and an appearance of a loud drunktard at the bar, no one takes you seriously. fuck
What if sandy hook really was a hoax?
>The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, United States, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people, including 20 children between six and seven years old, and six adult staff members. Before driving to the school, he shot and killed his mother at their Newtown home.
Jesus fucking Christ, America...
the wheezul
The most American thing is to also deny it ever took place. Maybe make a few million of it as well.
>things he says end up being true.
I don't want to believe him, but it keeps happening. What will it take for you to see the same?
Oh yea, you will never because you are a globalist pig goblin
it's weird how searching for various variations of "alex jones sandy hook" on youtube only shows the same videos by CNN, MSNBC etc. i actually can't find a clip of him actually saying it.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
>always ends up being right
Ty for proving his point.
what if its trice?
all of them at once and be some kind of eldrich nightmare that drives people insane from the sight of me.
look into it, bro, shit's legit
This podcast episode with a certifiable psychotic and two potheads was the more entertaining than anything released by Hollywood this year (except Once Upon a time in Hollywood).
wasn't he confirmed to be taking cia money? fuck this glownigger
if you say so, tool
>things he says end up being true.
it's your choice to believe how true they end up being since he takes something controversial with a grain of truth to it and spins it into intergalatic pedophiles and burgers gobble it up when an actual outcome is produced that has nothing to do with the insanity he spouts
he's controlled opposition my dude
>(except Once Upon a time in Hollywood)
>he was right about gay frogs
>he was right about hybrids
>he was right about Pizzagate and pedophines
you have no reason to not beleive him
YouTube has erased any Alex Jones content from existence except short clips people post in their own videos as well as Joe Rogan interviews
he has been consistently correct in everything hes said. Only brain dead consumer slaves could ever think he was a retard, just go watch his 9/11 documentary road to tyranny and you see how intelligent he is
source on this image pls
If you don't take Alex seriously, he's honestly the best comedian alive.
I remember the videos from the time, he only ever questioned the shooting (like he does all the others). He pointed out proof of crisis actors and the use of greenscreen but that was it. They always try and conflate false flag conspiracy theories with the belief that people didn't die. No one believes that, they just want to make questioning the facts of an event used to manipulate your emotions to be seen as something only retards do.
octopus or a crow
>Scientists say they have created the world’s first human-monkey hybrid in a laboratory in China.
The researchers, who want to use animals to create organs for human life-saving transplants, say creating the hybrid was an important step.
And they pledged to continue their experiments using primates.
Hey leftypol
So did Johnny Bravo officially bitch out of Alex's deal to send him to antartica with all expenses paid to find the flat earth ice wall?
No fbi
retard alert
he purposefully exaggerated/misconstrued the redpills so people would do their own research and find out the real truth and he wouldn't get memoryhole'd exposing them, but they whacked his platform anyway. he's playing a character for the most part. you don't deplatform a looney if what he's doing isn't dangerous(founded on facts) in some way
for me it'd both
you're legally not allowed to go there, so it was just a joke said under a lot of weed and booze
Lion and wolf
>not real
establishment semen slurper alert
>Epstein dead nothing to see here *yawn* getting sleepy
You're garbage at this
>crisis actors
>you're legally not allowed to go there
wanna prove that?
pizzagate wasn't just about that one store from the very beginning, that was just what msm and co focused on to make it look ridiculous. Epstein's connections and wiki leaks proved the "conspiracy" right, expect for the satanism and occultism, which might also have been a ploy to discredit the real parts of pizzagate
>he is only pretending to be retarded, it's a 5D chess
you literally see a supposed parent laughing on with the film crew before the tape starts to roll and he snaps into crying about his son. This is the problem with jewtube shutting him down, I can't show you the video now to prove you wrong, so you'll continue on believing you're right
I would like to, place seems cool
I'm sure it's real in your head, user.
>there are literally people believing there's a pedo dungeon in a basement in a pizzaplace in washington dc
Fuck me
yes, he's playing a character because this way it's more entertaining, if he played it dead serious he would have never gained the following he now has and would have quite possibly been memoryholed sooner
>establishment deletes evidence, therefore it didn't happen
I pity you, I really do
don't make me drag up the evidence from my folders you fucking faggot, go watch the video
man im sleepy is anyone else sleepy
lets all go take a nap
what do you get from lying?
wikileaks didn't prove shit.
Do you think no one can tell you're a fed using 2 ips?
>if he played it dead serious
its like you never watched any of his documentaries
But is he crazy, though?
I work for Soros.
if trump is so great why aren't clintons in jail? if they allowed trump to come to power, why did epstein even surface? there's so many things you choose to ignore
Ava's Demon, sadly tumblrcore
I can't believe he was right about the human animal hybrids.
I choked on my coffee when I saw the article.
No agent that strategy doesn't work
>what is Midsommar
trust the plan
they exposed this way back on the history channel like 11 years ago on the show UFO hunters, dulce base. it got the show canceled
maybe if you're incapable of drawing conclusions
>there's so many things you choose to ignore
you're acting like everyone here is a uniform trump partisan
>if they allowed trump to come to power
they had everything they had under their belt running overtime to stop him and they narrowly failed out of sheer arrogance. They won't allow it to happen again, hes not some saviour we just wanted to believe he was because of how much the establishment didn't want him to win
>just a conspiracy theory
>pizza mentioned in an email
I have no respect for the History Channel.
What a terrible source.
Janitors deleted a Ripley's Believe It or Not thread, a thread riffing on an actual television show, but they allow Joe Rogan podcast threads all the time.
There's your fucking conspiracy theory for ya.
Have you replaced your water filter yet?
Turns out he's not a dictator, agent. And then we have assholes like you that are bought and paid for than run interference for the corrupt politicians. How many servers and hard drives and incriminating texts have disappeared from fbi custody? You assholes are ruining your own credibility to the public.
>"Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yours? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it. Susaner"
Stop making leftypol agitation threads and they'll stop getting deleted
Wkilieaks has never once been proved wrong.
>watch Joe Rogan experience with Alex Jones on youtube
>laugh my ass off
>crave more of this crazy lunatic rambling
>somehow end up in a reddit thread for the episode
>someone posts a wall of text and links trying to verify his claims
>spider armor is real
>human-pig hybrids are real
>chemicals can actually turn frogs gay
>start getting into extraterrestial 5th dimensional beings
>trail of sources follows from crazy youtube videos with 20 views to actual high ranking retired government officials to declassified CIA documents all stating that the state actually believes and actively researches this shit
>my fucking face
no he just believes everything he hears and tells it back to his audience like it's true
>i-it was debunked goy
can't tell if larp or actual shizo made that picture
unironically look into it or stop baiting, either way, never reply to me again nigger
I'm going to go with weasel on this one.
Everytime you say schizo you out yourself as a shill.
don't worry. it get's crazier.
>trail of sources follows from crazy youtube videos with 20 views to actual high ranking retired government officials to declassified CIA documents all stating that the state actually believes and actively researches this shit
can't just say something that wild without prove
I have "looked into it" and it's /x/-tier dog shit
>t. fbi
Is there a more notorious figure in all of media currently who isn’t Donald Trump? Alex just has that larger than life factor; no matter what he ends up doing, it’ll catch eyes
I’m convinced that no biopic will do him justice, even if they had free reign to make one. He can’t be accurately replicated, represented, or even parodied. He’s a meme in himself. He can only be shut down
Epstein has been common knowledge since about 2005. Pizzagate was specifically about the democratic party elite, including Hillary Clinton and Obama, being cannibalistic pedophiles who conduct satanistic rituals under a DC pizzeria. That's a far cry from Epstein grooming a dozen teenagers and pimping them out to his friends.
>/x/-tier dog shit
willfully ignorant or glowing?
besides, it's tough to get npc-proof(you) hard facts when nobody offical investigates this shit and the one time we have someone that might spill the beans he gets whacked in prison.
it's a fed doing disinfo
>democratic party elite
which were in cahoots with epstein all throughout his haydays
>being cannibalistic pedophiles who conduct satanistic rituals under a DC pizzeria
these theories came up right after the legitamte evidence was unearthed, now it's your pick wether this was hijacked by alphabets or shitposters, but it wasn't part of the initial allegations
The Trump admin had to silence him.
If you knew how many debatable issues are being explored and explored within this quiet arms race called the modern age you would have come to realize that this is just one dumb idea in the rain of ignorance. There are thousands of contingency plans for this kind of garbage. This does not mean it exists in practice and that it exists beyond the world of theory.
>legitamte evidence
like this ?
Not him but I've seen that vid with the parent laughing. I remember there were comments saying that it's normal because he's in "shock".
I don't get his joke but I do feel sleepy
>No one believes that
Except for the retards that hound the parents of the kids accusing them of being false flag operatives and threatening their lives.
Can you name anyone else than Bill Clinton? I know the initial allegations accused Hillary, Podesta and Obama. Show me the proof that isn't an email concerning food.
a wolf just like my fursona
it's the victim privilege starter pack for my kids
Alex Jones is literally always right. Alex Jones is a genius. Alex Jones is the best news commentator alive today. Alex Jones is the best comedian alive today. Alex Jones is a great man. Alex Jones is a warrior for truth. Alex Jones is the most entertaining man alive. Alex Jones has a better track record than any mainstream media outlet. Anyone who does not love Alex Jones is literally a retarded sheeple'd faggot who listens to and believes mainstream media news. God bless Alex Jones, god bless Yea Forums, and god bless America and GOD DAMN THE SATANIC HOMOSEXUAL GLOBALISTS SCUM.
If pizzagate isn't real why is Shillary leaving coded messages on twitter?
Is this a fucking Serenity reference?
Human, no wait a robot
Chloe Grace Moretz
RETARDS questioning the human-animal hybrids are complete FAGGOTS. That shit is literally decades old, its so old, even SEINFELD made fun of that shit with the PIGMAN episode.
The whole concept of chimeras, or hybrids, is as literally as old, or older, than civilization itself. Look at the egyptian gods. Look into Greek and Roman mythology. Look into the mythological stories of literally any ancient civilization on earth. People have been attempting to create chimeras forever, and many exist. Donkeys are chimeras. This is also why scientists, especially those "evil nazi scientists" are obsessed with twins, because in many cases, one twin wins out in the womb, absorbing the other twin while retaining its DNA, becoming a chimera of both strains.
Alex jones is always right. Human-animal hybrids exist. human clones exist. multiple dimensions exist. inter-dimensional beings exist. Psychic energy is real. Memetic energy is real. You best start believing in ghost stories, you're in one!
Why shills hate this humble water-filter salesman so much?
/leftypol/ is mad in this thread
>alex is poopy head
>joe is meat head
>s...stop liking them pleeease
the alex jones show format sucks, he is much better when he is rambling somewhere else
>show me where they didnt communicate in code
wow you sure stumped those retards
The Elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this; Some are good, some are bad, some are mixed. But, the good ones don’t ever want to organize, the bad instead are the ones that organize, because they lust after power. Powerful consciences don’t want to dominate other people, they want to empower them, so they don’t tend to get together until things are really late in the game, then they come together. Evil is always defeated, because good is so much stronger. And, we’re on this planet and Einstein’s physics showed it, Maxwell’s physics showed it, all of it, that there is at least twelve dimensions, and now that’s why all the top scientist and billionaires are coming out saying it’s a false hologram, it is artificial. The computers are scanning it and finding tensions points where it is artificially projected and gravity is bleeding in to this universe, that’s what they call dark matter. So, we’re like a thought or a dream that’s like a wisp in some computer program, some god’s mind, whatever. They’re proving it all, it’s all coming out.
Now, there’s like this sub transmission zone below the third dimension that’s just turned over the most horrible things, which is what it resonates to, and it’s trying to get up into the third dimension, that’s just a basic level consciousness to launch into the next levels. And our species is already way up to the fifth, sixth dimension consciously, our best people. But there is this big war trying to like, basically destroy humanity, because humanity has free will, and there is a decision to which level we want to go to. We have free will, so evils will have to contend, not just good.
And the Elites themselves believe they’re racing, using human technology to try to take our best minds, and build some type of breakaway civilization where they’re going to merge with machines, transcend and break away from the failed species that is man, which is kind of like a false transmission because they’re thinking what they are as ugly and bad, projecting on to themselves instead of believing, no it’s a human test about building us up, and so, Google set up eighteen, nineteen years ago. I knew about this before it was declassified, I’m just saying I have good sources. They want to build a giant artificial system, and Google believes the first artificial intelligence will be a super-computer based on the neuron activities of the hive mind of humanity with billions of people wired into the internet exchange (holy shit), and so all of our thoughts go into it, and we’re actually building a computer that has real neurons in real time that’s also psychically connected to us, that are organic creatures so that they will have current prediction powers, future prediction powers, a true crystal ball. But the big secret is, once you have a crystal ball and know the future, you can add stimuli beforehand and make decisions that can control the future.
same user so tired
And so then, it’s the end of consciousness and free will for individuals as we know, and a true two-point-o, in a very bad way, hive mind consciousness with an A.I jacked into everyone, knowing our hopes and dreams, delivering it to us, not in some PKD wire head system, where we plug in and give up our consciousness because of unlimited pleasure, but because we were already wired in and absorbed before we knew it by giving over our consciousness to this system our daily decisions that it was able to manipulate and control into a larger system. There’s now a human counterstrike taking place to shut this up before it gets fully into place and to block these systems, and to try and have an actual debate about where humanity goes, and cut off the paedophiles and psychic vampires that are controlling this A.I system before humanity is destroyed.
>Can you name anyone else than Bill Clinton? I know the initial allegations accused Hillary, Podesta and Obama. Show me the proof that isn't an email concerning food.
if you can't fucking do your own research fuck off. Just the day before Jeffery "killed himself",the courts released documents listing literally hundreds of powerful people, from the CEO of amazon, a founder a google, the CEO of nicolodean, disney, producers from CNN, and dozens and dozens of high profile democrat donors and politicians. There is also the foundation run by Jeff's brother, Mark Epstein, with many high profile democrats on its board, including some of trump's most vocal and retarded opponents like Adam Schiff, of who there is now a video circulating of him having sex with an underage boy.
It takes all of 30 seconds to google any of these people and/or institutions and see how corrupt and evil they are, if you're fucking asking basic questsions about Hillar and Podesta you are a literal fucking brainlet retard who neds to STFU and get off Yea Forums and look shit up yourself if you want to keep up bucko.
>fridge sare animals
whew lad
That is not true. Academia is full of dogmatism and people chasing expansions to current theory. Most of the time no one is working on something wacky or paradigm shifting (trans dimensional drug-based aliens are extremely paradigm shifting)
Then post a link. Show where you get your information from. What are you afraid of?
>Adam Schiff, of who there is now a video circulating of him having sex with an underage boy.
Joe has said numerous types he's a leftist (with the exception of muh guns).
Fucking /pol/shits
how embarassing
Alex got cucked by mossad. He's irrelevant now
That's fucked up. Why not make synthetic organs and keep them in jars? That way you don't have to murder monkey humans when you want a lung
aww duh paw lil babby wants to be spoonfed the truth.
>That's fucked up. Why not make synthetic organs and keep them in jars? That way you don't have to murder monkey humans when you want a lung
because organs have to be functional to transplant, an organ sitting in a jar would atrophy from lack of use. organs also must be kept alive and supplied with fresh blood and nutrients.
Leftists constantly demonstrate that they eat their own if such a person isn't a faithful with partisan (hypothetically speaking if they support guns or free speech)
Examples: andy ngo, Tim pool, Joe rogan, 2nd wave feminists
>he believed it
lel at the level of projection here
i am wusing babby tawk so yer lil babby brain can umberstamb but awparentlee daw lil babby is dumber dan a wil babby
Erm, in English please, professor?
But more importantly what kind of nancy fag bitch would stop the march of medical science because MUH CHIMPS
>right about the pedo elite ring
>right about the hybrids (webm for those of you that haven't seen it)
>right about the frogs shit
Could he actually be right about sandy?
>That time when Alex flashbacked into his previous life in medieval times and watched his children die
certified kino
>He is right about stuff he takes off the news
Wow this is pretty shocking stuff maybe he can also predict the weather he is clearly an all knowing wizard.
Why does it look like a retard?
>(webm for those of you that haven't seen it)
That's literally just a monkey, the hybrid is an embro, literally garbage in a tube. That is not the hybrid.
Was Alex always funny as fuck? Like even when he was a young guy?
>Was Alex always funny as fuck? Like even when he was a young guy?
yes. he is a god of infotainment. the same is true of all the best comedians: the most hilarious jokes are the ones that ring true.
Nobody died at Parkland and Sandy Hook.
Are there any videos of young Alex Jones saying funny shit
What? That's Bill Hicks, and fuck you for comparing him to Jones, he would have been using that screaming retarded as a set piece in his acts.
they almost buried him with that sandy hook shit. it's why he completely stopped going conspiracy mode on his show
you can't just watch alex jones and expect to get all the jokes without watching him for a few years
But thats not alex jones
a black woman teacher (or maybe aide) was killed and blackbagged during Parkland
ur mum
based Alex "its everyone but the jews" Jones
based schizo
based gaslighter
>if you can't fucking do your own research fuck off.
>It takes all of 30 seconds to google any of these people and/or institutions and see how corrupt and evil they are, if you're fucking asking basic questsions about Hillar and Podesta you are a literal fucking brainlet retard who neds to STFU and get off Yea Forums and look shit up yourself if you want to keep up bucko.
Yeah you don't have any "evidence" you are comfortable with showing to someone with triple digit IQ.
This, but unironically.
Alex Jones is a humonculoid dirtweasel
they need to make you part pig so you don't reject the organs
how many times have you watched this podcast?
ive watched it about 20 times id say
where is he incorrect?
>things Alex Jones didn't actually say are wrong
>things Alex Jones has been saying for years are right
yeah i'm thinking he's based
Do you not understand what projection is?
I remember this. It is very clear they are not the same person when you see their faces in motion and in other angles.
Holy shit dude.
I believe Alex Jones about all the shit he's been right about too, but that picture is just structureless and absolutely batshit crazy.
your mom lol