Can we have a B-movie poster thread?

Can we have a B-movie poster thread?

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>malcolm mcdowell on cover
>name not listed
I like posters like this. Makes me think of the Deadfall dvd release cover that puts Nic Cage center stage, despite only being in half the movie. They also seem to use some random face shot of him.

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This is what he actually looks like in the movie.

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Attached: Mazes-And-Monsters-1982-poster.jpg (500x711, 19K)

This is more like an F-movie

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the movie's an unwatchable mess, but jesus christ nic cage gives a performance

i saw this as a lad and thought it was weird that larping would make tom hanks crazy and then i learned that was what the movie was purporting: that dungeons and dragons is evil and will warp your mind

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/tg/ canon

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>budget: approximately $1,000 (CA$)
wtf is this movie

your typical Astron 6 production

Well look at the trailer.

I preferred Fathers Day by them

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looks too ironic to be enjoyable. shame since the effects look pretty interesting

>shame since the effects look pretty interesting
That's exactly why I watched it, it was still a letdown.

I actually own this one.

Attached: The Pest Poster ZoktL._SL1500_.jpg (1032x1500, 222K)


im not sure if it could be called a b movie but its pretty cool

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>check my power stance, faggots

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Fag movie?

>space Herpie the love bug
God damn that's a fucking great piece of cheesy wordplay

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This was actually really good, but critics got ultra buttblasted about it when it came out because of how hard it lampooned Californian culture at the time.

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is this the 1980s live action berserk adaptation

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Goddamn that is literally the mad max poster

I love the pose of the wig guy.

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Based movie posters is a lost artform. Though desu it seems most of the time these movies spent more money on the poster than on actual production

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VHS covers and movie posters sell films, not the content

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Attached: Graveyard Shift Poster 1.jpg (220x318, 19K)

>ah ah imagine giving this guy the direction of the cinematic adaption of the most important western fantasy book

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class of 1999

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Why do Class of 1999 posters make it look like it's a sequel to Blade Runner but it's not even close in reality?

dis the nigga from samurai cop?

based movie

>there are all kinds of killings
>the best is american style
What did they mean by this?

tbqh it's closer to blade runner than class of 1984

The writer/director is armenian.
The perfect tag line would be:
>Be American
>Get shot
>Killing American Style

>action-packed action

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Willem Dafoe and Rick Moranis are great in this.

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>Streets of Fire