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Watching this series for the first time now. On season six and almost done with it. It's a great show but there are so many boring sub-plots. I enjoy the stories with Christopher, Sil, Vinny, and Vito RIP but the half assed One Who Flew Over story with Junior and some of the stories dealing with minor NYC mafia member #1651563 are disappointing and take away from the development of the main plot.
Still disappointed the rap mogul feud plot from season one never really went anywhere.
God those sandwiches they get always look so good
Idk the pacing seems right to me, It may seem boring but I like how it's not over the top action.
yeah kinda sad about vito, despite being a FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG he still seemed like a good father
Junior's end is Tony's story, though. It presents the inevitable reality for Tony if he survives the cut to black. This is further cemented by him dreaming about getting dementia when he's in a coma.
Dumb blogpost incoming but I spent a semester in Denver once living in a hotel converted into dorm space, obviously everyone was always stoned and I was the only one watching Sopranos. I shit you not the show is so engaging that anyone I knew who would come by my room would get sucked into the episode I was watching and stayed for at least 30 min of it despite not knowing what it was.
Same thing happened with The Wire
big F for gandolfini :(
one of the greatest "tough guy" performances ive ever seen. i most definitely couldnt act so intimidating so convincingly as he did. big poppa
Imagine Tony as a countryside bumpkin Italian farmer
him strangling a made man/top earner to death because of a horse was one of my favorite things to happen in this show.
tony should have gotten a dog or cat or something to ease the panic attacks. dude loves animals
I think it was partly the horse, partly the girl ralph beat to death" who reminded him of his daughter"
Fair enough. I guess it's just boom (killing dudes or planning to kill) and bust (that dude's fat wife crying about her dying husband just wanting a cig). My main qualm is mostly the abundance of characters that go nowhere, although this is mostly with the New York guys that I can't seem to keep straight.
His whole story was actually pretty interesting and showed how the mob deals with those situations. I enjoyed the fact he was "on the run" and the arc was just heartbreaking overall.
I suppose seeing a once powerful boss piss his pants is certainly a real fall from grace story...but part of me thought AJ was going to be a total idiot and wack him instead of drop the knife like an idiot
The horse story was great and really powerful. Any Tony with animals plot is just great.
Also, who else is impacted by some of the slang (maddon') and shit like saying "Ayyyy" when something is surprising? I love the way Paulie talks and it seems to be creeping into my actual speech.
Tony hated Ralph. He was literally looking for an excuse to kill him.
Ralph represented a real threat to Tony and he knew it, because Ralph was smarter than him and a better earner than him and despite being a massive cunt he was well liked by the NYC families. If Johnny Sack ever decided to replace Tony, Ralph would be the guy.
Not to mention, Ralph was fucking him over with money and Tony knew it, the construction jobs were worth a lot more than he said and this was hinted at several times throughout the show. Ralph also ACTIVELY did things to undermine Tony and Tony knew it made him look weak, something that has been driving factor for a lot of his actions in the show - to seem as strong as possible.
I think in one of the later episodes someone even says that Ralph was a dead man anyways because Tony hated him, it was just a matter of time. Had it not been the horse, he would have found another excuse to have him killed
It's Marone, ya half a meat ball
this is some black magic voodoo shit
>Sil you heard what I said to this guy? I said it's marone, ya half a meat ball
Well, yeab it was alot of things. Definitely the young girl is what made tony know deep down he was going to beat this man to death, then seeing his beautiful horse burnt to death pushed him over the edge. That was the best fight scene in this show too, the fights are always one sided beatdowns, but that one was brutal.
Is this about the Easter baskets?
it's maddona ya moolie
Sun Ta'zoo!
Paulie is always a joy when he's on screen. His devil horn/pinky index hand point is ace
Get back to your fuckin cuck hole!
An underrated subplot is the melfi rape, I think we all wanted her to tell Tony and watch her rapist get whacked. But she never told him. Just shows my head was too far into how the mafia operates and violence feeling normal and justified, but she did the right and sane person thing keeping her mouth shut.
If Jesus got away with rape before why wouldn't he try again?
>If Johnny Sack ever decided to replace Tony, Ralph would be the guy.
He got released, but it was pure luck and incompetence on the police departments side. That'll scare a person straight, I mean, if he got involved in anything like that again he'd be locked up for sure. And melfi couldn't handle having a death on her shoulders. Not saying they'd kill jesusu but, probably.
"It just feels good knowing I could crush him like a bug".
Ay tone check out dis Chiacchierone, a man can rape a defenseless woman in a parking garage and he doesn't deserve to get whacked? the Stugots on this guy
This show kinda ruined itself once the writers revealed themselves to be horse fuckers. When Toby bought the horse I swear every single character in the fucking show had a shoehorned line that said
>Wow that's a beautiful horse
It's sickening
Like father like son eh he he
Gotta keep the tradition alive eh he he
sucks you couldn't go back to your future
Why are italian americans so boisterous when normal italians are pretty chill
have you even been to italy? they're loud as shit
One of the best performances on this show was when Carmela finally snapped over Tony's goombas and the Russian girls. I've been there before, shit gave me serious anxiety watching her freakout
this is probably the best fight ive ever seen on tv
It makes sense all the shitty takes in this thread were done by a woman
Is there a single other show that comes close to The Sopranos? It's perfect in nearly every sense.
No, the only other show I enjoy is Poirot
have relationship, incel
> No
Don't mind me, I'm just posting the best character
Piece of shit back mouthed his boss, because he cried at his daughters funeral.
It was her wedding, and Johnny Sack cried like a woman. Disgraceful!
low key best right here
It was his daughter, all deals are off
>11:30, gotta be
>*checks watch*
Dare I say it's a slow burn?
This guy got his head flattened by a Cadillac. Some goombah he was.
20 Y E A R S
SHE KNEW THE DEAL, also telling a man on his death bed he's going to hell when he dies, that's fucked up
your brother billy, whateva happened there
>it's an honar to be joined by men...
this is the actual best character you pleb
>why yes, i did give your wife a sexual reawakening and made her feel like a teenage girl again, how could you tell?
A pint of blood costs more than a gallon of gold
Literal whos
Good character. Surprised he was able to live in Italy without getting killed though.
Even outshone versayles