/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Tommy
Noms: Bimbo, Cliff
Veto: Tommy

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>no wakeup yet

they only went to bed a couple hours ago

whatever they usually get them up early on live show days

endurance comp tonight maybe they want them well rested

tell me cliff is safe folks

looks like ill be flashing back for a couple of hours after work/before the episode

if anyone has any good timestamps that'd be great

bbviewer has bookmarks

all that’s gonna come out of this is that sis, Christie, and tommy won’t make any alliances after this
Jess blew up her game for nothing
Kat is still going


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Even listening to Taran I don't really get everything that is going on.

Eh, fuck it lol. People are starving, I have better things to worry about then what pissed Jess off.


jesus christ tommy give up on her already

gotta get those jury votes :^)


lol bog shutup. you dug your own grave stop acting so indignant

What incel made this fucking chart lmao. You guys have lost your minds.

Did you accidently quote me my main man?

nick nugget in the treehouse

Who in their right mind would take him to F2


week 8

slippery slope has been played on 3 times on week 8


the wall has never been played on week 8 but there were 2 variations of said comp in bb19 and bb17


jackson or bog got this

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>spend all week shit talking the old 6 saying theres no way you will ever work with them again
>get rekt by a new 6 alliance


the city of bogson, wy

If it really is the whole house vs the 2
Why not just tell them
What’s there to lose if the whole fucking house is doing the same decision

Sis looks so ugly when she speaks, just the way her mouth moves, and her eyes. Gross.

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Cuter there for sure, she isn't speaking

glad the episodes spent more time on a pigeon pooping instead of the new 6 deal
would they even show it on the episode because they havent shown anal laying eggs

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they could end all this agony with a house meeting and tell kat they are voting her out

It looks like everyone has turned on Jess
Nicole is safe another week quirkybros


>nicole: i just want to ask if we are all still on the same page

nicole says she doesnt know why she is the swing vote because she made her mind up last week and is keeping cliff

then why did she say anything to jess

you know the answer to that

I wonder how tommy got on the show and production rigged it for him

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she felt bad that jess wasnt in the deal


>rig the season for a good friend of the shows biggest PR failure in history


cant wait for another filler eviction episode

kek. bimbo still throwing cliff under the bus about cliffs angels.

more reasons to get her out since shes not nominating nobody

oh fuck me I just remembered tommy is HOH. the faggot is going to be more annoying than scottie and paul were during the endurance comp tonight. just non stop fag shouting

production is trying so hard to save kat its disgusting

they should have been in hoh lockdown 45m ago

I slipped CBS 20K last night so they better fucking do what I asked.

Kino Rating if Jess wins HoH and puts up cliff and nick ?

eh, isnt the day behind because they were all up till 5 am? no one wants to keep kat. no one believes her.

i want it i want it i want it

but id prefer jackson/holly winning and putting up christie

its an endurance comp, 90% slip n slide

she is putting up nick and jackson i'd wager. or maybe a tommy. she is not going to put up cliff.

>bimbo had an alliance with cliff, jessica and nicole
>bimbo promised tommy, christie, nick and anal safety
>bimbo has a ''''''''f2'''''' with holly which has a showmance with jackson
the cliff angels info only proved that she will throw every hoh and will never target jackson, she needs to go

anal hoh time

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jessica said to tommy
nick and nicole

did backyard drone twitter fag get any shots of the comp build?

Hopefully Jackson wins this comp because he is fucked otherwise.

if it is slide and he doesnt injure himself he should crush it

I’ve been puking since last night. did I miss anything (besides missing you gals teehee)?

the plot thickens...

jessica told tommy that cliff and nick were coming after him

they said they don't live near the house but last week said they would be near it this week.




ok, they must have not got anything then cause it seems they would have posted it by now

or they haven't gone yet


jessica knows how bad she fucked up now? lol

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havnt they always been at night though? seems kind of bold to try that in the middle of the day on comp day

they've posted day pictures

ok, do you have the twitter account? i forgot it

Kat is outed as a retard to everyone but Jess
Jess is outed as a crazy bitch who wants nobody to work together
Nicole outed as someone who can’t keep promises
Cliff outed as...nothing, he’s the same

anal is going to crush him in slip n slide

what a shitty alliance

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irrelevant big brother pictures
might as well delete from your harddrive now and put that 33 KB to better work

i want someone to post cute nicole in this thread

Stop shilling you fucking faggot retard jew cunt


Please vote!


thanks boss

would've stayed together actually if bimbo wasn't a fucking moron

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bummed right now. i'm not going to be able to watch the episode tonight or feeds till late late tonight. hope its litty for you girls. i'll see you then!

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Michie is winning endurance tonight

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>america sends anal to a fieldtrip to final 2
shes pretty much running the game

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So Fatty had a mental breakdown last night because her best friends Christie and Tommy left her out again, right?

i know the feel, its annoying...but you'll be caught up with the rest of us soon enough!

I didn't watch the episode last night and I have no desire to

i honestly knew bimbo was gonna expose the cliff angels
she was desperate

Explain to me again why Nick isn't /ourguy/? I can't think of a more kino ending than Baste Perv winning it all.


nicole for hoh

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I like Nick.

I like him depending on who he is with but for sure wouldn't be mad to see him win, over several other people. He may be skeezy but he makes me laugh.

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Sell me on how this would make the game more fun

What would make the game fun to you
I just want holly gone

Funny how different people can be. I prefer Jackson and Holly way over Christie, Sis, and Tommy.

As long as Jackson is safe, I really don't care what happens.

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complete agree. I think if christie leaves, seeing sis and tommy try to struggle without a leader could lead for some interesting moves

>wanting the only person willing to make moves get evicted

Friendly reminder Christie is RUNNING THIS HOUSE

Only true students of the game see this

phone buzzed

i don't know if this is kind of joking or not but i don't know what you mean by this

Holy shit this man is posting from the past :O

>Corey/Jason/Fessy are the last 3 winners of the slippery slope hoh comp
So the odds are def in Jacksons favor to win then, with Nick as the darkhorse.

christie jack and jackson were the power players
the whole house is full of floaters and they are the only entertaining part of the season
once christie leaves, its gonna be the same steamroll with a quieter boring house

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I was making tea

i like nick because he's my self insert

anal has a good chance

Wanting Jackson, Nick, or Christie to leave is cringe and casualpilled. They all have actual presence in the game and them leaving would kill any remaining entertainment value of this season.

jackson has no leg and if the comp lasts long he will starve to death.
he has no chance

tommy knew nicole told jessica
nicole admitted it

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i want the dyke to fuck off, so i can at least watch feeds from time to time without punching myself every 5 seconds

sorry, i get where you are coming from but i still don't know what you mean by "big moves".
Jessica made a "big move" by putting up 2 of the 3 people you mentioned and getting 1 evicted. Everyone is gunning for someone, they all have moves they want to make. Sure they hold a lot of influence, yes. But not sure what Christie wants to do that would be a bigger move than anyone else.

i prefer her than a fucking retard who had to be babysat for the whole fucking season
she almost got cliff evicted over feelings

jackson has sat around for 2 weeks doing literally nothing but eating watermelon and slamming bog


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I had to stop watching feeds this week after Tommy won veto. That mentally ill bitch wouldn’t shut up about karma, manifesting, and the universe.

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what do you mean she almost got cliff evicted? that's something to complain about? she's on the block next to him. if she did, that would be point for her. huh?

Kat and Jess against Nicole

cliff backdooring bella was the move that saved him from this eviction
his word is his saving grace

for reals
can't believe how pissed i was at him for not making that week more entertaining by playing the right move


Jess looking MILFY

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it wasnt a backdoor... a backdoor is only a backdoor when the plan is set in motion before the original noms. she was just a renom

*wins HoH and veto*

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Tonight is the night

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since bimbo is going to jury, there will be a jury buyback

2 bad he's a comp choker

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why is this lady melting?

Jackson needs to win..

Put up Christine/Tommy or Anal

Vote out Christine

as HoH I hereby select you, Christie, with my first nomination. And with my second nom I choose to select you again.

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jessica and bimbo dragging nick

>even if Christie wins POV she will be able to pull herself only once

holy shit
big brain Jackson

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*pauses sobbing and gathers breath*
*wipes tears away and rubs her nose*
*continues sobbing*

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i keep wondering if nick is good at the game or just lucky.

and sometimes /bb/ is good enough to put up with all the hours of pointless fighting

fucking kek girls

>jackson and holly gets evicted back to back

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guaranteed F2

early rehearsal... maybe its a new comp they have to spend some time with practicing

what is she listening to? Do they post the albums that the houseguest receive? I'm just curious

so we all agree that jackson needs to win in order to make this season litty again correct?

im guessing that was jessica's album... queens greatest hits

you gave me a thought. they should let america vote what album to send the hoh


Yes, but Christie takes herself off and tommy or sis go

naw they holly was raging hard against nick to tommy and analyse all morning as well as being pissed at jess for stirring shit up at the last minute. i think they would do christie/nick and replace with jess to assure christie or nick go

i think he's an okay player who fell into a lucky spot in the middle

ovi would have destroyed this shitty cast

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hot back

just got home from work lads, was trying to stay up to date on twitter but there was kind of a lot going on. kat's still going, yeah?

both her and nicole are retarded so yea she is leaving

Queen II is their only good album, besides a Greatest Hits compilation and even then there are likely some weak tracks on it.
but their big hits were damn good for the dadrock era.

except he didn't and got voted out on day 8

well i knew nicole was retarded, this entire thing was her fault

quteness and retardation often go hand in hand

>go back to day 1 of feeds
>literally everyone hates ovi
>calls his brown flame
>talks about how he doesnt wash his hands
>anal is creeped out by him touching her

the only thing he destroyed was the toilet 10 times a day

>Sleeping on Sheer Heart Attack

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>christie and tommy nominated bimbo and cliff
really makes you think

based peridiam is a kaysarfag

i hope the comp includes safety and not some shitty cash

reminder jackson foot got reinjured in otev

>6:21 AM Jackson up in Target BR, trips on ????, "Ow", off cam. Audio continues but video does not follow him. Audio (speculation): In & out of WC, wash hands, SR or KT for a long time. Back to Target BR & trips again: "Ow! F*ck!" Back to bed next to Holly.

>bb20 is #1

it was great though, every week was a blindside

his videos are based

it was the season of unnecessary moves and its so fucking overrated

only because half the house was retarded

i got sick of not understanding why foutte couldn't understand anything

all these twists in this season made realize how fucking overrated derrick is
like he was literally in a alliance with frankie and donnie by production
aka the only people who would be smart enough to take him out

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>thinking team america was an actual alliance
another showfag misted by the edits

she desperately wants to be part of the cool kids despite being a fat retard, thats why shes mad

Dan Gheesling

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definitely helped him with Frankie who wouldn't even put him up because of Team America

le contrarian faise


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>quarky proving yesterday who the best nicole is


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Great post

absolutely based

>queefs in vegan


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in just over 2 bongs the witch is dead

>Wednesday and Thursday shows start at different times

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its always been like that zoomer

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Don't forget Frankie getting twistfucked at the final five. Derrick still could have won but it would have been much harder.

Not that guy but for real Love Island completely fucked up my mental schedule of when the show was on for weeks.

or if cody had an actual working brain and took victoria to f2


why are recruits so awful?

check out my instagram or see me on the challenge to find out why

bb6 says hello, widely considered one of the greatest seasons ever and not a single hg even knew what the show was

fair point, Sheer Heart Attack and A Night at the Opera are both good, but they have some weak moments (although tbf Queen II isn’t perfect either).
I wouldn’t get any of them as my HoH album though

Oh shit is the episode on now??

cat is staying, right?

that was a different time

>why are recruits so awful?

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based poutinepapiposter

i think she can pull it off

jon pardy dying inside in a matter of seconds at 7:30 always cracks me up

2019...I am forgotten.

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lol wtf is howie doing there

>yfw the jack show gets renewed next year.

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why do they all look so hugely faggy with weird haircuts? is this how you have a middling career as an instamodel that will eventually be homeless because you have zero marketable skills?

Recruits can be fine, but they need to recruit interesting people with good backgrounds like Earl from Survivor: Fiji, not just hot randos they find on tinder or whatever (

reminder that jack has been alone for a week in jury with his final memories of the bb house are being roasted by julie in front of millions of people

did amanda stop raping mcrake

is there an IQ test to be on this show?

yes, but they only accept people with the lowest scores.

Yes, but if Ginamarie can pass it then you can too user!

But can you do this?

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better question is, why are "superfans" so awful?

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They usually cast the nerdy ones.
A real superfan would never admit to it during casting. I highly doubt Tyler did

you have to be autistic to be a superfan. you can't be autistic in a game built on socializing.

*laughs in steve*

"superfan" has won every season since BB14 (OTT doesn't count)

they arent, only the superfans who arent really superfans are

imagine a game of 16 cliff hogs that look like haleigh

>I highly doubt Tyler did
based retard

terrible social game
you should see cameron on rhap, he was fucking awful

Excuse Me..
What did you say about Superfans??

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do you have any more cute photos of sunbathing birds?

>God I wish that were me

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I will be fucking Aura tonight.

I want to impregnate Nicole.

waste of ovaries

Taran, you're too much of a pussy to make a move.
Basically, all you have to do is take off your pants and she's good to go for you buddy.

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Vic beat you to it. She's going to have some brown babies.

that thing on the left just turned 25 lmao. what a ghoul

That's over a Million $ in BB prize money in one pic.


in other words about $700 thousand

I'm gonna miss her laugh the most of all

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10 bings


Even though she blew up her own game by voting Jack out, I still love Kat.

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*puts Kat folder on slideshow while listening to In the Arms of An Angel*

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someone send a link the damn jets are trashing up my cbs

she admitted to fucking niggers two nights ago, fuck that coalburner

change your browser location


kind of funny bimbo and bog both tanked their games for some retarded waiter they both fucked

Bro, watch the n-bombs. This is a family-friendly board.

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oh you're jewish

reminder to put a smile on even if all you want to do is cry

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is kat ok/

The logical conclusion of this story is Jackson tanking his game over a watermelon.

everyone knows white guys cant help themselves from fucking asian girls
and white girls cant help themselves from fucking black guys
its asian guys and black girls that suffer

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Dude, user has a point here.

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good riddance

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*tanks her game after getting too cocky*

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agreed, anyone's daughter could be browsing this board

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damn julie is a goddamn whore look at that dress that asian slut



You think her husband's banner plane was one of the planes that hit the twin towers?

Its sad knowing Young Sheldon actually made it to adulthood


captain kosher to you

>they aren't sitting down again



did anyone tap into the satellite again


So it’s not double eviction?

naw, live endurance hoh on the feeds after the ep

Nick does DR's like he needs to pee really bad.

Oh, great...
Showfags are here....

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>julie hyping up votes flipping

rip kat 7-0

I don't really care that Kat Is leaving desu

cliffomaniacs RISE UP


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Ill miss looking at her body on the feeds

Got my monster energy drink and I'm ready to boom.


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slipnslide, snackson hoh confirmed

>slippery battle for power

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That was a CBS employee doing Grodner's bidding.


time for Anal to go on Kaycee run

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i really fucking hate that boomer fuck cliff but if he furthers nick and nicole im down

kind of bullshit analyse has to compete in her chicken costume and the comp costume

>I really think I have a potential to win this game

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C-cliff is safe, right guys?

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damn nicole using this bird shit to throw shade at anal what a bitch


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More than Nicole desu

it's not slip n slide

lmao nicole is so irrelevant on the show, reduced to a bird joke
casuals will be confused when she wins AFP

they'll understand when cliff or bimbo wins

rip kat, the narrative "flip" was her leaving secured


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lol this post is going to age poorly

>tommy and christie convo
>hit mute

kemi is winning afp

reporting for duty

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I remember when Da'vonne though she could get AFP after being voted out second, lol.

they're not wearing athletic gear



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Cliff is 100% winning AFP
He’s the next Donny


I wish she would pull me off


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yes they are, they have an athletic costume on and they literally said a slippery hoh

First for Cliff is a man of his word

new thread

god pls get jackson'd this week

there have been so many women on this show, the threshold IQ level must be pretty low

you’re a right cheeky lad you are

your aura is too orange, she’ll never allow it

oh I will

she is an ugly crier
t. my mom