The hero tennis needs

The hero tennis needs

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He's mentally retarded, so it's no surpise that /pol/yps would regard him as a kindred spirit.

he's based but also cringe

Simple as


Crazy how an anti vaxx retard is the only one with the balls to say this.

dangerously based

he's the good kind of vegan

>hurr durr, politics and sport doesn’t mix

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he became vegan because of his allergies primarily didn't he?

literally nobody cares about tennis

>I became vegan, Djokovic explained, because eating meat increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, and I want to be the best version of me.
Based or cringe?

>Picture of Olympic medal winner with country's leader
Is there more to this or are you just posting a pic of something that happens in every country when atheletes come back with a medal?
At least it's not
>eating animals is LE BAD!!!

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Can’t help but have deep respect for this man. And you’re my enemy if you disagree

Periodic and important reminder that Medvedev could have avoided all this rigamarole by simply condemning Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine like 97%+ of his tennis player peers have.


Periodic and important reminder that Djokovic could have avoided all this rigamarole by simply getting vaccinated like 97%+ of his tennis player peers have.

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Tennis sucks, but that is a retarded decision.

>me hit ball
>therefore, me must speak about political topics
aren't leftists always talking about how good diversity is? if 97%+ of players are saying one thing, wouldn't the diverse thing be to say the other?

>attends putler’s propaganda rally
>frequently promoted as a member of the national guard

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I too love communism, OP

i think im becoming a Djokermissile sorry Fedbros

this guys back story is peak soul, i especially like his summer training in the garden with stored snow. Norgayians are seething because this country bumfuck exposed all their asthma roiders even if they help each other at tour de ski


Fair, but wouldn't this be exactly a reason why sports and politics shoukdn't mix, that you have situations like this?

Primarily because he believes in the cosmic energy of the universe and that "natural" plants are the only subsistence he needs

>Novak Djokovic, 34 years old, has won 20 out of his last 21 matches which lasted more than 3 hours
You can say what you want but whatever he eats works

>Those Zs

Are Russians this brainwashed? Even if you support Russia invading and conquering the whole of Europe isn't it a little much to be publicly branding yourself?

it's not the meat itself it's all the shit the jews inject into it

They're trying to lap up the last bit of free propaganda money left before Russia collapses for the second time in 30 years.

Yeah I think he's doing alright although that's a very specific set of criteria you've highlighted. Djokovic has always excelled in slowing down matches to exhaust and frustrate opponents.

This is completely ignoring when he was younger and had started his vegan diet he was very inconsistent post-2016 French Open.# and had clearly lost mass. I feel he damaged his chances somewhat by messing with his diet but who knows.

You're the ones that are brainwashed, cucks.

>ban russian tennis players
>buy russian gas and oil
i'm not sympathetic to eurofag problems

in 30 years when Russia no longer exist after World War 3, people will post Z and memeing "Putin didnt do anything wrong"

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Bread stamps coming back in fashion

he's not vegan he eats fish


How fucking retarded are these people holy shit!

seethe. fuck russia

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One of the most retarded takes I've seen in a while. Back to /pol/ nigger.

Fuck Ukraine

>white band
Nice job posting ukrainian war crimes kek

Cringe as shit. To be on the money with the clot shot yet subscribe to the (((food pyramid))) is mind-boggling.

It might be that as your body changes when you're older the vegan think could make more sense as you age then when you're younger too. Tom Brady is pretty veggie heavy too.

Djokovic under Western medicine
>retired in several grand slams
>injury prone
Djokovic under Slav medicine

>be a Serb
>literally live in Russia's ass
many such cases

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I'm sorry I can't understand what you're trying to tell me, Djokovic's fitness and tennis results were worse because he was aging more than any effect from his diet?

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>serb guzzling russian cum
many such cases!

i'm suggesting maybe a vegan diet is better for older athletes than younger ones.
my armchair theory is you have a higher metabolism and train more when you're younger so you need more protein as you get older, you need to train less to avoid injury, and your metabolism can slow down, so that might mean a vegan diet or at least one with more meat could make more sense.

It's an interesting theory desu. Everyone metabolizes differently

>makes troons seethe

the most based opinion, in any circumstance, is always the one that makes trannies seethe the most

nice theory hopefully someone does a study on this

thanks but I apparently had a stroke typing so allow me to clarify what I meant to type:

my armchair theory is you have a higher metabolism and train more when you're younger, so you need more protein. As you get older, you need to train less to avoid injury, and your metabolism can slow down, so that might mean a vegan diet or at least one with less meat could make more sense.

tl;dr eat your vegetables

he just knows that he's next

I love this nigga so much it's unreal.

seething cucks kek.


Did it ever happen that tennis players condemn any war that has occurred in the last 30 years.
At least Djokovic kept his integrity by refusing to play virtue signaling game...

show bobs and vegan


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Do Serbs ever, I mean EVER, get tired of guzzling Russian cum?