>Good actor
>Good looking
>Good person
Doesn’t get much better than this
How is he so based?
Good actor
>good person
>is a mentally ill faggot that wants to smash the patriarchy
Go to reddit you homo
Don't talk about my gf like that
He was literally molested, it's not his fault he's a bit weird.
I bet all the boys would line up to get a handy from him
Getting molested = Being famous
He wasn't acting until he was 14 years old though, he's talking about being younger than that.
A boy in elementary school should not be getting taken advantage of sexually by someone older than them.
He’s not your gf, he’s my gf
He is literally perfect and has the most kino balance of male/female facial features.
The only way he'd be better is if he had non-brown eyes.
Literally who? No one has said his name yet
Jesus what the fuck happened to Joji
>not knowing /ourhomo/ Ezra
whata bunch of faggot
Fuck say what you will about the guy but that is a godlike jawline.
We speak English in this country, Ahmed.
He’s so sexy. I love his body.
>NOooo you cant build a telescope on our magic mountain, just live off fish and coconuts until our species perishes
>their food and water
Nigger, there's no food or water up there. Fuck Hawaiians.
His face doesn’t even look real desu, the jawline and cheekbones are so beautiful
Yeah he has amazing legs for a dude
>ywn have those thighs wrapped around your neck as you eat that amazing ass
Why even live
Just suck his cock already. Jesus.
Literally why is he like this?
If he dropped this faggot shit he could basically be a chad.