Good actor

>Good actor
>Good looking
>Good person
Doesn’t get much better than this
How is he so based?

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>good person
>is a mentally ill faggot that wants to smash the patriarchy
Go to reddit you homo


Don't talk about my gf like that

He was literally molested, it's not his fault he's a bit weird.

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I bet all the boys would line up to get a handy from him

Getting molested = Being famous

He wasn't acting until he was 14 years old though, he's talking about being younger than that.
A boy in elementary school should not be getting taken advantage of sexually by someone older than them.

He’s not your gf, he’s my gf

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He is literally perfect and has the most kino balance of male/female facial features.
The only way he'd be better is if he had non-brown eyes.

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Literally who? No one has said his name yet

Jesus what the fuck happened to Joji

>not knowing /ourhomo/ Ezra

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whata bunch of faggot

Fuck say what you will about the guy but that is a godlike jawline.

We speak English in this country, Ahmed.

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He’s so sexy. I love his body.

>NOooo you cant build a telescope on our magic mountain, just live off fish and coconuts until our species perishes

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>their food and water

Nigger, there's no food or water up there. Fuck Hawaiians.

His face doesn’t even look real desu, the jawline and cheekbones are so beautiful

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Yeah he has amazing legs for a dude

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>ywn have those thighs wrapped around your neck as you eat that amazing ass
Why even live

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Just suck his cock already. Jesus.

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Literally why is he like this?
If he dropped this faggot shit he could basically be a chad.