>main character has to rebuild his life
>easily gets jobs without nepotism or cronyism
Main character has to rebuild his life
>main character has to rebuild his life
>everyone asks him where he's been for the past 5 years
>he can't think of something to say and 'crying and playing videogames in the attic' doesn't really cut it.
>main character "has to rebuild his life"
>everyone asks him where he's been for the past 5 years
>he proudly states he's been crying and playing videogames in the attic
>character didn't make a social media after myspace
>application asks for social media
Shit is this a real thing now?
>tfw applied myself in my youth instead of watching anime and now make 6 figures from a job I earned without any connection while my parents were both poor
feels good man
on some
HR looks for it anyway if your cv sounds good and you make the pick
then they most likely drop you without you knowing
It's called networking, not cronyism.
Sometimes they ask for a LinkedIn account
If you aren't getting a job thanks to a friend or family member you're just a retard for doing things the difficult way
It's really not that hard to get jobs if you have a modicum of drive.
The sad thing is that 50 years ago you could actually do this. A minimum wage job back then could support a person living on their own in a decent home and a couple could both work minimum wage and easily support a family.
When a handful of ultra wealthy elites control the vast majority of the wealth these things can't happen anymore.
I refuse to make one, I hate LinkedIn and social media in general. Never using my real name online. That's how they taught me in the 90s and I'm sticking to it.
literally walk into any company and ask for a job, firm handshake
>be me
>work as a janitor
>I let all the deliverymen in over night, the milkman and the breadman and so on.
>bosses realize it's cheaper to hire foreigners to clean
>not even mad, he's right and I spent half the night getting paid to sleep anyway
>talk to the milkman about getting a job delivering milk and he hooks me up
>now I deliver milk
>spend a year or two driving fragile products
>a job offer comes up for a driving instructor at a high school
>I get it because I have experience driving
>now I work as a teacher in high schools in the district
it's that easy. And the path isn't over, there's still advancement. The driving investigative division for example, where you can go make sure everyone is following transport regulations.
I never really saw myself as a professional driver though. But it's become my area of expertise so I'm just going with it. To be honest, I never had a vision of my future anyway so whatever.
good luck finding a company without a "no-singles only" policy in the current year
>now I work as a teacher in high schools in the district
Don't you need credentials for that, like going to some graduate program for teaching? I thought that takes a couple years.
Oh driving teacher, I'm a moron sorry
just get a gf
This. There’s literally nothing wrong with taking advantage of nepotism because that’s just how things work. Time to get over your "social anxiety" and become big boys.
>main character has to rebuild his life
>starts drinking again
>no experience
>neet for 10 years
how are you supposed to get a job with this destroying your resume?
Yeah for teaching actual classes like math you need a degree generally but for any real world tasks the university people have no clue about, they just rely on tradesmen who actually know what they're doing.
So shop, woodworking, electrical, mechanical, driving, etc they'll just recruit an actual mechanic or professional driver to do the instruction.
and this is why most companies are so shitty
hiring their buddies instead of people who know how to do the job
everything produced these days is complete trash
>giving more importance to loyalty ties than to pure liberalism ideology
nothing wrong with that
>character has to rebuild his life
>he spent years in community college without getting a degree and just went back to wageslaving for minimal pay in his late 20s with nothing to show for the last years of his life
>50 years
Try 20 something. My mum applied as an foreign language teacher for a private school while she was pregnant, with only some basic certificates and a couple seminars on her cv.
Hiring a pregnant woman today, that they'd have to give paid leave for months would be fucking impossible today and the qualifications, she's told me have risen to having post-docs in said language now, along with ~5 years experience in minimum and a ton of other certificates.
>he doesn't own his own business
This is gonna be me once I fail out of CS in a year or two
Now you've realized that you should have listened to those telling you that you were wasting your youth for nothing.
Same but chemical engineering.
>not invest any time in marketable skills
>blame capitalism
Ahh I feel better already!
McDonald's and Wal-Mart hire people with literally no experience all the time. My cousin got a job there after 10 years of neetdom.
gabidalism :DDD
Yeah! Fucking hire prostitutes for those dudes.
>post-apocalyptic movie
>character is named Eli
think outside the box. you'll never get a job with a negative attitude.
I moved to England from South Africa and got a job in 3 days. Because I have skills.
Name 2 movies and dont say the book of eli
Iris elba
>main character is a male and cries more than once a year
>when a handful of ultra wealthy elites control the vast majority of the wealth these things can't happen anymore
But this has always been the case.
It's more skewed now though
LinkedIn isn't really social media, its a professional networking platform and if you have a good history you get job offers through it.
Yeah I get that, but I still hate it.
how do you figure?
nice trips
It's been documented
It's not as clear-cut as that. So many people flat-out lie on their resumes, and interviews test for extraversion, not competence. As a result, hiring someone based on a recommendation from someone you trust can bring in a good candidate. Perhaps not the theoretical "best" candidate, but almost certainly not the worst, either.
hey thanks, you have some sweet repeating digitz yourself
Eli's book
Blessed thread
>high school dropout
>bullshitted my way into an airline job
>good at my job so quickly worked my way into a low level management position
>make more money than my friends with college degrees and get to fly around the world for pennies
sounds pretty based ngl
>Character doesn't spend 20 minutes filling out an application only to get a rejection email 2 days later
>and get to fly around the world for penis
>go to a top college
>get a wife and house and make more than you at 24
Where’s the coolest place you’ve traveled?
I'm attempting to make the same move. What sort of work did you go in for?
>go to top college
>get degree
>get masters degree
>fall for phd meme instead of getting a high paying job immediately
>making barely more than minimum wage as a grad student still
so far been all over southeast asia, Japan, Colombia, lots of weekend trips around the States and ive got two weeks vacation coming up but unsure where I'm gonna go.
is right, the high won't last forever but it's nice
>hating LinkedIn
The only way that’s possible is if you have literally 0 connections. Even then I have friends with great jobs who made a LinkedIn without ever updating it or adding people.
Imagine actually being a charmlet
>main character doesn't have lots of material possession or an extensive exciting social circle
>women are interested in him anyway
Same. I should be studying right now
>tfw fill out 40 minutes personal evaluation just for them to not even email you back
I've never understood how LinkedIn works.
>apply to over 30 places in a week
>not a single one has responded
>not having a skillset that companies come to you for
should have applied yourselves earlier in life instead of wasting your limited time on this Earth watching anime lol
what are you talking about just walk up to a company tell them what position you want and how much you want to be paid
works for me
remember to give them a firm handshake and b.e. yourself
it's insanely clear you have never spend a day working in your life, once school ends life is going to fuck you up, better prepare for it
not him but he's right, i had a 6 figure job offer before i even graduated. gotta apply yourself.
Hey samefag
>tfw only have one linkdin connection
>Online job applications are an excuse to give cover to a company that wants to hire illegals under the table.
>tfw iktf
>still haven't finished community college
>never applied to anything
>work in retail
You sound like a roast beef sandwich tbqdesu. What kind of grownass man gives a shit about MUH TRAVELLING MUH WANDERLUST lmao?
She'll live a good life in your house and on her alimony money after she inevitably has a midlife crisis and divorces your ass.
no I'm this user
Ah, the future alimonycuck. Thank you for clarifying your identity.
300k starting as a PhD in mathematics
>she inevitably has a midlife crisis and divorces your ass.
haha, that jealous huh? we've been together 9 years already. i bet you can't even imagine what a relationship like that is like
>mfw the only reason I have my current job is because the boomer owner required resumes be dropped off in person so he could talk to the applicants
>stemfag phd
Good to know you were already rich, but I'm happy to know you were able to utilize your preexisting wealth and privilege to become even wealthier. That must have been very difficult for you. What an accomplishment.
sorry your parents were failures, maybe your dad should have been a real man so your mom didn't leave him for a lifetime of waitressing lmfaoooooooooooooo
based boomers
>Muh high school sweetheart!
Kek youre fucked bro. Enjoy it while it lasts
>when you've resigned to the fact you'll always be an incel so you create pictures like this
I didn't even go to high school. Where's your forever alone starter pack?
Well, I for one am happy that you are in position to ride on the coattails of your forebears and take credit for their work. I mean, you didnt actually earn anything yourself, but well done nonetheless.
easily the most retarded thing I've ever read
>I don't use a car because I didn't invent the wheel
>I don't walk because I wasn't the first bipedal mammal
>300k starting as a PhD in mathematics
f-word niggers
any job i want
Why do you keep and bring eachother down around here?
Last year at the same time I was in a much worse position, but now i'm working and looking forward to tomorrow and beyond, as I have something worth living for. Hopefully you all can find the strength, both mental and physical, to keep on going.
no you're not, you're just in the manic phase, you're going to act like everyone else in a week or so
Terrible analogies. Your situation is more akin to one who defines himself according to the car he drives, as if its an extension of yourself. But its not. If you didnt invest some amount of your identity in the success you were given due to the arbitraily fortunate circumstances into which you were born, you wouldnt be dickwaving about it on aTaiwanese rocket scooter forum.
You still knew her since you were both children. And she's going to get sick of you invariably. Maybe you can prolong the moment of separation by being a good clown and buying her love in ever more grandiose and expensive displays of affection.
I passed that already at the tail end of last year :)
lmao i don't buy her shit, who gave you relationship advice?
i have a bigger dick
seething commie
getting a job is easy. And moving up in the company is easy, as is getting a new job all together once you outgrow your current employment
People bitching about how hard it is and how "boo hoo everything iz unfair cuz boomers etc" are just a bunch of lazy faggots who grew up never working at all and can barely make it through a 9-5 without having a mental breakdown
get a work ethic you losers!
my company made all of us make linkedin accounts and we have to share links to all of the press releases it's stupid I didn't do it and nobody bothered me about it
Your parents actually giving enough of a shit to provide you with opportunities is not "riding coattails". Its called being a responsible parent, if you are not prepared to sacrifice your own luxuries for the well being of your children you shouldn't be having any.
And although im not that poster, his parents didn't earn his PHd. That takes hard work, something im sure you know very little about.
How is it hard to get a job lmao, i got a 6 figure job at an oil refinery and all it took was promising my dad i'd stop smoking meth
pull yourself by bootstraps losers
good for you user
there will always be bitter faggots who consider all of their failures to be "the systems" fault
SEETHING neet detected
heres a tip;
Why don't you lose 100 pounds, shower, and actually take responsibility for your sorry state instead of blaming everyone else lmao
why would i need to?
stay at your dirty ass mcdonalds while i swim in millions
my dad promoted me to assistant manager of his hedge fund and i dont even bathe lmao
stay mad poornigger
>spam your application to everyone within travel distance
>take the best offer you get
>outwork your coworkers
>move up in ranks or get positive reference for next job
>repeat until hitting a salary you are comfortable at and then work just hard enough to not get fired/demoted
How is this difficult at all?
Gentle reminder that Jeff Bezos mother was 17 when she had him and his dad was a bike shop owner. You have no one to blame but yourself for your lack of success in America.
whats to get? its basically facebook but for finding jobs.
Uh the system is keeping us down, don't you know? The wealthy having more money sucks for me because I...uh, don't have it?...or something?
but like dude, the 1%...
>bullshitted my way into an airline job
Be specific or fuck off
>Jeff Bezos mother was 17 when she had him and his dad was a bike shop owner
>In the 60s before the value of labor was decimated by unrestrained immigration and feminist quota laws
>his parents didn't earn his PHd
Moot point, as he never would have been given the opportunity to earn a phd if he was not born into a state of privilege and fortune.
You put a roof over her head and food on her plate you delusional nigger, and she rewards you with periodic access to her holes. A lovely transaction.
For the life of me I can't understand how someone can become accustomed to the "NEET" lifestyle.
What the fuck is wrong with you that you're down to settle with a normal job and a 5-6/10 wife?My mental couldn't handle not being special.
>You put a roof over her head and food on her plate
Not him but my wife unironically makes more money than me, although I'm a retired stay-at-home father in his 30's.
>You put a roof over her head and food on her plate
Wat? She's in medicine making almost as much as i do. We take care of each other, user. Stop seething so hard
Less than 15% of billionaires are that way due to inherited wealth according to the Foundation for Economic Education. You have no excuse.
>as he never would have been given the opportunity to earn a phd if he was not born into a state of privilege and fortune.
Ever heard of scholarships? how about loans?
Most people who go to college are using one of these two things, not being bankrolled by their parents.
>go to college
>get a useless degree in an over-saturated field
>have to settle for a regular job, but now you're in debt/have less money than you should
>*gets a gorrillion dollars from a government subsidy*
>haha the free market works :)
you cannot cope any harder than classcuck copelords unironically spreading their cheeks to get fucked sucked and cucked by their oligarch overlords
Any proof that the majority of billionaires end up that way from gov. subsidies? Any proof that the general populace doesn't benefit from economies of scale and innovation?
The only reason I got my job was because I've of the higher ups went to my same uni.
The only reason I got a job is because I work harder than my peers.
Is this the clearest example of cherry picking ever posted to 4channel?
>Foundation for Economic Education
>founded by a corporate lobbyist who never attended a single economics class
the only reason I got my job was because I actually applied for one instead of blaming boogeymen for my shit life