Was Judas a bad guy? In the end he was just part of God's plan.
Was Judas a bad guy? In the end he was just part of God's plan
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Nah. If Judas didn't betray Jesus, he would most certainly find a differenway how to redeem us. Also he wasn't way how to redeem us. Also he wasn't a bad guy. That's false interretations. he just made a terrible mistake just like st. Peter, but instead of regret and living with the guild Judas chose suicide.
God chose him because he knew he was a wicked person.
That's not how the Bible puts it at all: "Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?" John 6:70
Did Jesus walk on the Moon?
That doesn’t change the fact that he was predestined to do it
What did St Peter do?
Denying he knew Jesus isn't in the same ballpark as getting him killed.
He was predestined based on the foreknowledge of God.
>and then God said that I should be in charge of everything
was Peter based?
Christcuckoldry is fanfiction
Predestination doesn't negate choice.
Wrong, try again
Yes it does.
I hope you are enjoying this Godless world then full of degeneracy, materialism and selfishness. We need Christ.
Judas wasn’t cognizant of God’s plan. He betrayed Jesus knowing it would lead to the man’s death.
If you understand it as Calvin's retarded definition of predestination then yes but that's not how that word is used in the Bible.
Doesn't matter if what he did was bad because he felt bad about it afterwards, which means God would has forgiven him.
>Was Judas a bad guy?
Yes. He betrayed the Son of God. He killed himself out of guilt.
Get this protestant theology shit out of here.
It doesn't, that was the fundamental misunderstanding the Greeks had. God just already knows what choices you'll make.
The Bible is fanfiction.
>In the end he was just part of God's plan.
Yup. Humans are just God's action figures. Which shows you what an autistic retard God is ... why choose boring humans when you could have a complete set of Star Wars toys instead?
Jesus is a historical figure.
Based on what?
>God chose him because he knew he was a wicked person.
God chose him because he knew he loved Jesus more than anyone or anything in the world, and because he was the only one strong enough to do it. He understood his role in the whole thing and he still went through with it.
who's to really say? it's the whole pre-determination shit vs free will. did he really fuck up everything or was it accounted for in god's master plan?
best portrayal ever comes from a musical, though
Find me a verse in the Bible that proves what you just said. You can't because that's your own stupid interpretation.
The judas betrayal is obviously just a parallel to the story of caeser.
Yes but he wasn’t God or his son, not only is it stupid, it’s positively blasphemous
That's how it's depicted in the movie in OP, but not actually in the bible
>People getting upset over a fan fiction of a fiction
So you are a jew or a muslim?
Dude reread your post at least one time this is a mess
The latter
So how can the bible be fanfiction of the quran, when the bible was written before the quran?
>that what stands in the bible is actually that what really happened and not some made up fairytale
>musical written by jew who was only indirectly aware of the Jesus story
>only good character is Judas
It's the plot of JC Superstar silly.
Ask him about Abraham.
>believing history literally
>believing chemistry literally
>believing math literally
The Qur’an is God’s Word and therefore uncreated
The bible is just some guys taking notes
What about him
A reminder that the Bible is a Jewish plot to destroy pagan Evropa
Go drink horse semen potions somewhere else Sven
>The Qur’an is God’s Word and therefore uncreated The bible is just some guys taking notes
>some sandnigger said so, so it must be true!
How was I supposed to know about this literally who rock opera?
He created everything so by definition he has all the information in the Universe. Any occurrence in the Universe is by his choice. So, unless you believe in things like Evil Demiurge, my choice is preordained by him, whether he realizes it or not (which by definition he should).
>nooooo, don't insult my false god!
Cope, christcuck... cope. Paul the kike and his pagan buddies could have affirmed the same thing about the bible but they knew it would be a lie.
Four different accounts of Christ's life isn't enough for you? Do you want to share how you came to the fairytale conclusion? Or is it just your dumb opinion because you're a reprobate?
We are made in his image, and have an infinitesimal degree of his divine will. This wisdom makes us free within our own context. His will is still ultimately supreme, but that doesn't negate our own free will.
Then it seems like you're at a standstill rasheed
>local user is 1800 years late to discover gnosticism
Not really.
Judas didn't betray Jesus.
judas moar liek JEWDAS amirite lel
>Backstabbing a Jew meddling in white people affairs
Judas was based
I've reached the conclusion that the only good in life comes from acquiring knowledge about the world. Only at peak knowledge of the world you can pass moral judgment (if even then).
"We are all god's children!" "Jesus is the son of god!"
Um... it's one or the other.
Whiter than you, Ahmed.
>basing a religion off the false claims of a murdering pederast warlord
Muhammad ﷺ wasn’t a murderer, or gay.
Based critical thinking user BTFO christcucks in one post
>Basing a religion off the false claims of a bunch of Jews
>Islam isn't Abrahamic fanfiction crossed with pagan cube worship
He was a martyr, the living eschatological embodiment of Prometheus. He sacrificed himself to let the age of fire begin by killing God's son. God's son Immanuel wanted to start a reign of terror on mankind where he would rule with an iron and unfair fist, a judean conspiracy to have a world king. That's why he calls himself the "King of all Kings" it is all said in the original evangelion, I'm not making this up.
I probably should not do this but I'll upload this image that will explain everything if you try and solve it, everything about how the world works is in here, I might die but if one of you manages to decipher it, it will work out in the end. So far there is only 4 other persons who know how this image works, you will know where to meet the other 3 once you decipher it.
Prayers to Nabonidus
>red head
>gingers have no souls
what did Jesus ment by this?
>Was Judas a bad guy?
He was like Gollum: kind of a dick, but in the end absolutely essential to the completion of the mission.
LOTR was a better story, though. Orcs > demons.
> muh kabbala
> jesus bad
nice try kike
I love it when people just make up things nobody said, then argue with their own imagination.
immanuel is jesus and your image does contain kabbalistic bullshit
I’m not making up anything
Plus we never got any demon characters even like the minor orcs like Shagrat, Grishnákh or Gorbag.
as he was a Zealot and a Jewish patriot fighting for his land against the Romans I imagine so. this is Yea Forums after all
based Calvanist.
>movie portrays jesus as a cuck homosexual
>why christians say is not a god portrait of jesus????
You understand.
Jesus walked upon the water.
Man walked on the moon.
Soon we're gonna need another miracle.
The god of Calvinism is certainly not the God of the Bible.
Must you shit up every board with this autism?
Gods are beyond morals, that is what makes them Godly
God’s plan is not rooted in good or evil, it is rooted in God’s will
Man created good and evil in an attempt to justify the inherent flaws in human will