How do you from this

How do you from this...

Attached: mos_eisley_cantina.jpg (730x550, 40K)

... to THIS?

Attached: 1565864978665.jpg (1280x1837, 352K)


is that a water bear?

It's a tardigrade

But... where does he get the water then?

Just a regular ass water bear

thats a yes then
>Tardigrades, known colloquially as water bears or moss piglets

Oh, I didn't know they were called water bears too. Here's your upvote.

what did you expect from the hardworking, brilliant masterminds that are disney concept artists?

Attached: genius disney artists.jpg (976x1690, 1.63M)

Below unironically looks better

What is this image trying to convey

thats literally preah khan at angkor lol

looks like its just a photo of a real place

Had to be dumbed down for the zoomer generation of film production staff.

Attached: tlj_storyboard.png (1280x521, 332K)

is this supposed to be ben kenobi and luke skywalker?

are you retardedgrade?

>What is this image trying to convey
Top is an original location
Bottom is just a location shoot

>Looks more realistic so it looks better

Attached: 2gpygg.jpg (326x294, 34K)

>Rian "I was only pretending to be childish and retarded" Johnson

Attached: 1200px-Rian_Johnson_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg (1200x1431, 305K)

Unironically, absolutely, sincerely and apodictically jews.

Literally soul vs soulless

>Star Wars faggot calling anything dumb down
muh pew pew laser swords

Prequels under George had originality and creativity, making elaborate scenes, costumes and locations from scratch as their concept art.
Sequels just photoshops a jedi onto a real location that they like and call it quits. No originality, no creativity, no soul. Thats how you get boring sets, aliens that all look the same,
X-wing, A-wing and Tie-Fighter pallet swaps, stormtroopers with red colors being called something new etc.

Bottom pic is more aesthetic and you're retarded for thinking that Disney uses good pics like that for reference. They literally just copy paste OT planets

so much wrong with this picture.

why did they take the first picture from a google search for a water bear, they are fairly well known in the era of the internet.

why do they have a mon calamari in a arid location? of all the aliens in the galaxy you chose the water aliens and put them in the dry place.

Disney are retards

Can anyone explain to me what those pictures are supposed to represent, because they look nothing like what happens in that scene.

the picture at the top is some lighting hitting a beach I think.
the picture at the bottom left is a rocket launcher shooting out a second smaller rocket launcher and I think that's a frozen ice cream thing that's being either plugged into the bigger rocket launcher or the rocket launcher is trying to grab the ice cream with an extend chicken foot thing.

the middle bottom pic is the rocket launcher being looked at closely by a decapitated parrot.