Homelander? More like PLANELANDER!

Homelander? More like PLANELANDER!

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Planelander? More like BANELANDER

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why does he dye his hair?

Why do zoomers act like the plane scene is the most traumatic thing they have ever seen on TV? Are they really this fucking pathetic?


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You, you, you and you are the real big guys here!

>dude what if superheros were assholes?

So in the show the Supes are only born in USA and nobody has a problem with it?


this was peak Yea Forums for 2019

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no, they talk about foreign ones i think

Anyone else got the Michael Fassbender's David/Magneto vibe from Homelander. Unrionically loved the character.
Wouldnt they be able to find out he was on the plane tho, from the laser marks in the cabin, or were we to assume that Deep fixed that problem?

He likes MILK

Not COW milk but HUMAN milk

Unironically great capekino. I havent read the comics, but I kinda fear the whole season 2 plot will be them trying to get Homelander's son to kill him.
Also kind of annoying how A-train shouldve been dead at least twice, really hope he actually dies so Hughie gets the credit of killing 2 of the Seven.

he sounds like an absolute brainlet using "laser" as a verb, just say "fry" or "burn"

Thats literally the point

>has a phd in physics knowing he won't be able to land the plane using his powers
>talks like a 12 year old
this scene wants to portray him as smart and calculating, but also as an idiot

This scene doesnt portray him as smart, rather lazy or unwilling. I dunno if youve actually watched the whole series, but part of his character are the mommy issues he have and him acting like a manipulating kid.

His hair is pure kino

checked and yeah, he's an eerie character, I liked the second episode when they were hiding translucent and he was scanning the back of the van, the fact that he'd straight up murder you in a horrible fashion and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, makes him scary.

Top kek caught me off guard

He knows that saving the plane would be better PR for his mommy gf, and they clearly have the capability to cover up the giant laser burns on the first plane he shoots down, and the ones on the cockpit of the second one, but if he tries to help the plane and accidentally breaks it (like he assumes he would) then somehow that would give them away?

Stack back!

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makes him look cooler

I dunno man, blonde hair on men is pretty feminine and uncool.

>has a phd in physics knowing he won't be able to land the plane using his powers
Or just knows how his powers work.

he can float and control his speed while flying, he could just guide the plane down to the water, maybe by flying between the wings and slightly pushing them up to keep the plane balanced while maeve tries to use the damaged controls to help land it

the only way it wouldn't work is if he has no friction while flying, so if he's flying and bumps into a fly it will send him bouncing off in the other direction which clearly isn't the case

So sinister. What an actual villain. The threat is vicarious. "I will laser every fucking one of you!" gives such a more lasting impression than any dumb plodding soliloquy Thanos could give.

Was anyone else hoping one of the boys would take compound V and start kicking the 7's asses?

I was

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I am unironically gonna miss A-train

who fucking cares nerd

tell that to his face

Thats literally a part of the scene that makes you question if he's genuine or not. Everything you know about superheroes makes you assume he could easily lift or guide the plane down safe. Again, it goes back to what youve learned about Homelander, that he often picks violence for the pleasure, if he feels like it.


I assumed it would be the final plan for Billy incase his bomb plan failed

The force would be too concentrated and he would just punch through the hull. To put it into perspective imagine you have to catch a gliding paper airplane with the point of a pencil to stop it while its going at full velocity. You're going to punch through the paper every time.

Am I a bad person for rooting for Homelander? He’s an egomaniac but does seem to have the best interests of the 7 in mind (which coincide with his self interests.)

No, Homelander's assessment is physically correct.

Pic related is you

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I have a bachelor's degree in physics moron, Homelander was 100% correct.

I have a doctors degree in physics and superhero trivia, I know better than you


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Yeah alright nerdfag why don't you paint up a diagram of all the relevant forces at hand and then throw it in the trash because its worthless like yourself

>you will never be the landlord

fucking kek

>m-my kino doesn't need to adhere to it's own rules
jesus capeshitters are all the same, you're worse than the marvelfags

He's supposed to be Trump, right?

your post is literal gibberish, just complete puke from an inferior mind

How badly has this already deviated from the source material?

There was only any foreign ones because Homelander went rogue and gave Compound V to shitskins
The rest of the heroes are strictly in the USA because they only treated American babies with the compound so Vought can keep them reined in
I recall at the beginning of the show Vought was advertising themselves as a global corporation but all the shit they are doing behind the scenes or otherwise is about getting into the US Military, otherwise theyd be after NATO or whatever

tldr Vought only made American babies superheroes

The character was created ten years before Trump was elected. But he's Trump if one projects enough.

>Any different at all
You aren't too smart, are ya?

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Pretty sure he's a self serving sociopath, this is literally the point of the show.


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Almost completely at this point

And that's a good thing.


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I'm CIA is a man in the comic

I mean it deviates immediately by not making all boys supes.

>Comicfags can't spoil me
Feels good.

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Uhm Superman did it

wait, were they supposed to be supes? Does that also mean the "all supes are just drugged babies"-thing is made up?

story is completely different
Perfect for me desu, makes me want to watch in the infinitely more comfy "lets see where this will go, maybe its nice" as opposed to the "I wonder how they will fuck with the source material in small yet impactful ways" mindset

oh shit my bad man please don't have superman bully me

They took compound V in the comics.

No, the boys just inject themselves with compound v whenever they're anticipating a fight

who gets to fuck kimito

They were hooked on V right from the start in the comics, so most of the problems were dealt with by smashing characters together and guts flying all around.
In the series we instead got that retarded Translucent arc that was written by an absolute brainlet.

There's still some things that can be spoiled, like Black Noir is a clone of Homelander who's there to kill/replace him if he gets out of control.

damn, reading up on this, in the comics its Homelander that makes Annie suck him off, not Deep. I can kinda see why they changed that, but damn.

no one but her and frenchie have a close relationship and in the end right before they die together in a bomb explosion frenchie tells her he's always loved her and its probably the most beautiful moment in the comic

hope they let him fuck her in the show, kimito is better than cherry

Damn, thats much deeper, in the series Noir just seems to be a joke about Batman

Its even worse, its Homelander, A-Train, and Black Noir

fuck off pseudointellectual shitcunt. Laser was the perfect word to use

>so most of the problems were dealt with by smashing characters together and guts flying all around.
Yeah, making The Seven more intimidating is such a bad narrative choice.

Neck yourself.

I just don't want it to turn into a situation like GoT or True Blood and becomes complete fan service, shitty filler and a completely nonsensical plot. They have everything set up and the fuck it anyway. Why do they keep doing this?

To be honest trying to faithfully adapt the comic plot would be fucking suicide lol

So im guessing pic related is where they got the ass bomb idea for translucent. Also seems like Black Noir plays more of an actual role in the comics, instead of a gag

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their love is too pure for them to actually have sex
no I'm not joking

Ennis has his moments

wasnt Watchmen pretty faithful right up until the end.

Nigga, Homelander was gaslighted into being evil by a stronger Homelander clone, who was created to keep Homelander in check. The plot of the comics are already absolute shit.

Stop being a comicfag. It's embarrassing. Paper thin characters and edginess for the sake of edginess.

Cause the show is relatively cheap like that. If they're sticking to the lore he needs blonde hair because he is a clone of an old Nazi superhero.

Black Noir doesn't do anything in the comics right up until the very end which is partly why its so hilarious, in that horrible but hilarious Ennis way.

You seem overly invested in this shitty script.
Are you one of the diversity trannies from the writing room?

>has a phd in physics knowing he won't be able to land the plane using his powers

you need a PHd in physics to know you will fuck up landing a plane because it is too complicated, spoken from a dude who spent his entire life flying around and lifting things

imagine being too stupid for one of the simplest shows ever made

Ad hominem argument. Keep crying because the show has better writing than the shitty comics.

Yes but Watchmen isn't the Boys. If you read the comic you would understand, I can't think of an Ennis book you could actually faithfully adapt to TV without it coming off completely retarded. Maybe Punisher MAX could work.

this post is peak reddit

ngl youd have to be pretty fucking retarded as Show-Homelander if you fail to notice how another you is raping and murdering people left and right

The same twist in the show would come off as a ridiculous asspull for sure

The Boys? More like The Shitty Show. As an adaptation of the comic this show is SHIT.
>Stillwell is COMPLETELY ruined as a character and then unceremonously killed off
>All of Stillwell's kino scenes from the comic will never happen now
>Butcher is now a SUPER KEK and his entire character, backstory, and motivation is completely ruined
>Butcher being a cuck means we wont see the kino Black Noir twist from the comic
>None of the Boys are powered by Compound V
>None of the Boys wear trenchcoats except for Butcher
>The Boys are fucking weak now and get outsmarted and have their ass kicked on their regular
>M.M's nickname and origin dont make any sense anymore
>Mallory is genderswapped so we wont see her Vietnam flashback when Vought first wanted supes in the military
>Hughie isn't scottish and his brother-like relationship with Butcher is ruined
>The Homelander's name doesnt make any sense anymore, in the comic his fake backstory was that he was an alien who landed on earth, while in the show all supes are human miracles from God
>The Deep was whitewashed and had his entire character ruined since he originally was the only innocent one in the Seven
>No Love Sausage
>No Teenage Kix
>No Legend
>No Vic the Veep/Dakota Bob surprisingly, considering everyone mocks Trump nowadays
>No Monkey and his kino wheelchair fetish
>No Terror except for a throwaway flashback scene
>No Jack from Jupiter
>Meaning we wont see the iconic "Why'd you kill me dog Jack" kino scene from the comic
>We wont see the kino scene of Jack being gangbanged by trans women either
>Butcher doesnt hatefuck the CIA director bcuz the US government wouldnt like it
>Starlight's rape scene gets RUINED and WATERED DOWN
>9/11 plane scene is RUINED AND WATERED DOWN bcuz they didnt have the balls to make it about 9/11
>If Herogasm or the GMen get adapted they'll probably heavily water them down as well
>A jewish woman was cast as the male nazi Stormfront for Season 2
Fuck this shitty show.

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Here is what I hate about Ennis, and I say this having mostly read his edgy shit like Crossed and Preacher. He writes in such a gay and convoluted way. He always needs some really complicated lore that completely and utterly undermines what would have been a pretty interesting premise.

Preacher is exactly like this. But, spoilers, in the comic he is insane cause he was grown in a lab his entire life and cloned from a famous Nazi superhero, and is partially driven insane by one of HIS clones who makes him believe evidence of his horrible acts are him.
Like it couldn't just be "here is a world where superheroes just exist, and this is what they would be like." Ennis only writes these winding twisting bullshit plots so he can string one atrocity to the next, one edgy scene to the next, cause he is a Gen X Irish queer whose entire reason for existence is "why don't we take this nice thing and corrupt it?"

How to write like Ennis:
"What if Jesus was a rapist?"
"What if Superman was evil?"
"What if Santa Claus was a heroin addict?"
"Oi yeah, what if loike Wishbone the fookin dog, yeah, but he fucks a baby?"

That is literally all he does, and then tricks you into thinking its clever with ironically silly dialog.

It didn't work in the comics and it definitely wouldn't work in the show. Homelander already has his clandestine operations to further Vought's interest. Black Noir doesn't need to be any part of that.

Don't they talk about a Vought International though

>It's different therefore IT'S BAD.
Kill yourself for even thinking that Black Noir twist was ever good.

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Well congratulations, you lazered the Terrorists! what's the next step of your master plan?

The comic was made for incel mall shooters obviously they were gonna change stuff to make it actually good

but it kills adults most of the time

sucking on some titties

The self-awareness of the material is endearing. Stillwell's final discussion with the Homelander is a cheeky 4th wall break, for instance. That said, the show shouldn't try to copy that, it won't translate well at all.

>Butcher is now a SUPER KEK and his entire character, backstory, and motivation is completely ruined
Yeah, season 1 ending just butchered his entire character. Where does he go from there? From broken psychopath to an angry cuckold, what the hell man.

>Hurr I'm a superhero who's evil

If the Boys would take Compound V then it would be exactly the same plot as in Injustice. There, they also invented some super pills and gave them to some retarded resistance of colored women and batman sidekicks. It completely ruins all the tension, because whenever the fight starts - the good boys always have a pill to make chances even. Batman stashed with pills up his aas, so even if they tie him up in a cell, he can still shit out the pill out of his ass and become a supe

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Definitely, and to be fair, it will be retarded in general for show-Homelander to not know everything about Black Noir. They should just keep him as a Batman gag and nothing more, rather focus on the boys either using compound v to fight back against homelander, or something else.

why shit it out when you can use your bat buttcheeks to crush it and absorb the pill's effects through your rectum

Yeah you're pretty spot on, hate to say it. I really enjoy Preacher and liked the Boys for what it was but in both of these you basically have to ignore all the weird gay Ennis shit he's constantly shoving in just for shock value. He truly is the king of all edgelords.

>It's another "Butcher spends 12 hours a day making threads on /r9k/ and /pol/, while occasionally branching to other boards while bored"-Episode

Homelander is planning a coup against the US government. The series equivalent of the X-Men were all molested as kids by the Professor X expy.


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I thought Ennis made the Boys as a commentary on other superhero media, but it seems pretty standard tbqh

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Remember that Ennis grew up in an Irish Catholic family, and thus read one of the edgiest and most convoluted books of all time during his formative years, the Old Testament.
Everything he's written is basically his own spin on what he remembers from it as a kid.

I mean its not so much "commentary" as it just parody. Don't get me wrong I liked the Boys but the word "commentary" implies you're saying something insightful.

>BWAAAH, they didn't consume my Super Mary Sue pills in the adaptation! The Boys are actually vulnerable and not indestructible! They actually have to adapt, hide, run, improvise and use all the means to protect themselves, instead of just eating Compound V and beating Sevens!

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There are so many modern edgy things like this too, this is just like Irredeemable, it's just like Powers, hell I think even Marvel might have done a few "what if superheroes were bad?" arcs. It's like Gen-X-101 thinking.

And I read shit like this:
>No Monkey and his kino wheelchair fetish
>Butcher doesnt hatefuck the CIA director bcuz the US government wouldnt like it
>Starlight's rape scene gets RUINED and WATERED DOWN
>We wont see the kino scene of Jack being gangbanged by trans women either
>No Love Sausage

This sounds like the dumbest shit ever, who actually likes this? This is such Ennis faggotry too, "what about the scene where the baby with the huge dick laughs at the 9/11 tapes?"
"This SUCKS what about the scene where the racist werewolf rapes a whole schoolbus of black kids to death and the cops are laughing?"


Even in the comic compound V doesn't give them a chance to stand up against the Seven, it just lets them bash lesser supes which don't even exist in the TV show.


>All of Stillwell's kino scenes from the comic will never happen now
Most of those were directed at the reader, so they would have been pointless to have in a TV adaptation.
A lot of their decisions are just different, not necessarily bad.

>Stop being a comicfag. It's embarrassing
Are you retarded?

Why is his ass so hairy?

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You mean he's just obsessing about the Jewish part? Catholics pretty much skim the old testament, literally no Irish Catholic cares about it over the New Testament.

> it just lets them bash lesser supes which don't even exist in the TV show.
They do, rewatch the season, Starlight keeps talking about how her mother dragged her to capeshit patent shows as a kid

Theres also the whole bunch of heroes like Mesmer, Tara Reid etc who arent in the Seven, but Vought keeps tabs on them /a rea affiliated with them to keep the entire superhero stuff under control

The Old Testament is amazing, I love all the parts where God is casting judgment on things and sending fire from Heaven down and all that

My personal theory on Ennis has always been that he thinks tender moments require an assload of merciless schlock to compensate.
Someone else mentioned the final scene between Frenchie and the Female, which is actually touching and doesn't even seem like it belongs in the same comic. He can write poignant characters and scenes when he's not being Ennis.

>muh comic
Honestly, I like the "humans vs corporate human made monsters (AKA superheroes)" of the TV series. Comic is pretty gay since the only guy that can face the Boys is Homelander (and Black Noir). Comic is just padded with edginess.

I had to read both in my church growing up, so IDK how the potato niggers do it.
It's literally just ancient Crossed lol

Eating compound V seems unethical for Boys in a show, since then they would become exactly like Supes. Why even become a thing that you fight against? To run through people like A-train did? They also saw that Popclaw killed the guy after taking compound V. Its fucking dangerous shit, i think in TV-series they understand that and something should force them to take it, not just chance or desire to be like Supes which they hate.

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who is this semen demon?

I find it more likely Frenchie will use Kimito's piss to make a nerve gas that temporarily disables supe powers for everyone but noir and homelander

Sansa Stark

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Is the comic worth reading? Or is it just edgy shit like Crossed?

Hugey could do it in a panic attack

Even ironic shilling is still shilling. YOU are the real hero, OP

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From what I've seen, people here have almost unanimously said the show is much better than the comic.

I went and read a few of them and I agree that the comic is just too needlessly edgy and you can't take it seriously.

art is ugly
plot is super edgy and not funny

Kek, that spit that just flies out of his mouth

God damn I love him

Now go fuck Shamu in the blowhole.

Just like in my Yea Forums memes!

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Holy fucking shit it's true.
Christ, I didn't expect her to be a godtier Morticia.

That's what made the scene so fucking great retard


Nah, his antics are the most entertaining part of the show. Hope he gets to massacre more people in season 2.

I mostly enjoyed it at the time but looking back at it, shit really is overly edgy for the sake of it and theres not much challenge for the boys as they just stomp through every supe they encounter since they're pumped up on compound V, just stick to the show

Apart from BASED Chadlander, i've found the show to be much better so far.
My two big complaints about the show so far though, is that they cut Jack from Jupiter for no fucking reason, and kinda ruined the Bucher's character.

Tried to read some of it om readcomiconline.to, shit is kinda awful tbqh.

Jack from Jupiter is a fucking tranny loving alien freak, glad he was cut

Butcher sucked from the get-go, and The Seven overall are better.

Amerishart education, everyone.

>Jack from Jupiter is a fucking tranny loving alien freak
Yeah, that's why he was so loveable. And also why it was so satisfying to see him shanked.
The Butcher went from being an "ok" character in the comics, to being an overall forgettable and generic character in the series.

Wish Ennis's Punisher MAX run was adapted similarly to how The Boys was. Would've been far more kino than what we got with Netflix.

Why did Butcher even start killing everyone right at the end of the comic for again?

Edgy shlocks. Show is objectively better.

I feel like they will change that. With how things are now, it wouldn't work at all.

He should have done it

but he cuts people in half with it not fries or burns them

shut up, or I'll laser you!

What zoomers? Nobody gives a fuck, stop making shit up.

He sure does cut them in half.

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I hope the show sticks to keeping them human for most of it, it's really far more enjoyable treating it like a heist thing where normal people have to outsmart them.

>we're never going to get batman dressed as superman eatting a baby
feels bad man

Good, fuck Black Noir

Season 2.


Great scene - it was the only part of the show my wife sat down for and it made her viscerally upset - not what she was expecting.

That guy needs to hits legs so bad.

el creatura..


he is literally cutting them in those shots

I don't know about that. I see no reason why Homelander couldn't act as a brake by gently applying force in the negative x and y directions until the plane was moving slowly enough that it would be safe to stop it in the water and close to land so that everyone could safely escape. Alternatively he could manually enagage the landing gear and again slow the plane until it reached landing speed and then find a good place to ease it to a stop. Obviously he has some kind of fantastical way of propelling himself in the air so it makes no sense why he couldn't use that force plus his strength and durability to slow/direct the plane. He doesn't need anything to "push off of" because that doesn't appear to be how the physics behind his flight works - he can float in a stationary position in the air, so he must be able to apply a constant force to keep himself afloat and combat gravity. Kind of like having a thruster or helicopter blades attached to his body.

He was making excuses because he couldn't be bothered to stop it as it wouldn't have been a perfect rescue, so using it as a tragedy worked better for him

Yep that's what I was thinking as well

Slightly less gory than Crossed but just as edgy.

thats what Ive said, its already hinted at that he doesnt care about people if he gains from it other ways, this case being the tradegy that he uses to push the government to give them the mil contract. You see this when he makes the jihadi supe and kills the shooter

Hence why I made my post.

I'm not sure the TV show will follow the comics all that much. I hope they have a level of faithfulness to source material equivalent to like Smallville since in all honesty Amazon's product was more fun than the comic.

>cover up giant laser burns

Threatening The Deep isn't much of a coverup since he's the only one that knew about it.

Punisher MAX could work but it would lose the darkness that made the comics a worthwhile read in the first place. It would be violence without substance, like Walker Texas Ranger or something. No one could take a live action Calvella or Barracuda seriously.
>An issue of Punisher Max made me cry. I seriously doubt a television adaptation could manage to do the same.

Is he actually dead or did he just have a heart attack and get medical attention later?

Like Game of Thrones season 6.

nigga stop spoiling season 2

Do you think he could've landed it by pushing it from behind? He needn't lift it, planes generate force with their wing flappy bits. They can't control it from the cockpit, but couldn't he have generated thrust from the back?
Not that he would, it was pretty clear that even a partial success was a failure for the brand

Hard to say. The show killed off Stillwell and that character lived on in the comics. (iirc Stillwell was a dude)

the landing gear does that every day dozens of times you absolute retard

1. planes dont crash just because the controls are fucked, as long as there is speed and a reasonable AoA there is lift, as long as there is altitude you can trade it for speed
2. you can lift the whole plane from the landing gear and more, its literally built to hold triple the plane's weight
he was either lying or the writers were retards

left in limbo if he comes back or not
they haven't written season 2 yet, so its gonna suck

people keep asking about whether he could land it one way or another, but not consider the fact that he fucking destroy the cockpit and control with his laser eyes
if he land it and they found out, his rep still drop regardless
better let them all die to keep his rep intact, dude is nut

it was bad writing, obviously they would have been heard going into the cockpit back at the control tower, plus everyone there would be livestreaming what was happening.

If Homelander was somehow able to land the plane safely, it wouldn't matter if the control panel was fucked up. The pilots were already dead anyway. Your point is retarded. I am not saying that he could have done it, but a lasered control panel is not justification not to.

I was thinking about starting a "what do, /n/?" thread over there. Do you think it would spoil too much?
>I would have first tried the yokes, since 777s have a cable backup system, and if that didn't work, it'd be time to give differential thrust a shot like that DHL cargo jet did after taking an RPG hit over Baghdad. The throttle quadrant is almost entirely mechanical (due to a horrific incident where a 767's thrust reversers deployed mid-flight because of a faulty electrical connection) it would mean whatever damage happened to the instrument panel would be irrelevant.

They called an ambulance and Starlight was gonna help him
They wouldnt have one of The Seven die in such a non climatic way

I'm more concerned with possibility. I know he would never do it if there was any negative perception of the event. Plus he clearly thought he could leverage it against the military if they failed

The comics are definitely different in tone. The Boys is Ennis at peak edgelord. I actually like much of what they did with the amazon series. good balance between source material and original writing

the problem is you are using sane people logic, try using his logic instead
he literally doesn't give a single fuck about any of them. you are saying it wouldn't matter if the control panel fucked up but that is just how you see it, he doesn't think about it like it that way especially they are in the middle of a bid trying to get into the military, any fuck up could be used against him and his team
meanwhile letting a plane crashed and nobody knew he was there is a much better solution for him
again, don't just look at it from the sane person pov of doing the right thing and saving lives, dude is nut and doesn't give a fuck about most normal human being

Wish they had used the comic's dialogue for this.
>Nigger! Fucking nigger!

I hope this never happens
A lot of the appeal for me is in seeing normal people try and kill living gods who could take them out with a sneeze, if any of them ever get powers and this devolves into some DC/MCU faux-anime wrestling shit, I'm out

Why didnt starlight just shock him back to life? I'm honestly still not sure what is exactly her power, it looks like it has something to do with light or energy bomb but also interfering with electricity

Deep probably took care of any traces, but yeah, at least one person would pull their camera up seeing Homelander, especially with all the selfie-gags they run during the show

I started watching it because rlm told me to and at ep5 its just a joyless fucking drag.
>no one has real motivations
>no one acts like a real person
>comic book logic
>the gringiest r/atheist teens view on christianity imaginable
>nothing is subtle, everything is amped up to 11 so that the retarded viewer gets IT.

This is the adult oriented parody of superhero genre? How fucking low are peoples standards.

It couldve been argued against Vaught that the killed pilot was on them, and the military wouldve been able to negotiate or handle it without casualty. And like you mentioned, he managed to use it for his speech. Homelander has several moments when he shows what he thinks of humans as just waste.

>>comic book logic
>in a series based on a comic book
gee user, you sure are smart!

>This is the adult oriented parody of superhero genre?
No, why do you think it is? This is the edgy teen parody of superhero genre.

>it's supposed to be shit

They actually do it in the comics
But it's only helpful against low-tier supes, and not enough to take down any high-tier super like Homelander It's better when they're like regular folk though, imo.

which issue?

They are literally stronger than any supe but Homelander and Black Negro.

Why would a teen oriented show have a drug addict white lady suck a successful black mans toes?

>The boys is Ennis at peak edgleord
>implying its not the rape murderfest that is Crossed

Why not? Teens see worse shit daily in reality TV.

I believe we are putting way too much thought into this, way more than any of the writers did. They wanted a big catastrophe to deliver one single lesson: Homelander does not care about people.

The only thing that really saves the series is the overall concept - while making them remain human - and some of the actors. The guy playing Homelander is 100% kino.

>Punisher MAX
I loved that shit. Especially that issue with Bullseye. Sadistic little motherfucker.
Wish Ennis could pitch it to Amazon Prime and we could get a real Punisher show instead of whatever that Netflix thing was.

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Crossed was the most try-hard edgy shit of all time. Cause not only were the Crossed evil and sadistic, nearly every other character is as well. if it's not the Crossed raping someone to death it's someone's own father, or it's some random dude.
I thought there was an interesting turn when it implied there was a patient zero and all the Crossed are just possessed by demons or Satan, but anyone who sticks with the series that far is fucked up.

I'll probably sound like a bitch but pure sadism for the sake of it does nothing for me, it's just fucked up and sad. Oh wow a family is being raped to death while their baby is hacked in half, and it's played for laughs. Okay. Sure.

Mark Millar does the same shit. What the fuck is it with these Irish and Scottish retards obsessed with telling the most bummer stories and always setting them in America?

He didn't think ANY of the Supes could be trusted with their power (including The Boys). But on top of that, he had spent years avenging a woman who wouldn't have wanted to be avenged at all. Not to mention that arc about his father, wherein we saw precisely how Butcher would turn out: hateful, and lashing out at the world with to his last breath.

>I dont understand it, therefor its shit
Brainlet alert

yeah, you have a point there. but crossed just feels like murderfest for murderfest's sake. The Boys is straight up mean-spirited.

Vol.6, Barracuda. I became emotionally invested in Dermott and Alice the way every woman who watches Titanic does with Jack and Rose.

oh yeah, Homelander is kino as fuck, reminds me of Fassbender im some ways.

>What the fuck is it with these Irish and Scottish retards obsessed with telling the most bummer stories and always setting them in America?
There's an audience for that kind of setting too. I actually enjoy Ennis's edge, but only when it isn't overdone, and Crossed crossed that line a couple of times. Still isn't shit compared to some of the stuff in Glenn Danzig's Verotika though. That was next level.

>Crossed crossed that line a couple of times

Yuk Yuk Yuk

> I actually enjoy Ennis's edge

When he balances it just right, it is fucking amazing. Hitman and his Punisher run are top-tier.

ok maybe the show will make it's own kino moments, why do you want to see a direct shot for shot adaption of the comics? they already exist just go read them

Balance is key to most things in life, especially fiction. Actually glad The Boys cut out some of the more "out there" stuff in the comics that was done for shock value, and still managed to retain a sense of dread like that airplane scene.

Yeah, he messed up the premise if you ask me. Ennis only originally made it because he overheard an apocalypse nut talking about how he'd survive the zombie apocalypse when he was like some overweight idiot. Ennis thought he had a point because literally nobody would die in a zombie apocalypse because its too 'easy'. So he made Crossed, an apocalypse scenario with actual threat and stakes.

Then he fucked it all up by making it his rape fetish fantasy.

This might be true but I would fucking love to see Amazon try a Crossed adaptation.

>Uwe Boll Directing


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Its funny that Ennis' hatred of superheroes has become a mainstream opinion at this point. A massive part of the reason the adaption works is because of superhero fatigue, something that didn't factor at all into the original work. So while the comics feel mean-spirited because they're deliberately ripping apart something that wasn't really deserving of it in 2006, today with the MCU and all that shit, the takedown of superheroes feels relevant.

You're waifu sucks and is too old, faggot. Don't you have some civilians to laser?

>>We wont see the kino scene of Jack being gangbanged by trans women either
fuck off tranny

Daresay I based?

Wouldn't be proper movie capeshit deconstruction/parody if they didn't go for MCU Cap's "blond but not too much to rub (((producers))) wrong way" color, instead it would be parody of comics, which would be retarded.
Same why Watchmen the videokino had tacticool NiteOwl II or bat-nipples on Ozymandias suit, or had Rorscach using retractable grappling hook, instead like in comics where he had to climb all the way up manually.

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>We'll never get to see Dogknott

what a shame

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Yeah see to me, so much of this comes back to rape. To the point there wasn't even much torture or anything in Crossed, it was like 90% rape related. In fact thinking back I struggle to remember anything from any of it that wasn't related to rape.

To the point where the logic falls apart, because you see some people being turned AS they're being raped and they get away, and sometimes they're not and they just die, so you start to think "okay he just started this with a bunch of horrific scenes in mind and doesn't really give a shit how we get there."

>Its funny that Ennis' hatred of superheroes
Except for Superman. Even he respects Superman.

>he doesn't want the antagonist being a tranny lover degenerate
Yeah, tt would be horrible to portray transgender people in a bad light. Thanks for supporting the tranny cause, sweety. Keep up the good work.

Dubs wasted on a cock smoker, what a shame.

anyone else really wanted to see Homelander physically suck on her milk titties? haha that wouldve been a good scene


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kill yourself

I was severely disappointed to say the least.

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haha yeah, just as a joke of course, a goof if you will hehe

I'm hoping for G-thug in season 2

That's not even the worst one

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We might get that one

>You made her want to join the Klan.
That whole arc was peak comedy.

Legit my favorite part of the entire series other than HL's facial expressions when he's pretending to not be a sociopath.

I think they're about equal but are capable of beating most schmuck supes because unlike them they aren't gobshites And fight smart

They could even cast Thomas Jane, he's about the perfect age for it now. His voice work in the video game is what I consider to be the quintessential Frank Castle portrayal.

You're literally describing what made the scene so perfect you absolutely fucking mouth breathing mixed race shorter than 6 feet tall fucking nigger lover. Go back to your walking dead threads faggot.

>burgers think you need a phd to know you can't land a plane like that

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They don't really encounter any elite supes other than the Seven though. Compound V makes them about as strong as Starlight. Punch through brick but you aren't picking up a fucking truck or prying open a bank vault type shit.

Tek-Knight is a hard lock for season 2, right? People love Batman.

Funny thing is, the guy who plays him is supposedly the most like his character out of them all, according to an interview I saw. Maybe he's a proper sociopath and that's why he's so kino.

You know they go to lengths to to present characters with some religious beliefs like MM and Hughie who are both pretty unimpressed with butcher's edgy atheist schtick. You're just buttmad because you identify with flyover state corporate christianity

I like how they basically explode when he hits them. This is essentially what would happen with a lightsaber as well. A laser beam that intense would rapidly boil the water in our bodies and we'd pop like a potato.

Ahh yes, lest we forget the best Punisher iteration ever.

This sucks dick, but it's not Thomas Jane's fault

Anybody seen Homelander? Anbody know why Homelander lasered Bobby Lupo?

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what did ennis mean by this?

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How does it suck? It works great as a one off elseworld story. I wouldn't mind one where he's a cowboy in the wild west or some shit.

That was obviously a joke lmao

what does homelander even mean ?

I always thought it was incredibly hokey and overly fanfilm-y. Plus Castle not immediately chimping out seeing violence to women and children is not remotely believable.

Steven "punani" Seagal.

Idk man.

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>why'd you kill me dog jack
What? Why not just call him dog or Jack? It makes no sense. It's like calling him buddy and pal. And how can he be dead if he's there killing that guy for killing him? I'm glad they changed the comic because it's completely fucking stupid.

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What the fuck is this shit lmao

If they have any balls, they'll cast Seagal for Season 2. Unironically a perfect choice for any kind of role in this particular show.

>Tek Knight, a major character in the comics, gets an off hand mention at a support group

The subplot with him and Swingwing was great, shame it got cut.

Homelander clearly has an agenda though.

They literally say their high grade, expensive as fuck, compound V puts them over 4 of each 5 supes at bare minimum. And they never had a single problem with any supe that isn't Homelander.

I like the show better than the comic. I think they made the source material better. The show is more refined than the comic.

Everyone is going to turn this into a meme now. YOU are the Real hero!

Does everyone here have Amazon prime or do you guys just torrent it?

I literally cannot tell who the real villain is.

>tfw no tsundere starlight gf

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Black Noir is Kimiko's brother. Screencap this.

It's better than the comic.

There's no accounting for it since his ability to fly is never examined. That strikes me as odd. Evidence of flight without propulsion would be an enormously important problem to solve at once.

Those bags are filled with lobsters.

Vought, I guess. They did try to put together yet another superhero team right after the coup.
Ah, yes, Burakku Noaru.

It seems The Boys are motivated by vengeance and the supes are largely motivated by the same vapid self-obsession, greed, and lust for fame and wealth that characterize most people. Then there's the conflict between state and corporate power. As the show goes on most of the supes are laid emotionally bare as idealists, defeated idealists, depraved animals and so on. The one cipher (apart from Noir, for the moment) is Homelander and that's fairly deliberate as he's some lab experiment who doesn't even have a full name, has never had any kind of familial love and is as an adult effectively a walking and thinking nuclear fucking weapon without much of an understanding of his emotions beyond rage and lust.

I totally agree about the r/atheist faggotry but the human drama is fairly well-developed. Its entirety is much better than the shitty, faggot comic, which probably was some trite and unnecessary cliche "deconstruction" of the superhero mythos but I feel like the show is much more a deconstruction of modern Instathot values. I think that's where the subtlety is.

I was getting Babylon vibes while watching this series.

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I think I should undrop Banshee

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Butcher was unironically incel. He eventually lost the plot and did what all incels do.

>he performs the tea ceremony, so he must be japanese
That's racist. Also he can play the piano, so chance's he's zombie Mozart.

Holy shit, that fucking name. WOW.

With a show like that, which, despite all the shilling, turned out to be pretty okay, I pay. If it's serviceable, I pay for it, as a rule of thumb.
But I consume most media by torrenting, yes.

Comics suck. Im glad we'll never see that. Big budget productions have to separate the wheat from the chaff.

What's the fly all about?
Every now and then it turns up, with it's loud deliberate buzzing.



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top cringe

literally no one is claiming its not capeshit, even villain films like suicide squad and Joker is called capeshit. People just arent are critical to this because its not pretending to be some super amazing epic decade defining movie.

I don't think we've figured it out yet.

It might be Swatto from the comics.


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so the guy that lost his legs didn't die immediately right? also the guy he cuts in half at the waist is probably still alive (at least his upper half) for a bit


Have you noticed how Homelander has prey eyes? He doesn't have the positive canthal tilt of an alpha male.

>being this stupid
naggers are not allowed on this board


According to a post from Reddit and Tvtropes it was an accident when they were filming and they just let it be "natural"


No, they had permanent powers from a pure strain of V that the CIA kept around

This wouldn't work. "Gently applying force" to a plane hurtling through the air would not help. Homelander would just punch right through the hull. There is perhaps a marginal chance that Homelander could have slowed the plane's descent and increased the likelihood of survival, but the odds are low and most scenarios would still lead to some casualties. Homelander knows that anything less than a complete unmitigated success could potentially be a pr nightmare, so he comes to the conclusion that it isn't worth the risk. Better to abandon the plane entirely than risk a sloppy unsuccessful rescue.

Also the last scene between Butcher and Hughie

shut the fuck up

Snyderfags seething because some low tier amazon video series achieved what he couldnt with millions of dollars and an established superhero franchise.

>Snyderfags seething because some low tier amazon video series achieved what he couldnt with millions of dollars and an established superhero franchise.

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Snyderfags unable to quote people properly, while trying to label others as brainlets.

Wait a minute. Is that the Stiffler?

>Snyderfags unable to quote people properly, while trying to label others as brainlets.

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More fun, but more woke also.

This is why I prefer the show.

still coping to this day, I'm sure Snyderfags will get a good line of movies now that Batman and Superman bailed. kek.

>still coping to this day, I'm sure Snyderfags will get a good line of movies now that Batman and Superman bailed. kek.

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>Superman bailed
Henry's still in DCEU

people still believe this, oh lord.

I actually like having physical copies of things. If it comes out on DVD I want it. I also buy action figures.

but it just kept happening

I just hope they don't get obnoxious with it, like everyone else tends to.