What's Starlight excited about Yea Forumsros ?

What's Starlight excited about Yea Forumsros ?

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Getting to suck another fish dick.


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I just asked her out

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Literally perfect

Who cares? Basic bitch fedora tipper. Considering what happened with the atheist movement, hearing her spout Amazing atheist baits was the funniest shit I have seen this year.

Cry more about your fake God, thinskinned faggot.


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you don't sound like you're having fun


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>What happened with the atheist movement
Literally nothing? Stay mad christcuck

As a devout Christan, she's obviously excited about embryo kinos like Alien Covenant.

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she's a big girl

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This plane is too small for two of us

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>actually believing your fairy tale is truth

Thats a big yikes from anyone that isn't an idiot.

I am not religious, cuck. There is nothing wrong with pointing out the stupidity and cringiness of that entire scene.

>atheist movement
that's whats funny

Oh really, nothing happened. i heard someone say that with their lack of belief or conviction in anything, atheist community will get coopted with first thing that tries, and so when the intersectionality came knocking, the entire community folded in less than three months. It was fascinating to witness. Their Reason rally went from nearly 40 000 attendees to just barely 3 000 in a span of a single year, amazing.
You have a pack of atheists who are unable to criticize islam, or else their comrades will rip them to shreds. That big atheist, not Hitchens, but that wimpy Brit with white hair, Dawson or Dawkins, opened his mouth and got brigaded so hard that he ended with a heart attack in hospital. Even Harris toned it down and he lives in community full of bay area libshits, so now he walks on eggshells.

There is literally nothing wrong with red pilling millions of people at the same time. The scene was fine, it just rubs you the wrong way.

I don't know who any of those cucks are or what you're talking about but every atheist I know gives muzzies 0 quarter.

So did she suck Aquaman's dick or not? That whole scene was too cringey4me

Oh come on, every single one of the important ones blabber about systems of oppression and muh marginalized groups. Even edgelords like AA decided to kill himself with drugs when he saw the state of his community.

I can go to literally every single atheist forum on the net and the first thing I'll see there is hate speech terms of services.

Even Yea Forums is nannyfied these days, nigger.

Again, come on. That chick was supposed to be a protestant girl raised by ultra-religious family, from flyover in the south of America, they took her into the Seven because of her christian appeal, and you want to tell me that she strolled around Christian convention and when she sees the signs 'Marriage is between a man and a woman' and 'Fly straight' she suddenly goes 'WAIT, I DON'T REMEMBER THIS BEING HERE PREVIOUSLY'. And when she is confronted with basic bitch christian positions, she recoils like San Fran hippie that hears them for the first time? Get the fuck out.

And her talking points on the stage? As if written by someone that actually knows absolutely fuck all about that faith.

She discovered roaccutane

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>tfw started this thread to make starlight memes
>tfw retards invaded my thread to talk stupid religion bullshit
This isn't how i wanted it to go bros
cool, roaccutane saved me too just this year

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Good, fuck your roastie masturbation thread. Stop wasting precious web space and fuck off to Pornhub to tug your noodle.

I'm sorry dude but the Christ fags actually, unironically started it this time. Maybe next time.

>precious web space
nigga what

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This is actually literally what usually happens though. Of course a lot of people stay in the conservative christian bubble for a long time but most people are raised that way, told sex before marriage is wrong and that homosexuality is a sin and that you should convert others to Christianity, and then they grow up and quickly ignore these teachings when they get a little distance between them and the church. Then they idealize their youth and religious upbringing despite the fact that they don't even follow its teachings anymore. My gf was raised in a very conservative christian household. She even taught confirmation classes at her catholic church. She was taught her whole life that sex before marriage was a sin, but I'm guessing she would have a hard time parroting these teachings back to children now that she's an adult who regularly engages in premarital sex with a non-christian.

>Of course a lot of people stay in the conservative christian bubble for a long time but most people are raised that way, told sex before marriage is wrong and that homosexuality is a sin and that you should convert others to Christianity
This is still correct even if your retard girlfriend was too stupid to really understand why.

Whether it's correct or not is irrelevant. The point is that Starlight's arc is a realistic depiction of the experience a lot of people who were raised religious have.

Just because you disagree with Starlight's point of view does not mean it was unrealistic or poorly written.

It's almost a direct adaptation of Garth Ennis' usual fedora shit. It's hardly even specific for the character, none of her points relate specifically to common protestant beliefs or practices because it's just lightweight facebook level atheism. The writers won't engage with christian doctrine, even to attack it, because even if it's wrong it's still complicated and they haven't put in the effort to characterize Starlight's change in position.

Because Starlight hasn't thought it through. She literally just reacts poorly to seeing homophobic rhetoric and conservative viewpoints that she no longer agrees with, so she speaks out against it. It is completely in line with the character. Did you want this normie stacey chick to suddenly give a nuanced point-by-point critique of protestant christian doctrine? That wouldn't make any sense.

Regardless of your beliefs or your qualms with Ennis, this entire scene works for the character and is contextually and thematically appropriate. It is not poorly written or out-of-character.

>all the religious heroes are cock riding child molesting drug dealing queers

i thought this was supposed to be a dark comedy not a documentary

wtf lads, apparently she gets gang raped by homerlander, a-train and the deep in the original comic. amazon cucked out

I'm glad they kept out the shit with The Boys using V to get super powers themselves though.

The comic is literally too edgy for its own good. The show improves on almost every aspect of the comic.

How is the Amazon version worse?

I agree for now, but I haven't read much. It's still fun, but yeah, the show is much better overall.
It's not, it is just funny to see how crude the show would be if they just adapted it 1:1.


As a briefag, I must say, your waifu is very alluring. Reminds me of the same girl-next-door vibes I get from Brie in United States of Tara, except she has superpowers.
There's a phenotype here definitely.

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Starlight a cute

I want to pinch her cheek

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She's excited for this cunnybunny

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>wanna go get coffe after we ride this elevator ?

Being saved from page 10

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Too much plane for you

Actress that plays Starlight is 25 years old. 1994.

Literally perfect