>Created by (((Seth Rogen)))
Created by (((Seth Rogen)))
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Christianity wouldn't exist without Judaism. Cope.
i fucking hate everything
>eh heh heh heh heh
Is Hollywood stuck in 2001? Why are they still taking pot shots at caricatures of Christianity
Do people still believe in this fantasy world where big corporations are pushing heterosexuality and family values on society?
Correct. Good wouldn't exist without Evil.
You know why
But that's objectively true.
>Christianity wouldn't exist without Judaism. Cope
Yes, obfuscate because you can't handle that Christianity is fanfiction based on Judaism.
> Sperm + Egg = babby
What's the deal with so many millennials having trouble grasping this concept?
what's the alternative sticking bananas up your butt and pour hot oil over yourself?
>He thinks Judaism as it is today isn't a post-Christian rabbinical creation
Correct. Whites would be much better off without judeo fairy tales.
>Yes, obfuscate because you can't handle that Christianity is fanfiction based on Judaism.
>Correct. Whites would be much better off without judeo fairy tales.
I never claimed anything of the sort. I just find it hilarious how deluded and intellectually dishonest a Christcuck, who also is an anti-semite, can be.
But then again, they believe in clearly fake bullshit that was made up two millennia ago, so it shouldn't be too surprising.
>Good wouldn't exist without Evil.
this is a blasphemy. you're basically saying Satan created God.
>But then again, they believe in clearly fake bullshit that was made up two millennia ago, so it shouldn't be too surprising.
oh, sick burn. Did you come straight from reddit to educate us 4channers on religion?
true but the greeks/romans took judaism and made it something completely new. with out jews Europe would have Mithraism or something like it, that would essentially be no different than Christianity as Christianity has little to do with it jews
judaism is a deceptive inversion of god's will. the messiah was sent to earth to enlighten and correct man. those who remained 'jews' failed to recognize the messiah and killed god on earth.
they are not jews but sons of satan. satan's greatest lie was convincing man he was god, notice the lack of his presence in judaism. christ's cross is the opening of saturn's cube (star of remphan)
Ooh, ad hominem attack. I didn't make a topic whining about a show's depiction of religion. This image board doesn't exist so everybody can agree with everything all the time.
Yeah these Hebrew-speaking Rabbinical subversive nation-wrecking profit-seekers are nothing like the Hebrew-speaking Rabbinical subversive nation-wrecking profit-seekers described in the Old Testament.
Judaism is based af and has consistent strong values. Christianity has turned this country into liberal hell hole.
>judaism is a deceptive inversion of god's will.
God's fault for not getting the point across effectively.
>the messiah was sent to earth to enlighten and correct man.
That was 2000 years ago. Why isn't he doing anything now?
>those who remained 'jews' failed to recognize the messiah and killed god on earth.
Was that not part of God's plan? And did Jesus not come back 3 days later? Why should I care?
>they are not jews but sons of satan.
Provide evidence that Satan is real.
>satan's greatest lie was convincing man he was god, notice the lack of his presence in judaism.
[Citation Needed]
>christ's cross is the opening of saturn's cube (star of remphan)
Rogan and his fedorah are only funding the thing. What creative input he has is unknown. Anyways what ever message they were trying to send falls flat when you look at how excessive last June was with the Pride shit. I would check the reviews of the episode itself.
>X + Y = man
>X + X = woman
Liberals, explain yourselves.
Or that God didn't create evil, but reacted to it.
The point of these scenes was her slowly noticing little things that she wasn't totally down with.
We're not meant to think the banner is egregious. She sees it and gets a quizzical expression. Later, other things build up to form her eventual opinion, which isn't that the attendees of the festival are bad people.
You fucking autists.
I don't use that word lightly but this thread is legitimately autistic.
>christ's cross is the opening of saturn's cube (star of remphan)
I was cool with this up until this part, sounds like some black magic shit
The show creator is a kike himself, so it doesn't really matter. Only jews and their shabbos goy would ever dare to question Christianity. I mean, we only have to look at the state of the world and see what the fall of Christianity has delivered us - nothing but jewish antics. And who caused that fall? Jewish promoted media.
Why didn’t they include the hero who was pushed by the company as being gay-friendly but was in reality a massive homophobe and pushed a gay kid off a rooftop when he tried coming onto him?
This is unironically the kind of thing that makes me immediately drop the show/movie.
Red and basedpilled
Oh I completely forgot about him, probably because he's too Politically Incorrect and liberals won't have it
And God is absolutely powerless to do anything?
Damn, you Christcucks are hilarious.
I got this. People are just reading too much into it.
>Is Hollywood stuck in 2001? Why are they still taking pot shots at caricatures of Christianity
>God's fault for not getting the point across effectively.
Man's fault for not understanding his message, that's why he had to send his son
>why isnt he doing anything now?
he died for us and is yet to return
>gods plan duh why should i care blah balh
the greater point is that he suffered at the hands of man, and no it wasnt gods plan thats why jews are the incarnation of satan on earth
>le evidence
r/atheism platitude its about faith
unironically lurk more and dont argue with things you dont understand
nice try shill
>And God is absolutely powerless to do anything?
Why would God care about this meaningless shit?
The Bible has plenty of good life lessons for you to improve yourself with. Aside from that, the decline of Christianity has caused jewish influence over Western societies to increase by a hundredfold. There is no question about that. Even if you do not believe in God, you'd be stupid not to see the disastrous consequences of an atheistic society. So I do not understand why a faggot such as yourself, unless you're a greedy shekel gruber, would be happy that Christianity has fallen out of favor with Europe. What good has come of that?
That horrible speech she gave was the lowest point of the whole show by far. It was r/atheism condensed into 30 seconds.
Why would the show writers assume that the audience agrees with this fat neckbeard mentality? It’s not 2015 anymore
because the show is aimed at capeshitters who think Watchmen is too problematic
He's gonna fuck up invincible isnt he.
>Why would the show writers assume that the audience agrees with this fat neckbeard mentality? It’s not 2015 anymore
Why would you assume they give a fuck what their audience wants?
This mentally ill hasbara has been seething 16 hours straight now lmao
>Man's fault for not understanding his message, that's why he had to send his son
All powerful and all knowing. It's his fucking fault, faggot.
>he died for us and is yet to return
Who is "he"? Jesus? He rose from the dead 2000 years ago. What is stopping God from doing anything right now?
>the greater point is that he suffered at the hands of man
He suffered at the hands of himself and chose to do so. Man didn't create themselves. Man didn't create original sin. Every problem God has traces back to God.
>and no it wasnt gods plan thats why jews are the incarnation of satan on earth
Lie and cope more, faggot. He is all powerful but didn't know what would happen with Jesus? Why did he need a human vessel in the first place?
>r/atheism platitude its about faith
So your argument is to believe just to believe? Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
>unironically lurk more and dont argue with things you dont understand
You literally just appealed to faith--believeing shit for no reason--as an argument. Oh I am laughing at you.
this doesn't mean shit kek
Season 2.
No pol your projecting isn't working
>Why would God care about this meaningless shit?
He wouldn't, which is why the God of the Bible is bullshit.
>The Bible has plenty of good life lessons for you to improve yourself with.
It has bad life lessons, too. It also contradicts itself. What's your point? To cherry pick what I want to follow?
>Aside from that, the decline of Christianity has caused jewish influence over Western societies to increase by a hundredfold.
Christianity IS Jewish influence. One cannot have Christianity without Judaism. The reverse is not true, though.
>Even if you do not believe in God, you'd be stupid not to see the disastrous consequences of an atheistic society.
It's not atheim's fault and the onus is not on society to believe something they have no reason to believe.
>So I do not understand why a faggot such as yourself, unless you're a greedy shekel gruber, would be happy that Christianity has fallen out of favor with Europe. What good has come of that?
It makes intellectually dishonest Christcucks like you SEETHE. That's one benefit.
if you say so senpai
prior to telescopes the 6th planet saturn was the furthest visible planet from the sun, the lifegiver
saturn devours his sons in a jealous rage before being conquered.
i find it interesting that the sixth planet from the sun has a giant hexagon on its north pole. the star of david has six sides, six triangles, and six points
Christianity is the good parts of religion, while also removing the genetic link with these people.
>can't even write /pol/ right
get a real job, amazon pajeet
religion is a jewish tool
spirituality is not
nah, she has no personal deal with him and I don't think invincible is getting fucked up in the near future seeing it's going to be long running show
im about to leave and dont have time to format this but god put man here as a test. when man does good he enlightens himself and other men, when he strays from gods will he debases himself and harms
Thanks, this kind of thing is very interesting to me
When did Yea Forums unironically start supporting Christianity?
when atheists poured oil over their bodies
>god put man here as a test
[Citation Needed]
Also, for what purpose? God is perfect and wants nothing because he has everything. Why create anything?
>inb4 "it's god's plan lol we don't have to know
And what about the people on earth who will live their entire lives not knowing about Christianity? They do exist. How do they fit into this master plan?
>when man does good he enlightens himself and other men
"Good" by what standard? Good because it is good or good because God says it is good?
>when he strays from gods will he debases himself and harms
I can go to church if I want to hear a sermon. I did that for years.
yw, this guy puts it much better than i could and has lots of great material
since 2011
>He wouldn't, which is why the God of the Bible is bullshit.
Retarded or what? How did you come up to that conclusion?
>It has bad life lessons, too. It also contradicts itself
examples, please.
>Christianity IS Jewish influence. One cannot have Christianity without Judaism. The reverse is not true, though.
Again, where do you even come up with this bullshit? Christianity has little to nothing to do with Judaism. Christianity was basically founded by Paul the Apostle and the center of faith was Antioch. Saint Peter was the other founder and given his Greek name and unknown origin, high chance of him to have been a jew are slim to none. From there it spread onto the Roman Empire and the Romans adopted it and catered it. Culturally wise it has nothing to do with Judaism. It has always been a Greco-Roman religion
>It's not atheim's fault and the onus is not on society to believe something they have no reason to believe.
Then said society will reap what it sows. They will be force-fed as simple cattle for the jews and all of their live will be spent in feeding the biggest shekelers out there. Great society. We're already seeing the beautiful society you atheistic nerds create - refugees, wars, the complete disintegration of family values, niggers, pedophilia, homosexuality, jews pushing their propaganda through their entertainment screen 24/7 and the complete removal of any kind of morality. Beautiful, indeed.
>It makes intellectually dishonest Christcucks like you SEETHE. That's one benefit.
Life goals right there. Well, not to burst your bubble, but you'll still be nothing more than a pathetic goy rat living a meaningless life, wasting your life on Yea Forums.
WTF a man and A WOMAN?! TOGETHER?!!!! uuggghhh
god made man in his image and loves man as his children. missionaries and holy wars have been a thing. what god says is good happens to line up fairly neatly with basic intrinsic morality
whats ur favorite movie btw
My favorite movie is completely irrelevant. I went to church for years and I went to a Catholic private school for years. I also took a few theology classes in college. I don't need you to regurgitate shit I have heard a million times before.
>I went to church for years and I went to a Catholic private school for years. I also took a few theology classes in college
Obviously it didn't sink in. You must be have a very low IQ.
>Yea Forums
>"My favorite movie is completely irrelevant"
>Retarded or what? How did you come up to that conclusion?
There is no logical reason for God to have created humanity. There is no logical reason for God to want us to believe that he exists and to worship him. There is no logical reason for God not to REVEAL himself to us if he wants us to believe.
>examples, please.
Examples of which and why give them? This will just lead to biblical interpretation, where you justify shit like God telling people to kill gays and to not eat shellfish.
>Again, where do you even come up with this bullshit?
The Torah, which is what the Bible is based on. Cope harder, intellectually dishonest faggot.
>Well, not to burst your bubble, but you'll still be nothing more than a pathetic goy rat living a meaningless life, wasting your life on Yea Forums.
And no amount of insults you throw at an anonymous person on the internet will make your fake God real. SEETHE.
>believing in made up bullshit is high IQ
>falling for indoctrination is high IQ
>not seeing the clear logical inconsistencies in religion is a high IQ move
And Islam wouldn't exist without Christianity.
I do not care and that is irrelevant to my point. I am not a Muslim and I hate Islam even more than Christianity.
>There is no logical reason for God to have created humanity. There is no logical reason for God to want us to believe that he exists and to worship him. There is no logical reason for God not to REVEAL himself to us if he wants us to believe.
Very big headcanons right there. You with your little brainlet of a mind suddenly knows what God's thought process is?
>Examples of which and why give them?
So you got caught on lying. Can't give any? Don't give me that other crap to dodge the question. Provide examples
>The Torah, which is what the Bible is based on
Okay, post some examples of that. Let's see how based the Bible is on the Torah.
>And no amount of insults you throw at an anonymous person on the internet will make your fake God real. SEETHE.
It's cute how you actually think you're making me mad or whatever. You're nothing but a pathetic degenerate. This conversation is actually quite entertaining for me.
>You with your little brainlet of a mind suddenly knows what God's thought process is?
The "God works in mysterious ways" copout. I am not believing in stupid shit for no reason. Sorry.
>So you got caught on lying. Can't give any? Don't give me that other crap to dodge the question. Provide examples
Provide examples of what, dumbfuck? The contradictions or the bad teachings? I can go to evilbible.com and just quote scripture--that can be easily looked up to verify--to you. Is that what you want? Seems tedious.
>Okay, post some examples of that.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Five examples of the Bible being founded on Judaism.
>It's cute how you actually think you're making me mad or whatever. You're nothing but a pathetic degenerate. This conversation is actually quite entertaining for me.
Keep throwing out those insults, faggot. Maybe one day, you will realize that you aren't special and your religion isn't the "correct" one.
Christianity wouldn't exist without Hebrewism (2000 BC onward), which is separate from Judaism (developed from 500 BC - 200 AD).
Christcucks deserve to be made fun of relentlessly.
Believing in something without evidence is idiotic and eventually christcucks need to come to terms with the fact that theyre wrong
I think that's her "make sense" face.
I wouldn't be pulling this edgy atheist schtick if they weren't constantly bitching about their feelings being hurt on Yea Forums over this fucking episode. For people who believe in absolute nonsense, they sure like to assert their shitty opinions with complete confidence.
>being this much of a capeshitter
reddit is down the hall and to the left
When has Yea Forums ever not discussed capeshit?
Judaism came after Christianity ya brainlet.
reddit tourists are the only one who discuss capeshit here
So God created Satan? Sounds like blasphemy too... Now you see the catch 22 of religion and the paradigm of good vs evil
Kek is a better representation of orthodox religions
lucifer was the angel closest to god but he desired his own kingdom and was cast out of heaven. he was the original disobeyer
Hmm, the New Testament is unlike anything in Judaism, it reads like Greek philosophy. I’d say given the Romano-Greek influence and control of the area at that time that it probably is. The Old Testament is very Jewish, which is why it’s schizophrenic and brutal, but Christ swept that away, which is probably why you hate him so much.
>X + Y = man
>X + X = woman
God is perfect but his scripture isn't? Cope harder, faggot.
>(((Seth Rogen)))
What do these parantheses mean again? Just anything that triggers you?
It was written by man after all
>but Christ swept that away
Wrong, Jesus fully supported and endorsed the Old Testament
Yes, man made up God. You are right about that.
Yes because the old testament is all him BTFOing the jews.
>original disobeyer
1 Make beings with free will
2 Act disappointed when they use it
God is like Dr.Frankenstein isn't he.
When Hollywood starting supporting Islam.
I'd be fine with it if they treated other religions the same.
not what i said boy. you can always tell someones mad when they reply to every post
and Evan ((((((((((Goldberg)))))))))))
What you posted was a copout.
yeah thats kind of what frankenstein is about, man trying to become god. clever of you!
>Why would the show writers assume that the audience agrees with this fat neckbeard mentality? It’s not 2015 anymore
They don't; or, they are writing it for the audience that agrees with their bullshit. I thought the blonde chick is from an Evangelical background. None of the Christian stuff should have been surprising to her, nor would she have said that shit about homos if she was really a Christian.
how. all i said is the bible is an account written by man. of course i cant disprove that "man made up god".
>What do these parantheses mean again? Just anything that triggers you?
>33 AD
>70 AD
Judaism was created after Christianity, retard. The Talmud didn't exist until the 4th century AD.
Why do you hate Christians? They are almost certainly wrong about the mysticism in their religion but the tenets themselves are not horrible and they are generally tolerant people today, fanaticism aside.
>Judaism was founded after Christianity
There are some triggered Jews in this thread.
Are right-wingers actually this fucking retarded? You realize that the INRI on the cross Jesus was crucified on meant "Jesus Christ King of the Jews" right? How could he be the king of the Jews if Judaism was founded after Christianity?
You replied to a post where I called out the claim that God erased the Old Testament as bullshit. If you don't disagree with me, why are you responding?
Is this whole Christianity bad postings on pol and tv a new weird jidf strategy?
Fucking weak dude.
I don't subscribe to Judaism and I do not visit /pol/. Religious fags will cry about everything else instead of addressing the topic at hand--their fake gods and their illogical belief in them.
>Hebrews existed, therefore their religion has stayed the same forever
You can't be this dumb
i dont disagree with you on that but i disagree that god doesnt exist. were going around in circles buddy, whats your favorite tv show?
That does nothing to address the claim that Christianity would not exist without Jews--which is an irrefutable FACT.
>but i disagree that god doesnt exist.
Because you are a brainlet.
Based. Expose the Jewish lies.
Christianity and Islam both have their roots in the Jewish faith you fucking retard. Do you not know what the Old Testament is?
Dude both Ennis and Kripke are known critics of the Church. If you weren't expecting something like this from a show made by both of them I don't know what the fuck to tell you.
he's only one of the EPs
>now it's just Jews as a race, not Judaism
Do you need help carrying those goalposts, friend? You seem to have a long journey ahead of you.
so much anger in your heart, christ is always there to forgive and heal
They didn't really care about Jesus or religion they gathered these people there to scam money from them in the name of God. She starts noticing this and become disgusted by it. There was literally no mention of Jesus or any praise for him there. It was a bunch of people that turned themselves into idols, and these people had all gathered there to worship them instead of Christ. I'm surprised they pointed this out in this episode. For me this wasn't Christian bashing, but being open about what these people that run these organizations are really like behind the scenes. Fake.
Christianity would not exist if not for Jews and Judaism.
>Morally good superhero film has extremely subtle pro-Christian messages
>Morally evil superhero show has extremely subtle anti-Christian message
Why are jews so liberal compared to muslims and christians
Their religion is just as conservative as christianity and islam, they all seem to be really progressive
Judaism does not follow the Christian Old Testament, or the Torah from which it is derived. Judaism is based on the Talmud, which was written centuries after Christ and is a reaction to and rejection of Christianity. The Torah is nothing more than speculative history and folk tales to Jews. Any yeshiva student would know this.
>so much anger in your heart, christ is always there to forgive and heal
Like he heals the people with inoperable brain tumors or the children who are dying from disease or starvation.
People cannot seem to separate the church from God. Remember everyone that God casts all but one church into hell. The only reason he spared the one was because it was marginally trying. Worship Jesus not the fucking church.
They only push this on the goyem
4channel has always been a christian image board
>i'll just repeat myself autistically, that'll show 'em!
I think it is dangerous to believe in something without evidence. There is no reason or logic behind their claims. You might say “well, their actions are generally moral, they usually act like good people.” That might be true, but why are they doing it? I would prefer to have someone act like a good person and have a logical, sturdy foundation for why they are doing it.
If someone acts like a good person just to please an imaginary being and avoid an imaginary hell, I would say they are not such a good person after all. I would prefer they act like good people simply to help their fellow man.
God would not exist without the church--religious communities--peddling him.
>Judaism (originally from Hebrew יהודה, Yehudah, "Judah";[1][2] via Latin and Greek) is the ethnic religion of the Jewish people. It is an ancient, monotheistic, Abrahamic religion with the Torah as its foundational text.
>Within Judaism there are a variety of movements, most of which emerged from Rabbinic Judaism, which holds that God revealed his laws and commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai in the form of both the Written and Oral Torah.
>Judaism has its roots as an organized religion in the Middle East during the Bronze Age.[15] It evolved from ancient Israelite religions around 500 BCE,[16] and is considered one of the oldest monotheistic religions.
Congrats on being a complete fucking retard.
Go suck sandnigger dick faggot.
>Their religion is just as conservative as christianity and islam
It really isn't. It is a mix of extreme rules and extreme ways of getting out of following those rules. For instance, sex outside of marriage including cheating while married is permitted if you are fornicating with a Gentile, as they are not fully human.
>who think Watchmen is too problematic
Homelander says nigger in the comics, though
No argument. Anti-semitic Christcucks really are a hoot.
Holy fugging kek
Try pray to Jesus just once. Really commit to it, ask for wisdom and discernment. It only takes a few seconds of your time. What is the harm in doing it when you are alone and no one is around to witness it? You can do it while you are in bed before you go to sleep or when you wake up in the morning. What have you got to loose?
the comics are also problematic that's why they changed so much, the SJW crowd wouldn't take it
you ever go to a chabad center? you ever observe an orthodox jew? its only semi-secular jews in the US. the least tolerant and most exclusionary people on earth, you literally need a genetic background test if you want in on the club
That's the joke
Most of the Jews in Hollywood are atheists or reform Jews who don't really take the religion very seriously. Being a Jew isn't really about being religious its about being a part of a wealthy and powerful ethnic community and taking advantage of the nepotistic networking opportunities that community affords you.
I don't understand this place anymore.
Go back r*ddit
Funny you say that. My parents are catholic, I was baptised as an infant, I grew up in the church. I attended hundreds of masses, took the eucharist, prayed, everything fully believing in God.
Then one day I grew up and realized it was wrong.
>Don't trust Wikipedia which is based on thousands of the most recent academic sources and constantly reviewed, edited and revised by dedicated editors, just trust my stupid meme knowledge I gathered from reading anti-Semitic blogspot pages and unsourced /pol/ infographics
If you are Jewish, then you already know the truth. You were just taught to always lie about these things in order to protect Jews from Gentiles.
Would you like to be sacrificed to Odin or be a muslim instead?
>If you are Jewish, then you already know the truth.
I am not Jewish. I do not believe any gods or practice any religion.
The truth is that Christcucks are idiots whose religion would not exist without Jews or Judaism.
>be jewish
>work for entertainment industry
>critic religion
>chose to do that by attacking christianism instead of judaism
Every. Fucking. Time.
Lucifer isn't Satan.
they grew into degenerate, braindead christian normies like
when they left gradeschool and realized how soul-crushing real life can be. Alcohol, religion, and drugs are how wagies escape reality
>it reads like Greek philosophy
lol what a delusional retard
Because American Christians are still very much obsessed with sex and neglect every other part of the Bible.
whoever made this picture is retarded
>I am not Jewish. I do not believe any gods or practice any religion.
>The truth is that Christcucks are idiots whose religion would not exist without Jews or Judaism.
Why do their motivations matter to you? You should only concern yourself with their behavior. Their belief demands nothing of you.
>I would prefer they act like good people simply to help their fellow man.
That is what is they are doing. They are acting good first. Why do you assume because they believe in Christ that it is only their religion that motivates them to be charitable? Are you incapable of charity as an atheist?
I get the desire to have rational neighbors but Christians who follow scripture are not a problem. You problem is with the Church and it's superstitions.
>It is a mix of extreme rules and extreme ways of getting out of following those rules
this, see The Talmud. thats why they make the best lawyers
When being atheist became mainstream. Contrarians here started larping as conversvative christians despite jerking off to hentai rape porn and openly wishing for a second holocaust.
Americans are not human so I understand why you're offended
>modern Judaism was founded after Christianity
It might work but a rational assessment would suggest this is the action of the brain, not divine power.
>the only sources of information i can conceive of are wikipedia or 4chinz
jesus fucking christ
not another atheist redditor thread raid
please stay the fuck off this board faggots
>another christian whining thread
Yea Forums christians have surpassed reddit atheists as the pinnacle of cringe.
Not an argument, Christcuck.
So you have zero religious education, and are just repeating memes?
/pol/ is so into being le edgy contrarian they ended up having unironically the same opinions as crustly old boomers, so now we are full of retards LARPing as soccer moms
Nice goalpost moving
Oh sorry, I forgot about aryanstormwolf1488.weebly.com
>No I don't want to go to church, mom. I fucking hate christianity!
Some of the people ITT are making atheists look good. Imagine that for a second. Atheists. Look good.
>bitches about "atheist redditors"
>when this is thread 1000 made by butthurt Christcucks about one episode of a fictional tv show
After boomers and Redditors from r/the_Donald came in during the election and started shilling conservative Christianity
nice try satan but you cannot hide
>You should only concern yourself with their behavior
I used to think that and I do agree with your overall point. My entire family is christian and I think overall they are good people. But I think it is too easy to sway people who believe with faith alone. It is too easy to lead and convince people to move in the wrong direction. Its dangerous to have a large part of society driven by faith. You have to be skeptical of your leaders, skeptical of the people in control of you. And you develop that skepticism through looking at things deeper, looking at the evidence behind it all. With faith, you can be convinced of anything.
Quints of truth. It's not /pol/ in particular though. Just Yea Forums in general always being contrarian to the status quo, depending on the current global situation. I'm an oldfag and it's fascinating as fuck how pliable anons are, as long as they are in some kind of opposition to the "man".
>Whites would be much better off without judeo fairy tales.
metaphor for satan, etc.
funny enough the Hebrew word means "light-bearer"
Christianity was made because a Rabbi was like okay guys maybe we shouldn't bite baby dicks, and we all know what happens next.
>So you have zero religious education
I have stated the religious education I received already. I went to church, went to Catechism, went to Catholics schools from 7-12 grade and took multiple courses on theology in college.
What's your fucking point, Christcuck?
i like how man + woman = marriage is considered problematic now. we're sinking into the clownworld more and more.
waste of triples on some dumb untermensch.
I wonder who could be behind this post
not even the ancient greeks, gayest civilisation of all time, endorsed gay marriage
>yfw future man will look at our time the same way we look at ancient greece, but without the philosophy or great works, just gayness
>you see, we need religion because it inspired some fancy-looking buildings
kek you wish
>God would not exist without the church
the worst part of the christian LARPers on Yea Forums is that they are not aware of how cringe they are
Lying about your age and background won't fool anyone when you still talk like a teenager, user.
we all know its a falseflag made by your commie group faggot. neck yourself.
>Christianity wouldn't exist without Judaism.
I guess Jesus couldn't have thrown the money changers out of the temple if they weren't there to begin with.
When people grew up and stopped being underage
>based on our findings in the undersea digs on the site of what ancient texts refer to as "San Francisco" we can confirm that our ancestors were, as has been widely speculated for many years by our top historians, a bunch of fags
Imagine ranting and raving about a practically impossible Jewish conspiracy to corrupt western society one moment, then jerking your dick to an interracial gangbang the next. That is so many of your pathetic realities. Literally kill yourselves.
oh please
just like always, since time immemorial, jews invoke christianity to regain control of their golem
most of the kike on a stick posts are false flags
You'll never see a mainstream show take a shot at Islam
>What do these parantheses mean again? Just anything that triggers you?
>anything that makes us /pol/bros look bad is le jewish conspiracy
own up to your cringy shit /pol/, you fucks
It's not the jews fault you can't find a wife
have sex ASAP
And in this hypothetical scenario
who would be the person who produced the interracial pornography I'm watching? what ethnicity would that person be?
Mad trannys ITT
>we're not whining, it's a false flag
hard cope
so we have jews to thank for christcuckery?
>There is no logical reason for God to have created humanity.
How do you know?
>the spammer has found this thread
>Why are jews so liberal
Why are you lying kike?
>1 man + 1 woman = marriage
Wait, what's wrong with this?
>Lying about your age
I never lied about my age. I never even stated how old I was. Do try to keep up.
How do you know that I am lying about my background?
The fucking lengths Christcucks will go to. Just personal attack after personal attack.
Here you go, Christcucks. I will shoot out a few statements. See if you disagree.
>God is real.
>God is all powerful.
>God is all knowing.
>God is omnipresent.
>God wants us to believe that he exists.
>Therefore, God should prove that he exists by presenting himself to us.
Any part of that you disagree with? Keep in mind that God loses NOTHING by presenting himself to non-believers, and word of mouth + an ancient text are not sufficient evidence.
uhm... Sweatie its 2019 you know?? Fuck cis peupul
The Christian bible has a dude giving away his daughters to a horde of strange men
why are you a mad tranny?
>t. buttblasted kikes derailing
>shoot up blue lives matter bar
>only kill a bunch of niggers
gg jews
>Reasonable person points out a specific thing done by Jews and explains why it's bad for society
>iTs nOt tHe JeWs fAuLt ThAt [insert random insult]
Why are leftists like this?
the funniest thing about that is that its mostly jews producing and disseminating said interracial gangbang porno
>impossible conspiracy to corrupt western society
see frankfurt school
its not as black and white as "global jews vs goyim" but theres no denying they own hollywood. they tailor it to emphasize certain ideals, going back as far as the red scare days
this, happened with tards like gavin mcinnes too
Because they understand the root cause of your butthurt, i.e. perpetual virginity
>i totally have a religious background, that's why I still repeat the same dumb memes I learned from Bill Maher
>it's a "/pol/tards LARP as Christians and shriek about jews" episode
I think I've seen this one before.
name one reasonable point in this thread
>It's the jews fault I gooble up cucked porn
They're both futile in the grand scheme
>"Wtf, how about gay marriage? Christianity is bad!"
Her reaction was fucking retarded. It's fucking religious camp, what did she expect, a gay pride parade in there? Why won't she check a mosque for gay as well?
Maybe jews should stop biting off baby dicks.
To find out who rules over you, find out who you can't criticise.
You butthurt Christians are far more annoying than the reddit atheists ever were.
If you believe this even ironically you LITERALLY shouldn't be living in this century and you need to go back. Humankind isn't even bisexual, it's pansexual. Either get with the times or get ready to be steamrolled by evolution.
Why did the nazis hate Christians so much?
Here's what Chief Nazi Ideologue and mentor to Hitler Alfred Rosenberg wanted to do with Christianity:
>the National Reich Church of Germany would claim exclusive control over all churches
>publication of the Bible would cease
>crucifixes, Bibles and saints were to be removed from altars
>Mein Kampf would be placed on altars as "to the German nation and therefore to God the most sacred book"
>the Christian Cross would be removed from all churches and replaced with the swastika
And here's a list of just some of the christian clergy martyred by the germans
Dodged the question, first of all. Second, continued to imply that I am lying based on zero proof. Finally, implying that people who were raised in a religious background CAN'T be anti-religion--a nonsensical argument in itself.
>Frankfurt school is about corrupting Western civilization
Here we go again...
because it is black magic shit
>t. asshurt kike spammer
The third man is black tho
Got it Seth, thanks.
Modern liberal politics seek to benefit the minority at the expense of the majority. Jews are the eternal minority. The one place they aren't a minority, Israel, they drop their liberalism very quickly.
The gun and alcohol is the only thing there made by whites. Are you pretending to be white again Moshe?
To find a tranny, go to /pol/
>chef ideologue
Nice pasta, incel
This has to be a false flag, right? Not even /pol/ is this retarded.
I don't see why Jews of all people want to push the message of polygamy. They're literally the weakest grossest people on earth and if their partner follows suit they're going to be fucking so many horny dudes that just want pussy.
The religious Jews are generally really conservative, it's the secular Jews who tend to be liberal.
You act as condescending and arrogant as the fedoras you obsess about.
they rule the world according to incels. That seems p strong to me
trannys can't meme
>Quoting a literal pedophile
>goalpost moving
>ancient Judaism = rabbinic Judaism
Don't think so sweaty.
>when your 'genuine culture' revolves around making people feel guilty about the holocaust
I like how incels obsess over talmud/jewish religious dogma when 99% of jews are atheists who couldn't give less of a shit about it and have never even picked up a torah/talmud/whatever
idk why /pol/ trannys are constantly trying to frame/ruin Molyneux by associating him with this shit.
Pretty much this. Add to that the 2016 flood of redditors trying to fit in.
never underestimate the depth of /pol/'s retardation
Their godlessness just makes their nature more extreme. Look at pedowood.
>Whites are the masterrace
>But Jews managed to amass all the power in the world
>and they want to end the white race because....?
/pol/shit make no sense if you think about it more than 5 seconds. Literally flat-earth tier
>Yeah goy we kikes totally don't circumsice our kikelets when they are born
When /pol/ told them to. These people are impressionable teenagers.
stay mad you fucking kike
Yet every alt-right/incel board is overrun with pedos. Weird!
I think they know that, they just want an excuse to shitpost at the end of the day.
There's no way they would lie about that. Must be true.
Every jew institution is run by kid fuckers.
circumcision has areligious connotations all over the world. For instance south korea is a pretty atheistic country and has a higher rate of circumcision than the US or Israel
Have you ever even read a single sentence of Adorno or any Frankfurt School philosopher?
seth rogen is more talented than anyone on this board will ever be. seethe harder.
christian whites created the better part of our world, get over it. im not into interracial, im a paraphilic degenerate which sucks but at least im not bound to jewish made porn
a goal of the frankfurt school was to topple western capitalism via subversion and immigration
How could anyone who's seen pictures or videos of Hitler think he was straight, anyway?
Based retardposter.
Fake and gay kike made up propaganda
Yeah kikes are bastions of truth. They're totally aren't deceitful reptiles who lie whenever they open their mouths.
every /pol/ idol is a kid fucker (Hitler, Rockwell, Kevin Alfred Strom, Sam Hyde, etc)
Seems like you're the angry one here.
truly a very low quality image
>iphone filename
Every /pol/ user is a kid fucker
>It's fake reeee
>a goal of the frankfurt school was to topple western capitalism via subversion and immigration
Yep, looks like you never read anything by a Frankfurt School philosopher and base your entire worldview on retarded /pol/ memes. Typical right-wing NPC.
Do you truly believe jews are all in some kind of Jewish group chat, conspiring to get your sister to fuck a nigger? Or taking marching orders from some kind of super jew? Maybe they just like money, just like everyone else? Maybe it's more profitable to cater to more demographics? Maybe porn tastes are so varied they literally try everything and see what sells? Maybe the moral failings are inevitable in unfettered capitalism.
The banks are run by pedophiles, hollywood is run by pedophiles, the schools are run by pedophiles.
lmao imagine this fairy getting so butthurt over losing an argument to a jew that he wrote up this giant essay about how they cheated like a whiny child who just lost a game
Almost like you're just happy pretending to be an idiot.
>The fact we brainwashed other people into mutilating the penis of their kids totally means circumcision isn't a vile J*wish kike practice
Amazing. A lying kike is a lying kike no matter what.
>its real reeeee
>he never read Adorno
ok pleb
literally invented by gooks and sandniggers
first fermented by Egyptians, and even ancient chinese had alcoholic drinks
Why does /pol/ idolize this utter failure again?
>Dayton shooter
>The Dayton shooter had an extreme left Twitter feed
>A Twitter account that appears to belong to Dayton shooter Connor Betts retweeted extreme left-wing and anti-police posts as well as tweets supporting the violent protest group Antifa.
>The most recent tweet on the @iamthespookster account was on Aug. 3, the day of the shooting, when he retweeted a post saying, “Millenials have a message for the Joe Biden generation: hurry up and die.” He also retweeted support for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
>Under the Twitter handle @iamthespookster, the user description says, “He/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / I’m going to hell and I’m not coming back.” One tweet used the hashtag #HailSatan.
>In the hours before the Dayton shooting, the account “liked” several tweets about the El Paso shooting, including one supporting gun control and others that called the El Paso shooting suspect a “terrorist,” and a “white supremacist.”
>The account also retweeted posts against US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, including one that said, “These people are monsters,” as well as multiple posts condemning police, and supporting Antifa. There were also many tweets of selfies, photos with a friend and ordinary memes and non-political content.
There's a menorah on every pornsite and Christmas incest porn on the front page every December.
It's the jews fault I look like pic related and am a virgin at 31
Whites have truly done nothing except bitch about races that actually accomplish stuff.
I un-ironically wish the holohoax actually happened. The world would 100% be a better place.
Oh, so you don't have a clue. Thanks for contributing.
Please provide me with a single quote proving that the Frankfurt school was trying to use transgender immigrants to destroy the West.
Black powder is not firearms and Egyptians are white.
autistic just like them
>some guy who wanted to do things
Meanwhile zero christian persecution happened.
>but muh christians who died
>posts a list of christians who were killed for things unrelated to christianity
just lol at this weak pilpul grasping. Might as well say the nazis hated the germans too, a bunch of them also died under hitler.
>got killed while germans chased italian partisans into her village
>death has literally nothing to do with being christian
>protested euthenesia programs
>nazis sentence him to two years of
>he requests to serve his time with the jews to comfort them or something
>gets put on a train to dachau, dies in transit
>death has literally nothing to do with christianity
Tell me more about that christian holocaust, retard.
Very good claims. Can you post some proofs?
More delusional dot connections from delusional morons.
not a rebuttal to the facts, tranny
Tell'em tyrone!
>i have no argument
You could simply not reply
Don't give any (you)s to the kike spammer. See the archive to see his genetically inherited kike mental illness.
look it up retard, they were firing off fucking guns years
Based retardposter following through to the end!
>ITT: Hook nosed merchants kevtching
great thread
let's do it again sometime
Even niggers know Egyptians are white. Are you dumber than a nigger?
>Posting kikepedia as if it's a credible source
>adopting virtue signaling and confirmation bias
>This is white to a /pol/tard
knew /pol/ was just a bunch of self-hating mutts