>tfw you'll never have a cute petite girl with a goddess' voice helping you to become a functional member of society
Just end me, bros
Tfw you'll never have a cute petite girl with a goddess' voice helping you to become a functional member of society
The absolute state of tv.
Misaki was kind of a piece of shit but I don't really deserve anything better.
>missing the point this badly
but i somehow did, and i was a degenerate hiki
>imagine wanting to spend your time and energy on a roastie ready to do drugs and be fucked casually by chads as soon as she thinks she is neglected.
i dont mind being a dildo...
>tfw no Misaki gf
You'd probably end up actually pulling the trigger if you did have one...
recommendations for stuff similar to NHK?
i've seen watamote, tatami galaxy, east of eden
i was a few years younger than saito when i first saw this and now i'm a few years older than him and still a hikki in my room all day every day always the same this whole decade wasted inside so lonely
night is short walk on girl, same universe as tatami galaxy
Maybe the touch of wahman will cure me.
Okarin!! Doot-da-dooo~
So Psychological Comedies?
You think you want this but you don't. As soon as she rehabilitates you to being somewhat of a man again you'll want more from her and then you won't get it and you'll end up worse than before. A platonic relationship with a qt who your life revolves around might seem nice now, but it's not.
t. been there
>The dootfag is back
It's tuturu dipshit
gods the manga was depressing
read the manga of watamote, after ch50 it becomes really good
This is an english speaking board my friend
Thanks for telling us what we do and don’t want.
consider yourself warned user
Anyone who calls misaki an angel instead of a fucking piece of shit whore is an anime-only nigger.
Wasn't Satou's true growth period during the time of her absence as he no longer had a crutch?
The anime still made it abundantly clear she's a manipulative psychopath.
Anime is a form of television
She's off her tits.
Heh big boobies I like em
So she's a woman? Interesting news.
she looked great when she was younger
God I wish
This scene was so out of place. The whole anime is basically about being a mentalcel.
Fucking yuri nigger kys
what's with the misaki hate? what'd she do in the novel?
If I remember correctly she actively tried fucking up the MCs life so she had someone to mess around with who was worse off than her.
I never really got what was going on with her in the manga but it's been years since I read it, she just lived with her insane aunt who was in a cult right? and all the other girls at school made fun of her so she dropped out.
this but unironically
Can't imagine what kind of woman would actually bother with doing something like this desu
oof, you so evil that even I feel hurt
Oh wait, maybe I misread your post. I thought by wanting more you meant trying to move onto hotter chicks.
Like neet incel conspiracy stuff