Now THIS is how you do a gender reveal

Now THIS is how you do a gender reveal

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh jesus christ is this real?

Why didn't they go all the way? Have Rocko meet Melba, but now he's Melvin. Rocko wouldn't be against dating a transsexual, would he?

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The accurate reaction should be a loud

they're gonna get a lot of flack for this

They paid GLAAD off, they'll be fine.

Is this a Twin Peaks reference??

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absolutely epic! love the characters reactions!!!!

Static Cling fucking sucked.

plus Ralph Bighead was a standin for Joe Murray so is he saying he's trans? Who gives a shit. this sucked and had no jokes.

itt: /pol/tards pretending that they grew up with this show just to shit on it for brownie points from other /pol/tards. the echo chamber is real, and it is vicious

Why would anyone pretend to have watched rocko?
go dilate

Yep. It's all fucked.

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>Joe Murray is saying he's trans?

>those comments

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I can see Heffer not reacting much beyond "wow cool." Not sure about Filbert's reaction. It makes sense if he's never heard of transsexuals and just think it's a weird new future thing, but they were around in the 90s too.

>with no jokes or anything funny happening
very in the spirit of rockos modern life
>heavy sarcasm

The lack of a reaction beyond thinking it's neat is kind of funny, because you wouldn't necessarily expect them to accept it right away.

Make sure to smash that dislike

From the comments.

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>"hurr durr there are 2 sexes only"

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>kept the old voice

I did though
I didn't like it though

>t. triggered lefty /pol/tard

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i was watching this with my family and we all reacted the same way by murmuring "oh", nevertheless i felt it managed to retain some of its soul

I'm quoting the comments in that image, not agreeing with it, you dingus

rockos skin color keeps on changing throughout the entire movie going from beige to brownish beige

Someone needs to shoop in Ed's big head.

Biggest problem was everything felt a bit rushed, like they tried to cram too much into 40 minutes. Wasn't as funny as old Rocko because the pacing was wrong and a lot of the jokes were just callbacks. But it was decent at least.

This kind of comment reaffirms that we're on the right side of history

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this is the discourse

this but unironically

>itt: /pol/tards pretending that they grew up with this show
lol zoomers

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good luck with the sjw crowd

if there are any future episodes they better be PC as fuck or otherwise they will turn on you over the slightest joke


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So I take it you're onionhorse

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the characters' reactions seem so fake

Everyday when I see shit like this it made me realize that /pol/ was right all along and they are fucking right about stuff like this.

Yeah, it's secretly redpilled but lefties can't into subtlety.

It is only beginning. What will come in the next few years will make this Rocko tripe utterly forgettable

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>/pol/faggots were seething over this
fucking how?

why they never get what "snowflake" means?

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This to be quite frank

Everyone who points out the obvious these days is supposedly a nazi

Their reaction is so insincere and out of character. They say wow and cool without any confusion or questions. If you were stuck in space since the 90’s and an old friend suddenly said he’s a girl, you wouldn’t react like that. This is the worst example of needless pandering I’ve ever witnessed. But I thought the special was mediocre even if you ignore the tranny shit.

Why the fuck would anyone, especially a trans, want visibility? Don't they just want to fit and be ignored in or are they actually vapid attention manwhores?

Have sex

Daily reminder that the producer took his 10y cunny to a test screening and even she called him out on his bullshit

So can someone help me understand, are you guys mad that people with gender dysphoria arent receiving proper treatment (in the sense that transitioning may not help) and this is actually from a place of concern, or have you just labeled all of them degenerate and want them to fuck off and die regardless they didnt choose their brains and the society they are born into

In short, what about all this bothers you?

Source or fuck off

I don't use /pol/, but I don't know if it's seething. More like uncomfortable, like seeing a sideshow freak, but it's being glorified to the masses.

oh thanks for the source to your mansplaination except you sound like a bigot projecting ... like include an article link you tranny hating incel your privilege is glowing


Is nothing sacred

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Shut up tranny

It's like that time when Marge rewrote Itchy & Skratchy episodes.

We want to fuck them?

Idk anyone on Yea Forums that doesn't have a trap folder you sound seething like a manlet or something go back to cripple chan retard

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I'm from the 90s and pretty much stuck there still. I wouldn't be interested in digging into it either and have given the same reaction. "Oh, cool for you."

Watching the special now. I think they did a pretty decent job of cramming so much into it. It's true there's possibly too much crammed into it and a limited series would've been better but... sometimes you get what you get. With nearly nothing being good on Netflix any more, maybe it'll find a large audience and we'll see more down the road?

found the discord faggots

I wouldn't care if 41% didn't push their shit on my hobbies. now everything has to have a trans character for "representation" where as normies still find it disgusting.

>your privilege is glowing
who writes like that kek

>Murray: Yeah, I’m curious. I took my daughter, my 10 year old daughter, to the screening last week, and she said, “You’re going to get some flak for this.”

its a mix, when you see them, the empathy part want to help them in what looks like a complete trainwreck of a life that will end in suicide, then you know trannies like Jessica Yaniv, and want them to just die already.

Okay cool can you actually answer me? What about these people or them being portrayed bothers you? I expect some easy cop out answer like "it feels forced", aside from the fact that literally any portrayal of someone who is not the norm in our current social climate will come off as forced, imagine this wasnt the case and it managed to not feel forced, would this be a problem?

I just really want to know where the irritation comes from, do you want to fuck them or something?

But why does seeing this type of person bother you, even if it IS forced and everywhere, why does seeing this type of person irritate you so much?

You all realise this was a giant joke about tranny culture in 2019 right? The show makes fun of everything else in 2019. It’s pretty clever I think. Making a character with the deepest manliest voice on the show now a woman and expecting everyone to just accept it without question. Yep sounds like 2019 to me.

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When is this 10 year old girl going to be deplatformed already?

this is fucking surreal

No this is the new normal in modern america

Rent Free closeted faggot.
I literally live in SF and dont see as much faggot shit in real life compared to Yea Forums. You cock suckers just love this shit.

Oh so it's nothingFelt pretty natural to me did you see how excited Filbert was that shit was real deal holyfield

omg, this made me cry I fucking love it

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>I literally live in SF

This but platform yourself first before projecting your hate speech bigot

Half the special is a lazy throwback to the original series without any new jokes. The other half is lame jokes about modern technology.

I doubt you’d straight-faced say “good for you” when a man with a deep voice puts on a dress and says he’s a woman.

i think the reaction would be different, Filbur would wonder how tech has progressed on the future and heffer ask if he can morph into other animals, whilr rocko would respond akwardly but be respedtful.

because you only leave mommy's house to stock up on more chicken tendies

Why does seeing a fly land on your food irritate you? It's gross.

Tranny dicks are high tech literally the future

from the picture I don't think its ever had a problem being seen

I really don't care what people do with themselves, provided they're an adult. It's when people force/encourage this shit on children that it bothers me.

There is a not a sane person on this planet who’d seriously accept a man in a dress with a deep voice as a woman. You’re lying to yourself if you think these mentally ill freaks should be taken seriously.




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honestly, its the fight against reality that makes it dumb to me. there are some things you have to accept and being born male is one of them. some of them don't even try to pass and expect me to find them attractive.. go watch agdq 2018, some of the most hideous trannies i've ever seen attended. it also doesn't help the shoehorning people do for good boy points

>its gross and generate!
>browses a board that frequently has threads about actresses feet and smelling their farts

Next you'll tell me how whites need to reproduce more and how you plan on having 3 kids with your beautiful aryan wife

The sad part is there are non-cringe clever ways they could have done this without trying sooo hard to clearly force a message down kids throats

There is no subtlety anymore

No thanks.

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Y-you think those brap and feet posters are all being serious and not just posting memes for a laugh? Dude, like maybe a fraction of them.

If it was discovered that near universal societal acceptance toward these people would not only make them productive members of society but less prone to self harm, would you curb your behavior?

>Yea Forums is one person and he's a Nazi!

Just watched it. They obviously made the character trans for brownie points. My gripe is with the retarded message they're trying to convey. Things change, stop living in the past and accept it! Okay, how about don't revive a cartoon from the past to push this message? Joe Murray is retarded.

please list some ways then

First of all, you are not required to find anyone attractive, second of all we fight against "reality" everyday

If someone is born with a disease, we fight it

Why are you not in favor of doing the same through transitioning for those afflicted woth dysphoria?

So if women find you gross should you be shunned socially?

The fuck you on about? There are probably plenty of people on here who grew up in the mid to late 80s/early 90s

not him but hefers wolf brother was already a cross dresser in the old cartoon so just make him a girl and his wolf dad be glad that hefers back and he has a son again

>If someone is born with a disease, we fight it
no we dont.
as someone with hemophilia im telling you we dont. we "treat" the issue not fight/fix it.

>Why are you not in favor of doing the same through transitioning for those afflicted woth dysphoria?
not him but the shit aint working and half of you freaks are killing themselves post op

you are not a woman

be a girly man and go dress up at home for all i care but dont expect the rest of us to play along with your insanity

> didnt choose their brains

Porn consumption is a choice, let alone fetish indulgence.


All trannies should be hanged.

I think by fight against reality he means people trying to force the view that a transwomen is 100% a real women as much as any other woman. And that we should allow them to participate in women's sports, etc. I don't have a problem with people living however makes them comfortable, but it's just not true unless you really twist the definition of woman.

It would never happen and if it did it would mean the whole world had gone crazy.

>hurr it about let go of past but u made modern version of old thing! I am very smart

Is there any purpose to this scene/story-arc beyond free publicity?

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just don’t want to see them celebrated in media. let them be, treat them with respect, use their preferred pronouns, that’s all fine. just don’t act like it’s an awesome thing when it’s not.

plus I have a debilitating fetish for trans girls and being constantly reminded of them in media makes it harder to over come

Great argument, Joe. You really convinced me it was good.

So what is a woman to you

My argument is that it is really fluid and even you accept this already you just dont know it, but humor me, what is a "real woman"?

stop being problematic fucklord

Am I the only one who thinks this looks more like a mockery of trans people? He's got a deep ass voice and his friends are just pretending like it doesn't matter.

Whole special revolves around change and a creator/audience reacting to it. Low IQ people don't get the joke.

>use their preferred pronouns, that’s all fine

lol fuck no

>Idk anyone on Yea Forums that doesn't have a trap folder

This level of projection is unreal.

Based virtue signaling user

Tell me, what is the point to any arc?


The special is all about them being in space since the 90s (how the show ended) and arriving back in 2019. So they have to react to all the strange new 2019 stuff like cell phones and trannies. It fits into the larger theme of accepting change, or at least not letting it stop you from enjoying what you can in the present. Notably, Mr. Bighead is never shown calling Rachel his daughter in the end, but he accepts that keeping a relationship with his child is more important than how he feels about the change.

thats a minor

Why should it matter

>he took brap posting seriously
You need to go outside for a while.

I would ask you the same thing. A woman is a biological female adult human. Just like there are female dogs, there are female humans. How do you define woman?

>but he accepts that keeping a relationship with his child is more important than how he feels about the change

which is completely out of character for him

a real woman to me is someone who is born female, as opposed to someone who is born male and comes to believe they are meant to be a woman and decides to imitate one full-time for legitimate mental health reasons

Trannys make like the 40% and fuck off.

That's actually sounds pretty nice. Thanks for explaining.

>biological female

Oh so you go around inspecting everyone chromosomes? Im asking socially how you define these things, in a practical everyday sense

I define a woman as someone making some effort to conform to what the societal appearance and expectation is of a woman

Im not going full 1000% trans acceptance here, but if someone mostly passes as a woman and acts like a woman, it doesnt bother me to consider them one

I mean look at blaire white, does it really bother you to call someone like that "she"? In fact, most people who have never met blaire probably refer to them as she without even thinking about it, so clearly biology is not much in the equation

To be honest, this still looks like a satire of gender reveals and trannies, it made me chuckle so I guess their intention was to make fun of them?

If not, they did a poor job trying to dignify the trannies

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It felt natural enough to me, though kind of a retread of him accepting Ralph as a cartoonist in the old show.

You arent going around inspecting everyone's birth certificates so im not sure what relevance this has to an everyday scenario

Adams Apple.

The problem isn't that he's trans.
It's that it was handled extremely poorly.
Basically everyone instantly accepts it except his father.
But his father can't be too rude about it because it's still somewhat a kids cartoon so he just says he hates change and that he only has a son.
Then he spontaneously changes his mind later.
It's very ham-fisted even if you're pro-LGBTQ representation.

Also the jokes were horribly outdated.

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>YES YES YES! Their reaction is giving me life, it’s so fucking awesome seeing them just not care and be happy for their friend, it’s not a big deal for them!

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Pretty sure that's how it works already

no, the problem is that he's a tranny

So if a woman has an adams apple its a man and if a man lacks a visible one he's a woman? Seems like a flawed system


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"Should" is the key part of my question here

Socially it's a different question. She/her is just language, and it's separate from the question of biological sex. I'm not sure why this is hard to understand. I have no problem with men wearing feminine clothing or using female pronouns, or even using the word woman (it's just a word). It's just a fact though that their biology is different. If it weren't, they wouldn't be called "trans." The language we use doesn't change the underlying reality.

Also sometimes it comes into play (sports for example), and you can't pretend they're identical.

Honestly the iphone starbucks energy drink stuff felt really outdated

The original show's last airing was in 96. Deal with it

Freaks of nature existing and being praised bothers me. They all should die.


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>I define a woman as someone making some effort to conform to what the societal appearance and expectation is of a woman
That sounds pretty sexist. Is a butch lesbian or a tomboy less of woman then?

Would you like a gf that sounds like Louis Armstrong?

Rest assured at least 40% of them will.

dilate, you sack of puke

I'm glad I'm not alone. It felt like low hanging fruit.

Not that user but yes, however I still consider them women.

I dont think many trans people would argue they are not biologically women, in fact the acceptance of this fact combined with societal expectations is what leads them to transition

I do agree however that conpetition is a different topic however because biology becomes relevant there

Maybe, maybe not, and if I had wheels I'd be a wagon.

Less of what is typically accepted as being "feminine" and "womanly" yeah of course

Nice cop out

But they're still 100% women is my point. Less feminine is different than less of a woman. Otherwise it's a bit screwed up.

I don't like that it's not only normalizing gender dysphoria but also encouraging it as something "awesome" for children to embrace. It's a terrible mental illness and "transitioning" is an awful process that I wouldn't want to see anyone go through, yet they want to make it normal and cool to take exogenous hormones for life that come with a number of health consequences, cut off your genitalia, and surgically construct an odd caricature of the other sex's genitals that requires constant, lifelong attention and medical treatment, to satisfy to some end a condition that will never be truly satisfied, because a man can never become a woman, or a woman become a man.

The problem is society has gotten so afraid of hurting anyone's feelings in any way, even to help them, and has forced unquestioned acceptance of so many things without asking what the consequences are, that we're now brainwashing kids to accept self-destructive things like this and telling them they're evil if they don't

It's not a cop out, it's just the way it is. You can't control other people and make them like something they find repulsive no matter how hard you wish you could.

>I define a woman as someone making some effort to conform to what the societal appearance and expectation is of a woman
Is a 40 year old man who watches cartoons actually a child?

100% woman in what sense? Biologically? Once again you dont go around inspecting people's chromosomes or what is in their pants so you cant mean biologically, and clearly you recognize a traditional woman as being more feminine than a butch lesbian so what are you getting at?

I want /pol/ to leave

You are confusing a question of "what is" for a question of "what should"

>you have to be /pol/ to dislike tranny shit

>All of this unironically tranny positivity and shilling ITT
What happened to this board?

They are the vanguard of the "feels before reals" campaign sweeping through politics at the moment. No other mental disorder is treated the same as gender dysphoria in that they say to just embrace whatever condition you have, many which aren't legitimate and are just transtrenders looking for easy ways to be an "oppressed minority". There are men in wigs joining women's sports and absolutely demolishing biological females. There is 100% nothing natural about it and the more the media pushes trannies on the populace the more people will start to despise them.

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In a practical everyday sense you don't always know the truth, but that doesn't mean it's not objectively there. If I asked you what the composition of the atmosphere was, and you didn't know it's mostly nitrogen, that doesn't change the fact that it is. The knowledge just doesn't affect you personally on a day-to-day basis.

What I'm getting at is there's an underlying objective reality whether it affects us personally or not. Sometimes it comes into play, and sometimes it doesn't.

No, my point is it's a moot question.
Firstly, who is the arbiter of what should and shouldn't be? Secondly, even that doesn't matter because you can't magically change the way people feel.


Why does it matter what gender you are if gender is a social construct? Like, if it isn’t real, then why are trans people so hung up on it?

Never question anything, just accept degeneracy, embrace debauchery and follow what our (((lords))) say.

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I miss the trannies of the past.
Muscular, tall black guys in dresses that didnt bitch about bathrooms and being "validated."
You'd only see them if you went looking for them a la Eddie Murphy.

Are you denying your /pol/ishness? This is a television and film board in which some faggot fucking /pol/nigger deliberately made in order to provoke a discussion on politics on a board that is not about politics. Go back to your containment board, stormnigger. If you want to discuss Rocko’s Modern Life, there’s a cartoon board. If you want to discuss the politics surrounding trannies and trans acceptance there is both an LGBT board AND a politics board. Why do you need to be HERE?

just smile
dont question it
you are happy
they are happy
everyone is happy
everything is happy

Different guy here.
Even if they externally pass with enough make-up (even non-transitioned, non-tranny crossdressers can create a feminine appearance), if you found out a tree in the park was actually a performance artist in a tree costume, you would from then on call it a guy in a costume, not a tree. Deception doesn't change your biology. A stick bug isn't actually a stick either.
>clearly you recognize a traditional woman as being more feminine than a butch lesbian so what are you getting at?
Women tend to act feminine. Acting feminine doesn't make one a woman. It's just a common trait. Trannies think that being a mean is just putting on a dress and make-up and walking around with a purse. That doesn't make someone a woman, that's just a common thing women do. If women didn't do that, they'd still be women.

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What are you supposed to talk about on this board then, if not the themes and plot of shows and movies?

>all these assumptions
I don't use /pol/, nor am I a neonazi. I know leftists that find trannies repugnant. It's not just your bogeyman.
And why are you acting like you aren't engaging in the discussion? You're as guilty as anyone else here. If your beef is with /pol/, take it there. Or yknow, hide the thread.

>There are men in wigs joining women's sports and absolutely demolishing biological females.

how is this not based

*being a woman

Rockos used to be sienfeld for kids

This show is not within the scope of Yea Forums. Take it to Yea Forums

should be thai imo

If it's not, than neither is the Sneedsons


Because it's always been about getting attention. The only reason it's so in vogue right now because homosexuality has been so normalized that just being a sissy faggot isn't enough for people to notice them (and because they're an easy prey for pharmaceutical spending).

Just accept degeneracy and get exited for next degeneracy.


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Next, putting a wig and clothes on your dog will make it legally a human

i only support trannies because they btfo women like based yaniv and that australian player, the ones that actually take themselves seriously can go fuck themselves


I don't like that we encourage mental illness. They should seek therapy to cope with being biologically male. I don't feel masculine either but I play the hand that I was dealt.

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I don't mind the actors in the new Star Wars films, they're just shitty movies.

anita is muh queen though newfag is this made in a time where gg was relevant kek

Not from the (((people))) who pay them, and that's what's important.

The right has more right to be triggered by the things that trigger them. The things that trigger the left are ridiculous.

it doesn’t have any relevance to everyday scenarios (although most transgender people do not pass so it’s not difficult to spot them), it just means they aren’t actually a woman. and there’s nothing wrong with that.

futurama already did all of those jokes it was ridiculous I was watching it with my roommate and whined about the shitty jokes and he just goes "they're supposed to be old they are catching up" doesn't make it not shit

I don't believe than popping pills and turning into something that is neither male nor female "cures" dysphoria. No matter how bad you want it, a boy can't be a girl.
The treatment is accepting that and getting on with your life. Not devoting your life to a lie and forcing all others to accept you or they're branded as Hitler 2.0.

the virgin beta conformist vs the chad tranny reality bender


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Imagine how triggered the snowflake that made this was.

They still have those, they’re called drag queens and they’re based

Biology isn't REeeeeallll

>brownie points
Sure, if this was Reddit, your home. If you’re on this site, you know any validation you receive is deleted forever in about 2 days. No one says anything on here for blatantly attention, they say it because they genuinely mean it.

Yes. Even if you're transitioning you're transitioning from one sex to another, albeit poorly.

>4channel is one person with one opinion

Can't wait for the Hey Arnold revival where Stoop Kid comes out as asexual.

Someone who actually isn't insane? Surprising.

This would actually make more sense.

Its a problem with the whole site. don't know how the fuck these people even end up here.

This is amazing

YOU ACTUAL FUCKING RETARD, did you know everything that all this mongoloids post is just shitposting right? the meme "lmao the pennis make it better lololol" is just a meme RETARD nobody likes trannys not even the left, how fucking retarded can you be goddamit? you are tranny not by conviction, you are a tranny becouse is trending you are gonna chop your tiny dick becouse is trending but when the trending pass away you will be a old man in a dress without a dick ill and alone fuck you retard end yourself

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u mad

yeah im mad but in half hour im gonna be fine you in the other hand you will still being a retarded dicklet

I like traps. They have to keep the penis though, I have no interest in a stinky butthole vag

my dick is bigger than yours tho

Post it

transitioning doesn't fix the problem

Can I suck it? Please, I’m so fucking horny rn

nigga u gay


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I only care if they're uggos, if they make for hot cam"girls" I'm pro feminization of the white race

Tumblr got rid of porn

jeb bush you cheeky bastard

>he thinks his post can't easily be looked up in an archive
How new are you, that shit stays on the internet till the archive site decides to delete it save sever space.

>So what is a woman to you
Someone born with a vagina
(Now you're going to mention a one-in-a-million case involving fucked up genitalia at birth, as if the rare case is the norm)

Heffer could have transitioned into a bull. He'd get questions about why he still has udders and shit like that.

>See they're rebooting old cartoon I enjoyed as a kid, headlines read "Transgender this & that" not "Cool cartoon is returning, enjoy!"

Why can't we just have something we liked as kids return and be good entertaininment? Who keeps pushing thus controversial angle for everything film and TV related?

Quick reminder

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>story is about how things have change since the 1990s
>story is about accepting change
>"why is there a transgender in this?"

Can you Redditors go a single thread without complaining about your /pol/ boogeyman?
Yea Forums in particular is more of a Reddit echo chamber, if anything, with how many of you retards have to cry in every thread

Transgirls are fine if they actually make attempts to be feminine.

The cartoon character didn't even attempt to feminize their voice. That's half-assed transgenderism and I can't take it seriously.

You seem to be the only one seething, kiddo

Static Cling was too meta, not enough jokes that aren't meta.

I’m bothered because it didn’t handle the topic with any subtlety or cleverness. It was lazily written and came off as bad fanfic. Plus the ending sucked.

It wouldn't be funny if they didn't keep the Joe Murray voice.

>a traditional woman as being more feminine than a butch lesbian
Is this the next tranny cope? That trannies are "more female" than actual women because they follow rigid gender stereotypes?
If anything I think trannies are wildly mysoginistic since they think being a woman = being a 1950's housewife.

>are you guys mad that people with gender dysphoria arent receiving proper treatment (in the sense that transitioning may not help) and this is actually from a place of concern,
For me, that one. But for most people here, probably the latter.