This scene is so hot
This scene is so hot
I accept that I am powerless over my addiction to skinny transgender girls, but I have come to believe a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity
They portreyed her extremely care-free, bubbly, feminine and nice. I kinda fell for Jules. I guess I am attracted to femininity. Does that make me gay?
(Never watch gay porn, not into men)
Wow, OP a faggot as usual. Sad!
no she looks and sounds like a girl. it’s not like the other trans girls who are basically guys in wigs
Always the same fucking shit.
200 replies guaranteed for this shit.
Enjoy fapping to male girls, I guess but why do you have to act like a faggot and advertise it every chance u get
thats a man's body with a man's facial structure tho
Because it makes you rage
It is a guy in a wig though
It's just an effeminate dude with long hair
>sounds like a girl
this is the biggest thing. The tranny voice is the most unattractive thing in the universe, even if they look like the hottest woman ever.
Him, whatever. Doesn't change the fact that I'm attracted to "Him". Believe me, shit confuses me, also makes me a bit mad too.
Is it the power of the tv shows - hollywoods influence on us(me)? I dont know. I just know how I feel and it confuses me.
is that gollem? what the fuck
endgame of this thinking is you end up AGP yourself. don't chase the rabbit user.
t. memed himself into living torment
Just meet a tranny in person. It will vanish instantly.
>me and the boys about to ruin this marathon
god, i want to fuck a tranny's shithole
This. Painfully obvious.
have aids
Has a hotter cast ever been assembled?
Look at his legs and side profile, that's a man's body.
Looks like the folks from King of the monsters did the lighting for this scene, Jesus Christ, I thought I was gonna have a seizure.
*skateboards to your thread*
I'd love to throw a brick in front of the wheels and watch him soar like a faggot eagle.
yeah. vampire diaries where even the men were hot
You faggots disgust me
t. Ahmed al-Saladin Muhammad
You’re too much of a pussy to try
Yea Forums full of shitskins as usual