What do you guys think Disney will do with the Alien franchise?
It will be The Predator tier shit.
Utterly ruin it
Ripley Scott should stay FAR away from it
So can we all agree that Prometheus and Covenant were even worse prequels than the Hobbit or Star Wars prequels?
even if you didn't like that, that's all the high budget sci-fi you're going to get, so be more grateful
They will use a lot of practical effects.
Daisy Ridley will play the new xenomorph.
They may have retarded plot, but the visuals and the sound are as KINO as you can get
>Ripley Scott should stay FAR away from it
I remember when people were saying the same thing about George Lucas in regards to Star Wars.
I wonder how that turned out...
Give Blomkamp his fucking movie already
I want my David third film goddammit disney
I swear to god if they turn the alien into a nigger too
Prometheus > Every other Alien movie
Why don't they just re-release alien in the threates for a limited time? There's plenty of movies that people think you need to see at the cinema to experience it wholly so just do that. This is a horrible business decision.
you’ll what
Make a post on Yea Forums or twitter?
Blomkamp is a hack. District 9 is one of the most overrated pieces of shit I've ever seen
they were right
>Disney alien
Hey remember in the first alien when all that tension builds and they're just exploring the ship? Fuck that boring shit bring in the the le quips xD
The Joker looks like a woman.
Oh for fucks sake. More reboots nobody wants.
Can't wait for the Fight Club reboot where the narrator is a black tranny.
I think they’ll reboot it and ignore all the autistic screeching on twitter about it
although they should make a straight white man the protagonist as the original was a lady
kys discord tranny
They did that at the cinema near me for the 40th anniversary of alien. Went with some mates. Other than some neckbeard loudly whispering shitty facts about the movie to his friend behind us, shit was kino
Blomkamp is a one-trick pony.
Post proofs pls
You aight 007
Ben Hur is another one people say you gotta see in the cinema. Although that's MGM. Whoever is running Disney right now is fucking nuts.
What if they made the alien franchise into a cel animated pg-13 classic style horror with some of the same elements in the movies?
I guess you missed the last 4 star wars movies he made
These dumb replies are the reason they're gonna reboot it
No. The first part of Prometheus was GOAT
One of my friends asked if i wanted to see an imax release of apocalypse now. Unfortunately I would've been on a flight at the time.
Well, they turned the sequel to the well-received Alien Isolation game into an ipad Five Nights at Freddy's ripoff, so nothing would surprise me at this point.
Yes. And who cares if it's rebooted? The Alien franchise is pretty much Highlander tier now in terms of shit sequels.
They already did that with Alien vs Predator.
Both had shitty writing, which was funnily enough, not Ridley Scott. A decent screenplay would work with Scott's direction.
Get ready. Once Disney is fully in charge of Fox, expect the following reboots:
>Planet of the Apes
>Die Hard
>Minority Report
>Master and Commander
Just to start with.
kys prequelfag
Buffy was a reboot though. Fuck it, and fuck all its fans too.
>>Planet of the Apes
mmh a third reboot within three decades.
Disney banned theaters from screening old Fox movies
>he doesn't know
The first Alien was played by a black guy you poser
My only assumption is they're gearing up to have a massive list of quality films for their streaming service.
>doing 2D animation
>Other than some neckbeard loudly whispering shitty facts about the movie
How did this not completely ruin the experience for you? fuck i hate cinemas
Read the replies dumb nigger.
We don't need plot and characters everyone wants VISUALS LMAO.
Not really. It was pre-autism so back then you could make a series following a movie and change a lot of the lore and people wouldn't throw a fit over it.
I was just memeing about most of those but that one is real lmao
what will be the epic quip when somebody kills a facehugger before it latches on
Every other human being >
>Only my girlfriend can stick things in there
"I don't kiss on the first date, bitch!"
I bought Aliens on DVD the other day and it has both the theatrical release and special edition on it which one do I pick? t.hanks
He only did it for about ten minutes before his mate told him to shut the fuck up and watch the film.
>The first part of Prometheus was GOAT
This is actually true. I recall being in the theater completely enthralled by the movie and the mystery in the beginning. Granted, the movie disappoints with the payoff, but it has one of the best setups in any film in recent times.
*roll my ring-ship over your post Looney Tune -style*
That article says the next Apes movie is not another reboot.
Prometheus and Alien Covenant are proof you should just ignore online commentary. Prometheus might have been a weak movie, but it at least had some things going for it and asked a lot of questions.
Then Covenant comes out trying to "fix" the complaints of Prometheus and just makes things worse, it was a dog shit movie.
I really want to see a proper sequel to Prometheus, but it's too late for that now.
The alien will be a metaphor for immigrants and characters will actually argue the benefits of letting aliens live among them and enrich their culture
Welp it's dead.
Theatrical. Special Edition fucks up the pacing, which is literally the best thing about Aliens.
The franchise has been dead for a while.
Can it really be worse than grandpa Ridley pondering the meaning of life after reading David Icke for the umpteenth time?
Barely anyone saw the movie and it had massive troubles in production.
If it had taken off people might have found the series a bit weird.
Get ready for the most uninspired and toothless action movies with quipping cardboard characters. But in the end isn't that what Yea Forums wants, you tasteless piece of shits?
Theathrical and then don't be a nigger and watch the extended version too. The theatrical version flows better, but while not all the added scenes work, most are good and worth the rewatch.
I forget what the SE even adds, aside from the scene where Burke tells Ripley about Amanda, which gives some context to Ripley's motherly instinct toward Newt later, and the part with the automated turrets.
Must these asshats touch and ruin every old franchise?
Fucks sake
>Master and Commander
Twist: it takes place on land
Sure. They bought them, and there's potential money to be had. Got to recoup that money that Dark Phoenix lost.
Nah, they were only badly written and Covenant could probably be reedited into a good movie with just a few reshoots.
There other major additions is a scene in Hadley's Hope pre-infestation, and a scene showing Newt's parents finding the Derelict. There are also several new bits of dialogue and establishing shots in various parts of the movie.
Ridley had always planned on answering questions about the engineers. Their absence was the biggest part of why Covenant sucked
In truth, Xenomorphs are a vehicle for a discussion of the engineers
Ridley says "Awakening" will be about David v the engineers
>blimey, that sailor who fixed a hull is a woman!
>tut, my dear aubrey - a woman she may be but if not for her we would all be mer-men by now
To be fair can Disney do worse than The Predator?
Blomkampf was just fired from the Robocop reboot lmao
Prometheus is great. Covenant was a cuck move because of the dislike of non-alien focus.
1 > Prometheus > 2 > 3 = Covenant > 4
Prometheus is salvageable and actually not terrible. But Covenent is just garbage.
As long as he doesn't write it, his visuals would work wonders with the right script and photography and designers.
post karen's milky thighs
>"Awakening" will be
>will be
Aww don't do this to me. The movie's never happening.
How the Fuck do they own this!?
Post Xeno alien pictures.
Special Edition gives us a glimpse at what the colony was like before the aliens took over, and we get to learn more about Ripley's personal life and how much it has changed due to being in suspended animation for a long time after the first movie. There's also a kino scene about sentry guns shooting aliens but they nearly run out of ammo just before the aliens run away.
James Cameron cut these things because the movie would make more money if it was short and like another user said, theatrical is probably better paced anyway. However if you're an Aliens nerd, the Special Edition is way better. That's what I watch alone, but if I'm showing the movie to my gf I'll just put on theatrical because she won't appreciate the extra scenes like I do.
Of course it's happening. Alien is one of the biggest properties in the Fox catalog
Twist: Peter Weir's original plan for the M&C sequel was based on The Reverse of the Medal, which 90% is set in london
So? That doesn't make it a reboot. It take place after the movie and most of the movie is still canon and referenced in the pilot and other episodes.
Has Neill Blomkamp done anything worth shit apart from District 9? The rest of his theatrical releases are terrible, and those youtube shorts were downright embarrasing. I think it's time for people to admit D9 was lightning in a bottle, the guy can't ride on that one success forever.
Short answer, no, long answer, nope.
>James Cameron cut these things because the movie would make more money if it was short
Isn't the theatrical cut way over two hours long?
It's over bros...Ridley Scott won't be able to complete his кинo prequel series.
The writing was on the wall by the time Disney acquired Fox.
Chappie wasn't bad, it just wasn't a masterpiece like D9. That other movie about the guy from Earth fighting some richfags living on a space station or something like that... I remember disliking that one because it seemed like libcuck "immigration is good" bullshit but I haven't seen it since release so maybe I'm full of shit.
Prometheus, yes.
Covenant, no.
I think he means Disney will ruin this franchise so terribly that Ridley should not want to be associated
All of these were fine except Covenant
Imagine if it was even longer. Oy vey, that's probably a few less showings a day!
I know the man isn't averse to long movies but he's for sure a businessman too. That's why Avatar was so "safe" and bland from a story perspective, it's not that he's a hack per se but if you invest that much money into new tech you're gonna want your first moving using that tech to be a guaranteed hit. It's a very cynical thing.
>Chappie wasn't bad
Chappie had good ideas but the actual movie is abysmal and the plot is retarded. Also, fucking Die Antwoord, what the fuck.
It had nice environments and Copley had a better role than in D9.
cant be worse than prometheus and covenant
uncultured swine
>Prometheus, no.
>Covenant, yes.
Fix'd for reality.
NO NO NO NO NO!! Fucking stop it with this bullshit. Hollywood is creatively bankrupt as fuck
covenant is kino. and I really like david's arc, I hope they tie it up.
Really? Holy shit, lol.
He should invest his time and money into his own CGI company, like Jackson and Weta.
it's awesome that both characters are wearing safety boots.
Still kinda believe they made that movie terrible on purpose because the director hated the series and hated seeing himself act in the first. Only reasonable explanation for it being that bad.
Blech. Watch they give the series a stronk female protagonist. Fucking Disney SJWs. They'll probably even have a black character as part of the crew. Place your bets on them casting Idris Elba in a role in a new Alien movie.
God, I unironically love covenant, download the evanus edit.
>disney remaking alien
So a pg-13 quipfest with a mary-sue main character?
>ip has turned to shit
>reboot it!!!
holy shit this needs to stop
Alien is in my top 3 movies of all time.
Aliens is somewhere in the top 20.
Who cares what Disney do they can't erase the existence of the quality canon.
Blomkamp is an awful writer. It's always the same story: "rich people bad, migrants good".
His artworks for an Alien sequel were ridiculous. People were praising him just because he said that Sigourney Weaver would be back (why?) and he would use practical effects.
shut the fuck up ridley
I was interested in his Aliens sequel just because it was to be a proper fucking sequel instead of that pretentious Prometheus/Covenant shit. You're probably right though, probably would have been shit.
They would color grade the movie to shit, no point in making a new Alien ever again.
I think people were just excited that it was going to essentially de-canonize 3 and Resurrection. Kind of like what Halloween does every 10 years or so, when it acts like nothing but 1 (and maybe 2) ever happened.
The 2004(?)-ish AVP videogame universe was the peak of the Aliens universe aesthetic.
>Before the title card even begins, we see a sort of tribal circle of two predators doing some sort of ritual preparation, with drums playing and fire in the background, and we see a dead predator slumped in the background with his head cut off
>Some lackeys slather the two of them in oil
>One of them grabs two spears and throws one over to his opponent
>They take off their masks before staring each other down, and one of them roars and bares his chest, and the other one follows suit, and they fight
>They beat the shit out of each other and the bigger of the two finally smashes the smaller one to the floor
>The smaller one is all like "fine then, kill me", but instead the bigger one carves something into the smaller one's face and leaves him there disgraced and roars in victory
>All the other predators around the circle cheer with him, even the smaller one's loyal friends cheer with him, and the smaller predator grabs his mask and limps away all cucked and shit
>Cut to titlecard
>Then we see some big old secret science lab run by Weyland-Yutani in some abandoned mining facility on some far off planet
>Doing research on xenos, trying to birth a queen chestburster, but no matter how many hormones they inject or whatever, all the new chestbursters just turn into drones and warriors, but no queen specimens
>It shows life on the research facility/abandoned mining facility
>Juxtaposed to the yautja's tribal and warlike life, it's much more relaxed and civil here
Do Alien, Blade Runner, and Avatar all happen in the same universe? I've heard that speculated on, and just based on the tech and general setting, it doesn't seem so implausible.
Yeah but those movies still exist (I say that as I'm not a fan of the other movies). You can't just make a sequel to Aliens and forget the other ones. This isn't Terminator.
Jesus fucking christ is nothing sacred. FUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK. I fucking HATE disney.
Speaking about Predators, it pisses me off that Shane Black fucked up the franchise with his Iron Man crap and the tism.
I would've loved to make a Predator movie set in the past, maybe in medieval times.
That's kind of why I mentioned the Halloween series. That one's been rebooted so many times, you can essentially a la carte your preferred timeline, and they all sort of exist independently from one another.
Yes they happen on this universe we live in.
PG-13 Alien, here we go.
Or every DeMille, Lean, and Powell and Pressburger films.
During the conquistadores in south america jungles.
ruin it
>and Avatar
what. There's some easter eggs in BR and Alien/s that nod at each other but never heard of Avatar being part of their universe.
While I still haven't seen Covenant, Prometheus at least is a very good looking movie. Shame about the script and some scenes in it are utterly idiotic, but it isn't complete trash.
Nope. The heart of any great story is character. All the characters in the movie were not only retarded, but shit.
You can't kill it. Scott already did that.
It's not human, so you can't blackwash it or make it transgender, those are meaningless to the Alien.
If they don't sell the rights, it shows that they simply want to kill off everything that isn't Disney.
Elba was in Prometheus. You probably already knew that.
When then film came out, just about everyone had a field day with all the stupidity on display.
How was Wagner so based, The Ring of the Nibelung, are master pieces.
Not entirely. The Hobbit films were doomed from the start and had no passion or vision; I’m pretty sure Jackson walked off set one time and gained weight. However, I’d say the Hobbit films did little to fully sully the LOTR films, as they are inconsequential and useless. The alien prequels on the other hand are a prime example of a miss opportunity.
the story is more about david, and not about the aliens, scott should've never listened to the retards on twitter. fassbender is talented actor.
I just don't get the hate for the prequels.They're not without their problems but Ridley at least attempted to expand and build upon the world and not give us a total retread of the first films. That's EXACTLY what Disney is going to do with the franchise.
The Hobbit films can at least be edited into something watchable. There's some decent fan edits out there that pare the trilogy down to what is essentially a faithful recreation of the book.
Hard to say, they all had their benefits in different aspects.
>There's a new guy who got sent down from a Colonial Marine battlecruiser hovering above orbit, because he can fix vehicles, and a bunch of the scientist's vehicles were getting wrecked and stuff by the native wildlife
>He's fresh out of some Weyland Yutani academy, and they threw him with the colonial marines due to his supposed "expertise", but it was actually because he scored very high on loyalty to Yutani
>He touches down, and he just wants to do his job and go back up to the ship, but is drawn in by the research station people's hospitality
>They show him around the place, and we get to see around the facility
>We got scientists trying their hand at raising some cattle, and another scientist giving him shit like "You were a city boy, weren't you? Your cattle are disappearing because metal wires aren't going to pen them in or protect them from the local predators unless it's electrified"
>We got some of the dudes learning to shoot from the security guys, plinking away at hand-drawn targets with pictures of their Weyland Yutani bosses and higher ups stapled on to them, and the automechanic guy gets uncomfortable when he realizes that the people here kind of hate bureaucracy, whereas bureaucracy is all he really knows
>We got them playing baseball together, scientists versus engineers and chefs and maintenance dudes and whatever, and they all have a friendly rivalry thing going on together
>Some random maintenance dude sitting with the automechanic guy is all like "so what is it you science types even do down there?", and the scientists are all like "sorry bro, can't tell you shit"
>The automechanic guy is all like "Up in the ship I hear stories about what they do...but if I told you, they'd have to send marines to kill you", and everyone goes all silent, but then he smiles and everyone laughs like "Haha, he's fucking around! He's not such an emotionless robot afterall!"
He's complete shit. Why would anyone want him near this franchise?
>Ridley at least attempted to expand and build upon the world
"attempt", being the operative word. He failed miserably.
Yeah, the fucking band as the criminals were the worse part of that movie.
No. He's shooting some horror/thriller for WB but MGM wants to shoot Robocop now, so he had to step down.
>he wants to watch a fun movie
It's a Disney IP now, sweetie.
Yes. Contrarians love to pretend that the passing references to Euro art culture was enough to give these movies some kind of depth/profundity, but they were shit popcorn flicks regardless.
>t. uncultured swine
>He goes around to the vehicles with the other on-planet automechanic guy who lives there and checks inside, and realizes they all seem purposely sabotaged, as if by something highly intelligent
>The on-planet dude is like "Nah, it's these little rat-like creatures that live here. They crawl inside the vehicles for warmth and chew all the wires up and explode"
>The Weyland Yutani automechanic guy is all like "then why isn't there any burnt fur or blood or anything?", then he points to a piece of the engine that looks all fucked up and asks "and these rat things are strong enough to bite through metal?", and we see the engine has little holes in them that go all the way through to the floor
>The mechanic is all like "Well, corporate dude, can you fix it?", and the Yutani mechanic is all like "It's your basic 8 cylinder hydrogen celled alternator engine, and I bought down the supplies with me. If I replace the fusion belt and solder the titanium chassis blinker, it shouldn't take me more than a few days to repair all 4 cars, but I seriously don't think rats are your problem"
>The on-planet mechanic then goes outside for a smoke, but the Yutani guy hears a scream and rushes outside
>He sees something, his eyes go big, and he slams the door and closes his eyes and begins to pray under his breath
>The next day, they're having a meeting about where the mechanic guy went, and everyone's suspicious about the new Yutani mechanic guy, but he swears it was some sort of big monster
>When asked if it looked like a native big cat like predator that lives on the planet, he replies no
>When asked if it was a human, he replies no
>When pressured, he says it was a black "thing" that stood on two legs and disappeared into the forest dragging the mechanic, running on all fours
>The scientists look around like "oh fuck", but everyone else is like "what? bullshit, you're not telling us the truth"
As far as I'm concerned there was Alien and Aliens and everything else can get fucked
Covenant is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
It made me feel embarrassed to be a fan of the franchise.
At least Prometheus had interesting philosophical themes, even if they were ruined by Lindelof.
No, it ruined the lore but got the tone right.
LOL can't wait to watch them ruin this franchise
Do you think Yea Forums can all agree on anything?
It means that nobody is going to give a shit about differences because the vast majority of people didn’t even know there was anything to be different to.
Disney will scrap it and make Alien a totally Disney product just like Star Wars.
>The scientists calm everyone down and are all like "hey, maybe he's telling the truth haha, I mean, the planet's so big and undiscovered, maybe there really is an unknown species around here, haha. An unknown predator."
>In the ship hovering over orbit, a technician is all like "hey, did you see that shit on the radar?", but then it disappears, and his buddy's all like "probably just interference from the gas from the sun and the solar winds and all that, it happens all the time"
>Back in the underground lab, the scientists are flipping the fuck out at each other like "Wtf? Is he talking about a xenomorph? What the fuck? I say we keep quiet and maybe it'll all blow over"
>"Blow over? Hector is dead, goddamnit!"
>"But if we tell them, we'll be fucked! I heard stories of people vanishing in the middle of the night! I have kids!"
>"If a xenomorph really did escape, we might vanish in the middle of the night anyways"
>"Xenos might scare me, but it's those Weyland Yutani spooks that scare me even more"
>We cut to the mechanic guy waking up, cocooned in some sort of underground cavern
>He struggles to reach a mini flashlight in his pocket, and accidentally drops it, to reveal he's surrounded by these fucking xeno eggs, and as he follows the beam of light, it lands upon a fucking alien queen and her entire fucking nest underground, deep in the abandoned mines
>The eggs peel open, and he screams as he kicks and squirms futilely, and the camera pulls out as several facehuggers jump at him
>Cut to the disgraced predator from the very beginning, with the scar on his face
>He's looking at some sort of holomap, and it shows an alien queen on this planet, and he's determined to kill it, come back with its head, prove himself worthy once again, and regain control of his old tribe
>He notices some movement in the forest, it's a little girl (which is the daughter of the cow raising scientist)
just because Disney are fucking it up doesn't mean Lucas wouldn't have ALSO fucked it up, like he did for the last 3 movies
What the hell happened to this franchise anyway? Alien and Aliens are great movies, but then it just went downhill. It's odd how Ridley Scott directed both the best and worst movies in the series.
What would you do if you were to remake the Alien franchise?
Fox already ruined it
Disney will just reboot the first one, but PG-13 & with more jokes, it will be a massive bomb
Fucking hell
Would rather let it die than let Disney helm it
>We saw the little girl in the beginning, being all cute, waving to the Yutani mechanic shyly, feeding the cows and naming them silly names
>I just forgot to mention her
>The little girl seems lost, and has no idea where the fuck she is, and it's getting kind of dark
>The predator watches intently, and his laser thing aims at the back of her head
>His plasma caster swivels to meet its target, and it's a tense moment like "wtf, is he going to shoot a little girl?", but then he sees something moving fast in the underbrush, and immediately he knows it's a xenomorph
>The predator jumps down and blocks the xeno's path
>He lowers his plasma caster, shinks his wrist blades, and pulls out a spear instead
>He wants to prove himself
>As one final ritual act, he takes off his mask and drops it to the floor
>The little girl takes this all in and screams, which is when the fight begins
>There's a huge, badass fight, as the predator and the xeno really go at it, and it's more than a fair match
>He manages to stab the xeno, but the xeno's fine and his spear melts into acid
>The acid really starts to fuck with the predator, dripping all over the place, dripping onto his armor and bare skin, making him roar in pain
>Realizing his blades just make things worse, he sheathes his wrist blades and resorts to just straight up wailing on the xeno, taking out all his frustrations on it from the fist fight he lost with that rival pred
>He beats the xeno so badly, the xeno fucks off, and he quickly picks up his mask to track it back to its nest
>When the little girl comes back screaming about some shit, the people of the research facility begin to demand that the head researcher tell everyone here what they're researching down there
>Even the other scientists are like "fuck it, we should just tell them already", especially the parents of the little girl
>The head researcher is like "fine, I'll tell you guys, but that Weyland Yutani mechanic can't hear"
Ripley will be black
you cant make creature scary 1000x times
what the fuck spends time making this shit
3 was mediocre, Resurrection was absolute garbage. Haven't seen the other ones, are they at least better than Resurrection?
It will be a similar dream team as with Star Wars ST
trips of truth. damn shame Ridley Scott won't be able to finish the prequels.
>The people are like "fuck you, let him hear, he's one of us now", and the researcher just sighs and is like "fine"
>"We have these things called xenomorphs underground, and we thought they were contained, but apparently one of them somehow got out"
>The people go into an uproar, before one person asks "How dangerous is it?"
>"Very dangerous"
>More uproar
>"What are your plans for tracking it?"
>"Every xeno we have has a tracker on it, but for some reason, we have yet to be able to track it"
>More uproar
>"Is it safe out there?"
>"No, we suggest staying indoors at all times from now on, especially when it gets dark"
>"Is Hector the only one that's been taken?"
>"Yes, we believe so"
>"How are we going to kill it!?"
>"We're going to call the Marines"
>Cut to badass military drums
>Marines gearing up in the ship above
>Lights flashing, horns blaring
>Cut after cut of badass marines strapping up, slapping in magazines, cocking charging handles, slapping armor on themselves
>Some lieutenant is yelling at them to Go! Go! Go!, and they're hustling and bustling all over the place
>Loader mechs moving boxes of ammo
>APCs loading into Cheyenne dropships
>Marines filing in, waiting for the big drop
>Some hardass lieutenant talking in military and it's fucking badass like "Rico! Tango! Charlie! Scuttle up tight, Marines. Touch down, touch hard, form a perimeter ETA 2 minutes. Alpha bravo, generation kill is a Go! Go! Go!"
>Then the dropship pilot is all like "Splashdown in 3" (Cut to shots of sweating faces and quickened breathing)
>"2" (Cut to shots of two marines grinning and smiling at each other, like they know what's going to happen next and they love it)
>"1" (A marine looks up at the ceiling of the ship and mutters something under his breath like "fuck fuck fuck, let's get some, let's do this")
>"Engaged", and the dropship plummets down toward the Earth, and the whole fucking bay shakes
rape it and the mind of every alien fan
this guy gets it
alien fans are impossible to satify. it will be gold watching the infinite butthurt once norms claim the franchise for their own
( please :·3 )
They are not impossible to satisfy, all you gotta do is actually have creativity, direction, a good sounding plot and a good implementation.
It appears that it's time to point out that the Alien series was in the shitter before Prometheus, which is the third most successful Alien film by literally every goddamn metric (and also good, but Yea Forums loves to hate good movies). Scott killed nothing, but Fox may have killed Alien:Covenant with shitty marketing or whatever. Maybe people just forgot that R-rated scifi movies don't make MCU numbers at the box office, and think that Alien:Covenant is a bad movie because it didn't make more than $240M (Aliens only made $375M adjusted). You guys gotta stop correlating revenue with quality.
I want a movie from the point of view from the aliens.
>It's nighttime planet-side
>The marines touch down and they sweep the area, form a perimeter, and hustle into the research facility
>Squad leader turns to the pilots and shouts to them over the din of the dropship's engines "Leave her up and running in case we gotta make a quick getaway!"
>He follows the rest of his squad in, however, there's no one inside to greet them
>They walk through the research complex, and it's fucking lifeless
>When we were shown the facility in the beginning of the movie, there were people walking around the chowhall, people in the gym, people just walking up and down the halls, but now it's completely empty, and it's very eerie walking through an empty place that you KNEW was bustling with life just a few hours ago
>They ask when the transmission for help was last sent, and they said the transmission was received only 2 hours ago, but the timestamp on the call for help was marked a little more than 24 hours ago
>They keep sweeping through the facility and each room is empty, but there are half eaten trays of food, computers doing math equations unmonitored, lots of lights are smashed and flickering
>They turn to clear one room, and unexpectedly, there's a fucking xenomorph just crouching on top a desk facing them, almost like it was expecting them
>The marines are all just staring in shock like "holy shit..." for half a second before their instincts kick in and they're all like "Fire! Light it up!", and their m14a pulse rifles tear through it and make it their bitch and make a wet, messy, acidic stain all over the room
>Then, suddenly, they hear shrieking from ALL over the facility, VERY close, almost as if they had been surrounded and watched the whole time they had been in the facility
>Their motion tracker suddenly goes nuts and there're a million things quickly approaching them, and the squad leader looks around quickly before making the best decision of his life
No. Covenant was meh, but I liked Prometheus despite the idiocy of the biologist.
nothing is worse than the Hobbit adaptation.
I mostly liked Prometheus with the exception of the dumb, ragtag “scientists” put in charge of a multi-trillion dollar expedition. Covenant was pure fucking trash though.
If you think that was one of the worst movies ever, you need to expand your horizons because you haven't seen shit, child.
>They quickly decide to get the FUCK out of there, and as they pass the rooms that they were certain were clear, xenos start dropping down from out of the vents and shit, and it's like that scene in Lord of the Rings, when they're running through Moria and all these goblins start coming out to kill them
>You hear the pulse rifles bursting and the marines shouting shit like "FUCK YOU", and it's crazy hectic, and when the path is blocked by more xenos choking the hallway, the squad leader verts left and bodies through a wooden door without even thinking and when he realizes it's a dead end, he shoots out the fucking windows and vaults out of there too, his squad close behind him just screaming shit out like oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, aaaaaaa
>He fucking sprints it all the way to the dropship, but he sees the pilot and the copilot in the distance desperately fending off a bunch of xenos with their weakass pistols, but then they get swarmed, and he's like "oh fuck, oh shit", when he hears a woman screaming from behind him to come quickly, and it's the scientists and mechanics and engineers and everyone else, all huddled inside the barn with the electric fence surrounding it, and the squad leader thinks "fuck it", and yells at his marines to go toward the electric fence, and it's harrowing as fuck, because the xenos are so fast on open ground, and the smart gunners just straight up ditch their smartguns in a panic, fucking booking it across the field with xenos all over them
That's the extent of it.
Can't wait to see a tamed version of it to make sure it appeals to the widest audience, maybe throw in some quips and shit tier humor to "balance it out"
>Ripley will be lesbian
fixed that for you
Disneyfy it. Meaning: Completely ruin it with their identity politics BS.
i like this joker
>Everyone gets inside the electric fence in time except for one of the smartgunner dudes who's still running, and they start shouting things like "C'mon, faster, move, they're right behind you, c'mon!", and they start shooting at the xenos chasing him, and RIGHT as it seems like he's about to get overrun, he makes it JUST in time, and they close the door on the electric fence and just like that, the xenos stare at them for a while, unmoving, and then fuck back off into the research facility, and all is silent, just like it was before the marines ever showed up
>The marines, the scientists, the survivors all get acquainted, and the Weyland Yutani mechanic guy is all like "Oh shit, hey, it's nice to see you guys again"
>So in the beginning of the movie, the Weyland Yutani dude helps make the electric fence for the dude so that it shows the people and him bonding together, I just forgot to include that
>The electric fence is high as fuck, by the way, and it's an entire rectangle around the whole barn
>The people of the research facility explain that right after the meeting, right after the head researcher recorded a message asking the marines for help, they were all attacked en masse by a bunch of the xeno fuckers and a lot of them were dragged off
>They explain it was the Weyland Yutani guy who saved everyone by telling them to hide inside the electric fenced barn, and it was him who ventured back inside the complex all by himself to send the transmission for help (he has the thousand yard stare the whole time they're explaining the story of what happened)
>One of the cows are still here because they didn't go out for grazing ("Mycah" [the name of the cow], the little girl chimes in softly)
>They begin to regroup and rethink their plan again quickly, because they're all pretty smart, rational, level-headed people
>Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
>Prometheus good
low quality bait
Live action Anastasia reboot when?
I'm a 30 year old boomer and I stand by my statement
We've been over this a million times. Vickers intentionally hired an inadequate team hoping that the expedition would fail, but the scientists were too competent for that purpose. The expedition itself was a desperate gamble by a delusional trillionaire who was afraid of dying. It was not a "serious" expedition, Weyland lied to his crew about his intentions.
What'd you think? I thought it was alright for a few mins before my phone froze
watch it again and count how many times someone says "I'm in comand".
Vickers says it, Shaw says it, Idris Elba says it, the militar guy says it, old Guy Pierce says it. Only one of them actually means it.
Is this head cannon? Vickers was the daughter, correct? I could see her wanting to sabotage the mission if she was back home at the helm of the Weyland Corp. getting rid of her father and taking over and living the cozy life, but she wasn’t. Why would she risk her own life by hiring incompetent staff? It doesn’t add up.
she was perfectly safe the whole movie, until Idris Elba decides to crash the ship
I hate them and I still say no.
>They rationalize that the only reason they're still alive is because the makeshift generator powering the electric fence, which only has fuel for 1 more day
>Help or backup will probably come in a few days, but they can't rely on luck, and they don't really have a few days
>The dropship is also there if the radio is damaged (two red stains where the pilots used to be, and if you look closely inside the cockpit, there's a destroyed android sitting in the pilot's seat)
>They reckon if the radio doesn't work, they could run over to the dropship, close the doors, call for help, and wait it out, as no one knows how to fly a dropship (but they have no idea if a xenomorph is hiding inside, and if they shoot at it, the acid could destroy the ship and alert the rest of them to their position)
>If worse comes to worse, someone will have to sneak back into the research facility and use the comm's center inside to alert the ship
>And if it really comes down to it, they have the bullets so that they don't have to be dragged off and impregnated
>They decide to wait until morning, when the marines will go out into the field to bring back the dropped radio
>The marines and the scientists watch guard as the rest of them sleep, and the scientists confide in the marines that Weyland Yutani will probably kill them even if they survive all this, because they just know too much
>The head researcher then goes on to say he probably deserves it, because he was too careless about such a dangerous creature, and he underestimated their intelligence, and for that, people he knew are dead
>The marines ask him how many there must be, and he says there must be about 2 or 3 dozen at least
>The next morning, the marines start suiting up, and everyone is very, very quiet and whispering
>The communications guy whispers "I dropped it somewhere around there"
>They very quietly open the gate and begin to search the field nervously, looking for the dropped communications equipment
Vickers didn't wish to assassinate her father, she just wanted him to find nothing. It's also pretty obvious that she joined the expedition for partially sentimental reasons.
But then again, she didn’t even know Weyland was on board until the last act of the film IIRC. For all intents and purposes, Weyland would have already been dead by time they got there and everything would have been hers anyway, So she definitely wasn’t trying to sabotage the mission.
Is there any proof he was referencing those? They all seem like a reach. the red dragon and the alien coming out of his back is in no way similar.
>reading Hesiod will make Prometheus and Alien Covenent good movies
Faggot, I've read Hesiod. Works and Days in no way relates to these movies. As for his creation myth, Zeus overthrowing kronos after he overthrew heaven (and caused the creation of giants) is leaps and bounds above this cinematic trash
>The comms guy whisper-shouts over to them "I found it! It's over here!"
>They all freeze in their tracks when they hear shrieking from inside the research facility, but after 20 seconds of silence and nothing on their motion tracker, they quietly run on over to where the comms guy was going
>The comms guy tells them it's busted, and it might be irrepairable, but they can try to bring it back to the barn to get it fixed, or they can try to get to the dropship since it's just a hundred meters or so away
>The squad leader looks back and forth and decides on the dropship
>The guys back at the barn are like "what are they doing?"
>"Looks like they're headed to the dropship"
>The marines are walking with their eyes and ears wide open, trying to be very quiet and trying to be very aware of their surroundings
>Suddenly, there's a tiny blip of movement on their motion tracker, and they all look at each other like "fuck it", and begin running to the dropship, the only sound being the chuffing of their armor and their quick, light breathing
>The bleeping on their motion trackers gets more insistent, and from behind them in the barn, they can hear people shouting indistinct warnings at them
>Back at the barn using binoculars, they can see xenos crawling over the roof of the facility, staring at the marines running across the field
>The marines run up to the dropship, and a xeno slithers out and hisses at them, but the squad leader pops off a quick burst and obliterates it, and they all run around the acidic bloody mess and into the dropship, where they quickly close the doors
>They hear angry screeching outside, from inside the dropship, and they quickly scan the inside of the dropship for danger, making sure to grab extra mags, drink from one of the dead pilot's canteen, and grab a first aid kit, as well as a handful of snack bars.
>The comms dude ruefully informs the squad leader that the communications panel in the dropship has been completely sabotaged too
But why?
The Avengers vs. Xenomorphs
Jedi vs. Sith Xenomorphs
It going to be awesome times, bros
They'll do a remake of Aliens v Predator except this time they'll have it set in the future with the colonial marines being a big part, neckbeards on podcasts will celebrate that they're bringing back the pulse rifle whilst guzzling down onions cum, feminism will come off as forced and cringeworthy despite the fact that the Aliens franchise has been known for its women leads.
Also Signourney Weaver will be brought back, and will look like she wants to kill herself because of Disney execs shitting this up alongside everything else they've ever done.
Top Movies Your GF Wants to Watch
>Shit People Are Talking About
>Jumpscare 4
>Kids in the 80s
>Love and Funny
>Strong Woman
woah I can do it too
Wew lad
almost, but it will star Melissa McCarthy as Ripley
Are you high? Vickers knew the whole time what the mission was about. It's why she's such a cunt the whole time and there's that scene around the middle part of the film where Vickers ambushes David when he's coming back from Weyland's cryopod. She explicitly inquires David about Weyland's orders because her whole thing is preventing David from discovering anything that could lead towards Weyland's goal.
I saw Alien Resurrection a couple of days ago, and that movie already felt like a 201X reboot with quips and all.
So that they can't really make anything worse than that one. can they?
>In fact, the whole control panel is melted, so even trying to fly it is out of the question
>The squad leader knows it's just a matter of time before night, when the xenos will come out in full force and rip their way into the dropship, killing them all
>He looks outside and sees a slender black tail cresting over the roof of the facility, telling him that they're being silently watched at all times
>At night, the xenos silently slither over to the dropship and the marines inside wait, pulses quickening, as they hear their metallic claws climbing all over the hull of the dropship
>Suddenly, jumpscare style, a tail smashes through the cockpit, and the handful of marines begin shooting wildly into any opening the xenos start making, acid spraying everywhere, bullets flying, aliens screeching in pain and anger
>Then, in an instant, it's all over
>One of them is like "That's it? They had enough?"
>The squad leader is all like "nah, they were just testing us, testing our defenses, get ready, the real attack comes now"
>Right after he says that, just a few seconds later, the xenomorphs crowd all around the dropship, desperately trying to claw their way in, rending metal and breaking the glass in the cockpit to get inside
>The marines start screaming like "Fuck you!", and while one of them is reloading, he shouts "COVER ME", and one of them begins tossing grenades outside the holes, blowing shit up, and one of them gets stabbed by a tail, and he stumbles, before getting back up with his gun firing, yelling wildly at those alien fuckers to come get him
>But there're too many, and the xenos start breaching and they're starting to run out of ammo, so they resort to pistols and throwing the grenades at stupid close ranges, literally within the confines of the dropship, ducking down and flattening themselves against the ground, knocking themselves silly in order to kill the xenos closest to them
Well then it's okay. I'm clad too. R is not needed for Alien movie. I mean look what Endgame was able to do with PG-13.
No comparison. Hobbit and SW have some redeeming qualities, Prometheus and Covenant shouldn't exist
Endgame is one of the worst movies of the 2010s though.
Why are you doing this?
I'm gonna say it now before Yea Forums posers start claiming the contrary once the reboot comes out:
Alien and Aliens are SHIT
Ripley will be a black lesbian
>not a brunette british girl who's only known for tv dramas
It will star Jody Comer (with brown hair obviously) and be produced by Kathleen Kennedy after she's finally removed from star wars when episode 9 bombs. Search your heart, you know this is exactly what will happen
they should get the district 9 dude to do it. His conceptual art was golden
I thought Disney couldn’t make R-rated movies? Or are they making it PG-13?
Take a wild guess.
So because the queen lays eggs that can become queens themselves does that mean the xenomorph is now a disney princess?
What’s the point of buying R-rated properties if you don’t want to make R-rated movies? Why can’t they let Fox or Miramax make them since they own them?
the alien will be a white male
the main character will be a black woman
>Suddenly there's a huge explosion at the research facility, and all the xenos scream in rage, and rush out of the torn up dropship to go back inside
>The marines are like "that's our sign, it's now or never!", and they rush the fuck out of the dropship, some of them limping, one guy helping keep one person up, and they just run across the field, straight toward the electric barn, and the xenos don't even seem to be paying attention to them
>When they finally reach the barn and rendezvous with the rest of the scientists, facility dudes, and the rest of their squad who stayed behind, they explain that both communication options are busted, and the only other one is in the research facility where the underground lab is, and the head researcher guy can take them there
>He explains that if there's a time to go, it's fucking now, because the electric fence will not last next morning, and whatever it is is occupying the xenos, it's occupying them good, so might as well do it now
>The marines that the squad leader took with him are all beaten up, but the communications guy volunteers to go with him, the weyland yutani guy says he'll go, and the head researcher of course
>There's all this noise and commotion in the research facility, and shit's blowing up, and aliens are screeching, and the four of them just go in through the front door, and it's almost like the xenos don't even care about them anymore
>The four of them have to walk past the chowhall to get into the underground lab, and that's where the commotion is the loudest
>They see the scarred predator from the first movie going absolutely nuts, using his plasma caster to shoot shit down, twirling his melted spear around and using it as a blunt club instead, just beating the shit out of xenos and going on a rampage
I honestly really want to and go to sleep, but once I start, I can't fucking abandon it.
Best to not look at them as prequels and they're enjoyable. Alien ended years ago.
Turn it into a whimsical family comedy
Maybe some are accidental, but Ridley has been obsessed with John Milton, Wagner, Dante and Gustave Doré his whole life
>The predator looks at them for a second while beating the shit out of two xenos, and it just sort of huffs and let's them go on their way
>The predator has clearly gone through some shit since the last time we saw him
>He's covered in all these new scars
>He's got three alien inner-mouth things dangling in a necklace around him
>He learned to use blunt weapons against them
>Has resorted to using his plasma caster
>Has seemed to have either lost or discarded his mask
>And is just going absolutely ham
>It'd honestly make his old tribe proud
>The four humans rush down to the underground lab using the head researcher's keycard, and inside the lab, they find it all cocooned and covered in that black resin shit
>In a corner of the lab is a large hole that was burrowed out by the xenos, and it looks like it lead right underground to where the deepest mines used to be, because remember this was an abandoned mining facility
>They look into the hole and shine a flashlight through it and see hundreds and hundreds of eggs in an alien nest, characteristic of a xeno hive, with the black shit sticking all over, along with all of the fucking cattle from before, and a handful of people resined to the walls
>"2 to 3 dozen? Looks more like 2 to 3 hundred to me"
>Drones calmly carry the eggs around the hive
>Facehuggers throb as they cover the faces of scientists and cattle
>And in the middle of it all is the queen
>When they see her, she screeches at them
>The head researcher quickly locates the comm panel underneath all the resin shit, and the comms marine begins to punch in random numbers
>The queens praetorian guards slink out from behind the queen and eye the 4 of them up
>Suddenly, from behind the four of them, the predator appears and stares down the queen
>Pausing, he uses his knife to draw a zigzagging line through the scar his rival gave him in the beginning of the movie, a symbol that changes the meaning of the scar from "shame" to "I overcame"
PG-13 all-female soft reboot where the alien is fucking useless cannon fodder to make the women look bad ass
So can we all agree that the hobbit films are the worst thing made in the 2000’s so far?
>Master and Commander
That's not ever getting a reboot or a sequel, even if it's the most deserving of one. It was kino but no a big cash cow franchise like the rest, and normies are too plebian to appreciate it (especially the non-male variety)
You say that but the direct sequel to Alien was an action movie and it's still hailed as a classic.
Rimes with grapes
would have been better without the wigger and his crackhead gf
oh for fucks sake
>The predator then activates his little wrist computer bomb thing and throws his weapons to the side, and the biggest battle of all unfolds, as the head researcher, the squad leader, and the weyland yutani guy fire down at the warriors and shit, while the predator fights the two praetorians with his bare hands
>The comms guy finally connects with the conestoga and asks them for an evac and gives them the coordinates, but the conestoga guy is all like "uh, we actually didn't get clearance from Weyland Yutani on this frequency"
>The Weyland Yutani automechanic guy flips out at them and is all like "I don't care if we don't have clearance or whatever! I'm Weyland Yutani employee #24601, and you better send some motherfuckers down here, like, right fucking now to come pick us up-- innocent lives are in danger!"
>There's a brief pause, and the guy on the other side is all like "uhhhh, roger that"
>The four of them are all like "let's get the fuck out of here!", and the squad leader is like "what about that guy?" and points at the predator, and the head researcher guy is all like "he'll be fine!"
>They stumble out of the facility, and inside the hive, we see the predator finally getting overwhelmed by all these xenomorphs, but he looks pretty happy, and his wrist computer counts down, he closes his eyes, and there's a huge boom
>The whole facility shakes and blows the fuck up, and all four of them fly from the force of the explosion
>Debris rains all around them as they lie over each other in a heap
>Suddenly, before them, a bunch of predators uncloak and we recognize the leader of them as the big one who disgraced the predator who just blew up
>the big predator looks down and sees the melted spear, the same one the two predators had used to fight in the very beginning of the movie, and the same one the smaller predator had used as a bludgeon the whole movie
>The predator takes the melted spear in both hands and carres it onto a now decloaked ship respectfully
as long as they focus more on making it a great scifi horror instead of a pathetic 2deep4u attempt then this should be good
Turn into Corporate family slop.
>The predators all bow down to the exploded facility in respect at their fallen incel predator comrade who went out like a trooper
>The next morning, a bunch of UD4L cheyenne dropships come down to evacuate the rest of the civilians and the marines
>Back up in the ship, everyone's being questioned, especially the head researcher, by some Weyland Yutani spooks
>The Weyland Yutani spooks ask the head researcher to come with them, presumably to make him disappear, but then he's all like "Wait! Xenos aren't the only aliens out there lmao! I'll tell you more about them!"
>And the Weyland Yutani spooks are all like, why do you think we wanted to talk to you? We know more about them than you think
>And the movie ends with a zooming out shot of everyone wrapped in towels, drinking hot cocoa, and you can see the squad leader dude talking to his superior about what happened and all that, and that's how the movie ends
Fucking FINALLY. Now I can finally go to sleep.
its pleb filter
and you got filtered
In space
no one can hear you scream.
Fuck it upside down and inside out.
Fuck it until it's dead and then fuck it until it's rotten.
That's what Disney will do with Alien.
What do you guys like about the Alien movies?
This was a genuinely really enjoyable read.
If i'm honest I MUCH prefer the buildup then the actual pay off; but the amount of passion in this is intoxicating. This honestly comes off as a really decent flick, little cliche here and there but in all honesty much more fucking enjoyable then most films, let alone AvP esque films in recent years.
So yeah cheers man, I appreciate your valiant effort, I thoroughly enjoyed the read.
Atleast it's an accurate depiction of women under pressure
I was kind of going for a straight forward, 90's James Cameron approach because I didn't want to go the Nu-Wars Disney route and SUBVERT your EXPECTATIONS, bro.
I fucked up the second half because I didn't put much thought into it, and I was kind of rushing it along, honestly. But yeah, thanks, I'm glad at least someone liked it.
Yes. Mostly Prometheus suffered because nobody could decide whether it was going to be tied into Alien or be it's own thing all through production. It switched multiple times and that fucked it up ultimately.
I'm gonna make something that Disney will never own...
Get chased down some dimly-lit corridors and ventilation shafts with smoke and strobe lights and shit until you find the shuttle then BLAST OFF to safety. BUT IS IT REALLY?
They are actually one of the better blockbuster trilogies out there
Your shit?
fake and gay OP neck yourslef
But I also want lazer tag!
>inb4 aliens are preachy about racism, sexism and climate change
bring back the Alien ride to Didney World
>What do you guys think Disney will do with the Alien franchise?
Remake that great attraction at the park but with even better scares and no Jeffrey this time :(
tbqf he was fucked by the execs and was forced to redo the whole fucking movie
Do they have enough IPs for a kidult version of Disneyland yet?
Thank you oracle, I too now have seen the future.
Inb4 Disney makes a 100% CGI remake of Alien
Ruin it. Like they do qith everything.
No lasers in the Alien universe, user. Here we play flamethrower tag!
>he didn't get the religious symbolism of David acting as Satan who can't create but desires to do so creating instead a dreadful parody of a human being that is the alien, thus making the alien, starting from the first film, a literal allegory for Antichrist
>he didn't get the cultural paradigm symbolism that is the rejection of God by modernism and utter destruction of said modernism AND God by its very own technology that is David who destroys humanity's creators and bio-engineers a horrifying destructive machine that is the alien, thus making the whole series an allegory of WWI and post-modernism
What an uncultured plebeian
Hobbit 1>Ep3>Covenant>Hobbit 3>Ep1>Hobbit 2>Prometheus>Ep2
And yet with all that a Doughnut rode straight over Charlize Theron.
based angry mate
what did you mean by this?
I want reboots to fucking
just let him finish his fucking David storyline
Dang I've got the perfect actress for xenoform
I mean with all the complexity of the story, the texture of this world, you had stupid people doing moronic things.
But of course.
Prometheus should've not been made period.
the master & commander meme keeps giving
Alien should have never gotten a sequel
Aliens does not bring anything new to the table. It was unnecessary.
It should be a beautifully hand-drawn animated film.
Prometheus was kino, covenant was shit, i still wanted a sequel just to finish this shitty arc.
>big black illegal alien throws acid at women
The aliens will be the good guys this time, bad guy will be another white male android.
Sounds very spectacular already dude.
Means nothing. Special FX were constantly reused in 80's movies. There was one background gizmo me and a friend spotted in at least 3 unrelated movies.
fucking keked when I saw the inner mouth
Your mom
That's enough. Disney needs to be destroyed as a company entirely.
They were bad alien movies but would have been fine if it wasn't hamfisted in. Hobbit trilogy is fucking abysmal garbage. I always liked the SW prequels, I even enjoy the cringe Anakin+Padme scenes now.
It would probably be better without Ridley Scott at this point, he's long gone unfortunately.
If they reboot Alien then I am done with paying for any product from them ever again. A sequel yes, but a reboot is guaranteed 100% without fail going to be shit.
The problem with Prometheus and Covenant was that they were tied to the Alien franchise. The two movies would have worked just fine by themselves.
Blomkamp is great at special effects but he's a fucking terrible writer.
Movies like these generally have people doing moronic things no matter their intelligence level in order to create tension and suspense. See Life where the characters are literally geniuses yet they still do stupid shit.
>to reboot
What does that even mean
Are they going to reboot
May they reboot
Up for rebooting but not really going to
In any case Disney will make it soulless consumer product
Ignorance is bliss, I wish you never have to deal with eggheads.
prometheus is legit one of the worst movies ive ever seen
all i remember is the retards that where lost in the cave lmao
Prometheus would have been good as a movie on its own but why the fuck was it made part of the Alien series? It was like The Sixth Sense being a prequel to Die Hard.
No, they tried really hard to be interesting and novel and I can always applaud that. Alien and Aliens has already been done, Scott did the right thing to try going in a different direction. It it didn't work out perfectly but it gave us more kino than an Alien rehash would have given.
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