If Scott Pilgrim ruined a whole generation of women who watched the movie, which TV show ruined a whole generation of women who watched the series?
If Scott Pilgrim ruined a whole generation of women who watched the movie...
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The Simpsons.
>This is what you look like when you talk about scott pilgrim
>this is what you look like when you reply to scott pilgrim threads
>this is what you look like when you can't ignore obvious copypasta
Does she also dye her pubes?
What about her nose hairs?
Sex in the City or Friends.
Sex and the City, and then Keeping up with the Kardashians
Sex and the City
can someone this meme to me pls
ive never seen this film because it seemed like a film for teenage girls like high school musical
she looks like she fucks black guys
some faggot keeps spamming his shitty low-fi song not realizing that no one gives a shit about scott pilgrim or the manic pixie girl trope. sage
this , neg xp fark orf m8
>tfw wanted a goth/emo/sceen gf as a teen
>tfw wanting a gf like that was my ultimate beta fantasy
Hey, those girls were pretty fun to hang out with.
Girls wax their nose hairs, well some do anyway.
tfw current gf started out as a ramona-type and I slowly purified her over the years - she's back into her natural hair color and now she wants to settle down with kids
yeah mine