/trek/ 7 of mine edition

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why was she so sexualized?

becasuse you want to sex her

dyson sphere could work

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They were in a ratings battle with Stargate SG1 and it drew in horny teenage boys.

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Kate Mulgrew hated that

Those shows are not contemporary.


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Stargate created Anise to counter.

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>How many subsystems did she have to disable to negate the fire suppression system in her room?

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>treating women like things

jjverse best

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Are you retarded? There is significant overlap. SG-1 even brought in their in cold emotionless autist girl in a skintight catsuit to compete with 7. Who lasted all of 4 episodes before they realised she was just plain boring.

It's quarters.

You uh, know where you are right now don't you?

She looks cold to the touch

I kinda liked her.

Ryan is hot, but no one can compete with Lawless. She was the top hottie of the 90s.

Quarters of what?

you'd still have at her, given half a chance

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On a ship, living areas are known as quarters, you manboob peerubber

Yeah I did as well but by 2000, 7 was a far superior character and had a better actress right from the start.

>be 7 of 9 actress
>got to trekcon
>incels drool on your dress
>sweaty hands are put on your hip for photo
>go home
how much does it pay to whore like this?

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You are now reminded that Kes IRL went insane

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big boobies

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stop posting these. you're a meanspirited monster

are they gonna cgi deage picard and riker like they did with deniro and al?

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You dare? I'm the king of Cake Mountain

Janeway summoned Tuvok to her Ready Room. Not her personal quarters. Don't ever correct me again.

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>act so well you turn a piece of eyecandy into one of the top rwo characters in the series
>be accepted as a legitimate and worthy part of of a beloved franchise and adored by fans for over 20 years
>be an incel beet still living with his parents
I dunno user, what's that worth to you in dollars?

Wish she was my teacher in high school (who remembers boston public?)

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fucking destroyed

will she be in nu-card?

>member 7of9?
>well now we've covered her tits so you can concentrate on our teen-drama dialogues
Thanks, Kurtzman.

You will suffer my correction whenever you're at fault.

>casting couch sloppy seconds
No thanks

whitenighted H A R D

How's your scifi show coming along, user?

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Why do we never see them shower in startrek? At least in TNG.

There is likely some kind of variable safety threshold, so people can use small candles and incense without triggering a lockdown

Fancy way of saying you don't know.

The scripts for season 3 are mostly done, it will air at the end of 2020 on Hulu.

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in my mind, she'll always be 2

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gross & grosspilled

data's grey hair?

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You don't have a show. you are pretending

You're mistaken. I'm not Alex Kurtzman.

Now THIS is content!

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where's chartguy? his posts were comfy and provided continuity.

based Seven OP
she ain't my waifu, but I appreciate your simple OPs

too skinny

shut the fuck up, chartard

This, I can’t stand ENTboomers who think their bland, stupid captain, his blander, dumber engineer, plastic bimbo Vulcan and Dr. Neexlix are interesting.

Ohh, we built a snowman! My dog peed on a sacred tree and I’m upset!

eat my ass

dumbest user of the day

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It's been a long road
getting from there to here

Guess who said this: "I couldn't play him today. I'm too old. It would look ridiculous."

Who's got the best milkers on Star Trek? I think it's a toss up between Troi and 7of9

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it has been a long time


>yer dumb for not liking the shitty prequel that was cancelled due to lack of interest
whew lad

stop fighting!

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Bimbo vulcan is the perfect description for her

she's a deep char

but my time is finally near
i will see my dream come alive at last

Have you ever been to a con? What was it like?

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She’s the Skyler White of Star Trek. “Don’t you boys go on any fun space adventures, just send a probe!”

I can touch a sky


ENT was the STD before STD.

that's just retarded. you should be ashamed of yourself

archer during the xindi arc is what janeway should have been for all of voy
get fucked, nerd

No namecalling, please.

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and i'm not gonna hold me back no more cus they're not gonna hold me now

>actress literally demanded MINISKIRTS with PANTYHOSE
What went wrong with US society 2019?


lol what’s a xindi

Yeah its alittle hard to say. We do see the fire system put out small flames but that's only when it malfunctions.

Data implies that the system is time based and that after certain hours it will put out candles.

They so say something about turning off the system for a candle but it was probably a joke!

and it was still able to convey a message about sexism and seeing women as objects, like when charlie grabs ensign rands ass

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You're dismissed.

This is problematic.

it's just a bit of fun, govnah

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he's just being contrarian to farm (You)s.

Well hellooo there crewman!

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pedo go pls

Uncy Neelix mommy said you were supposed to tuck me in tonight

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It wasn't that funny.

no it's not, she calls him out for it and asserts her freedom over him
it's how grown ups should handle such situations instead of #metoo virtuesignalling about how oppressed they are

153 people. There were 153 people on that ship, and not one of them ever tried to save that girl

Have you been #metoo'd, user?

Neelix made me the woman I am today

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no just old

that's actually kinda sad

Don't fret naomi. You uncle Neelix never forgets our special time together, I'm bringing a special treat for you tonight (that'll be our little secret).

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I’m sure the Equinox conscripts didn’t give a shit

Neelixposting is cringe and gross

I was rewatching Voyager last night and honestly Seven is the cringiest character in all of True Trek (TOS thru ENT).
>introduced halfway through a series
>sex appeal outfit for no reason
>treated like a senior officer
>Janeway cares about her more than any of her redshirts just because she's a main character
>dialogue consists of Borg catchphrases so retards can go "I recognize that!!" (Seven disagrees with something? Call it illogical or futile xD)
>retread of Data and the Doctor
>already had emotionless autist character (Tuvok)
>the Borg got lamer and lamer with each appearance (they're no longer an imposing force; they're just a bunch of telepaths linked together with a mustache-twirling supervillain leader by the end of the series)
>other female main character gets written off right after she gets introduced, reminding you that this is a TV show with a budget and not a believable world
>hooks up with Chakotay for no reason at the end
>brought back for NuTrek so retards can go "I recognize that!!"
Don't get me wrong, she's hot as fuck, but she's an awful character.

Still better than ENT, zoomer

Most of the voyager cast is weak and uninteresting so she's a good fit

Reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

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But I'm a TOS/TNG/DS9 guy. ENT is shit though I did like those bad guys that consisted of multiple species.

How can one man have so much hate in his heart?

This meme has seen it's better days.

Perhaps you'd enjoy a bowl of my delicious leola root stew crewman!

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No, I would not.

I'd rather drink Janeway's warm piss than sample any of your stew.

You mean crewman stew.

probably a Stationfag. That cringy documentary couldn’t help but mention how jealous they were of Voyager’s success

Open this door Mr Neelix, you will not be asked twice.

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God damn look at that face. Seven of nine? More like 3/10 lmao

>its a station

You'll never understand our love Mr Vulcan..
and you'll never take me alive

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Fuck off, VF

but you were the one who was at fault ;_;

We have the memory discs, Neel. You'll pay for what you did to those kids.

I don't see VF.

Is enjoying Voyager the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than enjoying Voyager. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are watching, consuming, loving and enjoying a franchise for at least four series and ten movies solely so it can go and get ravaged by another TNG rehash. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little Treks - watching the episodes at bedtime, ordering from the replicator, keeping the warp cores online, engaging them, making it so. All of it has one simple result: the franchise is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck it in every hole.

Raised the perfect Trek series? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with Gene's canon, who reboots it. He gets to fuck the Borg girl every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who enjoys Voyager you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to Trek for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

You and what army?

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Now that's VF

jem hadar

>I replaced the nouns!

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That's because Voyager is one of the dullest series in history. Seriously each episode following the insane captain and her pals from Starfleet Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Berman vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for other Treks. The Voyager series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the scripts were good though
The writing is dreadful; the show was terrible. As I watched, I noticed that every time a character used the transporter, the show wrote instead that the character "beamed up."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Berman's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of producing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Voyager by the same George Lucas. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are watching Voyager at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to watch Star Wars." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you watch "Voyager" you are, in fact, trained to watch Star Wars.

Great men do not seek power, they have power thrust upon them.

This would really work better with ENT

recently began re-watching this and they sure did jettison the inter crew conflict pretty damn quick. also the time travel storylines are fucking horrendous.

But that's not true?

This is hardly a tl;dr. You have failed me.

>this would work better if it matched my opinion

>recently began re-watching voyager
>realizing it's shit
Checks out.

>but you were the one who was at fault ;_;
Cry more.

such a baby

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oh I knew it was shit. but it is the little stupid shit I forgot about. and fuck it did not take them long to fall into stupid ass time travel bullshit because by the third or fourth episode they get sucked into a timehole that they caused when they went back in time and the fucking writers try to wink that shit off by saying time travel is silly.

>this is a 7/9 by amerimutt standards

VOYfags are sensitive autists. They've never been able to handle the bants which is why they cling to their "comfy" series like a retarded child clutching a security blanket.

try again

>everyone says voyager is shit
>watch it anyway
>realize it's shit

yeah lol! voy isn't cool like TNG

post images STDfags will never undertstand

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Nice thumbnail bro

bb 1 / worf 0

Great power does not seek men, but have men thrust inside them.


not realization. understanding.

google images fucked me

>our spacemall was so progressive!
>everyone was secretly woke and queer!
cha ok



It isn't. Voyager is a rehash of past Treks just like Enterprise. They're both creatively bankrupt cash grabs by the studio desperate to keep Trek alive by delivering mindless homages to TNG and TOS without ever creating anything unique on their own.

>DUDE what if one of our main characters was a BORG? Yeah, and she can be really SEXY and we'll have her wear a silver catsuit because Borgy
That's literally the best Voyager could come up with.

You're fucking pathetic for watching Voyager. It's an intellectual challenge equivalent to watching paint dry. You stupid retard.

tasty looking cake



Nice non sequitur

dissum jaded, angsty shit right here

top bants stationfag

>talking about VOY
>some autistic middle aged retard starts sputtering about DS9
Nice logical response, bro.

A life filled with hate and pettiness.

right back at ya, zoomer

Yeah nobody should ever be critical of anything because that’s mean.

The only people who hate on VOY here are Stationfags, don’t deny it.

>imagine being this seething

I deny it.

stay woke

I'm a TNG and ENT fag, but dislike VOY
what now, faggot

I only watch primo Treks like TNG and a couple of the movies. It's like preparing a nice blue ribbon meal with fresh fruits and meats, freshly squeezed juices, all organic foods from the earth and someone throws up all over your hard work and suggests we go to McDonald's for some Voyaburgers.

I cannot stop retards from watching Trek but I can at least reject their plate of deep-fried bullshit. Enjoy yourself, though.


Stationfags false flag as ENT fans

Maybe you should suck my taint?

>food analogy

Oldest trick in the stationbook.

How was he so based?

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Official /trek/ ranking
>TNG = TOS films > TOS > DS9 = VOY > ENT > TNG films > TAS > Kelvinverse > STD

This was posted by someone who hasn't had sex in a very long time.

I hate everything except TOS. There isn’t a shadowy cabal of DS9 fans out to get you. Your insecurity is bordering on schizophrenia.


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You guys should check out Star Trek: Discovery on CBS All Access!


Bullshit, nobody talks about TOS in /trek/

Stop mentioning the cabal.

It's more of a syndicate.

I do.

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There's one or two ancientfags who samefag about the grannies from TOS they most want to fuck but for anyone under 40 TOS is unwatchable because of how slowly paced it is and how simple the plots are. TNG is the only real Trek.

The less they know about it the better.

2.7/10 bait.
Apply yourself.

Rogues with hearts of gold are always based. Too based for /trek/.

wrong troi, ass

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You have a really hard time understanding another person's perspective, don't you?
You know that's a sign of autism?




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>can't hold a conversation so everything is 4chanspeak
okay retard

>says others can’t handle bantz
>can’t bantz

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Imagine slapping dr. Pulaskis 80 year old pussy in it's prime.

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I take it back. Let's talk about star trek instead. Who's your fav captain?

>more retardspeak

that's not frakes

OP here. This thread turned out better than expected.

Christ, she was never attractive was she?

the black guy

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Sisco? Mine is Picard.

Why do you have pictures of the gay guys from STD saved?

Stationfags love STD

I enjoy Star Trek: Discovery.



>anyone who criticizes a generic sci-fi show from the 60's must be a DS9 boogeyman
Any Treks about living with paranoid delusions, schizophrenia, and possibly repressed homosexuality?

>Thank Gosh I'm jaded, cynical and ironic about my own opinions so I don't have to actually stand for anything.

Attached: AH.png (706x714, 568K)

>Thank Gosh I don't know I'm posting on Yea Forums
fuckin aspies

>Jee Willikers, this user sure is constipated

>37 posters
>200+ replies

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I love you

Fuck off, cunt.

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Bash is cool, dude. chill

You’re too biased to chime in at this point

>Why are people discussing Star Trek when they could be discussing my tooth gap? Should I pretend to be my stalker?

that's kinda mean, bro

Fuck off, tripfag worshipper.

A life of hate is wasted

Will the newcard show feature trans sexuals?


That's fake news.

thanks brah! I need all the help I ca n get.

But she’s not Bashirfaggot, that’s just it!

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Star trek: Discovery has a lot going for it!

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Whom Gods Destroy is one of the only decent TOS episodes.

>getty images
getty out

good post
the in show explanation for the suit is her skin is damaged from years of roough cyborg shit and the suit regenerates her skin or some shit
the body is epic though

did they paint her pusy green too?

spocks brain

Spock's Meme

u seem nice

Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby

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Now THIS is content!

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y-you too

Meanwhile on DS9
>DUDE what if one our main characters was the paddy from TNG and we couldn't get Ro Laren but we'll make a copy of her
>and the main villains will be cardies from TNG and we'll also have ferengi and we'll ALSO take the maquis from TNG

So what exactly is supposed to be the appeal of Discovery? TNG had the random wanderings throughout the Alpha Quadrant while on the Enterprise. DS9 was about the conflict with Cardassians and Dominion, space Jews and their Prophets. Voyager was all about the Delta Quadrant and how everyone there is pretty much fucking boring, aside from the Doctor. Enterprise had the beginnings of exploration and formation of the Federation, with the Suliban and Xindi stuff later on. What does Discovery even do? What niche do they fill?

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You're mistaking narrative continuity for desperate fanwankery. Why are you so desperate to tear down DS9 when someone mentions VOY?
Did someone wearing a DS9 uniform hurt you?

I forgot to mention I didn't bring up TOS because I'm only starting to watch the show so I can't comment on it fully.

You see, Captain, the cellular metamorphosis techniques I learned on Anthos allow me to recreate myself as any tripfag I wish. Half the posts you see in this thread are mine, samefagging and gaslighting and arguing with myself. The VOY autists and stationfags are all pawns in my master plan. Soon, /trek/ will mutiny and I’ll be captain of the thread!

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>it's okay when ds9 does it reee voyager

Discovery is about inter crew relationships and how people coming together can accomplish anything.

Come back when you have more meat on the bone.

What? How is what you typed at all a response to what I posted?
I'm legitimately starting to think anons are right when they say some of the posters here are paranoid schizophrenics.

That sounds like something that came straight out of the marketing department for the show. All the other Star Trek shows do that. So again, this isn't something novel.


Alec Peters might be the one person in the fandom worse than you

That's so vague and meaningless. Dismissed.

Why are no admirals famous like the captains are? Did they never do anything?

>Discovery is about inter crew relationships
>focuses on one main character

I enjoy Discovery's take on the Klingons.

Because admirals are stationary functionaries for the most part, whereas captains are the ones aboard all the starships exploring the galaxy.

How long have you guys been on /trek/? I've been here 2 yrs so I guess I'm a vet.

Sell me on them. All I know is that they look different, like

who was that in sg-1?

oh god the tripfags are lord garth and marta aren't they

>Discovery is about inter crew relationships and how people coming together can accomplish anything.
Did that ever happen on the show?

Disc goes deeper into klingon religion and society.

>when DS9 does it, then it's artful narrative
>never mind that worf was brought on because it was a ratings failure
>jadzia and ezri
>other female main character gets written off and a new one is introduced, reminding you that this is a TV show with backstage politics and not a believable world
>hooks up with bashir for no reason at the end

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It's an overarching theme, yes.

You know, funny story, never mentioned this before here but I live in the same town as Jennifer Lien. She's a bit of an urban legend around here and there are plenty of incidents that didn't make the news or end up with her getting arrested.

Kingston, Tennessee is a weird place.

But does it show off human men and Klingon females mating?

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Wat's the backstory of the name NTT?

yes there's a scene of hardcore penetration and you can see Klingon tits

It stands for 'new /trek/ trip.' At the height of tripfag drama, I wanted to try and prove that you could be a trip without being an insufferable faggot that makes every thread about yourself.

Maybe that's why I haven't mentioned that I live in the same town as Kes until now. Maybe I shouldn't have done that in retrospect.

who cares

That's pretty cool.

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Yeah but have you made any faggy collages?

You never know. You might learn something.

You're fucking stupid.

I'm afraid not.

Ds9 is shit and it would be best to forget it happened.

B'elanna was showering in Voyager. It was nice and satisfying because it was after a whole episode of some dirty work.

>mkultra was a cia op
>pointbreak is a movie about an undercover agent
>valleyforge was a battle in the revolutionary war led by a general

Leave him alone. At least it's content.

Don't really do much of anything, do you?

I just talk about Star Trek like everybody else.

you use a trip to farm attention and pleasure yourself to the (You)s.

There's a shower scene with Archer

he's a big commander

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You're blander than Blando.

not what I mean

s n a p

>valleyforge was a battle
American education, everybody.

I'll take that as high praise. Thank you, user. That's pretty much everything I had hoped for when I made this.

what do you mean then

She's exceptionally gross and exceedingly lewd.

Oh, /trek/, you’re so naive. A tripfag who doesn’t want to be an insufferable faggot? What would be the point? Power is worthless without the will to exercise it!

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here we go again...

Based and /trek/pilled.

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You're not NTT and that is not how tripcodes work.


VF is a real life super hero. How could I compete with that?

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valley forge = pointbreak = blando = mkultra = stalker



The Forbidden Planet shit absolutely destroys my sides every single time.

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I think you're VF because you shill her so hard.

I honestly think that is the first post I have ever made where I have used VF's name.

That's not VF's trip.

Yeah I think so too

VF had to change it because the other one got banned

All me.

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Am I VF?

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No, you're Bashirfaggot !!cUMBrA1nFGT

>tfw no Orion slave girl gf

why even live

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It’s a legit good movie too

You didn’t know about the secret discord channel dedicated to doxxing you, so likely no

That's so hot, you could be as rough as you like with a Klingon woman and they'd still ask for more.