Any good films about bravery?
Any good films about bravery?
Any Mel Gibson kino
Me on the right.
based kid
>3 min of fame
Why does evil hate the cross?
Because Christians hijacked the "Messiah" concept and turned it into good morals, exposing the original (((Antichrist))) narrative.
>all the fruits parading for attention
>all the cameras are facing some autist holding a cross
kek they must be seething
A Man For All Seasons
On The Waterfront
When and where was this?
If yahweh hates fags then why does he keep making them?
>Look everyone! I'm brainwashed!
God smite ANTIFA.
God smite Islam.
God smite the Jews.
God smite the Negro Menace.
God smite the Feminist Infestation.
God smite the (((Pride))) Collective.
>Look everyone! I've been brainwashed by the Jews.
Why do so many faggots choose to act like faggots? I just don't get it.
Correct on all accounts but the racist nonsense. God accepts all of His creations regardless of race.
Jesus said love thy neighbor and judge lest not be judged. If the son of God asks you to follow in that example surely you can ignore the bullshit that came before him?
>Teaches lgtb relationships to 5 year olds in schools
Who's brainwashing who?
>He doesn't understand that every "god hates fags!" retard actually INCREASES support for gays
Because we live in an age where people think being gay is a personality
>Hey kids, this thing exists
Oh! That's a based boy!
what a Chad
cringest photo of the 21th century
Absolutely righteous.
Sex ed is solely to explain procreation. LGBQT sexuality has nothing to do with what is required teaching in schools. Its inclusion is political and should be outright banned. But our current leaders are either spineless faggots or obese women.
>The state and faggots deciding what other peoples children should be taught
Nothing to see here move along stop asking questions
pure unfiltered kino
>Gay looking twink holding a cross to protest gay rights marchers
Yup. What's the purpose of teaching kids anal fisting? Pretty sure my sex Ed didn't give me the details of jerking off but I still figured it out. Actually if anything sex Ed should include the negatives of excessive masturbation and reliance on porn.
Based hellbound heathen
just normal
that little scan of the twerps body language is pretty amazing
this my sex ed was solely about procreation and condoms to prevent it. not about buttfucking or deviancy in general
Each parent is allowed to set their own curriculum and homeschool their child, or choose a private school which teaches curriculum they agree with
>Sex ed
This isn't sex ed? How is saying "Billy has 2 daddies" the same as "Billy's daddies fuck each other in the asshole, children!"?
And when they are old enough for sex ed, the gay kids shouldn't have their realities excluded just because christians and Muslims think they're icky.
>be god
>make people gay
>punish them for it
He has a great sense of humor
>The men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
>Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Gays and their supporters both burn.
Based cuckold.
Have sex
Homosexuality is purely a sexual fetish. Should they teach that Billy's mom only gets off when Billy's dad chokes her? Should they teach that Billy's dad only gets hard when she smells Billy's mom's feet?
He did invented aids though and thats hilarious.
schindlers list
erin brokovich
>just remove yourself from the genepool goy
>As long as they keep it in Thier own bedroom it's non of our business
Ok that's seems fair
>Gays should be able to get married
Hmm well ok nothing wrong with a civil ceremony
>Churches should be forced to hold gay marriage
Well I'm not religious but shouldn't that be up to the church?
>We are going to be hosting regular pride parades throughout your streets
W-well ok I just keep me and my kids away then
>We are going to teach lgtb relationships in your schools
Ok this is going a bit to far
>Oh your boy is now a gay woman we are going to chop off his dick
Wait what?
Because they know, instinctively, that they have to face it.
Being gay is a choice.
>just a fallacy hehe
How about no sex ed.?
It's not been shown to be detrimental learning.
None of those things impact day to day life.
You may not like it user, but Billy's dads ARE legally married with all the same rights as a marroed man and woman, they do attend PTA meetings, and they are active members of the community which kids will see holding hands and maybe even giving one another a peck on the lips.
All of this is real stuff that happens every day and putting on a blindfold and pretending like those people don't exist in public doesn't change the fact that they do, m8.
Because abstinence only states who tread lightly into sex ed have the highest rates of teen pregnancy.
>he thinks it's christcucks being brave when it's gays who get routinely beaten up in the streets
Ok but what does that have to do with sodomy part of the school curriculum?
>Correlation = Causation
>follow religion literally created by the Jews worshipping a Jewish god
>I-it's the gays that are Jews
Fuckin alpha shit right there. Even laughing him off like the flea he is at the end.
>literally doing the same "so brave and powerful" like sjws yet still rag at them for it
Nice doublethink faggot
Sex Ed should include sexual orientation for the same reason it includes discussion about periods and erections, it's so when some kid gets some random urge they know it's in the normal range of human behavior instead of thinking they are a freak of nature because their conservacuck parents never mentioned anything dealing with sex to them before
>being beaten up is being brave
jesus christ you're fucking retarded as shit
jesus was a jew but yids still hate him to this day hmmm
get ye gone greedy goblin!
Being visible when a possible consequence is being beaten is certainly braver than being a Christ cuck in America
Inbred retards from flyover potential nuclear testing grounds states not knowing how to avoid pregnancy and having a lot of pregnancies seem correlated as fuck
God doesnt make them that way. We live in a society.
>outjew the other Jew
>h-he's not really a Jew anymore
Christians in denial as is tradition
Yes, Jews hate other Jews.
epic argumentation user
Explain jigs in liberal inner cities with progressive sex ed curricula then.
the absolute fucking legend
Abstinence only states had high teen pregnancy rates because they have the highest populations of African Americans
Whenever you morons dunk on "flyover red states" you are really dunking on the millions of blacks living in the south. You are just too fucking stupid to even look at the demographics
I know, sorry you couldn't refute it but you can't win them all
Jigs seem to have difficulties with all kinds of education, not just sex ed
>actually thinking all members of a group can be universally condemned
actual christians arent nazis user
So you were just wrong then I guess. Thanks for clearing that up. I'll keep that in mind whenever i see someone spew nonsense about muh red states
Go read the Gospels, acts, and the epistles and tell me what it says about the Jews user
Everybody living in the South is a nigger to me and reality agrees with me more often than not, I'm for equality like that
Reread the first post. Teaching 5 year olds gay people exist =/= teaching 5 year olds about anal sex.
Yeah keep that post you couldn't understand saved when people remind you about the third world tier statistics in red states, when uncle Cleetus explains to you what GDP per capita is and where is higher you'll need everything you can get to COPE
That Paul subverts a shitload of goyim into worshipping yahweh by speaking in tongues and taming the serpent.
Get pozzed
What does that have to do with procreation. That is what sex ed is for. Diagrams about p in v and what it does. That's it.
Your mom can tame my serpent.
Based retard.
>I'm a righteous Christian! Deus Vult!
>I pray God kills blacks even though they're Christians
>hurr sjws overuse the term brave, that means nothing is allowed to be brave anymore!
>the way his wrist just buckles
how do you even live with yourself after this?
if you can tell someone is gay only form their street behaviour they deserve to be beaten.
If ssbbw is your thing then you're in luck.
Nah. If this kid is brave then so are the SJWs. Bravery doesn't have an ideology.
Sure, I'll give the old girl a go.
sjws have nothing to lose meanwhile this lad might be unemployable for life
What is brave about parroting the "correct opinions" promoted by all of corporate media and academia?
This happened in Poland by the way, so much for /pol/tard shilling it as some sort of safe heaven from mentally ill fags lmao
Ok cool. Look faggot I don't give a shit. It's still bravery. Facts don't care about your feelings or your ideology.
>mfw I'm bi and Christian
you gatekeeping faggots can't keep me out
Ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah faggot? And we can keep you out. If a kike calls themselves a Christian but doesn't follow it are they Christians now?
Pick one
>"Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?
lol you really trying to say LGBT filth have any power whatsoever in Poland?
>Christians who are still killed and persecuted
What is brave about standing behind police showing them a cross in front of people who will 9/10 ignore you and the other 1 time they'll piss themselves
Bravery people don't care about facing the consequences, the same as your definition of sjws
>Faggots marching openly
>Defended by heavily armored police
>Foreign politicians ordering Poland to accept LGBT rights during the march
>Counter protesters getting arrested
Yeah, no power at all
Publicly taking a stand against the dominant narrative is brave. SJWs like to pretend they are rebels standing up against overwhelming odds but in reality their opinions are supported by every institutional authority.
Why? Why shouldn't public health be addressed in sex ed? Because it might step on religious toes? Because we're supposed to pretend like sex for pleasure isn't a major part of *most* human beings' lives?
So Trump supporters are brave, then. Correct?
You seem to be conveniently forgetting that the shitty red states are the states with the highest nig concentrations in the country.
God has a wicked sense of humor the more you read the Bible.
>Free The Israeli from Egypt
>The Israeli are starving and without home
>Punish them for being insubordinate
>this happened in Poland
Which is why someone is actually standing up to it.
you're baiting, you have to be. you know nothing of Poland. The Right control every facet of life in Poland from the Church, judiciary, military and police etc. Smoking cock really makes you delusional, but I'm glad your content with LGBT rights in Poland because they're achieving nothing.
Here's a hint, if they need armed police to be able to march they're not the dominant narrative and companies aren't institutional authorities. Why is it so hard to admit you're two sides of the same coin?