Sony is working on a live action adaptation of twisted metal

>sony is working on a live action adaptation of twisted metal
Cast it.

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>not vigilante 8
Shit taste

>not releasing twisted metal remastered for ps5 on launch

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Bam Margera as Sweet Tooth.

theres a ps5 now?

Gee I wonder what the automatons of Yea Forums will say

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unique but stupid design. nigga boy is gettin shot right away

It's gonna be filled with "muh diversity" isn't it?

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if i pop his tires will he die?

>gets recast as a trans black woman
Yea Forums is gonna FREAK

>Idris Elba
>miscellaneous faggots, trannies & dykes.
>TWIST: villain is a based black family man who just want's to protect his kids from degenerates and raise his family in peace.
>DOUBLE TWIST: with his black wife.

that would be fucking hilarious. the chick from tangerine rolling around the battlefield complaining about fish

Who had the most fucked story and why was it no face?

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Don't mind me just posting the best vehicle.

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Bruce Willis as Calypso

Man I really hope they use the 90's tm2 aesthetic.

Triple twist: husband and wife are fraternal twins, but both have had sex changes to the opposite sex from thier birth origin.

Get with the times gramps, I have a ps11

why not make a Small Brawl movie? take a bunch of weird edgy brats on film and boom, success.


That’s not Warthog

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Michael Wincott as Calypso
Michael J White as Axel
Karen Gillan as Angel
Stephen Root as Mr. Slam
Bill Hader as Mr Grimm

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