Can you unsuck a dick?

Can you unsuck a dick?

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No, but why would you want to?


blow it out your ass

Fraid not my boy, needless to say there are some things that just dont come off in the wash and sucking a dick is one of em

Some doors can never be unopened. And once you open a door it becomes much easier to walk through it again.


Just suck a dick, but in reverse.

Yeah you just do the motions backwards

you're gay now. fag

You just put your lips together and blow

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed sucking dick. I'm so glad I gave it a try because now it's my favorite sexual activity to do. I've even become really good at it. I'm even a blowjob snob so if I watch porn and the girl isn't sucking good dick I'll just turn it off. Ain't got time for lazy bitches slacking off, using way too much hands and not using their tongues.


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Yea Forums - Televison and Film

Nope. Whatever happens from now on you'll forever be a faggot.
Sucks to be you.
>tfw no bf

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You gotta put your mouth back on it but go backwards this time

based, keep up the good work

fuck off Yea Forums

no, but you can make other people suck your dick, the more people suck your dick the less significant your 1 suck in retrospective

I don't like my peepee being touched it's too small and I don't deserve to be blown

do you live in california?

>this image
one of the funnier pepes

Hip-hop did you know?

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Do you live near SF bay?

Don’t listen to these unenlightened plebs, OP. Time moves forward for a reason. There is never any reason to look to the past with negative emotion, unless you’re working toward a constructive future. The past literally DOES NOT EXIST. The dick was unsucked the moment the blowjob ended.

No I'm a SoCal dude.


Based philosopher i get now why the greeks were all gay

sucking dick is boring
u are full of shit