83 million people

>83 million people
>shit league
>0 elite athletes
>shit food
>shit weather

I hate them so much already

Attached: 1000_F_41940239_2dYjaAnZvMmyGa0HfbNa1sW8TqbVmCEf.jpg (1000x667, 126.37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


shit immigrants as well it seems

Your girls are pretty cute tho

Dann hau sofort ab du Spast

can't wait to spit on my first deliveroo ukrainian

If it's so shit, why don't you go back?

good thread

german guy here

my place is big enough to shelter two cute ukrainian girls under the age of 25

german guy here

good thread

scared of posting a lower number?

non german guy from germany here

spanish guy there

The only good Kartoffel is a mashed Kartoffel.

Attached: index.jpg (2048x1152, 351.66K)

german guy here

Yes, but baked and fried are also good.

Do you like Hitler?

How's Buckingham Palace, my lord?

Attached: 1646308966795.jpg (604x633, 58.7K)

yes of course i am german

its ok

>German flag in a thread

two girls under 25 years (combined)

I officially distance myself from this German.

Karl Lauterbach approves this

someone make a /bundes/ already. I'm too lazy to do it myself.

why do you guys love emma so much?

But user, this IS /bundes/.

fuck off

Attached: leylahfingers.jpg (576x432, 47.23K)

Because she was really cute in the movies

You forgot about how the people are shit as well

12 is also under 25


Well, well, well...

It's true, i am a piece of shit (and i want to eat the shit from a cute girls ass)

Well done, Greece! I am proud of you!

a hot steamy piece of shit in my mouth please mhhhh

pay more debnts!

is that so....?!

Attached: 1649631430280.jpg (383x400, 34K)

I'm back from buying drugs.

I hate drug addicts

20 million of those are mudlimes, slavs and cotton pickers

great music though

Don't hate yourself, user. Love yourself.

the German league is shit because we are the only ones that are too honest to buy up everything with money we don't have.
spiritually you're a nigger, and i hope you will be treated accordingly. the first ones to get the rope will be the race traitors.

Mietfrei, du besessene Mischlingsfotze. Jetzt geh weiter Klos abschlecken, hoffentlich reicht der Ertrag eines Tages für die Rückkehr in das Scheißloch, aus dem du gekrochen gekommen bist

lmao, this is unironically how most germans think



Hello my diggas, just came to germany (nrw) for an exchange semester. What dating apps are popular here?
Are girls more horny now that spring is in full swing. Went to a bar on the weekend and got a girls number without even trying. I'm thinking is gonna be a good summer.
For me is SC Preußen Münster

>dating apps
Its not 2010 anymore. Better to stick to the skanks you find at bars



Attached: 1532539869176.jpg (541x521, 73.35K)

>dating apps
you know there are easier ways to contract stds

Post some classic German Humour Jokes for all to see

Zwei Leichen treffen sich. Beide tot.

Is pic related the classic German humour?

Attached: IMG-20200730-WA0006.jpg (662x800, 76.41K)

Surely you can do better than that?


Translating for non-German-speakers:
Charlotte (98) and Ludwig (105) Piller have been married for 81 years.

On the question of the newspaper, what the happiest time in their 81 years of marraige were, Ludwig replied:
"The five years in a russian prisoner of war camp."

Zwei Leichen sitzen aufm Baum. Fällt die eine runter. Beide tot.

Was ist braun, knusprig und schwimmt Unterwasser? Ein Ubrot.

Should have bee
> Zwei Männer sitzen in einem Baum. Einer fällt hin. Beide tot

That is also a good variation. Though "hinfallen" isn't what you would say to someone who falls off a tree, so the red hering doesn't quite work. Though "Einer fällt. Beide tot." would work well enough.

based ludwig laying down the boomerhumor

>we are the only ones that are too honest to buy up everything with money we don't have.

I just used google translate but glad to know I'm on your spectrum