Can someone explain to me why these movies are "bad"...

Can someone explain to me why these movies are "bad"? I honestly think they're some of the most entertaining and beautifully crafted films we've ever seen

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You do?

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formulatic - they follow 3 or 4 story patterns all the time
overload of cgi, they feel more like video game cutscenes than movies
asslicked to the moon like some kind of masterpiece while it's just average B-tier schlock with AAA budget

Forget it, you're hopeless

capeshit bad

The worst thing about them is that fucking Disney sit-com humor. Since Guardians of the Galaxy, every fucking character has to has the same le ironic quirky attitude. Look what they've done to Hulk and Thor, for fucks sake.

cringe, stop trying to fit in you fag

This. Can't believe they copied that in other movies, like star wars.

I wouldn't say they're bad. They're kind of mindless for the most part, but they're still enjoyable. Not masterpieces like some people like to pretend. The insanely high production value helps though.

Something for you to watch and talk about with your friends a few times a year assuming anyone from Yea Forums has friends.

Plus, conceptually I like the whole "its all connected" thing, even if practically most of the shows are barely related.

They are unironically fun at best, lame at worst. If you are capable of appreciating a cinematic masterpiece you probably wouldn't feel the need to trash dumb comic book movies.

If you take them for what they are, there's absolutely nothing wrong with them. I've been thoroughly entertained and I really like the fact that almost every movie fits like a piece into the bigger puzzle. But don't expect anything even remotely Oscar-worthy or profoundly deep with these movies, including the Dark Knight, which while good, isn't a top tier film either.

Yep. It’s become a huge circlejerk at this point. The Russos like Ruffalo, so they just make Hulk green Ruffalo, which sucks for anyone who is actually a fan of the Hulk and not just awkward mumbling coastal NuMales. Hemsworth wants to get into comedy - despite Ghostbusters and Men in Black bombing - so they put Thor, God of Thunder in a ridiculous fatsuit and make him the pratfalling stooge of some odious negress. Said negress wants more woke points, so they make her gay and have a big grrl power team-up where 20 characters who never met congregate on the battlefield in solidarity of having a vagina
Great stories are driven by ideas and the narrative is governed by plausible sequences of events and unencumbered chains of causality
Mediocre stories are driven by characters, and the narrative is governed by their personal arcs and growth
Shit stories are driven by celeb personalities, and the narrative is driven by placating actors’ / producers’ egos and shoving popular people together in increasingly contrived ways while letting character + narrative consistency fall by the wayside
Eat even more shit, shit-eater
Go finish your summer reading

>The Russos like Ruffalo, so they just make Hulk green Ruffalo, which sucks for anyone who is actually a fan of the Hulk
At least there's pic related, which is easily Marvel's best current book. But I agree, the way they handled the Hulk in the last two movies pissed me off.

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yes they all are on average competent in terms of narrative structure and pacing, but fuck do they look ugly
even the best ones look disgusting
movies are a visual medium and all the mcu ones fail at looking even remotely decent
it's all this cgi mush with weird overcast lighting

the other major fault is the complete lack of depth or seriousness, every tragic moment is undercut by some quip or gag, no matter how out of tone

Maybe I’ll check it out, what’s a good jumping on point? Haven’t been reading any Marvel, but now that Hickman’s back I’m in for House of X / Powers of X. It’s just sad that attachment to the comic characters is starting to inversely correlate to enjoyment of the films. It wasn’t too long ago that I was thrilled at how well they captured Vision, but now it all comes off like a bad (redundant, I know) SNL skit, right down to the awful makeup and costumes

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Are they even movies at this point or failed attempts at video game cut scenes?

>B-tier schlock with AAA budget
I really enjoy marvel, but I can't say that you're wrong.

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>God tier
>Pretty good tier
Iron Man
Iron Man 3
Infinity War
Thor Ragnarok
>Good tier
The First Avenger
The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Doctor Strange
Thor: The Dark World
>Bad tier
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
>Shit tier
Everything I didn't mention

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The video game cutscenes are carrying the rest at this point. Look at Far From Good, the only redeeming quality is the cool and well-executed Mysterio fight sequence, literally everything else - from the contrived character interactions, to the awful, lazy (literally just hitting people in the balls like Idiocracy now - somehow worse than ‘Penis Parker’) humor, to the utterly nonsensical plot - is pure shit. That’s why Dr. Strange is the only upcoming movie that’s worth caring about, his powers are visually interesting and the Thanos v Strange fight is the best thing they’ve done in the last five years; the fighting in Endgame was just awful

Impressively shit taste. Even if you’re an obvious Thorfag, putting Ragnarok in the second highest tier is just laughable. The other 2 were lame as hell, but at least they had some dignity

>putting Ragnarok in the second highest tier is just laughable
Why? It was a fun movie. That's all I could ask for with these movies. None of these are high art.

I can respect this post. But Guardians of the Galaxy 2 isn't bad tier at all. Yondu is probably one of the best characters in the MCU.

I just hate what they did to the characters, especially Drax who just became an "epic funny man" along with Rocket who went from a relatable character with a tragic past to a full-blown asshole, the jokes were pretty terrible too.

>It was a mistake Tier
Iron Man
>Shit Tier
Everything else I didn't mention

Ehh, to each their own. For me it's Dr. Peculiar, although Infinity War is probably the best all around objectively.

I do feel it necessary to point out that technically they're not that far away from the mark with Hulk because at the time of the Infinity Gauntlet comic series, Hulk actually was basically just Bruce Banner's brain in Hulk's body. He wasn't an incoherent raging animal anymore.

Though turning him into "Aw man I don't wanna fight..." doesn't work so well.

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anyone who says these movies are masterpieces needs to be shot together with those who goes out of their way to shit on it. They're just entertaining is all.

>everyone needs to be shot
There, FTFY

>although Infinity War is probably the best all around objectively.
Something cannot be "objectively" the best you braindead fucking manhole

Good post.

>a film cannot be "objectively" the best you braindead fucking manhole
FTFY, and of course it can. There is such a thing as a popular consensus, and most people will agree that Infinity War was the best film. Either that or the Winter Soldier, another well received one.

Infinity War was fucking stupid, They had Thanos down for the count and instead of cutting his damn arm they just try to take the gauntlet. Couldn't take a single scene seriously after that

>There is such a thing as a popular consensus
Yes, and the popular consensus is still subjective you actual fucking down syndrome retard

>The collective opinion of multiple people is objective

It’s handling of every comic character was outright terrible and it undercut all the grandeur and epic scale of the Norse apocalypse and the death of Odin, King of the Gods, to make room for the laziest possible physical comedy, outright toilet humor (LMAO devil’s anus XD), and self-indulgent ad libbing. The meme director, Taika Cohen, is on the record as saying he doesn’t care about “privileged rich kids” like Thor and Loki so decided to give the focus to a blackwashed Valkyrie and double down on that in the upcoming sequel featuring She-Thor and her bumbling laughingstock sidekick Odinson. To make things worse, there was absolutely no character or narrative consistency with the rest of the franchise:
>Thor’s not the God of Hammers, he’s the God of Thunder, the hammer meant nothing!
Spends entire next film building a new hammer, and the following one stealing his old hammer back, which contains all of his power, to the point that other people can wield it and take that power for themselves
>Asgard isn’t a place, it’s a people!
Ship gets destroyed 10 seconds later, Asgardians are all but wiped out and Thor doesn’t give two fucks about whoever’s left because XD Fortnite
>Banner can’t transform to Hulk or he might be stuck that way!
Transforms into Hulk and back with no mention of this and spends the next film as a prolonged erectile dysfunction gag
Etc. Literally the only good thing about that movie was Cate’s outfit, the rest was awful to anyone who doesn’t snort söymilk out their nose for Big Bang Theory tier jokes like “I’m still spinning!” or the mere mention of the word ‘anus’

They are based on comic books for little children. I'm not watching this crap.

After watching the second MCU movie you start feeling like you're watching the same movie over and over again, just with different characters.

>children's movie bad

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>All I’ll say is this, on the record: There was an early draft of Iron Man 3 where we had an inkling of a problem. Which is that we had a female character who was the villain in the draft. We had finished the script and we were given a no-holds-barred memo saying that cannot stand and we’ve changed our minds because, after consulting, we’ve decided that toy won’t sell as well if it’s a female. So, we had to change the entire script because of toy making.

>Shane Black, director/writer of Iron Man 3

These movies are literal toy commercials.

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Renember when toys were based on the films, not the other way around?

>Since Guardians of the Galaxy, every fucking character has to has the same le ironic quirky attitude.

I thought it started with the Avengers

>the only good one
Guardians of the Galaxy


Civil War
Thor Ragnarok
Age of Ultron

The rest are shit

You know we throw around objectively as a subjective constant all the time, no need to get your panties in a bunch. It's subjectively the best for a most people. Hope you girls are happy now.

most people* inb4 the thot police strikes again

The average comic book reader is around 35 years old and the median age is about 30. Most comics are geared towards adults, and have been since the mid-80s. Read Tom King’s series with heroes coping with PTSD and Batman + Mr Miracle flirting with suicide, Scott Snyder’s The Last Knight on Earth, Hickman’s Avengers run, Priest’s Deathstroke, etc. Their output is about as mature as the medium / genre allows. Even the more lighthearted stuff like Tomasi’s Superman deals with fatherhood and the anxieties of being a parent
The movies, on the other hand, seem to be aimed at adolescent children. Something like Logan or Joker or BvS might take a more adult approach, but all the MCU stuff has a mandate to be family friendly toothless fluff. They weren’t even allowed to give Tony’s alcoholism - a defining character flaw for much of the character’s run - more than a nod and a goofy dance floor resolution. That modern comic book movies are made for young children - and foreigners, who like the simplicity of movies made for young children - is not an inherent constraint of the genre, it’s a conscious marketing choice

They are boring

> They weren’t even allowed to give Tony’s alcoholism
Friendly reminder that Mel Gibson wanted to make that movie, and it would've been kino.

This is probably the very worst taste I’ve ever seen in reference to this franchise. Go the fuck back to r/eddit before I tell your mommy where you’ve been posting

You'll say that until you've seen 23 of them and realize the culmination is just a long 180 minute reference to all the other ones. They're products.

Because they're popular, which means they're bad.

>Since Guardians of the Galaxy, every fucking character has to has the same le ironic quirky attitude.
Since Thor 1 or Avengers, desu. Probably Avengers. Joss Whedon's snarky libshit """humor""" dialogue not only infected every MCU film thereafter, but pretty much spread to Disney Wars as well as the most modern Hollywood films since then. Apparently, everyone from the MCU is Californian in the way the act, think, and speak, the fucking parasites.

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>Age of Ultron

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Bullshit. Yea Forums likes plenty of popular things. The Sopranos, Chernobyl, Wolf of Wall Street, Casino Royale, John Wick, Edge of Tomorrow, Fast & Furious series, Bourne series, Mission Impossible series, etc
The Marvel movies are bad because they’re poorly made, visually dull, lazily written shlock that recycle the same tropes endlessly and undercut any hint of real drama or pathos with childish quips. You know this is true, but you’re butthurt that we make fun of your childish taste, user. My advise to you would be to grow up

Why is it the only defence people have for these movies is that it's popular?

Like seriously, you say you don't like certain aspects of if, and then fanboys get triggered and say you only hate it because it's popular.

The OP never claimed that though.


It’s hilarious because these same people would probably look down on Big Bang Theory or Justin Bieber and lack the self-awareness to see how their appeals to popularity translate in those arguments. Hell, at least The Big Bang Theory regularly wins awards. It probably has a meaningfully older audience as well
MCU is just The Big Bang Theory of movies: lowest common denominator shlock that coasts on the laziest of jokes and appeals to tasteless normies while wearing the trappings of nerd culture. One day Feige will mandate a laugh track in his flicks and at that point they’ll be indistinguishable

Step aside. Ultimate truth ranking coming through:

Iron Man 1: A
IM2: C-
Cap1: B-
Cap2: A+
Cap3: B+
Thor3:C+ (coulda been A- but lost its dignity for the laughs)
Aveng1: B+
Aveng2: D
Aveng3: A-
Aveng4: C
GotG1: B
GotG2: B-
Ant1: B-
Ant2: C
DrS: B+
Black: C+
CptMrv: C-

I agree that they shit the bed hard when they made Thor3 a carbon copy quip-fest like fucking everything now. I enjoyed Thor3 but hated that they made Thor a joke instead of regal.

Everything is a joke or gay now.

I'll watch Dr Strange 2. After that I think I am done with all things Disney.

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Pretty based ratings. I haven’t seen the Ant-Man flicks or Capt Memevel, but from what I’ve seen there’s almost nothing to quibble with

They're fine but they're nowhere near the best movies or for the most part even the best superhero movies ever made. They've been struggling with lackluster visuals from the very beginning (a problem they've only been kinda getting over after Civil War), the humor very consistently falls flat on its face and they can't write women for shit. Generally there's a very conservative attitude to them, which I'm aware is one of the things people like about them, but it never did anything for me.

I like how they approach long term storytelling and I do enjoy their overarching message about how different individuals from all sorts of backgrounds can make the world a better place through self improvement and self realization and I appreciate how they slowly built a fantastical world around what started as basically our world with a few differences.

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Jesus, how many of those exist???

Did you really watch that much capeshit?

>Diversity is important!
>Deliver this message in movies they pay to see!

Diversity is fine organically. Your fucking parade and life-mission to tell everyone who already knows (and don't care) is simply irritating. Counterproductive even.

I do love your pic though so maybe I'm reading you wrong.

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God blind me, yes.

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I don't care about diversity. Everyone claims their work is diverse these days. It's meaningless. Marvel doesn't really have a meaningful message about inclusion or tolerance or anything and them claiming otherwise is pure revisionism. They just vaguely "represent" demographics. I can take it or leave it.

OK. But would it be bad if a group of heroes, all of the same ethnicity, gathered together to make the world a better place? Identity politics is a big part of whats wrong with the zeitgeist.

Wasn't that basically what the first Avengers was? They were all white.

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Is it me, or did this film age worse than any other in the series? I'm not saying it's the worst by any stretch. It's one of the better ones. But there's something very dated about it and I don't know if it's because the subsequent Avengers films got a lot crazier or if it's just Cap's fucking fail of a suit for this one.

Whatever one might think of Joss Whedon's qualities as a writer, he was never much of a visual director. He never got over his background in 90s television. Getting rid of him was the best thing Marvel ever did.

I just find them very hit or miss. Like sometimes I’ll be thoroughly entertained like IW and GoG, other times I’ll be struggling to stay awake like Thor 3 and Endgame.

While agree with you, I must admit that I loved Firefly and Dollhouse. And I'm a maga.

True. Is that bad?

No, I don't think so.

The insanely high production value of these movies is there only saving grace

No you don’t


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Why does it look like Captain America is riding Iron Man and Hulk tripped over his shoelaces while setting up the camera? This might be the worst shot in all of cinema

Imagine watching capeshit after ironman1. Now imagine actually watching capeshit after the age of 17, just imagine it

Imagine having no friends like you losers who think marvel films are bad.