Cast it

Cast it.

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Idris Elba


Starring 100 lbs of ground beef as Christy Mack

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Why didn't she go for a nice guy like me?

Guess the war machine
>puts on shades
...became a war crime

He's going to domestically abuse her.

>war machine
What kind of retarded name is that?

God, she has such a punchable face. Hope War Machine makes smashes tha weak chin of hers in. What the disgusting whore deserves for marrying someone who was made infamous for it.
Hope she fucking dies. Hope she fucking chokes on her teeth and blood. Stupid bitch.

can't wait to see him beat the shit out of her lol

Unironically, what is wrong with f*males bros?

Have sex incels
But not with me ew you creeps

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Reminder id heem every poster on this board

>implying anything she said was wrong
have sex

>prison groupies
Reminder that they’re actually mentally ill

seething fat faggot lol

yes shes right. and if u ever have multiple 10/10s wanting to have sex with you, you would choose the interesting one too, not the "nice" one

> imagine having no gf or atleast a girl who wants to fuck occasionally

Maybe you incels should walk to the next mirror and stare at your own face for atleast a couple of minutes. The view of youself will change and you can see yourself from others perspectives.

dont like what you see? Blame your parents.

Actually a good point. Must have been written by a man. I can't tell by the legs in that pic, is that shadows or hair?

That post is correct, but
>fat with thigh tattoo
She doesn’t bring much to the table either

He's dead dumbass.

they brought the kid lmao

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He is an MMA fighter. He is in jail for beating the fuck out of his porn star wife after he caught her cheating.

New wife thinks she is smart marrying a guy in jail so she can enjoy his money while he sits in a cell, just wait till he gets out....

>On his blog, War Machine claimed that "The oppression of MEN {sic} is worse than oppression of Jews in Nazi germany{sic}, worse than the slavery of Blacks in early America".

No he’s not. He attempted suicide in 2014 but failed.


This post is absolutely correct.

Discord trannysquad in the house lmao.

I am not a tranny and you shouldn't blame other people for your ugly genes

Imagine being stupid enough to believe any of this.
You'd have to be some kind of truly pathetic, thirsty moron who'll buy any dumb shit a foid spouts.

She's right.

''nice'' basically means doormat

LMAO. If you hadn't cut your dick off maybe you'd still have the brains to realize when a foid is full of shit?
Nah, you were probably a pathetic loser even when you "were" a man.

John Cusack (bulked) & Cate Blanchett

Not a tranny and still very much a man. Self-proclaimed nice guys have always been losers, even more than people like me that argue on Vietnamese fishing chat rooms

>even more than people like me that argue on [forced reference to japanese anime message boards]
Hi, reddit!

>Self-proclaimed nice guys have always been losers
Nah, you're just a douchebag, sorry it hurts your neovagene so hard to hear that.
Nice people are actually nicer than shitheads, but saying so hurts shithead feelings lmao.

You are idiot.

Hello 2016 tourists

2016 tourists are based. Way better than native Yea Forums and Yea Forums libtards.

i wonder how much to fuck christy mack. she tours around usa doing strip shows at various gentlemens clubs.

women are so fucking stupid

>boomers from reddit and Facebook are based.
Yea Forums and Yea Forums being crybaby shitholes doesn’t change the fact that tourists are still tourists.

lol, what the fuck do you even imagine this means.
Is it [currentyear] again???????????

It means Yea Forums got reverse colonized by r/the_donald boomers in 2016. While preferable to “normal” redditors, they’re still redditors.

Yeah but these tourists are better than most natives. Diversity is our strength user.


Wait, so he can get married while in jail and have an actual ceremony???
Do they get a room to fuck?
How often can they see each other in person?
Are they actually allowed to have intimacy??

Petty insults already?top kek Go Dilate somewhere else

>nice doesn’t mean anything
>be thoughtful, sweet and compassionate though
>turns into a rant about imaginary men who think they’re entitled to sex because they’re nice and have no other personality traits

her issue sounds like it’s with wording and a very specific type of man who probably doesn’t exist.

Anyone saying this is a good point is a cuck or a woman.

shes pretty close to the truth desu

women legit equate order with boredom and the last thing you want to do is 'bore' a woman.
why else you think they are attracted to drama in just about every aspect of their lives?

women do indeed like legitimate nice men. They prefer men that don't 'have' to be "nice" and there is a big difference.

Tom Brady being nice is one thing
Timmy mcstilllivesathomeinhis30s being 'nice' means nothing

t. old guy

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>a very specific type of man who probably doesn’t exist.
incels do exist tho. Chris Elliot was an actual person

>They prefer men that don't 'have' to be "nice" and there is a big difference.
they prefer men who are just nice, they don't prefer men who are actively trying to be nice. I think that's what you're trying to say.

I disagree

I find myself being attracted to women who are generally nice. I’ve rather a nice 6/10 looking girl who will treat me well, coon for me, etc than and 10/10 woman whose a total selfish bitch all the time. Maybe I just a weirdo I guess for wanting to be with a kind person whose likely to do things for others

to try to put more simply
they prefer men who they 'think' (real or imagined) can attract other women....period
whether its through looks, money, fame or just ridiculous social skills

only those types make being 'nice' a positive trait.

personal story time

be me 400lbs
get divorced
decide to stop being a fatfuck
lose 230 pounds of fat
gain 40# in muscle

question friend why she likes me now when I'm not as 'nice' anymore.
her exact literal words were "because you don't have to be nice anymore"

pic related
it's the woman that said it

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I would choose the nice one, but they’re all taken. I was recently lied to buy a nasty whore with a rank pussy. Fuck women.

Nice bait.

400 pounds

Jesus fuck user

shes married now
messing with her always felt off for some reason.

when you have a lot of female friends that you aren't trying to fuck a lot of truth comes out.

theres the world women want you to see and there is the truth

they do not often intersect
womens effort to save face would make a 19th century Japanese guy blush

well I was stuck in a marriage I shoulda never been in and was young.

I was wearing size 46 and 48 pants


but for real

even when I was all cut up n stuff the level of attraction I got from women was never greater than when I was legit happy and outgoing.
the best looking women I have ever attracted in my life came when I was about 230# but people loved being around me.

you can be spontaneous and have a normal amount of drama and excitement without being completely dry and “nice” all the time, and without being pot dealer who cheats on women. She’s arguing against people who criticize women, especially young women, for how often they choose to ignore red flags and enter toxic relationships with obviously shitty men. The only alternative to this extreme example isn’t another extreme example, of autistic soulless dry virgin nice guys. Just because someone isn’t a piece of shit doesn’t mean they’re boring. For her argument to work, then any guy who ever criticized a girl for willingly staying with a douchebag man despite everything, also happens to be boring.

Damn...he gets fucked by men. What a poof.

This is completely correct, which is pretty easy if you misrepresent the people you talk about

Thanks for an answer user. Everyone else is incelling out.

>She’s arguing against people who criticize women, especially young women, for how often they choose to ignore red flags and enter toxic relationships with obviously shitty men

No, she isn't.

She brings plenty to the table

I'm mean she's kinda right in a cringey way that only women can be. All the relationships I've had, they've always said I'm the nicest person they ever dated. Doesn't mean I was a wiped bitch 24/7 and showered them in affection and said "i respect wahmen", nah. I'd regularly spank their asses in public among other things, but I could also engage in conversations with them and have a degree of respect for our own things.

most women are legit boring
most adopt the lifestyle and hobbies of the man they are with and rarely do anything of consequence or worth remembering.

they live odd lives that we will probably never understand.

the only thing I want in a woman is someone that I can talk to
easy on the eyes
can physically have kids
be a good mom to those kids

Tom Hardy and Jlaw

I'm not nice but I am an anti-social loser

>women legit equate order with boredom and the last thing you want to do is 'bore' a woman. why else you think they are attracted to drama in just about every aspect of their lives?

this is way too true every time. I am an extremely calm, rational man and anytime I'm with a girl it's this cycle

>wow user you're so mature and calm
>my last boyfriend hit me/was suicidal/asshole etc so glad I have someone like you now!
>3 weeks later
>umm I feel like you just don't have passion for me like you used to
>starts acting crazy to get me to go crazy
>does something so insane that I have to dump them and then they are disappointed that even then I don't go into wild rage and spend months and years texting and fighting and re hooking up instead of simply deleting all contact with them and becoming a ghost.

women are insane

I'm old

almost all are like this desu
the only time they aren't is when you are significantly 'out of their league' then they are on their best behaviour

but because most men are thirsty af it messes up the value part of equation.

I'm a firm believer in truth in music and other art

Young MC spoke about this 30 years ago

wait, does she know why he is in prison?

for real

you think some cute Starbucks barista thot is going to pull any of that crap with Tom Cruise?
everything comes down to our ability to get other women since apparently that skill is more rare

That wasn’t very nice of her

>chick covered in tattoos
You dodge a bullet user. I bet she's big into domestic violence.

Hom Hardy and the actress from bbt

This. When inrealized this I started getting laid. And I'm probably a 5/10 on looks (though I'm not fat which is a plus). When I heard, be the same person around girls as you are with your friends, it was key.


Better than the watered down PG rated version I was around 7's

Truth is rarely nice